public class RealisticBiomeEBForestedValley extends RealisticBiomeEBBase { public static Block[] ebDominantStoneBlock = new Block[] { EBAPI.ebStonify(EnhancedBiomesBlocks.stoneEB, Blocks.stone), EBAPI.ebStonify(EnhancedBiomesBlocks.stoneEB, Blocks.stone) }; public static byte[] ebDominantStoneMeta = new byte[] { EBAPI.ebStonify(EBAPI.SLATE, (byte) 0), EBAPI.ebStonify(EBAPI.DOLOMITE, (byte) 0) }; public static Block[] ebDominantCobblestoneBlock = new Block[] { EBAPI.ebStonify(EnhancedBiomesBlocks.stoneCobbleEB, Blocks.cobblestone), EBAPI.ebStonify(EnhancedBiomesBlocks.stoneCobbleEB, Blocks.cobblestone) }; public static byte[] ebDominantCobblestoneMeta = new byte[] { EBAPI.ebStonify(EBAPI.SLATE, (byte) 0), EBAPI.ebStonify(EBAPI.DOLOMITE, (byte) 0) }; private static Block ebTopBlock = EBAPI.ebGrassify(EnhancedBiomesBlocks.grassEB, Blocks.grass); private static byte ebTopByte = EBAPI.ebGrassify(EBAPI.ALFISOL, (byte) 0); private static Block ebFillBlock = EBAPI.ebGrassify(EnhancedBiomesBlocks.dirtEB, Blocks.dirt); private static byte ebFillByte = EBAPI.ebGrassify(EBAPI.ALFISOL, (byte) 0); private static Block ebMixTopBlock = EBAPI.ebGrassify(EnhancedBiomesBlocks.grassEB, Blocks.grass); private static byte ebMixTopByte = EBAPI.ebGrassify(EBAPI.ALFISOL, (byte) 0); private static Block ebMixFillBlock = EBAPI.ebGrassify(EnhancedBiomesBlocks.dirtEB, Blocks.dirt); private static byte ebMixFillByte = EBAPI.ebGrassify(EBAPI.ALFISOL, (byte) 0); private static Block ebCliff1Block = EBAPI.ebStonify(EnhancedBiomesBlocks.stoneEB, Blocks.stone); private static byte ebCliff1Byte = EBAPI.ebStonify(EBAPI.SLATE, (byte) 0); private static Block ebCliff2Block = (EnhancedBiomesMod.useNewStone == 1) ? EnhancedBiomesBlocks.stoneCobbleEB : Blocks.cobblestone; private static byte ebCliff2Byte = EBAPI.ebStonify(EBAPI.SLATE, (byte) 0); public RealisticBiomeEBForestedValley(BiomeGenBase ebBiome, BiomeConfig config) { super( ebBiome, BiomeBase.climatizedBiome(BiomeGenBase.river, Climate.TEMPERATE), new TerrainEBForestedValley(), new SurfaceEBForestedValley( ebTopBlock, // Block top ebTopByte, // byte topByte ebFillBlock, // Block filler, ebFillByte, // byte fillerByte ebMixTopBlock, // Block mixTop, ebMixTopByte, // byte mixTopByte, ebMixFillBlock, // Block mixFill, ebMixFillByte, // byte mixFillByte, ebCliff1Block, // Block cliff1, ebCliff1Byte, // byte cliff1Byte, ebCliff2Block, // Block cliff2, ebCliff2Byte, // byte cliff2Byte, 1f, // float mixWidth, -0.15f, // float mixHeight, 2f, // float smallWidth, 0.5f // float smallStrength )); this.config = config; } @Override public void rDecorate( World world, Random rand, int chunkX, int chunkY, OpenSimplexNoise simplex, CellNoise cell, float strength, float river) { /** * Using rDecorateSeedBiome() to partially decorate the biome? If so, then comment out this * method. */ rOreGenSeedBiome(world, rand, chunkX, chunkY, simplex, cell, strength, river, baseBiome); float l = simplex.noise2(chunkX / 80f, chunkY / 80f) * 60f - 15f; for (int b1 = 0; b1 < 2 * strength; b1++) { if (rand.nextInt(2) == 0) { int j6 = chunkX + rand.nextInt(16) + 8; int k10 = chunkY + rand.nextInt(16) + 8; int z52 = world.getHeightValue(j6, k10); if (z52 < 230) { if (rand.nextInt(32) == 0) { WorldGenerator worldgenerator = TreeGen.greatOak(rand); worldgenerator.setScale(1.0D, 1.0D, 1.0D); worldgenerator.generate(world, rand, j6, z52, k10); } else { WorldGenerator worldgenerator = TreeGen.birch(); worldgenerator.setScale(1.0D, 1.0D, 1.0D); worldgenerator.generate(world, rand, j6, z52, k10); } } } } if (l > 5f) { for (int b2 = 0; b2 < 4f * strength; b2++) { int j6 = chunkX + rand.nextInt(16) + 8; int k10 = chunkY + rand.nextInt(16) + 8; int z52 = world.getHeightValue(j6, k10); if (z52 < 220) { WorldGenerator worldgenerator = rand.nextInt(2) == 0 ? TreeGen.birch() : rand.nextInt(10) != 0 ? new WorldGenTrees(false) : new WorldGenForest(false, false); worldgenerator.setScale(1.0D, 1.0D, 1.0D); worldgenerator.generate(world, rand, j6, z52, k10); } } } if (rand.nextInt((int) (32f / strength)) == 0) { int x22 = chunkX + rand.nextInt(16) + 8; int z22 = chunkY + rand.nextInt(16) + 8; int y22 = world.getHeightValue(x22, z22); if (y22 < 100) { if (rand.nextBoolean()) { (new WorldGenLog(Blocks.log, 0, Blocks.leaves, -1, 3 + rand.nextInt(4))) .generate(world, rand, x22, y22, z22); } else { (new WorldGenLog(Blocks.log, 2, Blocks.leaves, -1, 3 + rand.nextInt(4))) .generate(world, rand, x22, y22, z22); } } } for (int f24 = 0; f24 < 3f * strength; f24++) { int i1 = chunkX + rand.nextInt(16) + 8; int j1 = chunkY + rand.nextInt(16) + 8; int k1 = world.getHeightValue(i1, j1); if (k1 < 110) { (new WorldGenTreeShrub(rand.nextInt(4) + 1, 0, rand.nextInt(3))) .generate(world, rand, i1, k1, j1); } } for (int f23 = 0; f23 < 8f * strength; f23++) { int j15 = chunkX + rand.nextInt(16) + 8; int j17 = rand.nextInt(128); int j20 = chunkY + rand.nextInt(16) + 8; (new WorldGenFlowers(new int[] {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11})) .generate(world, rand, j15, j17, j20); } for (int l14 = 0; l14 < 12f * strength; l14++) { int l19 = chunkX + rand.nextInt(16) + 8; int k22 = rand.nextInt(128); int j24 = chunkY + rand.nextInt(16) + 8; (new WorldGenGrass(Blocks.tallgrass, 1)).generate(world, rand, l19, k22, j24); } } }
public class RealisticBiomeEBVolcanoM extends RealisticBiomeEBBase { public static Block[] ebDominantStoneBlock = new Block[] { EBAPI.ebStonify(EnhancedBiomesBlocks.stoneEB, Blocks.stone), EBAPI.ebStonify(EnhancedBiomesBlocks.stoneEB, Blocks.stone) }; public static byte[] ebDominantStoneMeta = new byte[] { EBAPI.ebStonify(EBAPI.CHERT, (byte) 0), EBAPI.ebStonify(EBAPI.LIMESTONE, (byte) 0) }; public static Block[] ebDominantCobblestoneBlock = new Block[] { EBAPI.ebStonify(EnhancedBiomesBlocks.stoneCobbleEB, Blocks.cobblestone), EBAPI.ebStonify(EnhancedBiomesBlocks.stoneCobbleEB, Blocks.cobblestone) }; public static byte[] ebDominantCobblestoneMeta = new byte[] { EBAPI.ebStonify(EBAPI.CHERT, (byte) 0), EBAPI.ebStonify(EBAPI.LIMESTONE, (byte) 0) }; private static Block ebTopBlock = EBAPI.ebGrassify(EnhancedBiomesBlocks.grassEB, Blocks.grass); private static byte ebTopByte = EBAPI.ebGrassify(EBAPI.ANDISOL, (byte) 0); private static Block ebFillBlock = EBAPI.ebGrassify(EnhancedBiomesBlocks.dirtEB, Blocks.dirt); private static byte ebFillByte = EBAPI.ebGrassify(EBAPI.ANDISOL, (byte) 0); private static Block ebMixTopBlock = EBAPI.ebStonify(EnhancedBiomesBlocks.stoneEB, Blocks.stone); private static byte ebMixTopByte = EBAPI.ebStonify(EBAPI.BASALT, (byte) 0); private static Block ebMixFillBlock = (EnhancedBiomesMod.useNewStone == 1) ? EnhancedBiomesBlocks.stoneCobbleEB : Blocks.cobblestone; private static byte ebMixFillByte = EBAPI.ebStonify(EBAPI.BASALT, (byte) 0); private static Block ebCliff1Block = EBAPI.ebStonify(EnhancedBiomesBlocks.stoneEB, Blocks.stone); private static byte ebCliff1Byte = EBAPI.ebStonify(EBAPI.BASALT, (byte) 0); private static Block ebCliff2Block = (EnhancedBiomesMod.useNewStone == 1) ? EnhancedBiomesBlocks.stoneCobbleEB : Blocks.cobblestone; private static byte ebCliff2Byte = EBAPI.ebStonify(EBAPI.BASALT, (byte) 0); private static SurfaceBase surface = new SurfaceEBVolcanoM( ebTopBlock, // Block top ebTopByte, // byte topByte ebFillBlock, // Block filler, ebFillByte, // byte fillerByte ebMixTopBlock, // Block mixTop, ebMixTopByte, // byte mixTopByte, ebMixFillBlock, // Block mixFill, ebMixFillByte, // byte mixFillByte, ebCliff1Block, // Block cliff1, ebCliff1Byte, // byte cliff1Byte, ebCliff2Block, // Block cliff2, ebCliff2Byte, // byte cliff2Byte, 80f, // float mixWidth, -0.15f, // float mixHeight, 10f, // float smallWidth, 0.5f // float smallStrength ); private static SurfaceBase riverSurface = new SurfaceRiverOasis(); public RealisticBiomeEBVolcanoM(BiomeGenBase ebBiome) { super( ebBiome, BiomeBase.climatizedBiome(BiomeGenBase.river, Climate.HOT), new TerrainEBVolcanoM(), surface); this.setRealisticBiomeName("EB Volcano M"); this.biomeSize = BiomeSize.NORMAL; this.biomeWeight = ConfigEB.weightEBVolcanoM; this.generateVillages = ConfigEB.villageEBVolcanoM; } @Override public void rDecorate( World world, Random rand, int chunkX, int chunkY, OpenSimplexNoise simplex, CellNoise cell, float strength, float river) { /** * Using rDecorateSeedBiome() to partially decorate the biome? If so, then comment out this * method. */ rOreGenSeedBiome(world, rand, chunkX, chunkY, simplex, cell, strength, river, baseBiome); for (int l14 = 0; l14 < 15; l14++) { int l19 = chunkX + rand.nextInt(16) + 8; int k22 = rand.nextInt(128); int j24 = chunkY + rand.nextInt(16) + 8; if (rand.nextInt(3) == 0) { (new WorldGenGrass(Blocks.double_plant, 2)).generate(world, rand, l19, k22, j24); } else { (new WorldGenGrass(Blocks.tallgrass, 1)).generate(world, rand, l19, k22, j24); } } } @Override public void rMapGen( Block[] blocks, byte[] metadata, World world, WorldChunkManagerRTG cmr, Random mapRand, int baseX, int baseY, int chunkX, int chunkY, OpenSimplexNoise simplex, CellNoise cell, float noise[]) { if (baseX % 4 == 0 && baseY % 4 == 0 && mapRand.nextInt(6) == 0) { float river = cmr.getRiverStrength(baseX * 16, baseY * 16) + 1f; if (river > 0.98f && cmr.isBorderlessAt(baseX * 16, baseY * 16)) { long i1 = mapRand.nextLong() / 2L * 2L + 1L; long j1 = mapRand.nextLong() / 2L * 2L + 1L; mapRand.setSeed((long) chunkX * i1 + (long) chunkY * j1 ^ world.getSeed()); blocks, metadata, world, mapRand, baseX, baseY, chunkX, chunkY, simplex, cell, noise); } } } @Override public void rReplace( Block[] blocks, byte[] metadata, int i, int j, int x, int y, int depth, World world, Random rand, OpenSimplexNoise simplex, CellNoise cell, float[] noise, float river, BiomeGenBase[] base) { surface.paintTerrain( blocks, metadata, i, j, x, y, depth, world, rand, simplex, cell, noise, river, base); riverSurface.paintTerrain( blocks, metadata, i, j, x, y, depth, world, rand, simplex, cell, noise, river, base); } }
public class RealisticBiomeEBWoodlands extends RealisticBiomeEBBase { public static Block[] ebDominantStoneBlock = new Block[] { EBAPI.ebStonify(EnhancedBiomesBlocks.stoneEB, Blocks.stone), EBAPI.ebStonify(EnhancedBiomesBlocks.stoneEB, Blocks.stone) }; public static byte[] ebDominantStoneMeta = new byte[] { EBAPI.ebStonify(EBAPI.SLATE, (byte) 0), EBAPI.ebStonify(EBAPI.DOLOMITE, (byte) 0) }; public static Block[] ebDominantCobblestoneBlock = new Block[] { EBAPI.ebStonify(EnhancedBiomesBlocks.stoneCobbleEB, Blocks.cobblestone), EBAPI.ebStonify(EnhancedBiomesBlocks.stoneCobbleEB, Blocks.cobblestone) }; public static byte[] ebDominantCobblestoneMeta = new byte[] { EBAPI.ebStonify(EBAPI.SLATE, (byte) 0), EBAPI.ebStonify(EBAPI.DOLOMITE, (byte) 0) }; private static Block ebTopBlock = EBAPI.ebGrassify(EnhancedBiomesBlocks.grassEB, Blocks.grass); private static byte ebTopByte = EBAPI.ebGrassify(EBAPI.ALFISOL, (byte) 0); private static Block ebFillBlock = EBAPI.ebGrassify(EnhancedBiomesBlocks.dirtEB, Blocks.dirt); private static byte ebFillByte = EBAPI.ebGrassify(EBAPI.ALFISOL, (byte) 0); private static Block ebMixTopBlock = EBAPI.ebGrassify(EnhancedBiomesBlocks.grassEB, Blocks.grass); private static byte ebMixTopByte = EBAPI.ebGrassify(EBAPI.ALFISOL, (byte) 0); private static Block ebMixFillBlock = EBAPI.ebGrassify(EnhancedBiomesBlocks.dirtEB, Blocks.dirt); private static byte ebMixFillByte = EBAPI.ebGrassify(EBAPI.ALFISOL, (byte) 0); private static Block ebCliff1Block = EBAPI.ebStonify(EnhancedBiomesBlocks.stoneEB, Blocks.stone); private static byte ebCliff1Byte = EBAPI.ebStonify(EBAPI.SLATE, (byte) 0); private static Block ebCliff2Block = (EnhancedBiomesMod.useNewStone == 1) ? EnhancedBiomesBlocks.stoneCobbleEB : Blocks.cobblestone; private static byte ebCliff2Byte = EBAPI.ebStonify(EBAPI.SLATE, (byte) 0); public RealisticBiomeEBWoodlands(BiomeGenBase ebBiome) { super( ebBiome, BiomeBase.climatizedBiome(BiomeGenBase.river, Climate.TEMPERATE), new TerrainEBWoodlands(), new SurfaceEBWoodlands( ebTopBlock, // Block top ebTopByte, // byte topByte ebFillBlock, // Block filler, ebFillByte, // byte fillerByte ebMixTopBlock, // Block mixTop, ebMixTopByte, // byte mixTopByte, ebMixFillBlock, // Block mixFill, ebMixFillByte, // byte mixFillByte, ebCliff1Block, // Block cliff1, ebCliff1Byte, // byte cliff1Byte, ebCliff2Block, // Block cliff2, ebCliff2Byte, // byte cliff2Byte, 1f, // float mixWidth, -0.15f, // float mixHeight, 2f, // float smallWidth, 0.5f // float smallStrength )); this.setRealisticBiomeName("EB Woodlands"); this.biomeSize = BiomeSize.NORMAL; this.biomeWeight = ConfigEB.weightEBWoodlands; this.generateVillages = ConfigEB.villageEBWoodlands; } }