/** Test constants and empty list reduction. */ public void testRatReduction0() { L = new ArrayList<GenWordPolynomial<BigRational>>(); a = fac.random(kl, ll, el); c = fac.getONE(); d = fac.getZERO(); e = red.normalform(L, c); assertTrue("isONE( e )", e.isONE()); e = red.normalform(L, d); assertTrue("isZERO( e )", e.isZERO()); L.add(c); e = red.normalform(L, c); assertTrue("isZERO( e )", e.isZERO()); e = red.normalform(L, a); assertTrue("isZERO( e )", e.isZERO()); e = red.normalform(L, d); assertTrue("isZERO( e )", e.isZERO()); L = new ArrayList<GenWordPolynomial<BigRational>>(); L.add(d); e = red.normalform(L, c); assertTrue("isONE( e )", e.isONE()); e = red.normalform(L, d); assertTrue("isZERO( e )", e.isZERO()); }
/** Test rational coefficient reduction. */ public void testRatReduction() { do { a = fac.random(kl, ll, el); } while (a.isZERO()); do { b = fac.random(kl, ll, el); } while (b.isZERO()); // System.out.println("a = " + a); // System.out.println("b = " + b); L = new ArrayList<GenWordPolynomial<BigRational>>(); L.add(a); e = red.normalform(L, a); // System.out.println("e = " + e); assertTrue("isZERO( e )", e.isZERO()); L.add(b); e = red.normalform(L, a); // System.out.println("e = " + e); assertTrue("isZERO( e ) some times", e.isZERO()); L = new ArrayList<GenWordPolynomial<BigRational>>(); L.add(a); assertTrue("isTopRed( a )", red.isTopReducible(L, a)); assertTrue("isRed( a )", red.isReducible(L, a)); L.add(b); assertTrue("isTopRed( b )", red.isTopReducible(L, b)); assertTrue("isRed( b )", red.isReducible(L, b)); c = fac.random(kl, ll, el); // System.out.println("c = " + c); e = red.normalform(L, c); // System.out.println("e = " + e); assertTrue("isNF( e )", red.isNormalform(L, e)); Word u = new Word(wfac, "f"); Word v = new Word(wfac, "abc"); c = a.multiply(cfac.getONE(), u, v); // System.out.println("c = " + c); e = red.normalform(L, c); // System.out.println("e = " + e); assertTrue("isNF( e )", red.isNormalform(L, e)); assertTrue("e == 0", e.isZERO()); }
/** Test rational S-polynomial. */ public void testRatSpolynomial() { do { a = fac.random(kl, ll, el); } while (a.isZERO()); do { b = fac.random(kl, ll, el); } while (b.isZERO()); // System.out.println("a = " + a); // System.out.println("b = " + b); Word de = new Word(wfac, "a"); a = a.multiply(wfac.getONE(), de); b = b.multiply(de, wfac.getONE()); // System.out.println("a = " + a); // System.out.println("b = " + b); Word ae = a.leadingWord(); Word be = b.leadingWord(); // System.out.println("ae = " + ae); // System.out.println("be = " + be); List<GenWordPolynomial<BigRational>> S = red.SPolynomials(a, b); // System.out.println("S = " + S); OverlapList oll = ae.overlap(be); // System.out.println("oll = " + oll); for (GenWordPolynomial<BigRational> s : S) { // System.out.println("s = " + s); Word ee = s.leadingWord(); // System.out.println("ee = " + ee); boolean t = false; Word ce = fac.alphabet.getONE(); for (Overlap ol : oll.ols) { ce = ol.l1.multiply(ae).multiply(ol.r1); // System.out.println("ce = " + ce); if (fac.alphabet.getAscendComparator().compare(ce, ee) > 0) { t = true; break; } } assertTrue("ce > ee: " + ce + " > " + ee, t); // findbugs } }
/** Test rational coefficient reduction with recording. */ public void testRatReductionRecording() { List<GenWordPolynomial<BigRational>> lrow, rrow = null; do { a = fac.random(kl, ll, el); } while (a.isZERO()); do { b = fac.random(kl, ll, el); } while (b.isZERO()); c = fac.random(kl, ll, el); d = fac.random(kl, ll, el); // System.out.println("a = " + a); // System.out.println("b = " + b); // System.out.println("c = " + c); // System.out.println("d = " + d); L = new ArrayList<GenWordPolynomial<BigRational>>(); L.add(a); lrow = new ArrayList<GenWordPolynomial<BigRational>>(L.size()); rrow = new ArrayList<GenWordPolynomial<BigRational>>(L.size()); e = fac.getZERO(); for (int m = 0; m < L.size(); m++) { lrow.add(e); rrow.add(e); } e = red.normalform(lrow, rrow, L, a); // System.out.println("e = " + e); // System.out.println("lrow = " + lrow); // System.out.println("rrow = " + rrow); assertTrue("isZERO( e )", e.isZERO()); assertTrue("is Reduction ", red.isReductionNF(lrow, rrow, L, a, e)); L.add(b); lrow = new ArrayList<GenWordPolynomial<BigRational>>(L.size()); rrow = new ArrayList<GenWordPolynomial<BigRational>>(L.size()); e = fac.getZERO(); for (int m = 0; m < L.size(); m++) { lrow.add(e); rrow.add(e); } e = red.normalform(lrow, rrow, L, b); // System.out.println("e = " + e); // System.out.println("lrow = " + lrow); // System.out.println("rrow = " + rrow); assertTrue("is Reduction ", red.isReductionNF(lrow, rrow, L, b, e)); L.add(c); lrow = new ArrayList<GenWordPolynomial<BigRational>>(L.size()); rrow = new ArrayList<GenWordPolynomial<BigRational>>(L.size()); e = fac.getZERO(); for (int m = 0; m < L.size(); m++) { lrow.add(e); rrow.add(e); } e = red.normalform(lrow, rrow, L, c); // System.out.println("e = " + e); // System.out.println("lrow = " + lrow); // System.out.println("rrow = " + rrow); assertTrue("is Reduction ", red.isReductionNF(lrow, rrow, L, c, e)); L.add(d); lrow = new ArrayList<GenWordPolynomial<BigRational>>(L.size()); rrow = new ArrayList<GenWordPolynomial<BigRational>>(L.size()); e = fac.getZERO(); for (int m = 0; m < L.size(); m++) { lrow.add(e); rrow.add(e); } Word u = new Word(wfac, "f"); Word v = new Word(wfac, "abc"); d = a.multiply(cfac.random(3), u, v); // System.out.println("d = " + d); e = red.normalform(lrow, rrow, L, d); // System.out.println("e = " + e); // System.out.println("lrow = " + lrow); // System.out.println("rrow = " + rrow); assertTrue("is Reduction ", red.isReductionNF(lrow, rrow, L, d, e)); }