  public List<Person> searchForPersons(String keyword) {
    String filter =
            + keyword
            + "*)(givenname="
            + keyword
            + "*)(mail="
            + keyword
            + "*)))";

    logger.debug("filter:" + filter);

    List<Person> persons =
        (List<Person>) ldapTemplate.search("", filter, new PersonAttributesMapper());

    if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
      for (Person p : persons) {
        if (p != null) {
          logger.trace("username: "******"; sap:" + p.getSap());
    return persons;
예제 #2
  public String populateEpicDesc(String xmlData) {
    List<User> piUserLst =
            "Principal Investigator", xmlData, UserSearchField.ROLE);
    List<User> emrStudyContactUserLst =
            "EMR Study Contact", xmlData, UserSearchField.RESPONSIBILITY);

    String epicDescription = "";

    if (piUserLst.size() > 0) {
      epicDescription += String.format("Principal Investigator: ");

      for (User user : piUserLst) {
        Person person = user.getPerson();
        epicDescription +=
                "Name: "
                    + person.getFullname()
                    + " Department: "
                    + person.getDepartment()
                    + " Email: "
                    + person.getEmail()
                    + " Phone: "
                    + person.getWorkphone()
                    + "%n");

    if (emrStudyContactUserLst.size() > 0) {
      epicDescription += String.format(" EMR Study Contact: ");

      for (User user : emrStudyContactUserLst) {
        Person person = user.getPerson();
        epicDescription +=
                "Name: "
                    + person.getFullname()
                    + " Department: "
                    + person.getDepartment()
                    + " Email: "
                    + person.getEmail()
                    + " Phone: "
                    + person.getWorkphone()
                    + "%n");

    return epicDescription;
    public Object mapFromAttributes(Attributes attrs) throws NamingException {

      String sap = getAttribute("employeenumber", attrs);

      Person p = new Person();

      p.setFirstname(getAttribute("givenname", attrs));
      p.setLastname(getAttribute("sn", attrs));
      p.setMiddlename(getAttribute("initials", attrs));
      p.setEmail(getAttribute("mail", attrs));
      p.setWorkphone(getAttribute("telephonenumber", attrs));
      p.setDepartment(getAttribute("department", attrs));
      p.setJobTitle(getAttribute("title", attrs));
      p.setStreetAddress(getAttribute("streetAddress", attrs));
      p.setState(getAttribute("st", attrs));
      p.setZipCode(getAttribute("postalCode", attrs));

      return p;
    public Object mapFromAttributes(Attributes attrs) throws NamingException {

      Person p = null;
      if (getAttribute("samaccountname", attrs) != null) {
        try {
          p = personDao.getPersonByUsername(getAttribute("samaccountname", attrs));
        } catch (Exception ex) {


      String username = getAttribute("samaccountname", attrs);
      String sap = getAttribute("employeenumber", attrs);
      if (username == null
          || username
              .isEmpty()) { // || sap == null || sap.trim().isEmpty()){ // @NOTE: a lot of students
                            // don't have sap either, might have to check ldap for this...
        return null; // no point to return this...
      if (p == null) {

        p = new Person();

        p.setFirstname(getAttribute("givenname", attrs));
        p.setLastname(getAttribute("sn", attrs));
        p.setMiddlename(getAttribute("initials", attrs));
        p.setEmail(getAttribute("mail", attrs));
        p.setWorkphone(getAttribute("telephonenumber", attrs));
        p.setDepartment(getAttribute("department", attrs));
        p.setJobTitle(getAttribute("title", attrs));
        p.setStreetAddress(getAttribute("streetAddress", attrs));
        p.setState(getAttribute("st", attrs));
        p.setZipCode(getAttribute("postalCode", attrs));

      return p;