public void updateBacklogItemStatePriorityAndEffortLeft( int backlogItemId, State newState, AFTime newEffortLeft, Priority newPriority) throws ObjectNotFoundException { BacklogItem backlogItem = backlogItemDAO.get(backlogItemId); if (backlogItem == null) { throw new ObjectNotFoundException("backlogItem.notFound"); } /* * Set the effort left as original estimate if backlog item's * original estimate is null in database */ if (backlogItem.getOriginalEstimate() == null) { backlogItem.setEffortLeft(newEffortLeft); backlogItem.setOriginalEstimate(newEffortLeft); } else if (backlogItem.getEffortLeft() != null && newEffortLeft == null) { backlogItem.setEffortLeft(new AFTime(0)); } else { backlogItem.setEffortLeft(newEffortLeft); } backlogItem.setState(newState); backlogItem.setPriority(newPriority); // set effortleft to 0 if state changed to done if (newState == State.DONE) backlogItem.setEffortLeft(new AFTime(0));; historyBusiness.updateBacklogHistory(backlogItem.getBacklog().getId()); }
public BacklogItem storeBacklogItem( BacklogItem storable, Backlog backlog, BacklogItem dataItem, Set<User> responsibles, IterationGoal iterationGoal) { boolean historyUpdated = false; if (backlog == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Backlog must not be null."); } if (dataItem == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No data given."); } if (storable == null) { storable = new BacklogItem(); storable.setCreatedDate(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); try { storable.setCreator(SecurityUtil.getLoggedUser()); // may fail if request is multithreaded } catch (Exception e) { } // however, saving item should not fail. } storable.setDescription(dataItem.getDescription()); storable.setEffortLeft(dataItem.getEffortLeft()); storable.setName(dataItem.getName()); if (storable.getOriginalEstimate() == null) { if (dataItem.getOriginalEstimate() == null) { storable.setOriginalEstimate(dataItem.getEffortLeft()); } else { storable.setOriginalEstimate(dataItem.getOriginalEstimate()); } } storable.setPriority(dataItem.getPriority()); storable.setState(dataItem.getState()); if (dataItem.getState() == State.DONE) { storable.setEffortLeft(new AFTime(0)); } else if (dataItem.getEffortLeft() == null) { storable.setEffortLeft(storable.getOriginalEstimate()); } Backlog originalBacklog = storable.getBacklog(); boolean isBeingMoved = false; if (storable.getBacklog() != null && storable.getBacklog() != backlog) { isBeingMoved = true; this.moveItemToBacklog(storable, backlog, false); historyUpdated = true; } else if (storable.getBacklog() == null) { storable.setBacklog(backlog); } storable.setResponsibles(responsibles); if (iterationGoal == null && isBeingMoved) { // Down stepping from Product/Project Story to Iteration Task boolean isTargetIteration = backlog instanceof fi.hut.soberit.agilefant.model.Iteration; boolean isSourceIteration = originalBacklog instanceof fi.hut.soberit.agilefant.model.Iteration; if (isTargetIteration && !isSourceIteration) { // Not using iterationGoalBusiness because of circular dependency in Spring. iterationGoal = new IterationGoal(); iterationGoal.setName(storable.getName()); iterationGoal.setIteration((Iteration) backlog);; } } this.setBacklogItemIterationGoal(storable, iterationGoal); BacklogItem persisted; if (storable.getId() == 0) { int persistedId = (Integer) backlogItemDAO.create(storable); persisted = backlogItemDAO.get(persistedId); } else {; persisted = storable; } if (!historyUpdated) { historyBusiness.updateBacklogHistory(backlog.getId()); } return persisted; }
private void fillProjectPortfolioData(ProjectPortfolioData data) { HashMap<Project, String> userDataMap = new HashMap<Project, String>(); HashMap<Project, Integer> unassignedUserDataMap = new HashMap<Project, Integer>(); HashMap<Project, String> summaryLoadLeftMap = new HashMap<Project, String>(); HashMap<String, String> loadLeftData = new HashMap<String, String>(); HashMap<String, String> userOverheads = new HashMap<String, String>(); HashMap<String, String> totalUserOverheads = new HashMap<String, String>(); HashMap<String, Integer> unassignedUsersMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); Map<Project, List<User>> assignmentMap = new HashMap<Project, List<User>>(0); Map<Project, List<User>> nonAssignmentMap = new HashMap<Project, List<User>>(0); Set<String> keySet = new HashSet<String>(); Map<String, Integer> unassignedBlisMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); Collection<Project> projects = projectDAO.getOngoingProjects(); // Go trough all projects and bli:s for (Project pro : projects) { int assignedUsers = backlogBusiness.getNumberOfAssignedUsers(pro); int unestimatedBlis = 0; AFTime ongoingBliLoadLeft = new AFTime(0); Set<User> allUsers = new HashSet<User>(this.backlogBusiness.getUsers(pro, true)); HashSet<User> projectAssignments = new HashSet<User>(this.backlogBusiness.getUsers(pro, true)); List<User> nonAssignedUsers = new ArrayList<User>(); /* * ArrayList<User> assignments = new ArrayList<User>( * this.backlogBusiness.getUsers(pro, true)); */ Collection<BacklogItem> blis = getBlisInProjectAndItsIterations(pro); // Get overheads for users in this project for (Assignment ass : pro.getAssignments()) { if (ass.getDeltaOverhead() != null) { userOverheads.put( pro.getId() + "-" + ass.getUser().getId(), ass.getDeltaOverhead().toString()); AFTime total = new AFTime(0); if (pro.getDefaultOverhead() != null) { total.add(pro.getDefaultOverhead()); } total.add(ass.getDeltaOverhead()); totalUserOverheads.put(pro.getId() + "-" + ass.getUser().getId(), total.toString()); } else { if (pro.getDefaultOverhead() != null) { totalUserOverheads.put( pro.getId() + "-" + ass.getUser().getId(), pro.getDefaultOverhead().toString()); } else { totalUserOverheads.put(pro.getId() + "-" + ass.getUser().getId(), ""); } } } for (BacklogItem bli : blis) { if (bli.getResponsibles() != null) { ArrayList<User> responsibles = new ArrayList<User>(bli.getResponsibles()); if (bli.getEffortLeft() == null) { unestimatedBlis++; allUsers.addAll(bli.getResponsibles()); } else if (bli.getEffortLeft().getTime() != 0) { ongoingBliLoadLeft.add(bli.getEffortLeft()); allUsers.addAll(bli.getResponsibles()); } for (User resp : responsibles) { keySet.add(pro.getId() + "-" + resp.getId()); // Calculate and add effort from bli to user(s) assigned // Uses projectID-UserId as map key String effortForUsr = loadLeftData.get(pro.getId() + "-" + resp.getId()); if (effortForUsr != null) { AFTime usrLoadLeft = new AFTime(effortForUsr); if (bli.getEffortLeft() != null) { // Add effort to this user: (bli effort / number // of people assigned) AFTime newEffort = new AFTime(bli.getEffortLeft().getTime() / responsibles.size()); usrLoadLeft.add(newEffort); loadLeftData.put(pro.getId() + "-" + resp.getId(), usrLoadLeft.toString()); } } else { // no effort for user, create one if (bli.getEffortLeft() != null) { AFTime t = new AFTime(bli.getEffortLeft().getTime() / responsibles.size()); loadLeftData.put(pro.getId() + "-" + resp.getId(), t.toString()); } } // Check whether user is responsible for a bli in the // project but is currently not assigned to it if (!projectAssignments.contains(resp) && bli.getEffortLeft() == null) { unassignedUsersMap.put(pro.getId() + "-" + resp.getId(), 1); if (!nonAssignedUsers.contains(resp)) { nonAssignedUsers.add(resp); } } else if (!projectAssignments.contains(resp) && bli.getEffortLeft().getTime() != 0) { unassignedUsersMap.put(pro.getId() + "-" + resp.getId(), 1); if (!nonAssignedUsers.contains(resp)) { nonAssignedUsers.add(resp); } } if (bli.getEffortLeft() == null) { int numberOfUnestimatedBlis = 1; if (unassignedBlisMap.get(pro.getId() + "-" + resp.getId()) != null) { numberOfUnestimatedBlis = unassignedBlisMap.get(pro.getId() + "-" + resp.getId()) + 1; } unassignedBlisMap.put(pro.getId() + "-" + resp.getId(), numberOfUnestimatedBlis); } } } } int unassignedUsers = allUsers.size() - assignedUsers; String userDataString = "" + assignedUsers; EffortSumData loadData = new EffortSumData(); loadData.setEffortHours(ongoingBliLoadLeft); loadData.setNonEstimatedItems(unestimatedBlis); String loadLeftString = loadData.toString(); summaryLoadLeftMap.put(pro, loadLeftString); userDataMap.put(pro, userDataString); unassignedUserDataMap.put(pro, unassignedUsers); assignmentMap.put(pro, new ArrayList<User>(this.backlogBusiness.getUsers(pro, true))); nonAssignmentMap.put(pro, nonAssignedUsers); } for (String key : keySet) { String value = loadLeftData.get(key); // Fetch aftime-value and non-estimated items to a // EffortSumData-object to get correct output string. AFTime aftimeValue = new AFTime(0); if (value != null) aftimeValue = new AFTime(value); int userUnestimatedBlis = 0; if (unassignedBlisMap.get(key) != null) userUnestimatedBlis += unassignedBlisMap.get(key); EffortSumData sumData = new EffortSumData(); sumData.setEffortHours(aftimeValue); sumData.setNonEstimatedItems(userUnestimatedBlis); value = sumData.toString(); loadLeftData.put(key, value); } data.setUnassignedUsers(unassignedUsersMap); data.setAssignedUsers(assignmentMap); data.setSummaryUserData(userDataMap); data.setSummaryUnassignedUserData(unassignedUserDataMap); data.setSummaryLoadLeftData(summaryLoadLeftMap); data.setLoadLefts(loadLeftData); data.setUserOverheads(userOverheads); data.setTotalUserOverheads(totalUserOverheads); data.setNonAssignedUsers(nonAssignmentMap); }