/* returns a 2xlimit array containing a sample of the possible data */ public float[][] getDataLimited(int colone, int coltwo, int limit) throws SQLException { limitstmt.setInt(1, exptone); limitstmt.setInt(2, expttwo); limitstmt.setInt(3, limit); return parse(colone, coltwo, limitstmt.executeQuery()); }
/* returns a 2xn array with the requested data. Each of colone and coltwo is one of CHANNELONE, CHANNELTWO, or RATIO to specify what data you wnat back from each probe */ public float[][] getData(int colone, int coltwo) throws SQLException { basicstmt.setInt(1, exptone); basicstmt.setInt(2, expttwo); return parse(colone, coltwo, basicstmt.executeQuery()); }