private void generateRandomName( final String gender, final String type, final List<String> usedNames, final String title, final Callback<String> callback) { final String newName = NameGenerator.getRandomName(gender, type, usedNames); String confirmMsg = "Would you like to use the name \"" + newName + "\", or try again?"; FOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( confirmMsg, title, "Use this name", "Try again", true, new Callback<Boolean>() { @Override public void run(Boolean result) { if (result) {; } else { generateRandomName(gender, type, usedNames, title, callback); } } }); }
private void resetWorkshopLayout() { final String userPrompt = "This will reset the Workshop screen layout.\n" + "All tabbed views will be restored to their default positions.\n\n" + "Reset layout?"; if (FOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(userPrompt, "Reset Workshop Layout")) { if (FScreen.WORKSHOP_SCREEN.deleteLayoutFile()) { FOptionPane.showMessageDialog("Workshop layout has been reset."); } } }
private void resetDeckEditorLayout() { final String userPrompt = "This will reset the Deck Editor screen layout.\n" + "All tabbed views will be restored to their default positions.\n\n" + "Reset layout?"; if (FOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(userPrompt, "Reset Deck Editor Layout")) { if (FScreen.DECK_EDITOR_CONSTRUCTED.deleteLayoutFile()) { FOptionPane.showMessageDialog("Deck Editor layout has been reset."); } } }
private void resetMatchScreenLayout() { final String userPrompt = "This will reset the layout of the Match screen.\n" + "If you want to save the current layout first, please use " + "the Dock tab -> Save Layout option in the Match screen.\n\n" + "Reset layout?"; if (FOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(userPrompt, "Reset Match Screen Layout")) { if (FScreen.deleteMatchLayoutFile()) { FOptionPane.showMessageDialog("Match Screen layout has been reset."); } } }
private void resetForgeSettingsToDefault() { final String userPrompt = "This will reset all preferences to their defaults and restart Forge.\n\n" + "Reset and restart Forge?"; if (FOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(userPrompt, "Reset Settings")) { final ForgePreferences prefs = FModel.getPreferences(); prefs.reset();; update(); Singletons.getControl().restartForge(); } }
public boolean canExitForge(final boolean forRestart) { final String action = (forRestart ? "Restart" : "Exit"); String userPrompt = "Are you sure you wish to " + (forRestart ? "restart" : "exit") + " Forge?"; final boolean hasCurrentMatches = hasCurrentMatches(); if (hasCurrentMatches) { userPrompt = "One or more games are currently active. " + userPrompt; } if (!FOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( userPrompt, action + " Forge", action, "Cancel", !hasCurrentMatches)) { // default Yes if no game active return false; } if (!CDeckEditorUI.SINGLETON_INSTANCE.canSwitchAway(true)) { return false; } return true; }