public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    String parserModel = null;
    String sentimentModel = null;

    String filename = null;
    String fileList = null;
    boolean stdin = false;

    boolean filterUnknown = false;

    List<Output> outputFormats = Collections.singletonList(Output.ROOT);
    Input inputFormat = Input.TEXT;

    String tlppClass = DEFAULT_TLPP_CLASS;

    for (int argIndex = 0; argIndex < args.length; ) {
      if (args[argIndex].equalsIgnoreCase("-sentimentModel")) {
        sentimentModel = args[argIndex + 1];
        argIndex += 2;
      } else if (args[argIndex].equalsIgnoreCase("-parserModel")) {
        parserModel = args[argIndex + 1];
        argIndex += 2;
      } else if (args[argIndex].equalsIgnoreCase("-file")) {
        filename = args[argIndex + 1];
        argIndex += 2;
      } else if (args[argIndex].equalsIgnoreCase("-fileList")) {
        fileList = args[argIndex + 1];
        argIndex += 2;
      } else if (args[argIndex].equalsIgnoreCase("-stdin")) {
        stdin = true;
      } else if (args[argIndex].equalsIgnoreCase("-input")) {
        inputFormat = Input.valueOf(args[argIndex + 1].toUpperCase());
        argIndex += 2;
      } else if (args[argIndex].equalsIgnoreCase("-output")) {
        String[] formats = args[argIndex + 1].split(",");
        outputFormats = new ArrayList<Output>();
        for (String format : formats) {
        argIndex += 2;
      } else if (args[argIndex].equalsIgnoreCase("-filterUnknown")) {
        filterUnknown = true;
      } else if (args[argIndex].equalsIgnoreCase("-tlppClass")) {
        tlppClass = args[argIndex + 1];
        argIndex += 2;
      } else if (args[argIndex].equalsIgnoreCase("-help")) {
      } else {
        System.err.println("Unknown argument " + args[argIndex + 1]);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown argument " + args[argIndex + 1]);

    // We construct two pipelines.  One handles tokenization, if
    // necessary.  The other takes tokenized sentences and converts
    // them to sentiment trees.
    Properties pipelineProps = new Properties();
    Properties tokenizerProps = null;
    if (sentimentModel != null) {
      pipelineProps.setProperty("sentiment.model", sentimentModel);
    if (parserModel != null) {
      pipelineProps.setProperty("parse.model", parserModel);
    if (stdin) {
      pipelineProps.setProperty("ssplit.eolonly", "true");
    if (inputFormat == Input.TREES) {
      pipelineProps.setProperty("annotators", "binarizer, sentiment");
          "customAnnotatorClass.binarizer", "edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.BinarizerAnnotator");
      pipelineProps.setProperty("binarizer.tlppClass", tlppClass);
      pipelineProps.setProperty("enforceRequirements", "false");
    } else {
      pipelineProps.setProperty("annotators", "parse, sentiment");
      pipelineProps.setProperty("enforceRequirements", "false");
      tokenizerProps = new Properties();
      tokenizerProps.setProperty("annotators", "tokenize, ssplit");

    int count = 0;
    if (filename != null) count++;
    if (fileList != null) count++;
    if (stdin) count++;
    if (count > 1) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please only specify one of -file, -fileList or -stdin");
    if (count == 0) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please specify either -file, -fileList or -stdin");

    StanfordCoreNLP tokenizer =
        (tokenizerProps == null) ? null : new StanfordCoreNLP(tokenizerProps);
    StanfordCoreNLP pipeline = new StanfordCoreNLP(pipelineProps);

    if (filename != null) {
      // Process a file.  The pipeline will do tokenization, which
      // means it will split it into sentences as best as possible
      // with the tokenizer.
      List<Annotation> annotations =
          getAnnotations(tokenizer, inputFormat, filename, filterUnknown);
      for (Annotation annotation : annotations) {

        for (CoreMap sentence : annotation.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class)) {
          outputTree(System.out, sentence, outputFormats);
    } else if (fileList != null) {
      // Process multiple files.  The pipeline will do tokenization,
      // which means it will split it into sentences as best as
      // possible with the tokenizer.  Output will go to filename.out
      // for each file.
      for (String file : fileList.split(",")) {
        List<Annotation> annotations = getAnnotations(tokenizer, inputFormat, file, filterUnknown);
        FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(file + ".out");
        PrintStream pout = new PrintStream(fout);
        for (Annotation annotation : annotations) {

          for (CoreMap sentence : annotation.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class)) {
            outputTree(pout, sentence, outputFormats);
    } else {
      // Process stdin.  Each line will be treated as a single sentence.
      System.err.println("Reading in text from stdin.");
      System.err.println("Please enter one sentence per line.");
      System.err.println("Processing will end when EOF is reached.");
      BufferedReader reader = IOUtils.readerFromStdin("utf-8");

      for (String line; (line = reader.readLine()) != null; ) {
        line = line.trim();
        if (line.length() > 0) {
          Annotation annotation = tokenizer.process(line);
          for (CoreMap sentence : annotation.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class)) {
            outputTree(System.out, sentence, outputFormats);
        } else {
          // Output blank lines for blank lines so the tool can be
          // used for line-by-line text processing