   * Draws the letters (nucleotides) over the stripe.
   * @param g graphics object
   * @param graphicsHeigth height of the graphics object
   * @param x x coordinate
   * @param width width of the stripe
   * @param height height of the stripe
   * @param variantDisplay variant
   * @param nucleotideNumber number of nucleotide to display
  private void drawLetters(
      Graphics g,
      int graphicsHeigth,
      int x,
      int width,
      int height,
      VariantDisplay variantDisplay,
      int nucleotideNumber) {
    Variant variant = variantDisplay.getVariant();
    VariantType variantType = variant.getType(); // gets the variant type
    if (((variantType == VariantType.INSERTION)
            && (MGDisplaySettings.DRAW_INSERTION_LETTERS == MGDisplaySettings.YES_MG_OPTION))
        || // checks all options in order to determine if the letters must be drawn
        ((variantType == VariantType.DELETION)
            && (MGDisplaySettings.DRAW_DELETION_LETTERS == MGDisplaySettings.YES_MG_OPTION))
        || ((variantType == VariantType.SNPS)
            && (MGDisplaySettings.DRAW_SNP_LETTERS == MGDisplaySettings.YES_MG_OPTION))
        || ((variant instanceof ReferenceVariant)
            && (MGDisplaySettings.DRAW_REFERENCE_LETTERS == MGDisplaySettings.YES_MG_OPTION))) {

      // if the letters must be drawn
      double windowWidth =
              / nucleotideNumber; // calculate the size of window (here, the window is the width of
                                  // a nucleotide on the screen)
      FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(); // get the font metrics
      if ((fm.getHeight() < height)
          && (fm.stringWidth("A")
              < windowWidth)) { // verifies if the height of the font is smaller than the height of
                                // the stripe AND if the width of a reference letter (A) is smaller
                                // than a window size
        String letters = variantDisplay.getVariantSequence();
        g.setColor(Colors.BLACK); // set the color of the letters
        int letterY =
                (graphicsHeigth - (height / 2d)); // define where the draw will start on the Y axis
        Graphics2D g2d =
                g.create(); // we reverse all coordinates to display the letter on the right way
        if (currentDrawingAllele == AlleleType.ALLELE02) {
          g2d.scale(1, -1);
          letterY *= -1;
          // letterY -= fm.getHeight() / 2d;	// commented because it was buggy on windows
        } else {
          // letterY += fm.getHeight() / 2d;	// commented because it was buggy on windows

        int firstNucleotide =
                - variant
                    .getStart(); // retrieve the position of the first displayed nucleotide in the
                                 // variant
        firstNucleotide = Math.max(0, firstNucleotide);

        for (int i = 0;
            i < nucleotideNumber;
            i++) { // for all the nucleotide that are supposed to be displayed
          String letter = "-"; // the default letter is the question mark
          if ((letters != "-")
              && ((i + firstNucleotide)
                  < letters
                      .length())) { // if the letters are different to the question mark and if the
                                    // current index is smaller than the string length
            letter = letters.charAt(i + firstNucleotide) + ""; // we get the current character
          // int xC = (int) Math.round(x + (i * windowWidth) + ((windowWidth -
          // fm.stringWidth(letter)) * 0.5));	// the horizontal position from where the draw starts:
          // x (of the stripe) + size of a window * current window number + (windows width - letter
          // width) / 2 (for the middle)
          int xC = projectWindow.genomeToScreenPosition(variant.getStart() + i + firstNucleotide);
          g2d.drawString(letter, xC, letterY); // we draw the letter