private static boolean checkForPendingVm() { for (VmInstance vm : VmInstances.getInstance().listValues()) { if (VmState.PENDING.equals(vm.getState()) || VmState.RUNNING.equals(vm.getState())) { return true; } } return false; }
public static boolean initialize(String cluster, List<Pair> ccList) { if (AddressUtil.tryInit(cluster)) { try { List<Address> addrList = getStoredAddresses(cluster); List<String> ccListAddrs = Lists.transform( ccList, new Function<Pair, String>() { @Override public String apply(Pair p) { return p.getLeft(); } }); for (Address addr : addrList) { if (ccListAddrs.contains(addr.getName())) { Pair current = checkHasCurrentState(addr.getName(), ccList); if (current != null) { try { VmInstance vm = VmInstances.getInstance().lookupByInstanceIp(current.getRight()); addr.setAssigned(vm.getInstanceId(), current.getRight()); } catch (Exception e) { addr.doUnassign(); } } addr.init(); ccList.remove(current); } else { try { addr.release(); Addresses.getInstance().deregister(addr.getName()); } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.debug(e); } } } for (Pair current : ccList) { Address addr = AddressUtil.lookupOrCreate(cluster, current); try { VmInstance vm = VmInstances.getInstance().lookupByInstanceIp(current.getRight()); addr.allocate(; addr.setAssigned(vm.getInstanceId(), current.getRight()); } catch (Exception e) { addr.doUnassign(); } addr.init(); } } catch (Throwable e) { clusterInit.get(cluster).set(false); } return true; } else { return false; } }
public static void tryAssignSystemAddress(final VmInstance vm) { if (!EucalyptusProperties.disableNetworking) { try { Address newAddress = AddressUtil.allocateAddresses(vm.getPlacement(), 1).get(0); newAddress.setInstanceId(vm.getInstanceId()); newAddress.setInstanceAddress(vm.getNetworkConfig().getIpAddress()); AddressUtil.dispatchAssignAddress(newAddress, vm); } catch (NotEnoughResourcesAvailable notEnoughResourcesAvailable) { LOG.error( "Attempt to assign a system address for " + vm.getInstanceId() + " failed due to lack of addresses."); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error( "Attempt to assign a system address for " + vm.getInstanceId() + " failed due to lack of addresses."); } } }
public static Address lookupOrCreate(String cluster, Pair p) { Address address; try { try { address = Addresses.getInstance().lookup(p.getLeft()); } catch (NoSuchElementException e1) { address = Addresses.getInstance().lookupDisabled(p.getLeft()); } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { LOG.debug(e); address = new Address(p.getLeft(), cluster); try { VmInstance vm = VmInstances.getInstance().lookupByInstanceIp(p.getRight()); address.allocate(; address.setAssigned(vm.getInstanceId(), p.getRight()); } catch (Exception e1) { // TODO: dispatch unassign for unknown address. } address.init(); } return address; }
public static void update(String cluster, List<Pair> ccList) { List<String> ccListAddrs = Lists.transform( ccList, new Function<Pair, String>() { @Override public String apply(Pair p) { return p.getLeft(); } }); for (Pair p : ccList) { Address address = AddressUtil.lookupOrCreate(cluster, p); try { InetAddress addr = Inet4Address.getByName(p.getRight()); VmInstance vm; try { vm = VmInstances.getInstance().lookupByInstanceIp(p.getRight()); if (Address.UNALLOCATED_USERID.equals(address.getUserId())) { address.allocate(; } if (!address.isAssigned()) { address.setAssigned(vm.getInstanceId(), p.getRight()); } orphans.remove(address.getName()); } catch (Exception e1) { if (!addr.isLoopbackAddress() && !AddressUtil.checkForPendingVm()) { AddressUtil.handleOrphan(cluster, address); } else { orphans.remove(address.getName()); } } } catch (UnknownHostException e1) { LOG.debug(e1, e1); orphans.remove(address.getName()); } } }
public static void markAddressAssigned(Address address, VmInstance vm) throws EucalyptusCloudException { address.assign(vm.getInstanceId(), vm.getNetworkConfig().getIpAddress()); }