예제 #1
 * Generating questions from Freebase relations
 * @author jonathanberant
public class QuestionGenerator {

  public static class Options {
    @Option(gloss = "whether to generate with bow mode")
    public boolean bowGeneration;

    @Option(gloss = "whether to generate with lexicon")
    public boolean genFromLex = true;

    @Option(gloss = "verbose")
    public int verbose = 0;

    @Option(gloss = "Threshold for uploading ot alignment lexicon")
    public double alignmentLexiconThreshold = 9.9;

  public static Options opts = new Options();

  private final FbFormulasInfo fbFormulasInfo = FbFormulasInfo.getSingleton();
  private final StanfordCoreNLP pipeline;
  private final Map<Formula, Pair<String, Double>> formulaToLexemsMap =
      new HashMap<Formula, Pair<String, Double>>();
  private final String lexiconFile = "lib/fb_data/6/binaryInfoStringAndAlignment.txt";

  private Map<String, Annotation> lingAnnotationCache = new HashMap<String, Annotation>();
  private static final boolean DROP_TYPE1 = true;
  private static final Pattern dropRedundantType1Pattern =
      Pattern.compile("what (.+) is the (.+) of");
  private static final Pattern dropPattern = Pattern.compile("what.* is (.*)");

  public QuestionGenerator() throws IOException {
    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.put("annotators", "tokenize,ssplit,pos,parse");
    pipeline = new StanfordCoreNLP(props);
    LogInfo.begin_track("uploading lexicon");
    LogInfo.logs("Number of lexicon formulas: %s", formulaToLexemsMap.size());

  private void uploadAlignmentLexicon() {
    for (String line : IOUtils.readLines(lexiconFile)) {
      LexiconValue lv = Json.readValueHard(line, LexiconValue.class);
      double newCount = MapUtils.getDouble(lv.features, "Intersection_size_typed", 0.0);
      if (newCount > opts.alignmentLexiconThreshold) {
        if (formulaToLexemsMap.containsKey(lv.formula)) {
          double currCount = formulaToLexemsMap.get(lv.formula).getSecond();
          if (newCount > currCount) {
            formulaToLexemsMap.put(lv.formula, Pair.newPair(lv.lexeme, newCount));
        } else {
          formulaToLexemsMap.put(lv.formula, Pair.newPair(lv.lexeme, newCount));

   * Have explicit entity description
   * @param binary
   * @param entity
   * @return
  public Set<String> getQuestionsForFgInfo(FormulaGenerationInfo fgInfo) {
    if (opts.bowGeneration) {
      return bowGenerate(fgInfo);
    // generate from formula info
    Set<String> res = generateQuestions(fgInfo);
    // generate from equivalent formula if it exists
    if (fbFormulasInfo.hasOpposite(fgInfo.bInfo.formula)) {
      FormulaGenerationInfo eqInfo =
          new FormulaGenerationInfo(
    return res;

  private Set<String> bowGenerate(FormulaGenerationInfo fgInfo) {
    List<String> question = new ArrayList<String>();
    question.add(fgInfo.getQuestionWord()); // question word
    String type1Desc = getType1Desc(fgInfo);
    if (type1Desc == null) return Collections.emptySet();
    for (String binaryDesc : fgInfo.bInfo.descriptions) question.add(binaryDesc);
    if (fgInfo.isInject) {
    return Collections.singleton(Joiner.on(' ').join(question));

   * Get questions for a binary formula - main interface with this class - use both FB descriptions
   * and lexicon
   * @param bInfo
   * @return
  private Set<String> generateQuestions(FormulaGenerationInfo fgInfo) {

    Set<String> res = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
    // hack to identify cvt things (I don't trust the CVT markings on freebase schema)
    if (fgInfo.bInfo.toReverseString().contains("lambda")) handleCvtBinary(fgInfo, res);
    else handleNonCvtBinary(fgInfo, res);

    if (opts.genFromLex) {
      if (formulaToLexemsMap.containsKey(fgInfo.bInfo.formula)) {
        handleLexiconBinary(fgInfo, res);
    res = postProcess(res, fgInfo);
    if (fgInfo.isInject) res = handleInjection(res, fgInfo);
    return res;

  private Set<String> handleInjection(Set<String> uninjected, FormulaGenerationInfo fgInfo) {
    Set<String> injected = new HashSet<String>();
    for (String question : uninjected) {
      String injectedQuestion =
          question.replace("?", Joiner.on(' ').join("in", fgInfo.entityInfo2.desc, "?"));
    return injected;

  private Set<String> postProcess(Set<String> questions, FormulaGenerationInfo fgInfo) {
    Set<String> res = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
    for (String q : questions) {
      String postProcessed = q.replace("what person", "who");
      postProcessed = postProcessed.replace("what date", "when");
      postProcessed = dropRedundantType1(postProcessed);
      // possibly add another without type1
      if (DROP_TYPE1 && !fgInfo.isUnary) {
        dropType1(postProcessed, res);
    return res;

  private static void dropType1(String postProcessed, Set<String> res) {
    Matcher m = dropPattern.matcher(postProcessed);
    if (m.find()) {

  private static String dropRedundantType1(String postProcessed) {
    Matcher m = dropRedundantType1Pattern.matcher(postProcessed);
    if (m.find()) {
      String type1 = m.group(1);
      String description = m.group(2);
      if (type1.startsWith(description) || type1.endsWith(description))
        postProcessed =
            Joiner.on(' ').join("what is the", type1, "of", postProcessed.substring(m.end() + 1));
      else if (description.startsWith(type1) || description.endsWith(type1))
        postProcessed =
            Joiner.on(' ')
                .join("what is the", description, "of", postProcessed.substring(m.end() + 1));
    return postProcessed;

  private void handleLexiconBinary(FormulaGenerationInfo fgInfo, Set<String> res) {
    String binaryDesc = formulaToLexemsMap.get(fgInfo.bInfo.formula).getFirst();
    String type1Desc = getType1Desc(fgInfo);
    if (type1Desc == null) return;
        Joiner.on(' ')
                new String[] {
                  fgInfo.getQuestionWord(), type1Desc, binaryDesc, fgInfo.entityInfo1.desc, "?"

  private Annotation getAnnotation(String desc) {
    synchronized (lingAnnotationCache) {
      if (lingAnnotationCache.containsKey(desc)) return lingAnnotationCache.get(desc);
    Annotation ann = new Annotation(desc);
    synchronized (pipeline) {
    synchronized (lingAnnotationCache) {
      lingAnnotationCache.put(desc, ann);
    return ann;

  private void handleNonCvtBinary(FormulaGenerationInfo fgInfo, Set<String> res) {
    String description = normalizeFbDescription(fgInfo.bInfo.descriptions.get(0));
    Annotation a = getAnnotation(description);
    String question =
    if (question != null) res.add(question);

  private void handleCvtBinary(FormulaGenerationInfo fgInfo, Set<String> res) {
    String description1 = normalizeFbDescription(fgInfo.bInfo.descriptions.get(0));
    String description2 = normalizeFbDescription(fgInfo.bInfo.descriptions.get(1));
    Annotation a1 = getAnnotation(description1);
    Annotation a2 = getAnnotation(description2);

    String question =
    if (question != null) res.add(question);

   * This method has all the ruls for generating a question
   * @param bInfo
   * @param binaryDesc
   * @param posTags
   * @param t
   * @param isReversed
   * @param isCvt
   * @return
  private String generateNonCvtQuestion(
      FormulaGenerationInfo fgInfo,
      String binaryDesc,
      List<String> posTags,
      Tree t,
      boolean isReversed) {

    String res;
    String type1Desc = getType1Desc(fgInfo);
    if (type1Desc == null) // TODO hack
    return null;

    String entityDesc = fgInfo.entityInfo1.desc;
    String qWord = fgInfo.getQuestionWord();
    binaryDesc = binaryDesc.toLowerCase();
    String category = getTreeCategory(t);

    if (binaryDesc.endsWith("here")) { // special type of description that behaves weirdly
      res = handleHere(binaryDesc, isReversed, type1Desc, entityDesc, qWord);
    } else if (category.equals("NP")
        || category.equals("X")
        || category.contains("SBARQ")
        || category.equals("ADVP")) {
      res = handleNP(binaryDesc, isReversed, type1Desc, entityDesc, qWord);
    } else if (category.equals("VP")
        || category.equals("ADJP")
        || category.equals("SBAR")
        || category.equals("SINV")) {
      res = handleVP(binaryDesc, posTags, t, isReversed, type1Desc, entityDesc, qWord);
    } else if (category.equals("PP")) {
      res = handlePP(binaryDesc, isReversed, type1Desc, entityDesc, qWord);
    } else if (category.equals("S")) {
      String NP, VP;
      if (t.children().length == 2
          && t.getChild(0).label().toString().equals("NP")
          && (t.getChild(1).label().toString().equals("VP")
              || t.getChild(1).label().toString().equals("ADJP"))) {
        NP = yield(t.getChild(0));
        VP = yield(t.getChild(1));
      } else if (t.children().length == 1
          && t.getChild(0).label().toString().equals("NP")
          && t.getChild(0).getChild(0).label().toString().equals("NP")
          && t.getChild(0).numChildren() == 2) {
        NP = yield(t.getChild(0).getChild(0));
        VP = yield(t.getChild(0).getChild(1));
      } else if (t.getChild(0).label().toString().equals("VP")) {
        NP = "";
        VP = yield(t);
      } else throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled S node: " + t);
      res = handleS(binaryDesc, isReversed, type1Desc, entityDesc, NP, VP, qWord);
    } else if (category.equals("FRAG")) {
      if (t.getChild(t.numChildren() - 1).label().toString().equals("PP")) {
        res = handleFinalPP(fgInfo.bInfo, binaryDesc, isReversed, type1Desc, entityDesc, qWord);
      } else {
        if (t.numChildren() == 1 && t.getChild(0).label().toString().equals("NP")) {
          res = handleNP(binaryDesc, isReversed, type1Desc, entityDesc, qWord);
        } else if (t.numChildren() == 1 && t.getChild(0).label().toString().equals("VP")) {
          res =
                  binaryDesc, posTags, t.getChild(0), isReversed, type1Desc, entityDesc, qWord);
        } else if (t.numChildren() == 2
            && t.getChild(0).label().toString().equals("NP")
            && t.getChild(1).label().toString().equals("VP")) {
          res =
        } else if (posTags.contains("NP"))
          res = handleNP(binaryDesc, isReversed, type1Desc, entityDesc, qWord);
        else res = handleVP(binaryDesc, posTags, t, isReversed, type1Desc, entityDesc, qWord);
    } else throw new RuntimeException("Not handling " + fgInfo.bInfo + ", category=" + category);
    return res;

  private String handlePP(
      String binaryDesc, boolean isReversed, String type1Desc, String entityDesc, String qWord) {
    if (isReversed)
      return Joiner.on(' ').join(new String[] {qWord, type1Desc, entityDesc, binaryDesc, "?"});
    else return Joiner.on(' ').join(new String[] {qWord, type1Desc, binaryDesc, entityDesc, "?"});

  // TODO - maybe simply delete this case
  private String handleHere(
      String description, boolean isReversed, String type1Desc, String entityDesc, String qWord) {
    String[] tokens = description.split("\\s+");
    if (isReversed)
      return Joiner.on(' ')
              new String[] {
                qWord, type1Desc, "is", tokens[tokens.length - 2], "in", entityDesc, "?"
      return Joiner.on(' ')
              new String[] {
                qWord, type1Desc, "is", entityDesc, tokens[tokens.length - 2], "in", "?"

  private String handleFinalPP(
      BinaryFormulaInfo bInfo,
      String description,
      boolean isReversed,
      String type1Desc,
      String entityDesc,
      String qWord) {
    return Joiner.on(' ').join(new String[] {qWord, type1Desc, "is", description, entityDesc, "?"});

  private String handleVP(
      String description,
      List<String> posTags,
      Tree t,
      boolean isReversed,
      String type1Desc,
      String entityDesc,
      String qWord) {
    description = dropTrailingNP(description, t);
    if (isReversed) {
      if (posTags.contains("VBN"))
        return Joiner.on(' ')
            .join(new String[] {qWord, type1Desc, "is", entityDesc, description, "?"});
      else if (posTags.contains("VBD"))
        return Joiner.on(' ')
            .join(new String[] {qWord, type1Desc, "did", entityDesc, description, "?"});
      else if (posTags.contains("VBZ"))
        return Joiner.on(' ')
            .join(new String[] {qWord, type1Desc, "does", entityDesc, description, "?"});
        return Joiner.on(' ')
            .join(new String[] {qWord, type1Desc, "do", entityDesc, description, "?"});
    } else {
      if (posTags.contains("VBN"))
        return Joiner.on(' ')
            .join(new String[] {qWord, type1Desc, "is", description, entityDesc, "?"});
        return Joiner.on(' ').join(new String[] {qWord, type1Desc, description, entityDesc, "?"});

  private String handleS(
      String description,
      boolean isReversed,
      String type1Desc,
      String entity,
      String NP,
      String VP,
      String qWord) {
    if (isReversed) {
      if (description.endsWith("by")) { // TODO try getting rid of this case
        VP = VP.substring(0, VP.indexOf("by"));
        return Joiner.on(' ').join(new String[] {qWord, type1Desc, VP, entity, "?"});
      } else return Joiner.on(' ').join(new String[] {qWord, NP, "is", VP, "by", entity, "?"});
    } else {
      if (description.endsWith("by")) // TODO try getting rid of this case
      return Joiner.on(' ').join(new String[] {qWord, NP, "is", VP, entity, "?"});
      else return Joiner.on(' ').join(new String[] {qWord, type1Desc, VP, "the", NP, entity, "?"});

  private String handleNP(
      String description, boolean isReversed, String type1Desc, String entityDesc, String qWord) {
    if (isReversed) {
      if (description.endsWith("of"))
        return Joiner.on(' ')
            .join(new String[] {qWord, type1Desc, "is", "the", description, entityDesc, "?"});
        return Joiner.on(' ')
            .join(new String[] {qWord, type1Desc, "is", "the", description, "of", entityDesc, "?"});
    } else {
      return Joiner.on(' ')
          .join(new String[] {qWord, type1Desc, "has", entityDesc, "as", description, "?"});

  private String generateCvtQuestion(
      FormulaGenerationInfo fgInfo,
      String description1,
      String description2,
      Tree t1,
      Tree t2,
      List<String> posTags1,
      List<String> posTags2) {

    boolean isReversed = fbFormulasInfo.isReversed(fgInfo.bInfo.formula);
    String type1Desc = getType1Desc(fgInfo);
    if (type1Desc == null) return null;
    String qWord = fgInfo.getQuestionWord();
    String entityDesc = fgInfo.entityInfo1.desc;

    description1 = description1.toLowerCase();
    description2 = description2.toLowerCase();
    String root1 = t1.label().toString();
    String root2 = t2.label().toString();
    String res;
    if (!isReversed) {
      // NP NP
      if ((isNPorXorSorFRAG(root1)
              || root1.equals("PP")
              || root1.equals("SINV")
              || root1.equals("SBAR"))
          && isNPorXorSorFRAG(root2))
        res =
            Joiner.on(' ')
                .join(new String[] {qWord, type1Desc, "has the", description2, entityDesc, "?"});
      // VP NP
      else if ((isADJPorVPorUCP(root1) && isNPorXorSorFRAG(root2)))
        res =
            Joiner.on(' ')
                    new String[] {
                      qWord, type1Desc, description1, "has the", description2, entityDesc, "?"
                    }); // VP NP non, ADJP NP non
      // NP VP or VP VP
      else if (isNPorXorSorFRAG(root1) && isADJPorVPorUCP(root2)
          || isADJPorVPorUCP(root1) && isADJPorVPorUCP(root2))
        res =
            Joiner.on(' ')
                    new String[] {
                      qWord, type1Desc, "is", description2, entityDesc, "?"
                    }); // NP VP non, NP ADJP non, S NP non
      // other
      else if ((root1.equals("VP") && root2.equals("SINV"))
          || (root1.equals("NP") && root2.equals("ADVP"))
          || (root1.equals("NP") && root2.equals("PP"))
          || (root1.equals("NP") && root2.equals("SINV")))
        res =
            Joiner.on(' ')
                    new String[] {
                      qWord, type1Desc, description1, description2, entityDesc, "?"
                    }); // NP FRAG non
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Does not handle: "
                + fgInfo.bInfo
                + ", root1="
                + root1
                + ", root2="
                + root2
                + ", is reversed="
                + isReversed);
    } else {
      if (isNPorFRAG(root1) && isNPorXorFRAG(root2)) {
        if (FreebaseInfo.isPrimitive(fgInfo.bInfo.expectedType1))
          res =
              Joiner.on(' ')
                      new String[] {
                        "is the",
                      }); // NP NP reverse, NP FRAG reverse, FRAG S reverse
          res =
              Joiner.on(' ')
                      new String[] {
                        qWord, type1Desc, "is the", description1, "of", entityDesc, "?"
                      }); // NP NP reverse, NP FRAG reverse, FRAG S reverse
      } else if (isNPorXorFRAG(root1)
          && root2.equals(
              "S")) // the S gives verb that provides information that's why we use description2 and
        // not description1
        res =
            Joiner.on(' ')
                    new String[] {
                      qWord, type1Desc, "is the", description2, "by", entityDesc, "?"
                    }); // NP S reverse
      else if (root1.equals("S") && root2.equals("S")
          || root1.equals("S")
              && root2.equals("FRAG")) // maybe should split if its N V or V N - think a bit more
      res =
            Joiner.on(' ')
                    new String[] {
                      qWord, type1Desc, "is the", description1, "by", entityDesc, "?"
                    }); // S S reverse,
      else if (root1.equals("S")
          && root2.equals("NP")) // maybe should think about this one a bit more
      res =
            Joiner.on(' ')
                    new String[] {
                      qWord, type1Desc, "is", entityDesc, "a", description2, "of"
                    }); // S NP reverse
      else if ((isADJPorVPorUCP(root1) && isNPorXorSorFRAG(root2))
          || (root1.equals("SINV") && isNPorXorFRAG(root2)))
        res =
            Joiner.on(' ')
                    new String[] {
                      qWord, type1Desc, "is", entityDesc, description1
                    }); // VP NP reverse, ADJP NP rev, VP S reverse

      // added for a case where there were pos errors so this is just so that there is no exception
      else if ((root1.equals("VP") && root2.equals("VP")))
        res =
            Joiner.on(' ')
                    new String[] {
                      qWord, type1Desc, "do", entityDesc, description1
                    }); // VP NP reverse, ADJP NP rev, VP S reverse
      else if (isNPorXorSorFRAG(root1) && isADJPorVPorUCP(root2)
          || isNPorXorSorFRAG(root1) && root2.equals("PP"))
        res =
            Joiner.on(' ')
                    new String[] {
                      qWord, type1Desc, "is", description1, "that", entityDesc, description2, "?"
                    }); // NP VP rev, NP ADJP rev
      else if (root1.equals("SINV") && root2.equals("VP"))
        res =
            Joiner.on(' ')
                    new String[] {
                      qWord, type1Desc, description1, "that", entityDesc, description2, "?"
                    }); // NP VP rev, NP ADJP rev
      else if ((isNPorXorSorFRAG(root1) || root1.equals("ADJP")) && root2.equals("SINV"))
        res =
            Joiner.on(' ')
                    new String[] {
                      qWord, "is the", type1Desc, "for", entityDesc, "that", description2
                    }); // NP SINV rev
      else if ((root1.equals("NP") && root2.equals("SBAR")))
        res =
            Joiner.on(' ')
                    new String[] {qWord, type1Desc, "is the", description2, "of", entityDesc, "?"});
      // handle things that start with PP
      else if ((root1.equals("ADVP") || root1.equals("PP") || root1.equals("X"))
          && (root2.equals("NP")
              || root2.equals("FRAG")
              || root2.equals("ADJP")
              || root2.equals("X")))
        res =
            Joiner.on(' ')
                    new String[] {
                      "is the",
      else if (((root1.equals("ADVP") || root1.equals("PP")) && root2.equals("S")))
        res =
            Joiner.on(' ')
                    new String[] {
                    }); // NP VP rev, NP ADJP rev
      else if (root1.equals("PP") && root2.equals("VP"))
        res =
            Joiner.on(' ')
                    new String[] {
                      qWord, type1Desc, "is", description1, "of", entityDesc, description2, "?"
                    }); // NP VP rev, NP ADJP rev
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Does not handle: "
                + fgInfo.bInfo
                + ", root1="
                + root1
                + ", root2="
                + root2
                + ", is reversed="
                + isReversed);
    if (opts.verbose >= 3)
          "QuestionGenration: binary=%s, expType1=%s, exType2=%s, description1=%s, description2=%s, root1=%s, root2=%s, isReverse=%s, res=%s",
    return res;

  private String getType1Desc(FormulaGenerationInfo fgInfo) {
    if (fgInfo.isUnary) {
      return fgInfo.uInfo.getRepresentativeDescrption();
    if (fgInfo.bInfo.expectedType1.equals(FreebaseInfo.DATE)) return "date";
    if (fgInfo.bInfo.expectedType1.equals(FreebaseInfo.FLOAT)) return "number";
    if (fgInfo.bInfo.expectedType1.equals(FreebaseInfo.INT)) return "number";
    if (fgInfo.bInfo.expectedType1.equals(FreebaseInfo.BOOLEAN)) return "";
    if (fgInfo.bInfo.expectedType1.equals(FreebaseInfo.TEXT)) return "description";
    Formula type1Formula =
        new JoinFormula(
            FreebaseInfo.TYPE, new ValueFormula<Value>(new NameValue(fgInfo.bInfo.expectedType1)));
    try {
      if (fbFormulasInfo.getUnaryInfo(type1Formula) == null) {
        LogInfo.logs("No unary info for=%s", type1Formula);
        return null;
      return fbFormulasInfo.getUnaryInfo(type1Formula).getRepresentativeDescrption();
    } catch (NullPointerException e) {
      if (type1Formula.toString().equals("(fb:type.object.type fb:type.object)")) return "thing";
      else {
            "Binfo exType1=%s, exType2=%s", fgInfo.bInfo.expectedType1, fgInfo.bInfo.expectedType2);
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

  private static String dropTrailingNP(String description, Tree t) {

    if (t.numChildren() == 2
        && t.getChild(0).label().toString().startsWith("VB")
        && t.getChild(1).label().toString().equals("PP")
        && t.getChild(1).numChildren() == 2
        && t.getChild(1).getChild(0).label().toString().equals("IN")
        && t.getChild(1).getChild(1).label().toString().equals("NP")) {
      description = yield(t.getChild(0)) + " " + yield(t.getChild(1).getChild(0));
    return description;

  private static String getTreeCategory(Tree t) {
    String rootLabel = t.label().toString();
    if (rootLabel.equals("S")
        && t.numChildren() == 1
        && t.getChild(0).label().toString().equals("VP")
        && t.getChild(0).getChild(0).label().toString().equals("VBG")) return "NP";
    if (rootLabel.equals("S")
        && t.numChildren() == 1
        && t.getChild(0).label().toString().equals("VP")
        && t.getChild(0).getChild(0).label().toString().equals("VBN")) return "VP";
    return rootLabel;

  private static List<String> getPosTagsFromAnnotation(Annotation a) {
    List<String> posTags = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (CoreLabel token : a.get(TokensAnnotation.class))
    return posTags;

  private static String yield(Tree t) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (Word word : t.yieldWords()) sb.append(word.word() + " ");
    return sb.toString().trim();

  private static String normalizeFbDescription(String description) {
    description = description.replace("this", "the");
    int startBracket = description.indexOf('(');
    int endBracket = description.indexOf(')');
    if (startBracket != -1 && endBracket != -1)
      description = description.substring(0, startBracket) + description.substring(endBracket + 1);
    return description;

  private static boolean isNPorXorSorFRAG(String str) {
    return str.equals("NP") || str.equals("X") || str.equals("S") || str.equals("FRAG");

  private static boolean isNPorXorFRAG(String str) {
    return str.equals("NP") || str.equals("X") || str.equals("FRAG");

  private static boolean isNPorFRAG(String str) {
    return str.equals("NP") || str.equals("FRAG");

  private static boolean isADJPorVPorUCP(String str) {
    return str.equals("VP") || str.equals("ADJP") || str.equals("UCP");