예제 #1
파일: Graph.java 프로젝트: safdariqbal/frex
  /* Processing assignments of actuals to formals at a call
  site. The first parameter is the call instruction. The second
  is the formal parameter. The last two represent the variable or
  the field being passed.

  For return values, the second parameter is the formal return
  variable in the callee, and the last two parameters are the
  variable/field that the call is assigned to. */
  public void assignParams(Call call, Var p, Var x, Field f, boolean isBasic) {

    if (!isBasic) {
      Method callee = call.getCallee();
      Graph gcallee = PointsToAnalysis.v().getGraph(callee);

      Node nodeL = gcallee.getNode(p, null);
      Node nodeR = this.getNode(x, f);
      if (Options.mergeGraphs.value && this == gcallee) {
        if (p.isReturn()) w.addFirst(new UnifyConstraint(nodeR, nodeL));
        else w.addFirst(new UnifyConstraint(nodeL, nodeR));
      gcallee.w.add(new CallConstraint(nodeR, nodeL, call));

    if (f != null) setTouched(x);
예제 #2
파일: Graph.java 프로젝트: safdariqbal/frex
  /* Print the current type graph to the dotfile */
  public void printDot(String title, Call call) {
    boolean printUnifications = false;
    PrintStream ps = PointsToAnalysis.v().file;
    if (ps == null) return;

    ps.println("\ndigraph F {");
    ps.println("   size = \"7,7\"; rankdir = LR;");
    ps.println("   orientation = landscape;");

    ps.println("   subgraph cluster1 {");
    ps.println("   \"Method: " + method.getName() + "\" [color=white];");

    if (nodes.isEmpty()) {
      ps.println("   \"empty graph\" [color = white];");
      ps.println("   }");

    for (Node node : nodes) {
      if (!printUnifications && !node.isRep()) continue;
      String color = "style=filled,fillcolor=";
      if (node.isheap && node.hasallocs) color += "red,";
      else if (node.isheap) color += "orange,";
      else if (node.hasallocs) color += "grey,";
      else color += "white,";
      // if (node.istouched) color = "khaki";
      // if (node.hassync) color = "khaki";
      String shape = "shape=";
      if (node.istouched) shape += "box";
      else shape += "ellipse";

      ps.println("   o" + node.id + "[label = \"" + node.getName() + "\"," + color + shape + "];");
    ps.println("   }");

    Map<Integer, Map<Integer, String>> labels = new HashMap<Integer, Map<Integer, String>>();
    for (Field f : fedges.keySet())
      for (FieldEdge e : fedges.get(f)) {
        if (labels.containsKey(e.src.id)) {
          if (labels.get(e.src.id).containsKey(e.dst.id)) {
            labels.get(e.src.id).put(e.dst.id, "*");
            //                            labels.get(e.src.id).get(e.dst.id) + ", " +
            //                            e.field.getName());
          } else labels.get(e.src.id).put(e.dst.id, e.field.getName());

        } else {
          Map<Integer, String> is = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
          is.put(e.dst.id, e.field.getName());
          labels.put(e.src.id, is);
    for (Integer i : labels.keySet())
      for (Integer j : labels.get(i).keySet())
            "   o"
                + i
                + " -> o"
                + j
                + "[label=\""
                + labels.get(i).get(j)
                + "\",style=solid,color=black];");

    for (Call ce : cedges.keySet())
      for (CallEdge e : cedges.get(ce)) {
        if (!(e.call instanceof VirtualCallExpr)) continue;
        // if (!e.call.equals(call)) continue;
            "   o"
                + e.src.id
                + " -> o"
                + e.dst.id
                + "[label=\""
                + e.call
                + "\",style=solid,color=red];");

    if (printUnifications)
      for (Node node : nodes)
        if (node.parent != null)
          ps.println("   o" + node.id + " -> o" + node.parent.id + " [color = blue];");
