public static DialogueOperatorEffect createGoal(String goal, DialogueKBFormula value) { DialogueOperatorEffect f = new DialogueOperatorEffect(); f.type = EffectType.GOAL; f.goalName = goal; f.left = value; return f; }
public static DialogueOperatorEffect createSend(String eventName) throws Exception { if (StringUtils.isEmptyString(eventName)) throw new Exception("empty event used to create a send effect."); DialogueOperatorEffect f = new DialogueOperatorEffect(); f.type = EffectType.SEND; f.eventName = eventName; return f; }
@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof DialogueOperatorEffect) { DialogueOperatorEffect oe = (DialogueOperatorEffect) obj; return type == oe.type && getLeftID().equals(oe.getLeftID()) && getRightID().equals(oe.getRightID()); } else return super.equals(obj); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { TrivialDialogueKB kb = new TrivialDialogueKB(); DialogueOperatorEffect f3 = parse("assert(or(a,b))");, ACCESSTYPE.AUTO_OVERWRITEAUTO, false); // f3=createAssertion(DialogueKBFormula.parse("and(a,b")); // DialogueOperatorEffect f3 = parse("++q"); System.out.println(f3.toString(false)); System.out.println(f3.extractAllNamesUsed()); }
public String getID() { if (isAssignmentList()) { String id = ""; boolean first = true; for (DialogueOperatorEffect x : getAssignmentList()) { id += ((first) ? "" : ",") + x.getID(); } return id; } else return type + ":" + getLeftID() + ":" + getRightID(); }
public static DialogueOperatorEffect createList(List<DialogueOperatorEffect> args) throws Exception { DialogueOperatorEffect f = new DialogueOperatorEffect(); f.type = EffectType.AssignmentLIST; f.list = new ArrayList<DialogueOperatorEffect>(); for (DialogueOperatorEffect a : args) { if (!a.isAssignment()) throw new Exception(a + " is not an assigment."); f.list.add(a); } return f; }
public static DialogueOperatorEffect createImplication( DialogueKBFormula ante, DialogueOperatorEffect then, DialogueOperatorEffect elsePart) throws Exception { if (then == null) throw new Exception("invalid implication: null effect"); else { DialogueOperatorEffect f = new DialogueOperatorEffect(); f.type = EffectType.IMPLICATION; f.left = ante; f.value = then; f.implyElse = elsePart; return f; } }
public static DialogueOperatorEffect createIncrementForVariable( String var, DialogueKBFormula increment) throws Exception { DialogueKBFormula varf = DialogueKBFormula.create(var, null); Collection<DialogueKBFormula> args = new ArrayList<DialogueKBFormula>(); args.add(varf); args.add(increment); DialogueKBFormula incf = DialogueKBFormula.create("+", args); return DialogueOperatorEffect.createAssignment(varf, incf, false); }
public Set<DialogueKBFormula> extractAllNamesUsed() { if (isAssignment()) { Object thing = getAssignedExpression(); if (thing instanceof DialogueKBFormula) { DialogueKBFormula r = (DialogueKBFormula) thing; return r.extractAllNamesUsed(); } else return null; } else if (isAssertion()) { DialogueKBFormula f = getAssertedFormula(); return f.extractAllNamesUsed(); } else if (isGoalAchievement()) { DialogueKBFormula f = getGoalValue(); return f.extractAllNamesUsed(); } else if (isImplication()) { Set<DialogueKBFormula> resa = getAntecedent().extractAllNamesUsed(); Set<DialogueKBFormula> resc = getConsequent().extractAllNamesUsed(); Set<DialogueKBFormula> ret = null; if (resa != null) ret = resa; if (resc != null) { if (getConsequent().isAssignment()) { resc.add(getConsequent().getAssignedVariable()); } if (ret != null) ret.addAll(resc); else ret = resc; } return ret; } else if (isAssignmentList()) { Set<DialogueKBFormula> res = null; for (DialogueOperatorEffect x : getAssignmentList()) { Set<DialogueKBFormula> newNames = x.extractAllNamesUsed(); if (newNames != null) { if (res == null) res = newNames; else res.addAll(newNames); } } return res; } else return null; }
public static DialogueOperatorEffect getEffectExpr(Node c, NamedNodeMap att) throws Exception { boolean isSwapOut = c.getNodeName().toLowerCase().equals(XMLConstants.SWAPOUTID); boolean isInterrupt = c.getNodeName().toLowerCase().equals(XMLConstants.INTERRUPTID); boolean isSend = c.getNodeName().toLowerCase().equals(XMLConstants.SENDID); if (isSwapOut) return createSwapOut(); else if (isInterrupt) return createInterrupt(); else if (isSend) { Node send = att.getNamedItem(XMLConstants.IDID); if (send != null) { String sendEventName = send.getNodeValue(); return createSend(sendEventName); } } else { Node nodeExpr = att.getNamedItem(XMLConstants.EXPRID); Node nodeGoal = att.getNamedItem(XMLConstants.GOALID); if (nodeGoal != null) { String goalName = nodeGoal.getNodeValue(); if (StringUtils.isEmptyString(goalName)) throw new Exception( "invalid goal effect: '" + XMLUtils.domNode2String(c, true, false) + "'"); String varGoalName = buildVarNameForGoal(goalName); String valueString = (nodeExpr != null) ? StringUtils.cleanupSpaces(nodeExpr.getNodeValue()) : null; DialogueKBFormula value; if (StringUtils.isEmptyString(valueString)) value = DialogueKBFormula.parse(varGoalName); else value = DialogueKBFormula.parse(valueString); value = processGoalExpression(value, varGoalName); return DialogueOperatorEffect.createGoal(goalName, value); } else if (nodeExpr != null) { DialogueOperatorEffect e = DialogueOperatorEffect.parse(nodeExpr.getNodeValue()); DialogueKBFormula f = null; if (e == null) throw new Exception( "Effect '" + XMLUtils.domNode2String(c, true, false) + "' returned an empty expression for effects (only assertions and assignments)."); else if (e.isAssertion() && (((f = e.getAssertedFormula()) == null) || f.isConjunction() || f.isDisjunction())) throw new Exception("Invalid assertion: " + f); else if (e.isAssignment() && (e.getAssignedVariable() == null)) throw new Exception("Invalid assignmend: " + f); else return e; } } return null; }
public static DialogueOperatorEffect createAssertion(DialogueKBFormula left) throws Exception { DialogueOperatorEffect f = new DialogueOperatorEffect(); left = left.normalize(); if (left.isConstant()) { f.type = EffectType.ASSIGNMENT; f.left = left; f.right = DialogueKBFormula.trueFormula; return f; } else if (left.isNegatedFormula()) { DialogueKBFormula child = (DialogueKBFormula) left.getFirstChild(); if (child.isConstant()) { f.type = EffectType.ASSIGNMENT; f.left = child; f.right = DialogueKBFormula.falseFormula; return f; } } f.type = EffectType.ASSERTION; if (left.isNegatedFormula()) { left = (DialogueKBFormula) left.getFirstChild(); f.right = DialogueKBFormula.falseFormula; } else { f.right = DialogueKBFormula.trueFormula; } f.left = left; return f; }
public int compareUsingStrings(DialogueOperatorEffect o) { return toString().compareTo((o != null) ? o.toString() : null); }
@Override public int compareTo(DialogueOperatorEffect o) { return getID().compareTo((o != null) ? o.getID() : null); }
public static DialogueOperatorEffect createInterrupt() { DialogueOperatorEffect f = new DialogueOperatorEffect(); f.type = EffectType.INTERRUPT; return f; }
public static DialogueOperatorEffect createIncrementForVariable(String var, Number val) throws Exception { DialogueKBFormula increment = DialogueKBFormula.create(val + "", null); return DialogueOperatorEffect.createIncrementForVariable(var, increment); }
public static DialogueOperatorEffect createAssignment( DialogueKBFormula left, Object value, boolean parseValue) throws Exception { if (!left.isConstant()) throw new Exception("Invalid left hand side of assignment: " + left); if (value != null) { if (value instanceof String) { String rightString = ((String) value).toLowerCase(); if (rightString.equals("true")) return DialogueOperatorEffect.createAssertion(left); else if (rightString.equals("false")) return DialogueOperatorEffect.createAssertion(left.negate()); } else if (value instanceof DialogueKBFormula) { if (((DialogueKBFormula) value).isConstant()) { String rightString = ((DialogueKBFormula) value).getName(); if (rightString.equals("true")) return DialogueOperatorEffect.createAssertion(left); else if (rightString.equals("false")) return DialogueOperatorEffect.createAssertion(left.negate()); } } else if (value instanceof Boolean) { if ((Boolean) value) return DialogueOperatorEffect.createAssertion(left); else return DialogueOperatorEffect.createAssertion(left.negate()); } } DialogueOperatorEffect f = new DialogueOperatorEffect(); f.type = EffectType.ASSIGNMENT; f.left = left; if (value instanceof DialogueKBFormula) { DialogueKBFormula right = (DialogueKBFormula) value; // if (!right.isNumericFormula() && !right.isConstant()) throw new Exception("Right hand side // of assignment is not a numeric expression or constant: "+right); f.right = right; } else { if (parseValue && ((value instanceof String) || (value instanceof Number))) { try { if (value != null) { if (value instanceof String && !DialogueKBFormula.isStringConstant((String) value)) { value = DialogueKBFormula.generateStringConstantFromContent((String) value); } DialogueKBFormula nv = DialogueKBFormula.parse(value.toString()); f.right = nv; } } catch (Exception e) { f.value = value; } } else f.value = value; } return f; }
public static DialogueOperatorEffect createSwapOut() { DialogueOperatorEffect f = new DialogueOperatorEffect(); f.type = EffectType.SWAPOUT; return f; }
public String toString(boolean shortForm, String effectXmlName) { String ret = ""; if (shortForm) { if (isAssertion()) ret += XMLConstants.AssignmentID + "(" + left + "," + right + ")"; else if (isAssignment()) ret += XMLConstants.AssignmentID + "(" + left + "," + getAssignedExpression() + ")"; else if (isGoalAchievement()) ret += XMLConstants.GOALID + ": " + goalName + ((left != null) ? " " + XMLConstants.VALUEID + ": " + left : ""); else if (isImplication()) ret += XMLConstants.implyID + "(" + left + "," + value + "," + implyElse + ")"; else if (isSwapOut()) ret += XMLConstants.SWAPOUTID; else if (isInterrupt()) ret += XMLConstants.INTERRUPTID; else if (isSend()) ret += XMLConstants.SENDID + "(" + eventName + ")"; else if (isAssignmentList()) { boolean first = true; for (DialogueOperatorEffect e : getAssignmentList()) { ret += ((!first) ? "," : XMLConstants.AssignmentLISTID + "(") + e.toString(shortForm); first = false; } ret += ")"; } else ret += "unknown effect"; } else { ret = "<" + effectXmlName + " "; if (isAssertion()) ret += XMLConstants.EXPRID + "=\"" + XMLConstants.AssignmentID + "(" + left + "," + right + ")\""; else if (isAssignmentList()) { String list = ""; boolean first = true; for (DialogueOperatorEffect e : getAssignmentList()) { list += ((!first) ? "," : "") + e.toString(shortForm); first = false; } ret += XMLConstants.EXPRID + "=\"" + XMLConstants.AssignmentLISTID + "(" + list + ")\""; } else if (isAssignment()) { String ps = XMLConstants.VISIBLEID + "=\"" + !varPropertiesForAssignment.getProperty(PROPERTY.HIDDEN) + "\" " + XMLConstants.READONLYID + "=\"" + varPropertiesForAssignment.getProperty(PROPERTY.READONLY) + "\" " + XMLConstants.PERSISTENTID + "=\"" + varPropertiesForAssignment.getProperty(PROPERTY.PERSISTENT) + "\" "; ret += ps + XMLConstants.EXPRID + "=\"" + XMLConstants.AssignmentID + "(" + left + "," + getAssignedExpression() + ")\""; } else if (isGoalAchievement()) ret += XMLConstants.GOALID + "=\"" + goalName + "\"" + ((left != null) ? " " + XMLConstants.VALUEID + "=\"" + left + "\"" : ""); else if (isImplication()) ret += XMLConstants.EXPRID + "=\"" + XMLConstants.implyID + "(" + left + "," + value + "," + implyElse + ")\""; else if (isSwapOut()) ret = "<" + XMLConstants.SWAPOUTID; else if (isSend()) ret = "<" + XMLConstants.SENDID + " " + XMLConstants.IDID + "=\"" + eventName + "\""; else return super.toString(); ret += "/>"; } return ret; }