@Test(enabled = false) public void sendToEspapTest() throws URISyntaxException { OperationalMode modeOfOperation = globalConfiguration.getModeOfOperation(); assertEquals(modeOfOperation, OperationalMode.TEST, "This test may only be run in TEST mode"); URL resource = MainIT.class.getClassLoader().getResource("BII04_T10_EHF-v2.0_invoice.xml"); URI uri = resource.toURI(); File testFile = new File(uri); assertTrue(testFile.canRead(), "Can not locate " + testFile); String[] args = { "-f", testFile.toString(), "-r", "9946:ESPAP", "-s", WellKnownParticipant.DIFI_TEST.toString(), "-t", "true", "-u", "https://ap1.espap.pt/oxalis/as2", "-m", "AS2", "-i", "APP_1000000222" }; // Executes the outbound message sender try { Main.main(args); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Failed " + e.getMessage()); } }
@Test(enabled = true) public void sendToDifiTest() throws URISyntaxException { OperationalMode modeOfOperation = globalConfiguration.getModeOfOperation(); assertEquals(modeOfOperation, OperationalMode.TEST, "This test may only be run in TEST mode"); URL resource = MainIT.class.getClassLoader().getResource("BII04_T10_EHF-v2.0_invoice.xml"); URI uri = resource.toURI(); File testFile = new File(uri); assertTrue(testFile.canRead(), "Can not locate " + testFile); String[] args = { "-f", testFile.toString(), "-r", WellKnownParticipant.DIFI_TEST.toString(), "-s", WellKnownParticipant.U4_TEST.toString(), "-t", "true", "-e", "/tmp" // current directory }; // Executes the outbound message sender try { Main.main(args); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Failed " + e.getMessage(), e); } }