private void makePartialDiskTerrainConformant( DrawContext dc, int numCoords, float[] verts, double altitude, boolean terrainConformant, Vec4 referenceCenter) { Globe globe = dc.getGlobe(); Matrix transform = this.computeTransform(dc.getGlobe(), dc.getVerticalExaggeration()); for (int i = 0; i < numCoords; i += 3) { Vec4 vec = new Vec4(verts[i], verts[i + 1], verts[i + 2]); vec = vec.transformBy4(transform); Position p = globe.computePositionFromPoint(vec); double elevation = altitude; if (terrainConformant) elevation += this.computeElevationAt(dc, p.getLatitude(), p.getLongitude()); vec = globe.computePointFromPosition(p.getLatitude(), p.getLongitude(), elevation); verts[i] = (float) (vec.x - referenceCenter.x); verts[i + 1] = (float) (vec.y - referenceCenter.y); verts[i + 2] = (float) (vec.z - referenceCenter.z); } }
private void makePartialCylinderTerrainConformant( DrawContext dc, int slices, int stacks, float[] verts, double[] altitudes, boolean[] terrainConformant, Vec4 referenceCenter) { Globe globe = dc.getGlobe(); Matrix transform = this.computeTransform(dc.getGlobe(), dc.getVerticalExaggeration()); for (int i = 0; i <= slices; i++) { int index = i * (stacks + 1); index = 3 * index; Vec4 vec = new Vec4(verts[index], verts[index + 1], verts[index + 2]); vec = vec.transformBy4(transform); Position p = globe.computePositionFromPoint(vec); for (int j = 0; j <= stacks; j++) { double elevation = altitudes[j]; if (terrainConformant[j]) elevation += this.computeElevationAt(dc, p.getLatitude(), p.getLongitude()); vec = globe.computePointFromPosition(p.getLatitude(), p.getLongitude(), elevation); index = j + i * (stacks + 1); index = 3 * index; verts[index] = (float) (vec.x - referenceCenter.x); verts[index + 1] = (float) (vec.y - referenceCenter.y); verts[index + 2] = (float) (vec.z - referenceCenter.z); } } }
private void makeRadialWallTerrainConformant( DrawContext dc, int pillars, int stacks, float[] verts, double[] altitudes, boolean[] terrainConformant, Vec4 referenceCenter) { Globe globe = dc.getGlobe(); Matrix transform = this.computeTransform(dc.getGlobe(), dc.getVerticalExaggeration()); for (int p = 0; p <= pillars; p++) { int index = p; index = 3 * index; Vec4 vec = new Vec4(verts[index], verts[index + 1], verts[index + 2]); vec = vec.transformBy4(transform); Position pos = globe.computePositionFromPoint(vec); for (int s = 0; s <= stacks; s++) { double elevation = altitudes[s]; if (terrainConformant[s]) elevation += this.computeElevationAt(dc, pos.getLatitude(), pos.getLongitude()); vec = globe.computePointFromPosition(pos.getLatitude(), pos.getLongitude(), elevation); index = p + s * (pillars + 1); index = 3 * index; verts[index] = (float) (vec.x - referenceCenter.x); verts[index + 1] = (float) (vec.y - referenceCenter.y); verts[index + 2] = (float) (vec.z - referenceCenter.z); } } }
/** * Setup the view to a first person mode (zoom = 0) * * @param view the orbit view to set into a first person view. */ protected void setupFirstPersonView(OrbitView view) { if (view.getZoom() == 0) // already in first person mode return; Vec4 eyePoint = view.getEyePoint(); // Center pos at eye pos Position centerPosition = wwd.getModel().getGlobe().computePositionFromPoint(eyePoint); // Compute pitch and heading relative to center position Vec4 normal = wwd.getModel() .getGlobe() .computeSurfaceNormalAtLocation( centerPosition.getLatitude(), centerPosition.getLongitude()); Vec4 north = wwd.getModel() .getGlobe() .computeNorthPointingTangentAtLocation( centerPosition.getLatitude(), centerPosition.getLongitude()); // Pitch view.setPitch(Angle.POS180.subtract(view.getForwardVector().angleBetween3(normal))); // Heading Vec4 perpendicular = view.getForwardVector().perpendicularTo3(normal); Angle heading = perpendicular.angleBetween3(north); double direction = Math.signum(-normal.cross3(north).dot3(perpendicular)); view.setHeading(heading.multiply(direction)); // Zoom view.setZoom(0); // Center pos view.setCenterPosition(centerPosition); }
/** * Select the visible grid elements * * @param dc the current <code>DrawContext</code>. */ protected void selectRenderables(DrawContext dc) { if (dc == null) { String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DrawContextIsNull"); Logging.logger().severe(message); throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } Sector vs = dc.getVisibleSector(); OrbitView view = (OrbitView) dc.getView(); // Compute labels offset from view center Position centerPos = view.getCenterPosition(); Double pixelSizeDegrees = Angle.fromRadians( view.computePixelSizeAtDistance(view.getZoom()) / dc.getGlobe().getEquatorialRadius()) .degrees; Double labelOffsetDegrees = pixelSizeDegrees * view.getViewport().getWidth() / 4; Position labelPos = Position.fromDegrees( centerPos.getLatitude().degrees - labelOffsetDegrees, centerPos.getLongitude().degrees - labelOffsetDegrees, 0); Double labelLatDegrees = labelPos.getLatitude().normalizedLatitude().degrees; labelLatDegrees = Math.min(Math.max(labelLatDegrees, -76), 78); labelPos = new Position( Angle.fromDegrees(labelLatDegrees), labelPos.getLongitude().normalizedLongitude(), 0); if (vs != null) { for (GridElement ge : this.gridElements) { if (ge.isInView(dc)) { if (ge.renderable instanceof GeographicText) { GeographicText gt = (GeographicText) ge.renderable; if (labelPos.getLatitude().degrees < 72 || "*32*34*36*".indexOf("*" + gt.getText() + "*") == -1) { // Adjust label position according to eye position Position pos = gt.getPosition(); if (ge.type.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LATITUDE_LABEL)) pos = Position.fromDegrees( pos.getLatitude().degrees, labelPos.getLongitude().degrees, pos.getElevation()); else if (ge.type.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LONGITUDE_LABEL)) pos = Position.fromDegrees( labelPos.getLatitude().degrees, pos.getLongitude().degrees, pos.getElevation()); gt.setPosition(pos); } } this.graticuleSupport.addRenderable(ge.renderable, GRATICULE_UTM); } } // System.out.println("Total elements: " + count + " visible sector: " + vs); } }
protected void performIntersectionTests(final Position curPos) throws InterruptedException { // Clear the results lists when the user selects a new location. this.firstIntersectionPositions.clear(); this.sightLines.clear(); // Raise the selected location and the grid points a little above ground just to show we can. final double height = 5; // meters // Form the grid. double gridRadius = GRID_RADIUS.degrees; Sector sector = Sector.fromDegrees( curPos.getLatitude().degrees - gridRadius, curPos.getLatitude().degrees + gridRadius, curPos.getLongitude().degrees - gridRadius, curPos.getLongitude().degrees + gridRadius); this.grid = buildGrid(sector, height, GRID_DIMENSION, GRID_DIMENSION); this.numGridPoints = grid.size(); // Compute the position of the selected location (incorporate its height). this.referencePosition = new Position(curPos.getLatitude(), curPos.getLongitude(), height); this.referencePoint = terrain.getSurfacePoint(curPos.getLatitude(), curPos.getLongitude(), height); // // Pre-caching is unnecessary and is useful only when it occurs before the // intersection // // calculations. It will incur extra overhead otherwise. The normal intersection // calculations // // cause the same caching, making subsequent calculations on the same area // faster. // this.preCache(grid, this.referencePosition); // On the EDT, show the grid. SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { progressBar.setValue(0); progressBar.setString(null); clearLayers(); showGrid(grid, referencePosition); getWwd().redraw(); } }); // Perform the intersection calculations. this.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (Position gridPos : this.grid) // for each grid point. { //noinspection ConstantConditions if (NUM_THREADS > 0) this.threadPool.execute(new Intersector(gridPos)); else performIntersection(gridPos); } }
private boolean atMaxLevel(DrawContext dc) { Position vpc = dc.getViewportCenterPosition(); if (dc.getView() == null || this.getLevels() == null || vpc == null) return false; if (!this.getLevels().getSector().contains(vpc.getLatitude(), vpc.getLongitude())) return true; Level nextToLast = this.getLevels().getNextToLastLevel(); if (nextToLast == null) return true; Sector centerSector = nextToLast.computeSectorForPosition( vpc.getLatitude(), vpc.getLongitude(), this.getLevels().getTileOrigin()); return this.needToSplit(dc, centerSector); }
/** * Compute the lat/lon position of the view center * * @param dc the current DrawContext * @param view the current View * @return the ground position of the view center or null */ protected Position computeGroundPosition(DrawContext dc, View view) { if (view == null) return null; Position groundPos = view.computePositionFromScreenPoint( view.getViewport().getWidth() / 2, view.getViewport().getHeight() / 2); if (groundPos == null) return null; double elevation = dc.getGlobe().getElevation(groundPos.getLatitude(), groundPos.getLongitude()); return new Position( groundPos.getLatitude(), groundPos.getLongitude(), elevation * dc.getVerticalExaggeration()); }
public void goTo(Position lookAtPos, double distance) { Globe globe = this.getView().getGlobe(); BasicFlyView view = (BasicFlyView) this.getView(); Position lookFromPos = new Position( lookAtPos, globe.getElevation(lookAtPos.getLatitude(), lookAtPos.getLongitude()) + distance); // TODO: scale on mid-altitude? final long MIN_LENGTH_MILLIS = 4000; final long MAX_LENGTH_MILLIS = 16000; long timeToMove = AnimationSupport.getScaledTimeMillisecs( view.getEyePosition(), lookFromPos, MIN_LENGTH_MILLIS, MAX_LENGTH_MILLIS); FlyToFlyViewAnimator panAnimator = FlyToFlyViewAnimator.createFlyToFlyViewAnimator( view, view.getEyePosition(), lookFromPos, view.getHeading(), Angle.ZERO, view.getPitch(), Angle.ZERO, view.getEyePosition().getElevation(), lookFromPos.getElevation(), timeToMove, WorldWind.ABSOLUTE); this.gotoAnimControl.put(VIEW_ANIM_PAN, panAnimator); this.getView().firePropertyChange(AVKey.VIEW, null, this.getView()); }
/** 生成DEML,即将这个多边形输出到DEML文件中 */ public Element exportAsDeml() throws IOException { Document _document = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); Element _feature = _document.addElement("Feature"); Element _type = _feature.addElement("Type"); _type.setText("Polygon"); Element _lName = _feature.addElement("LayerName"); _lName.setText(this.getName()); Element _pointList = _feature.addElement("PointList"); for (Position pos : this.getPositions()) { Element _point = _pointList.addElement("Point"); _point.addAttribute("Lat", pos.getLatitude().degrees + ""); _point.addAttribute("Lng", pos.getLongitude().degrees + ""); } Element _attributes = _feature.addElement("Attributes"); Element _outlineMaterial = _attributes.addElement("InteriorMaterial"); _outlineMaterial.addAttribute( "r", this.getPolygon().getAttributes().getInteriorMaterial().getDiffuse().getRed() + ""); _outlineMaterial.addAttribute( "g", this.getPolygon().getAttributes().getInteriorMaterial().getDiffuse().getGreen() + ""); _outlineMaterial.addAttribute( "b", this.getPolygon().getAttributes().getInteriorMaterial().getDiffuse().getBlue() + ""); return _feature; }
private void buildPointPanels() { deleteBtns.clear(); latTexts.clear(); lngTexts.clear(); points = layer.getPositions(); if (pointPanels.size() != 0) { for (JPanel p : pointPanels) { this.remove(p); } } pointPanels.clear(); if (points.size() > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) { JPanel panel = new JPanel(); panel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT)); Position p = points.get(i); final int index = i; JLabel label = new JLabel("点" + i + ":"); label.setPreferredSize(labelDimension); panel.add(label); JTextField lngTextField = new JTextField(); lngTextField.setText(p.getLongitude().getDegrees() + ""); lngTextField.setPreferredSize(smallComponentDimension); panel.add(lngTextField); lngTexts.add(lngTextField); JTextField latTextField = new JTextField(); latTextField.setText(p.getLatitude().getDegrees() + ""); latTextField.setPreferredSize(smallComponentDimension); panel.add(latTextField); latTexts.add(latTextField); JButton deleteBtn = new JButton(); deleteBtn.setText("删除"); deleteBtn.setPreferredSize(deleteComponentDimension); ActionListener deleteListener = new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { if (deleteBtns.size() > 2) { deleteBtns.remove(index); points.remove(index); refreshPointsPanel(); layer.refresh(); if (deleteBtns.size() <= 2) { for (JButton btn : deleteBtns) { btn.setEnabled(false); } } } } }; deleteBtn.addActionListener(deleteListener); deleteBtns.add(deleteBtn); panel.add(deleteBtn); pointPanels.add(panel); this.add(panel, pointPanels.size() + 1); } } }
/** * Sets the vector element at the specified position, as a geographic Position. This buffer's * logical vector size must be at least 2. * * @param position the logical vector position. * @param p the geographic Position to set. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the position is out of range, if the Position is null, or * if this buffer cannot store a Position. */ public void putPosition(int position, Position p) { if (position < 0 || position >= this.getSize()) { String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.ArgumentOutOfRange", "position < 0 or position >= size"); Logging.logger().severe(message); throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } if (p == null) { String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.PositionIsNull"); Logging.logger().severe(message); throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } if (this.coordsPerVec < 2) { String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.BufferIncompatible", this); Logging.logger().severe(message); throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } double[] compArray = new double[3]; compArray[1] = p.getLatitude().degrees; compArray[0] = p.getLongitude().degrees; compArray[2] = p.getElevation(); this.put(position, compArray); }
protected int determineAdjustmentSide(Movable dragObject, double factor) { if (dragObject instanceof SurfaceSector) { SurfaceSector quad = (SurfaceSector) dragObject; Sector s = quad.getSector(); // TODO: go over all sectors Position p = this.getWwd().getCurrentPosition(); if (p == null) { return NONE; } double dN = abs(s.getMaxLatitude().subtract(p.getLatitude()).degrees); double dS = abs(s.getMinLatitude().subtract(p.getLatitude()).degrees); double dW = abs(s.getMinLongitude().subtract(p.getLongitude()).degrees); double dE = abs(s.getMaxLongitude().subtract(p.getLongitude()).degrees); double sLat = factor * s.getDeltaLatDegrees(); double sLon = factor * s.getDeltaLonDegrees(); if (dN < sLat && dW < sLon) return NORTHWEST; if (dN < sLat && dE < sLon) return NORTHEAST; if (dS < sLat && dW < sLon) return SOUTHWEST; if (dS < sLat && dE < sLon) return SOUTHEAST; if (dN < sLat) return NORTH; if (dS < sLat) return SOUTH; if (dW < sLon) return WEST; if (dE < sLon) return EAST; } return NONE; }
protected static boolean isTileVisible( DrawContext dc, Tile tile, double minDistanceSquared, double maxDistanceSquared) { if (!tile.getSector().intersects(dc.getVisibleSector())) return false; View view = dc.getView(); Position eyePos = view.getEyePosition(); if (eyePos == null) return false; Angle lat = clampAngle( eyePos.getLatitude(), tile.getSector().getMinLatitude(), tile.getSector().getMaxLatitude()); Angle lon = clampAngle( eyePos.getLongitude(), tile.getSector().getMinLongitude(), tile.getSector().getMaxLongitude()); Vec4 p = dc.getGlobe().computePointFromPosition(lat, lon, 0d); double distSquared = dc.getView().getEyePoint().distanceToSquared3(p); //noinspection RedundantIfStatement if (minDistanceSquared > distSquared || maxDistanceSquared < distSquared) return false; return true; }
/** * Performs one line of sight calculation between the reference position and a specified grid * position. * * @param gridPosition the grid position. * @throws InterruptedException if the operation is interrupted. */ protected void performIntersection(Position gridPosition) throws InterruptedException { // Intersect the line between this grid point and the selected position. Intersection[] intersections = this.terrain.intersect(this.referencePosition, gridPosition); if (intersections == null || intersections.length == 0) { // No intersection, so the line goes from the center to the grid point. this.sightLines.add(new Position[] {this.referencePosition, gridPosition}); return; } // Only the first intersection is shown. Vec4 iPoint = intersections[0].getIntersectionPoint(); Vec4 gPoint = terrain.getSurfacePoint( gridPosition.getLatitude(), gridPosition.getLongitude(), gridPosition.getAltitude()); // Check to see whether the intersection is beyond the grid point. if (iPoint.distanceTo3(this.referencePoint) >= gPoint.distanceTo3(this.referencePoint)) { // Intersection is beyond the grid point; the line goes from the center to the grid point. this.addSightLine(this.referencePosition, gridPosition); return; } // Compute the position corresponding to the intersection. Position iPosition = this.terrain.getGlobe().computePositionFromPoint(iPoint); // The sight line goes from the user-selected position to the intersection position. this.addSightLine(this.referencePosition, new Position(iPosition, 0)); // Keep track of the intersection positions. this.addIntersectionPosition(iPosition); this.updateProgress(); }
protected Vec4 computeAnnotationPosition(Position pos) { Vec4 surfacePoint = this.wwd .getSceneController() .getTerrain() .getSurfacePoint(pos.getLatitude(), pos.getLongitude()); if (surfacePoint == null) { Globe globe = this.wwd.getModel().getGlobe(); surfacePoint = globe.computePointFromPosition( pos.getLatitude(), pos.getLongitude(), globe.getElevation(pos.getLatitude(), pos.getLongitude())); } return this.wwd.getView().project(surfacePoint); }
protected void assembleVertexControlPoints(DrawContext dc) { Terrain terrain = dc.getTerrain(); ExtrudedPolygon polygon = this.getPolygon(); Position refPos = polygon.getReferencePosition(); Vec4 refPoint = terrain.getSurfacePoint(refPos.getLatitude(), refPos.getLongitude(), 0); int altitudeMode = polygon.getAltitudeMode(); double height = polygon.getHeight(); Vec4 vaa = null; double vaaLength = 0; // used to compute independent length of each cap vertex double vaLength = 0; int i = 0; for (LatLon location : polygon.getOuterBoundary()) { Vec4 vert; // Compute the top/cap point. if (altitudeMode == WorldWind.CONSTANT || !(location instanceof Position)) { if (vaa == null) { // Compute the vector lengths of the top and bottom points at the reference position. vaa = refPoint.multiply3(height / refPoint.getLength3()); vaaLength = vaa.getLength3(); vaLength = refPoint.getLength3(); } // Compute the bottom point, which is on the terrain. vert = terrain.getSurfacePoint(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude(), 0); double delta = vaLength - vert.dot3(refPoint) / vaLength; vert = vert.add3(vaa.multiply3(1d + delta / vaaLength)); } else if (altitudeMode == WorldWind.RELATIVE_TO_GROUND) { vert = terrain.getSurfacePoint( location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude(), ((Position) location).getAltitude()); } else // WorldWind.ABSOLUTE { vert = terrain .getGlobe() .computePointFromPosition( location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude(), ((Position) location).getAltitude() * terrain.getVerticalExaggeration()); } Position vertexPosition = this.wwd.getModel().getGlobe().computePositionFromPoint(vert); this.controlPoints.add( new ControlPointMarker( MOVE_VERTEX_ACTION, vertexPosition, vert, this.vertexControlAttributes, i)); i++; } }
private void fillPointsPanel() { int i = 0; for (Position pos : lineBuilder.getLine().getPositions()) { if (i == this.pointLabels.length) break; String las = String.format("Lat %7.4f\u00B0", pos.getLatitude().getDegrees()); String los = String.format("Lon %7.4f\u00B0", pos.getLongitude().getDegrees()); pointLabels[i++].setText(las + " " + los); } for (; i < this.pointLabels.length; i++) pointLabels[i++].setText(""); }
public void onSuccess(Position[] positions) { for (Position p : positions) { Logging.logger() .info( p.getLatitude().degrees + "," + p.getLongitude().degrees + " --> " + p.getElevation()); } }
protected static boolean isNameVisible( DrawContext dc, PlaceNameService service, Position namePosition) { double elevation = dc.getVerticalExaggeration() * namePosition.getElevation(); Vec4 namePoint = dc.getGlobe() .computePointFromPosition( namePosition.getLatitude(), namePosition.getLongitude(), elevation); Vec4 eyeVec = dc.getView().getEyePoint(); double dist = eyeVec.distanceTo3(namePoint); return dist >= service.getMinDisplayDistance() && dist <= service.getMaxDisplayDistance(); }
protected static void writeReferencePositions(String filePath, ArrayList<Position> positions) throws FileNotFoundException { PrintStream os = new PrintStream(new File(filePath)); for (Position pos : positions) { os.format( "%.5f %.5f %.4f\n", pos.getLatitude().degrees, pos.getLongitude().degrees, pos.getElevation()); } os.flush(); }
/** * Reset the view to an orbit view state if in first person mode (zoom = 0) * * @param view the orbit view to reset */ protected void resetOrbitView(OrbitView view) { if (view.getZoom() > 0) // already in orbit view mode return; // Find out where on the terrain the eye is looking at in the viewport center // TODO: if no terrain is found in the viewport center, iterate toward viewport bottom until it // is found Vec4 centerPoint = computeSurfacePoint(view, view.getHeading(), view.getPitch()); // Reset the orbit view center point heading, pitch and zoom if (centerPoint != null) { Vec4 eyePoint = view.getEyePoint(); // Center pos on terrain surface Position centerPosition = wwd.getModel().getGlobe().computePositionFromPoint(centerPoint); // Compute pitch and heading relative to center position Vec4 normal = wwd.getModel() .getGlobe() .computeSurfaceNormalAtLocation( centerPosition.getLatitude(), centerPosition.getLongitude()); Vec4 north = wwd.getModel() .getGlobe() .computeNorthPointingTangentAtLocation( centerPosition.getLatitude(), centerPosition.getLongitude()); // Pitch view.setPitch(Angle.POS180.subtract(view.getForwardVector().angleBetween3(normal))); // Heading Vec4 perpendicular = view.getForwardVector().perpendicularTo3(normal); Angle heading = perpendicular.angleBetween3(north); double direction = Math.signum(-normal.cross3(north).dot3(perpendicular)); view.setHeading(heading.multiply(direction)); // Zoom view.setZoom(eyePoint.distanceTo3(centerPoint)); // Center pos view.setCenterPosition(centerPosition); } }
private static Position clampedCenter(Position unclampedCenter) { if (unclampedCenter == null) return null; // Clamp latitude to the range [-90, 90], // Normalize longitude to the range [-180, 180], // Don't change elevation. double lat = unclampedCenter.getLatitude().degrees; double lon = unclampedCenter.getLongitude().degrees; double elev = unclampedCenter.getElevation(); lon = lon % 360; return Position.fromDegrees( lat > 90 ? 90 : (lat < -90 ? -90 : lat), lon > 180 ? lon - 360 : (lon < -180 ? 360 + lon : lon), elev); }
private Vec4 computeReferencePoint(DrawContext dc) { if (dc.getViewportCenterPosition() != null) return dc.getGlobe().computePointFromPosition(dc.getViewportCenterPosition()); java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D viewport = dc.getView().getViewport(); int x = (int) viewport.getWidth() / 2; for (int y = (int) (0.5 * viewport.getHeight()); y >= 0; y--) { Position pos = dc.getView().computePositionFromScreenPoint(x, y); if (pos == null) continue; return dc.getGlobe().computePointFromPosition(pos.getLatitude(), pos.getLongitude(), 0d); } return null; }
protected boolean isNavSectorVisible( DrawContext dc, double minDistanceSquared, double maxDistanceSquared) { if (!navSector.intersects(dc.getVisibleSector())) return false; View view = dc.getView(); Position eyePos = view.getEyePosition(); if (eyePos == null) return false; // check for eyePos over globe if (Double.isNaN(eyePos.getLatitude().getDegrees()) || Double.isNaN(eyePos.getLongitude().getDegrees())) return false; Angle lat = clampAngle(eyePos.getLatitude(), navSector.getMinLatitude(), navSector.getMaxLatitude()); Angle lon = clampAngle( eyePos.getLongitude(), navSector.getMinLongitude(), navSector.getMaxLongitude()); Vec4 p = dc.getGlobe().computePointFromPosition(lat, lon, 0d); double distSquared = dc.getView().getEyePoint().distanceToSquared3(p); //noinspection RedundantIfStatement if (minDistanceSquared > distSquared || maxDistanceSquared < distSquared) return false; return true; }
private void makeSectionVertices( DrawContext dc, int locationPos, float[] locations, double[] altitude, boolean[] terrainConformant, int subdivisions, Matrix locationTransform, Vec4 referenceCenter, int vertexPos, float[] vertices) { GeometryBuilder gb = this.getGeometryBuilder(); int numPoints = gb.getSubdivisionPointsVertexCount(subdivisions); Globe globe = dc.getGlobe(); int index1 = 3 * locationPos; int index2 = 3 * (locationPos + 1); float[] locationVerts = new float[3 * numPoints]; gb.makeSubdivisionPoints( locations[index1], locations[index1 + 1], locations[index1 + 2], locations[index2], locations[index2 + 1], locations[index2 + 2], subdivisions, locationVerts); for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) { int index = 3 * i; Vec4 vec = new Vec4(locationVerts[index], locationVerts[index + 1], locationVerts[index + 2]); vec = vec.transformBy4(locationTransform); Position pos = globe.computePositionFromPoint(vec); for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { vec = this.computePointFromPosition( dc, pos.getLatitude(), pos.getLongitude(), altitude[j], terrainConformant[j]); index = 2 * i + j; index = 3 * (vertexPos + index); vertices[index] = (float) (vec.x - referenceCenter.x); vertices[index + 1] = (float) (vec.y - referenceCenter.y); vertices[index + 2] = (float) (vec.z - referenceCenter.z); } } }
private void makeCap( DrawContext dc, GeometryBuilder.IndexedTriangleArray ita, double altitude, boolean terrainConformant, int orientation, Matrix locationTransform, Vec4 referenceCenter, int indexPos, int[] indices, int vertexPos, float[] vertices, float[] normals) { GeometryBuilder gb = this.getGeometryBuilder(); Globe globe = dc.getGlobe(); int indexCount = ita.getIndexCount(); int vertexCount = ita.getVertexCount(); int[] locationIndices = ita.getIndices(); float[] locationVerts = ita.getVertices(); this.copyIndexArray( indexCount, (orientation == GeometryBuilder.INSIDE), locationIndices, vertexPos, indexPos, indices); for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) { int index = 3 * i; Vec4 vec = new Vec4(locationVerts[index], locationVerts[index + 1], locationVerts[index + 2]); vec = vec.transformBy4(locationTransform); Position pos = globe.computePositionFromPoint(vec); vec = this.computePointFromPosition( dc, pos.getLatitude(), pos.getLongitude(), altitude, terrainConformant); index = 3 * (vertexPos + i); vertices[index] = (float) (vec.x - referenceCenter.x); vertices[index + 1] = (float) (vec.y - referenceCenter.y); vertices[index + 2] = (float) (vec.z - referenceCenter.z); } gb.makeIndexedTriangleArrayNormals( indexPos, indexCount, indices, vertexPos, vertexCount, vertices, normals); }
public void computeZone(DrawContext dc) { try { Position centerPos = ((OrbitView) dc.getView()).getCenterPosition(); if (centerPos != null) { if (centerPos.latitude.degrees <= UTM_MAX_LATITUDE && centerPos.latitude.degrees >= UTM_MIN_LATITUDE) { UTMCoord UTM = UTMCoord.fromLatLon( centerPos.getLatitude(), centerPos.getLongitude(), dc.getGlobe()); = UTM.getZone(); } else = 0; } } catch (Exception ex) { = 0; } }
protected Sector resizeShape(Movable dragObject, int side) { if (dragObject instanceof SurfaceSector) { SurfaceSector quad = (SurfaceSector) dragObject; Sector s = quad.getSector(); // TODO: go over all sectors Position p = this.getWwd().getCurrentPosition(); if (p == null || this.getPreviousPosition() == null) { return null; } Angle dLat = p.getLatitude().subtract(this.getPreviousPosition().getLatitude()); Angle dLon = p.getLongitude().subtract(this.getPreviousPosition().getLongitude()); Angle newMinLat = s.getMinLatitude(); Angle newMinLon = s.getMinLongitude(); Angle newMaxLat = s.getMaxLatitude(); Angle newMaxLon = s.getMaxLongitude(); if (side == NORTH) { newMaxLat = s.getMaxLatitude().add(dLat); } else if (side == SOUTH) { newMinLat = s.getMinLatitude().add(dLat); } else if (side == EAST) { newMaxLon = s.getMaxLongitude().add(dLon); } else if (side == WEST) { newMinLon = s.getMinLongitude().add(dLon); } else if (side == NORTHWEST) { newMaxLat = s.getMaxLatitude().add(dLat); newMinLon = s.getMinLongitude().add(dLon); } else if (side == NORTHEAST) { newMaxLat = s.getMaxLatitude().add(dLat); newMaxLon = s.getMaxLongitude().add(dLon); } else if (side == SOUTHWEST) { newMinLat = s.getMinLatitude().add(dLat); newMinLon = s.getMinLongitude().add(dLon); } else if (side == SOUTHEAST) { newMinLat = s.getMinLatitude().add(dLat); newMaxLon = s.getMaxLongitude().add(dLon); } return new Sector(newMinLat, newMaxLat, newMinLon, newMaxLon); } return null; }
protected String formatMeasurements(Position pos) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); /* //sb.append(this.unitsFormat.areaNL(this.getLabel(AREA_LABEL), this.getArea())); sb.append(this.unitsFormat.lengthNL(this.getLabel(PERIMETER_LABEL), this.getLength())); */ // sb.append(this.unitsFormat.lengthNL(this.getLabel(WIDTH_LABEL), // this.shape.getEastWestRadius() * 2)); // sb.append(this.unitsFormat.lengthNL(this.getLabel(LENGTH_LABEL), // this.shape.getNorthSouthRadius() * 2)); // sb.append(this.unitsFormat.lengthNL(this.getLabel(HEIGHT_LABEL), // this.shape.getVerticalRadius() * 2)); // sb.append(this.unitsFormat.angleNL(this.getLabel(HEADING_LABEL), this.shape.getHeading())); // if "activeControlPoint" is in fact one of the control points if (!this.arePositionsRedundant(pos, this.polygon.getReferencePosition())) { sb.append(this.unitsFormat.angleNL(this.getLabel(LATITUDE_LABEL), pos.getLatitude())); sb.append(this.unitsFormat.angleNL(this.getLabel(LONGITUDE_LABEL), pos.getLongitude())); sb.append(this.unitsFormat.lengthNL(this.getLabel(ALTITUDE_LABEL), pos.getAltitude())); } // if "activeControlPoint" is the shape itself if (this.polygon.getReferencePosition() != null) { sb.append( this.unitsFormat.angleNL( this.getLabel(CENTER_LATITUDE_LABEL), this.polygon.getReferencePosition().getLatitude())); sb.append( this.unitsFormat.angleNL( this.getLabel(CENTER_LONGITUDE_LABEL), this.polygon.getReferencePosition().getLongitude())); sb.append( this.unitsFormat.lengthNL( this.getLabel(CENTER_ALTITUDE_LABEL), this.polygon.getReferencePosition().getAltitude())); } return sb.toString(); }