// Called just before this Command runs the first time protected void initialize() { if (SmartDashboard.getNumber("centerAge", 1) < 0.5) angle = SmartDashboard.getNumber("angleToCenter", 0); else angle = 0; super.initialize(); // System.out.println("Angle to Center: " + angle); }
public DriveAtom(double _dist) { p = SmartDashboard.getNumber("Drive P: "); i = SmartDashboard.getNumber("Drive I: "); d = SmartDashboard.getNumber("Drive D: "); distance = _dist; incrementer = Definitions.DRIVE_ATOM_INCREMENTER; threshold = 75; // we can be within approx. half an inch }
@Override public void sendToSmartDash() { SmartDashboard.putNumber(this.getName() + " kP", kP); SmartDashboard.putNumber(this.getName() + " kI", kI); SmartDashboard.putNumber(this.getName() + " kD", kD); SmartDashboard.putNumber(this.getName() + " ERROR", this.previousError); kP = SmartDashboard.getNumber(this.getName() + " kP", kP); kI = SmartDashboard.getNumber(this.getName() + " kI", kI); kD = SmartDashboard.getNumber(this.getName() + " kD", kD); }
// Called just before this Command runs the first time protected void initialize() { System.out.println("Initialize timedPullBackHammer"); setTimeout(SmartDashboard.getNumber("Timed Hammer Pullback")); if (!Robot.hammer.isHammerAtLatch()) { System.out.println( "Pulling back hammer for " + SmartDashboard.getNumber("Timed Hammer Pullback") + " sec"); if (Robot.hammer.isLatchReady()) Robot.hammer.releaseLatch(); Robot.hammer.pullBackHammer((float) SmartDashboard.getNumber("Hammer Motor Speed")); } else { System.out.println("Error: hammer is at latch"); } }
public void teleopPeriodic() { armpid.setPID( SmartDashboard.getNumber("kP"), SmartDashboard.getNumber("kI"), SmartDashboard.getNumber("kD")); if (joy1.getRawButton(1)) { armpid.enable(); } else { armpid.disable(); arm.set(0); } SmartDashboard.putBoolean("Checkbox 2", limit.get()); System.out.println("limit " + limit.get()); }
/* * Code to support update of PIDF constants from a button on the SmartDashboard */ public void updatePIDF() { // Assign double p = SmartDashboard.getNumber(m_name + " P"); double i = SmartDashboard.getNumber(m_name + " I"); double d = SmartDashboard.getNumber(m_name + " D"); if (m_hasFeedForward) { double f = SmartDashboard.getNumber(m_name + " F"); setPID(p, i, d, f); } else setPID(p, i, d); // Update Tolerance setTolerance(SmartDashboard.getNumber(m_name + " Tolerance")); }
public Double getDouble(String key) { try { return Double.valueOf(SmartDashboard.getNumber(key)); } catch (TableKeyNotDefinedException e) { return null; } }
// Called just before this Command runs the first time protected void initialize() { if (system == System.DRIVEDISTANCE) { target = SmartDashboard.getNumber("PID/DriveDistance TestTarget"); Robot.drivetrain.setAutoTarget(target, 0, 0); } else if (system == System.DRIVESLIDE) { target = SmartDashboard.getNumber("PID/DriveSlide TestTarget"); Robot.drivetrain.setAutoTarget(0, target, 0); } else if (system == System.DRIVEANGLE) { target = SmartDashboard.getNumber("PID/DriveAngle TestTarget"); Robot.drivetrain.setAutoTarget(0, 0, target); } else if (system == System.ELEVATOR) { target = SmartDashboard.getNumber("PID/Elevator TestTarget"); Robot.elevator.setAutoTarget(target); // } else if (system == System.ARM) { // target = SmartDashboard.getNumber("PID/Arm TestTarget"); // SlideWinder.arm.setArmHeight(target); } }
// Called repeatedly when this Command is scheduled to run protected void execute() { deadbandY = SmartDashboard.getNumber("DeadbandY"); deadbandX = SmartDashboard.getNumber("DeadbandX"); deadbandZ = SmartDashboard.getNumber("DeadbandZ"); power = (int) SmartDashboard.getNumber("DelinPower"); double leftspeed = getLeft(); double rightspeed = getRight(); if (currentControlMode == CANTalon.TalonControlMode.Speed.getValue()) { Robot.driveTrain.setLeftSpeedPercentage(leftspeed); Robot.driveTrain.setRightSpeedPercentage(rightspeed); } else { Robot.driveTrain.setLeftPercentVBus(leftspeed); Robot.driveTrain.setRightPercentVBus(rightspeed); } Robot.driveTrain.writeDashboardDebugValues(); }
/** * Spin wheel at desired feet per second Uses PID loop for consistency * * @param feetPerSecond double */ public void spin(double feetPerSecond) { double desiredSpeed = feetPerSecond; pidData.kP = SmartDashboard.getNumber("Right flywheel kP: "); pidData.kI = SmartDashboard.getNumber("Right flywheel kI: "); pidData.kD = SmartDashboard.getNumber("Right flywheel kD: "); if (desiredSpeed == 0) { motor.set(0); return; } double currentSpeed = 0; double error = desiredSpeed - currentSpeed; integral += error; derivative = error - previousError; if (Math.abs(error) < TOLERANCE_FEET_PER_SECOND) { integral = 0; } output += (error * pidData.kP) + (integral * pidData.kI) + (derivative * pidData.kD); if (output > 1) { output = 1; } else if (output < -1) { output = -1; } motor.set(feetPerSecond); for (int i = (errors.length - 1); i > 0; i--) { errors[i] = errors[i - 1]; } errors[0] = error; previousError = error; // System.out.println("Output: " + output); // System.out.println("Error: " + error); // System.out.println("kP: "+ pidData.kP); }
public void update(GoalAlign alignment) { double shooterPower; if (SmartDashboard.getBoolean("Flywheel Testing Mode") == false) { shooterPower = 1; } else { shooterPower = SmartDashboard.getNumber("Flywheel Testing Power"); } if (gamePad.buttons.BUTTON_A.isOn()) { // shoot(DistanceSensorData); // shooter.getMotor().getSpark().set(1); // shooter.shoot(100);s // shooter.setPower(getPowerFromDistance(alignment.imageHeight, alignment.centerY, // alignment.height)); shooter.setPower(shooterPower); } else if (!gamePad.buttons.BUTTON_A.isOn()) { shooter.setPower(0); } SmartDashboard.putBoolean("Shooting", gamePad.buttons.BUTTON_A.isOn()); }
public double get() { return SmartDashboard.getNumber(key, defaultValue); }
public AutoState getState(IRobot robot) { int chooser = (int) SmartDashboard.getNumber("Autonomous", 1); boolean backwards = SmartDashboard.getBoolean("Autonomous Backwards", false); AutoState chain = new NothingAutonomous(); switch (chooser) { // TODO: Refine and test the state chains. case 1: if (backwards) { chain .addNext(new ForwardAutonomous(1000, -speed)) .addNext(new AngleAutonomous(180.0, 0.0, robot.getSensorData().getGyro())); } else { chain.addNext(new ForwardAutonomous(1000, speed)); } // FieldPosition.Left chain .addNext(new AngleAutonomous(90.0, 0.0, robot.getSensorData().getGyro())) // TODO: Determine if positive means clockwise. .addNext(null); // TODO: Replace with an Autonomous that drives forward until it reaches the goal. case 2: if (backwards) { chain .addNext(new ForwardAutonomous(1000, -speed)) .addNext(new AngleAutonomous(180.0, 0.0, robot.getSensorData().getGyro())); } else { chain.addNext(new ForwardAutonomous(1000, speed)); } // FieldPosition.Left chain .addNext(new AngleAutonomous(90.0, 0.0, robot.getSensorData().getGyro())) .addNext(null); case 3: if (backwards) { chain .addNext(new ForwardAutonomous(1000, -speed)) .addNext(new AngleAutonomous(180.0, 0.0, robot.getSensorData().getGyro())); } else { chain.addNext(new ForwardAutonomous(1000, speed)); } // FieldPosition.Left chain .addNext(new AngleAutonomous(90.0, 0.0, robot.getSensorData().getGyro())) .addNext(null); case 4: // This is right in front of the tower. What is our procedure for this? if (backwards) { chain .addNext(new ForwardAutonomous(1000, -speed)) .addNext(new AngleAutonomous(180.0, 0.0, robot.getSensorData().getGyro())); } else { chain.addNext(new ForwardAutonomous(1000, speed)); } // FieldPosition.Right chain .addNext(new AngleAutonomous(-90.0, 0.0, robot.getSensorData().getGyro())) .addNext(null); case 5: if (backwards) { chain .addNext(new ForwardAutonomous(1000, -speed)) .addNext(new AngleAutonomous(180.0, 0.0, robot.getSensorData().getGyro())); } else { chain.addNext(new ForwardAutonomous(1000, speed)); } // FieldPosition.Right chain .addNext(new AngleAutonomous(-90.0, 0.0, robot.getSensorData().getGyro())) .addNext(null); default: // Just nothing } return chain; }
// returns a double at the position of the key public double getNumber(String key) { return board.getNumber(key); }
// Whoopystick // dudepiston is pneumatic pusher public class Shooter { public int shootingMotor = 6; public int shootingMotor2 = 2; public Victor motorOne = new Victor(6); public Victor motorTwo = new Victor(2); double maxspeed; double angle; double speeddif; double speed = 0; double testValueOne = SmartDashboard.getNumber("testValueOne"); double testValueTwo = SmartDashboard.getNumber("testValueTwo"); OI oi; CANJaguar Shrek; double speedmultOne = 0; // goal side wheel double speedmultTwo = 0; // feeder side wheel public CANJaguar tester1; public CANJaguar tester2; public CANJaguar tester3; public CANJaguar tester4; public double magOne; public double magTwo; public double speedOne; public double speedTwo; public double tspeedTwo; public double speedThree; public double speedFour; public double deadZone = .1; CANJaguar.ControlMode controlMode = CANJaguar.ControlMode.kVoltage; // Voltage drive CANJaguar.NeutralMode neutralMode2 = CANJaguar.NeutralMode.kBrake; CANJaguar.NeutralMode neutralMode = CANJaguar.NeutralMode.kCoast; CANJaguar.ControlMode controlModew = CANJaguar.ControlMode.kSpeed; // NetworkTable table = NetworkTable.getTable("camera"); public double distance; public Shooter(OI oi) { this.oi = oi; initializeOne(); initializeTwo(); // NetworkTable.setTeam(1259); // NetworkTable.setIPAddress(""); // distance = table.getDouble("distance"); } public void initializeOne() { try { tester1 = new CANJaguar(shootingMotor, controlMode); tester1.configNeutralMode(neutralMode); // FrontLeftJJ.setPID(kP, kI, kD); // FrontLeftJJ.setVoltageRampRate(rampRate); // BackLeftJJ.setVoltageRampRate(rampRate); // FrontRightJJ.setVoltageRampRate(rampRate); // BackRightJJ.setVoltageRampRate(rampRate); } catch (CANTimeoutException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public void initializeTwo() { try { tester2 = new CANJaguar(shootingMotor2, controlMode); tester2.configNeutralMode(neutralMode); // FrontLeftJJ.setPID(kP, kI, kD); // FrontLeftJJ.setVoltageRampRate(rampRate); // BackLeftJJ.setVoltageRampRate(rampRate); // FrontRightJJ.setVoltageRampRate(rampRate); // BackRightJJ.setVoltageRampRate(rampRate); } catch (CANTimeoutException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public void voltageChange() { // 3 point goal if (this.oi.getY()) { // shoot mid speedmultOne = 10.6; // 10.1 8.7 speedmultTwo = 8.2; // 2.16 } // 2 point goal else if (this.oi.getX()) { speedmultOne = 10.4; // 10.7 8.2 speedmultTwo = 7.9; } // pooter speed else if (this.oi.getB()) { speedmultOne = 4.0; speedmultTwo = 7.5; } else if (this.oi.getLJoystick().getRawButton(10)) { speedmultOne = testValueOne; speedmultTwo = testValueTwo; } } public void autoShootThree() { try { tester1.setX(10.8); // 9.5 8.2 2 pt tester2.setX(8.3); } catch (CANTimeoutException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public void autoShoot() { try { tester1.setX(10.3); // 9.5 8.2 2 pt tester2.setX(7.8); } catch (CANTimeoutException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public void autoShootMid() { // shoot middle try { tester1.setX(10.5); tester2.setX(8.0); // 9.2 } catch (CANTimeoutException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public void autoShootThreeSide() { // shoot middle try { tester1.setX(10.6); tester2.setX(8.5); } catch (CANTimeoutException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public void drive() { try { magOne = this.oi.getXJoystick().getY(); if (Math.abs(magOne) < deadZone) { magOne = 0; } if (Math.abs(magTwo) < deadZone) { magTwo = 0; } speedOne = magOne * speedmultOne; // 4500 speedTwo = magTwo * speedmultTwo; // 14000 tspeedTwo = magOne * speedmultTwo; tester1.setX(-speedOne); tester2.setX(-tspeedTwo); } catch (CANTimeoutException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public void testValue() { if (oi.getLJoystick().getTrigger()) { boolean distcheck = NetworkTable.getTable("camera").containsKey("distance"); NetworkTable.getTable("rob").putNumber("x", 8008135); System.out.println(distcheck); if (distcheck) { distance = NetworkTable.getTable("camera").getNumber("distance"); } System.out.println("Distance:" + " " + distance); } } }