private boolean processInput() { // avoid labeling of num Construction cons = kernel.getConstruction(); boolean oldVal = cons.isSuppressLabelsActive(); cons.setSuppressLabelCreation(true); inputText = inputPanel.getText(); // negative orientation ? if (rbClockWise.getValue()) { inputText = "-(" + inputText + ")"; } boolean success = inputHandler.processInput(inputText); cons.setSuppressLabelCreation(oldVal); if (success) { String angleText = inputPanel.getText(); // keep angle entered if it ends with 'degrees' if (angleText.endsWith("\u00b0")) defaultRotateAngle = angleText; else defaultRotateAngle = "45" + "\u00b0"; DialogManagerW.doAngleFixed( kernel, segments, points, selGeos, ((NumberInputHandler) inputHandler).getNum(), rbClockWise.getValue()); return true; } return false; }
/** * Performs spreadsheet drag-copy operation. * * @param sx1 source minimum column * @param sy1 source minimum row * @param sx2 source maximum column * @param sy2 source maximum row * @param dx1 destination minimum column * @param dy1 destination minimum row * @param dx2 destination maximum column * @param dy2 destination maximum row * @return */ public boolean doDragCopy( int sx1, int sy1, int sx2, int sy2, int dx1, int dy1, int dx2, int dy2) { // -|1|- // 2|-|3 // -|4|- app.setWaitCursor(); Construction cons = kernel.getConstruction(); try { boolean success = false; // collect all redefine operations cons.startCollectingRedefineCalls(); boolean patternOK = isPatternSource(new CellRange(app, sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2)); // ============================================== // vertical drag // ============================================== if ((sx1 == dx1) && (sx2 == dx2)) { if (dy2 < sy1) { // 1 ----- drag up if (((sy1 + 1) == sy2) && patternOK) { // two row source, so drag copy a linear pattern for (int x = sx1; x <= sx2; ++x) { GeoElement v1 = getValue(app, x, sy1); GeoElement v2 = getValue(app, x, sy2); if ((v1 == null) || (v2 == null)) { continue; } for (int y = dy2; y >= dy1; --y) { GeoElement v3 = getValue(app, x, y + 2); GeoElement v4 = getValue(app, x, y + 1); String vs1 = v3.isGeoFunction() ? "(x)" : ""; String vs2 = v4.isGeoFunction() ? "(x)" : ""; String d0 = GeoElementSpreadsheet.getSpreadsheetCellName(x, y + 2) + vs1; String d1 = GeoElementSpreadsheet.getSpreadsheetCellName(x, y + 1) + vs2; String text = "=2*" + d1 + "-" + d0; doCopyNoStoringUndoInfo1(kernel, app, text, v4, x, y); } } } else { // not two row source, so drag-copy the first row // of the source doCopyVerticalNoStoringUndoInfo1(sx1, sx2, sy1, dy1, dy2); } success = true; } else if (dy1 > sy2) { // 4 ---- drag down if (((sy1 + 1) == sy2) && patternOK) { // two row source, so drag copy a linear pattern for (int x = sx1; x <= sx2; ++x) { GeoElement v1 = getValue(app, x, sy1); GeoElement v2 = getValue(app, x, sy2); if ((v1 == null) || (v2 == null)) { continue; } for (int y = dy1; y <= dy2; ++y) { GeoElement v3 = getValue(app, x, y - 2); GeoElement v4 = getValue(app, x, y - 1); String vs1 = v3.isGeoFunction() ? "(x)" : ""; String vs2 = v4.isGeoFunction() ? "(x)" : ""; String d0 = GeoElementSpreadsheet.getSpreadsheetCellName(x, y - 2) + vs1; String d1 = GeoElementSpreadsheet.getSpreadsheetCellName(x, y - 1) + vs2; String text = "=2*" + d1 + "-" + d0; doCopyNoStoringUndoInfo1(kernel, app, text, v4, x, y); } } } else { // not two row source, so drag-copy the last row of the // source doCopyVerticalNoStoringUndoInfo1(sx1, sx2, sy2, dy1, dy2); } success = true; } } // ============================================== // horizontal drag // ============================================== else if ((sy1 == dy1) && (sy2 == dy2)) { if (dx2 < sx1) { // 2 ---- drag left if (((sx1 + 1) == sx2) && patternOK) { // two column source, so drag copy a linear pattern for (int y = sy1; y <= sy2; ++y) { GeoElement v1 = getValue(app, sx1, y); GeoElement v2 = getValue(app, sx2, y); if ((v1 == null) || (v2 == null)) { continue; } for (int x = dx2; x >= dx1; --x) { GeoElement v3 = getValue(app, x + 2, y); GeoElement v4 = getValue(app, x + 1, y); String vs1 = v3.isGeoFunction() ? "(x)" : ""; String vs2 = v4.isGeoFunction() ? "(x)" : ""; String d0 = GeoElementSpreadsheet.getSpreadsheetCellName(x + 2, y) + vs1; String d1 = GeoElementSpreadsheet.getSpreadsheetCellName(x + 1, y) + vs2; String text = "=2*" + d1 + "-" + d0; doCopyNoStoringUndoInfo1(kernel, app, text, v4, x, y); } } } else { // not two column source, so drag-copy the first column // of the source doCopyHorizontalNoStoringUndoInfo1(sy1, sy2, sx1, dx1, dx2); } success = true; } else if (dx1 > sx2) { // 4 --- drag right if (((sx1 + 1) == sx2) && patternOK) { // two column source, so drag copy a linear pattern for (int y = sy1; y <= sy2; ++y) { GeoElement v1 = getValue(app, sx1, y); GeoElement v2 = getValue(app, sx2, y); if ((v1 == null) || (v2 == null)) { continue; } for (int x = dx1; x <= dx2; ++x) { GeoElement v3 = getValue(app, x - 2, y); GeoElement v4 = getValue(app, x - 1, y); String vs1 = v3.isGeoFunction() ? "(x)" : ""; String vs2 = v4.isGeoFunction() ? "(x)" : ""; String d0 = GeoElementSpreadsheet.getSpreadsheetCellName(x - 2, y) + vs1; String d1 = GeoElementSpreadsheet.getSpreadsheetCellName(x - 1, y) + vs2; String text = "=2*" + d1 + "-" + d0; doCopyNoStoringUndoInfo1(kernel, app, text, v4, x, y); } } } else { // not two column source, so drag-copy the last column // of the source doCopyHorizontalNoStoringUndoInfo1(sy1, sy2, sx2, dx1, dx2); } success = true; } } // now do all redefining and build new construction cons.processCollectedRedefineCalls(); if (success) { return true; } String msg = "sx1 = " + sx1 + "\r\n" + "sy1 = " + sy1 + "\r\n" + "sx2 = " + sx2 + "\r\n" + "sy2 = " + sy2 + "\r\n" + "dx1 = " + dx1 + "\r\n" + "dy1 = " + dy1 + "\r\n" + "dx2 = " + dx2 + "\r\n" + "dy2 = " + dy2 + "\r\n"; throw new RuntimeException("Error from RelativeCopy.doCopy:\r\n" + msg); } catch (Exception ex) { // kernel.getApplication().showError(ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); return false; } finally { cons.stopCollectingRedefineCalls(); app.setDefaultCursor(); } }
/** * Create a new PythonAPI instance * * @param app the running application instance */ public PythonFlatAPI(AppD app) { = app; this.kernel = app.getKernel(); this.cons = kernel.getConstruction(); this.algProcessor = kernel.getAlgebraProcessor(); }
/** * Creates new command dispatcher * * @param kernel2 Kernel of current application */ public CommandDispatcher(Kernel kernel2) { this.kernel = kernel2; cons = kernel2.getConstruction(); app = kernel2.getApplication(); }