private void tryAllocation() { hasNewAllocations = false; boolean b = true; while (b) { for (Participant p : Lists.newArrayList(remainingParticipants)) { System.out.println("check possibles timeboxes for student " + p.getStudent().getId()); checkPossiblesTimeboxes(p, Lists.newArrayList(remainingTimeboxes), null); } if (hasNewAllocations) { System.out.println("try allocation : success"); } b = hasNewAllocations; hasNewAllocations = false; } }
private boolean allocateTimeBox(TimeBox timeBox, Participant participant) { if (!remainingTimeboxes.contains(timeBox)) { remainingTimeboxes.remove(timeBox); System.out.println("error, trying to allocate a timebox that is already allocated!"); return false; } Integer a = allocationsPerTimebox.get(timeBox); if (a == null) a = 0; Room room = rooms.get(a); OralDefense oralDefense; try { oralDefense = OralDefenseFactory.createOralDefense(participant, room, timeBox); System.out.println(""); System.out.println( "new oral defense created for student " + participant.getStudent().getId()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { return false; } a++; allocationsPerTimebox.put(timeBox, a); if (a == rooms.size()) { remainingTimeboxes.remove(timeBox); } remainingParticipants.remove(participant); System.out.println("remaining students : " + remainingParticipants.size()); System.out.println(""); buffer.remove(participant); results.add(oralDefense); hasNewAllocations = true; return true; }