예제 #1
 * Authentication policy class. The Authentication policy provides corresponding authentication
 * scheme interfrace for a given type of authorization challenge.
 * <p>The following specifications are provided:
 * <ul>
 *   <li><tt>Basic</tt>: Basic authentication scheme as defined in RFC2617 (considered inherently
 *       insecure, but most widely supported)
 *   <li><tt>Digest</tt>: Digest authentication scheme as defined in RFC2617
 *   <li><tt>NTLM</tt>: The NTLM scheme is a proprietary Microsoft Windows Authentication protocol
 *       (considered to be the most secure among currently supported authentication schemes)
 * </ul>
 * @author <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Oleg Kalnichevski</a>
 * @version $Revision: 1.1 $
 * @since 3.0
public abstract class AuthPolicy {

  private static final HashMap SCHEMES = new HashMap();
  private static final ArrayList SCHEME_LIST = new ArrayList();

   * The key used to look up the list of IDs of supported {@link AuthScheme authentication schemes}
   * in their order of preference. The scheme IDs are stored in a {@link java.util.Collection} as
   * {@link java.lang.String}s.
   * <p>If several schemes are returned in the <tt>WWW-Authenticate</tt> or
   * <tt>Proxy-Authenticate</tt> header, this parameter defines which {@link AuthScheme
   * authentication schemes} takes precedence over others. The first item in the collection
   * represents the most preferred {@link AuthScheme authentication scheme}, the last item
   * represents the ID of the least preferred one.
   * @see
   *     edu.internet2.middleware.grouperClientExt.org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.DefaultHttpParams
  public static final String AUTH_SCHEME_PRIORITY = "http.auth.scheme-priority";

   * The NTLM scheme is a proprietary Microsoft Windows Authentication protocol (considered to be
   * the most secure among currently supported authentication schemes).
  public static final String NTLM = "NTLM";

  /** Digest authentication scheme as defined in RFC2617. */
  public static final String DIGEST = "Digest";

   * Basic authentication scheme as defined in RFC2617 (considered inherently insecure, but most
   * widely supported)
  public static final String BASIC = "Basic";

  static {
    AuthPolicy.registerAuthScheme(NTLM, NTLMScheme.class);
    AuthPolicy.registerAuthScheme(DIGEST, DigestScheme.class);
    AuthPolicy.registerAuthScheme(BASIC, BasicScheme.class);

  /** Log object. */
  protected static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(AuthPolicy.class);

   * Registers a class implementing an {@link AuthScheme authentication scheme} with the given
   * identifier. If a class with the given ID already exists it will be overridden. This ID is the
   * same one used to retrieve the {@link AuthScheme authentication scheme} from {@link
   * #getAuthScheme(String)}.
   * <p>Please note that custom authentication preferences, if used, need to be updated accordingly
   * for the new {@link AuthScheme authentication scheme} to take effect.
   * @param id the identifier for this scheme
   * @param clazz the class to register
   * @see #getAuthScheme(String)
  public static synchronized void registerAuthScheme(final String id, Class clazz) {
    if (id == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Id may not be null");
    if (clazz == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Authentication scheme class may not be null");
    SCHEMES.put(id.toLowerCase(), clazz);

   * Unregisters the class implementing an {@link AuthScheme authentication scheme} with the given
   * ID.
   * @param id the ID of the class to unregister
  public static synchronized void unregisterAuthScheme(final String id) {
    if (id == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Id may not be null");

   * Gets the {@link AuthScheme authentication scheme} with the given ID.
   * @param id the {@link AuthScheme authentication scheme} ID
   * @return {@link AuthScheme authentication scheme}
   * @throws IllegalStateException if a scheme with the ID cannot be found
  public static synchronized AuthScheme getAuthScheme(final String id)
      throws IllegalStateException {

    if (id == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Id may not be null");
    Class clazz = (Class) SCHEMES.get(id.toLowerCase());
    if (clazz != null) {
      try {
        return (AuthScheme) clazz.newInstance();
      } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error("Error initializing authentication scheme: " + id, e);
        throw new IllegalStateException(
                + " authentication scheme implemented by "
                + clazz.getName()
                + " could not be initialized");
    } else {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported authentication scheme " + id);

   * Returns a list containing all registered {@link AuthScheme authentication schemes} in their
   * default order.
   * @return {@link AuthScheme authentication scheme}
  public static synchronized List getDefaultAuthPrefs() {
    return (List) SCHEME_LIST.clone();
예제 #2
 * Provides a <code>HttpURLConnection</code> wrapper around HttpClient's <code>HttpMethod</code>.
 * This allows existing code to easily switch to HttpClieht without breaking existing interfaces
 * using the JDK <code>HttpURLConnection</code>.
 * <p>Note 1: The current implementations wraps only a connected <code>HttpMethod</code>, ie a
 * method that has alreayd been used to connect to an HTTP server.
 * <p>Note 2: It is a best try effort as different version of the JDK have different behaviours for
 * <code>HttpURLConnection</code> (And I'm not even including the numerous <code>HttpURLConnection
 * </code> bugs!).
 * @author <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Vincent Massol</a>
 * @author <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Jeff Dever</a>
 * @author <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Mike Bowler</a>
 * @since 2.0
 * @version $Id: HttpURLConnection.java,v 1.1 2008-11-30 10:57:27 mchyzer Exp $
public class HttpURLConnection extends java.net.HttpURLConnection {

  // -------------------------------------------------------- Class Variables

  /** Log object for this class. */
  private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(HttpURLConnection.class);

  // ----------------------------------------------------- Instance Variables

   * The <code>HttpMethod</code> object that was used to connect to the HTTP server. It contains all
   * the returned data.
  private HttpMethod method;

  /** The URL to which we are connected */
  private URL url;

  // ----------------------------------------------------------- Constructors

   * Creates an <code>HttpURLConnection</code> from a <code>HttpMethod</code>.
   * @param method the theMethod that was used to connect to the HTTP server and which contains the
   *     returned data.
   * @param url the URL to which we are connected (includes query string)
  public HttpURLConnection(HttpMethod method, URL url) {
    this.method = method;
    this.url = url;

   * Create an instance.
   * @param url The URL.
   * @see java.net.HttpURLConnection#HttpURLConnection(URL)
  protected HttpURLConnection(URL url) {
    throw new RuntimeException(
        "An HTTP URL connection can only be " + "constructed from a HttpMethod class");

  // --------------------------------------------------------- Public Methods

   * Gets an input stream for the HttpMethod response body.
   * @throws IOException If an IO problem occurs.
   * @return The input stream.
   * @see java.net.HttpURLConnection#getInputStream()
   * @see
   *     edu.internet2.middleware.grouperClientExt.org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethod#getResponseBodyAsStream()
  public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {
    LOG.trace("enter HttpURLConnection.getInputStream()");
    return this.method.getResponseBodyAsStream();

   * Not yet implemented. Return the error stream.
   * @see java.net.HttpURLConnection#getErrorStream()
  public InputStream getErrorStream() {
    LOG.trace("enter HttpURLConnection.getErrorStream()");
    throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented yet");

   * Not yet implemented.
   * @see java.net.HttpURLConnection#disconnect()
  public void disconnect() {
    LOG.trace("enter HttpURLConnection.disconnect()");
    throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented yet");

   * Not available: the data must have already been retrieved.
   * @throws IOException If an IO problem occurs.
   * @see java.net.HttpURLConnection#connect()
  public void connect() throws IOException {
    LOG.trace("enter HttpURLConnection.connect()");
    throw new RuntimeException("This class can only be used with already" + "retrieved data");

   * Not yet implemented.
   * @return true if we are using a proxy.
   * @see java.net.HttpURLConnection#usingProxy()
  public boolean usingProxy() {
    LOG.trace("enter HttpURLConnection.usingProxy()");
    throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented yet");

   * Return the request method.
   * @return The request method.
   * @see java.net.HttpURLConnection#getRequestMethod()
   * @see
   *     edu.internet2.middleware.grouperClientExt.org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethod#getName()
  public String getRequestMethod() {
    LOG.trace("enter HttpURLConnection.getRequestMethod()");
    return this.method.getName();

   * Return the response code.
   * @return The response code.
   * @throws IOException If an IO problem occurs.
   * @see java.net.HttpURLConnection#getResponseCode()
   * @see
   *     edu.internet2.middleware.grouperClientExt.org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethod#getStatusCode()
  public int getResponseCode() throws IOException {
    LOG.trace("enter HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode()");
    return this.method.getStatusCode();

   * Return the response message
   * @return The response message
   * @throws IOException If an IO problem occurs.
   * @see java.net.HttpURLConnection#getResponseMessage()
   * @see
   *     edu.internet2.middleware.grouperClientExt.org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethod#getStatusText()
  public String getResponseMessage() throws IOException {
    LOG.trace("enter HttpURLConnection.getResponseMessage()");
    return this.method.getStatusText();

   * Return the header field
   * @param name the name of the header
   * @return the header field.
   * @see java.net.HttpURLConnection#getHeaderField(String)
   * @see
   *     edu.internet2.middleware.grouperClientExt.org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethod#getResponseHeaders()
  public String getHeaderField(String name) {
    LOG.trace("enter HttpURLConnection.getHeaderField(String)");
    // Note: Return the last matching header in the Header[] array, as in
    // the JDK implementation.
    Header[] headers = this.method.getResponseHeaders();
    for (int i = headers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      if (headers[i].getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
        return headers[i].getValue();

    return null;

   * Return the header field key
   * @param keyPosition The key position
   * @return The header field key.
   * @see java.net.HttpURLConnection#getHeaderFieldKey(int)
   * @see
   *     edu.internet2.middleware.grouperClientExt.org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethod#getResponseHeaders()
  public String getHeaderFieldKey(int keyPosition) {
    LOG.trace("enter HttpURLConnection.getHeaderFieldKey(int)");

    // Note: HttpClient does not consider the returned Status Line as
    // a response header. However, getHeaderFieldKey(0) is supposed to
    // return null. Hence the special case below ...

    if (keyPosition == 0) {
      return null;

    // Note: HttpClient does not currently keep headers in the same order
    // that they are read from the HTTP server.

    Header[] headers = this.method.getResponseHeaders();
    if (keyPosition < 0 || keyPosition > headers.length) {
      return null;

    return headers[keyPosition - 1].getName();

   * Return the header field at the specified position
   * @param position The position
   * @return The header field.
   * @see java.net.HttpURLConnection#getHeaderField(int)
   * @see
   *     edu.internet2.middleware.grouperClientExt.org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethod#getResponseHeaders()
  public String getHeaderField(int position) {
    LOG.trace("enter HttpURLConnection.getHeaderField(int)");

    // Note: HttpClient does not consider the returned Status Line as
    // a response header. However, getHeaderField(0) is supposed to
    // return the status line. Hence the special case below ...

    if (position == 0) {
      return this.method.getStatusLine().toString();

    // Note: HttpClient does not currently keep headers in the same order
    // that they are read from the HTTP server.

    Header[] headers = this.method.getResponseHeaders();
    if (position < 0 || position > headers.length) {
      return null;

    return headers[position - 1].getValue();

   * Return the URL
   * @return The URL.
   * @see java.net.HttpURLConnection#getURL()
  public URL getURL() {
    LOG.trace("enter HttpURLConnection.getURL()");
    return this.url;

  // Note: We don't implement the following methods so that they default to
  // the JDK implementation. They will all call
  // <code>getHeaderField(String)</code> which we have overridden.

  // java.net.HttpURLConnection#getHeaderFieldDate(String, long)
  // java.net.HttpURLConnection#getContentLength()
  // java.net.HttpURLConnection#getContentType()
  // java.net.HttpURLConnection#getContentEncoding()
  // java.net.HttpURLConnection#getDate()
  // java.net.HttpURLConnection#getHeaderFieldInt(String, int)
  // java.net.HttpURLConnection#getExpiration()
  // java.net.HttpURLConnection#getLastModified()

  /** Not available: the data must have already been retrieved. */
  public void setInstanceFollowRedirects(boolean isFollowingRedirects) {
    LOG.trace("enter HttpURLConnection.setInstanceFollowRedirects(boolean)");
    throw new RuntimeException("This class can only be used with already" + "retrieved data");

  /** Not yet implemented. */
  public boolean getInstanceFollowRedirects() {
    LOG.trace("enter HttpURLConnection.getInstanceFollowRedirects()");
    throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented yet");

   * Not available: the data must have already been retrieved.
   * @see java.net.HttpURLConnection#setRequestMethod(String)
  public void setRequestMethod(String method) throws ProtocolException {
    LOG.trace("enter HttpURLConnection.setRequestMethod(String)");
    throw new RuntimeException("This class can only be used with already" + "retrieved data");

   * Not yet implemented.
   * @see java.net.HttpURLConnection#getPermission()
  public Permission getPermission() throws IOException {
    LOG.trace("enter HttpURLConnection.getPermission()");
    throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented yet");

   * Not yet implemented.
   * @see java.net.HttpURLConnection#getContent()
  public Object getContent() throws IOException {
    LOG.trace("enter HttpURLConnection.getContent()");
    throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented yet");

  /** Not yet implemented. */
  public Object getContent(Class[] classes) throws IOException {
    LOG.trace("enter HttpURLConnection.getContent(Class[])");
    throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented yet");

  /** @see java.net.HttpURLConnection#getOutputStream() */
  public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException {
    LOG.trace("enter HttpURLConnection.getOutputStream()");
    throw new RuntimeException("This class can only be used with already" + "retrieved data");

   * Not available: the data must have already been retrieved.
   * @see java.net.HttpURLConnection#setDoInput(boolean)
  public void setDoInput(boolean isInput) {
    LOG.trace("enter HttpURLConnection.setDoInput()");
    throw new RuntimeException("This class can only be used with already" + "retrieved data");

   * Not yet implemented.
   * @see java.net.HttpURLConnection#getDoInput()
  public boolean getDoInput() {
    LOG.trace("enter HttpURLConnection.getDoInput()");
    throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented yet");

   * Not available: the data must have already been retrieved.
   * @see java.net.HttpURLConnection#setDoOutput(boolean)
  public void setDoOutput(boolean isOutput) {
    LOG.trace("enter HttpURLConnection.setDoOutput()");
    throw new RuntimeException("This class can only be used with already" + "retrieved data");

   * Not yet implemented.
   * @see java.net.HttpURLConnection#getDoOutput()
  public boolean getDoOutput() {
    LOG.trace("enter HttpURLConnection.getDoOutput()");
    throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented yet");

   * Not available: the data must have already been retrieved.
   * @see java.net.HttpURLConnection#setAllowUserInteraction(boolean)
  public void setAllowUserInteraction(boolean isAllowInteraction) {
    LOG.trace("enter HttpURLConnection.setAllowUserInteraction(boolean)");
    throw new RuntimeException("This class can only be used with already" + "retrieved data");

   * Not yet implemented.
   * @see java.net.HttpURLConnection#getAllowUserInteraction()
  public boolean getAllowUserInteraction() {
    LOG.trace("enter HttpURLConnection.getAllowUserInteraction()");
    throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented yet");

   * Not available: the data must have already been retrieved.
   * @see java.net.HttpURLConnection#setUseCaches(boolean)
  public void setUseCaches(boolean isUsingCaches) {
    LOG.trace("enter HttpURLConnection.setUseCaches(boolean)");
    throw new RuntimeException("This class can only be used with already" + "retrieved data");

   * Not yet implemented.
   * @see java.net.HttpURLConnection#getUseCaches()
  public boolean getUseCaches() {
    LOG.trace("enter HttpURLConnection.getUseCaches()");
    throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented yet");

   * Not available: the data must have already been retrieved.
   * @see java.net.HttpURLConnection#setIfModifiedSince(long)
  public void setIfModifiedSince(long modificationDate) {
    LOG.trace("enter HttpURLConnection.setIfModifiedSince(long)");
    throw new RuntimeException("This class can only be used with already" + "retrieved data");

   * Not yet implemented.
   * @see java.net.HttpURLConnection#getIfModifiedSince()
  public long getIfModifiedSince() {
    LOG.trace("enter HttpURLConnection.getIfmodifiedSince()");
    throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented yet");

   * Not available: the data must have already been retrieved.
   * @see java.net.HttpURLConnection#getDefaultUseCaches()
  public boolean getDefaultUseCaches() {
    LOG.trace("enter HttpURLConnection.getDefaultUseCaches()");
    throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented yet");

   * Not available: the data must have already been retrieved.
   * @see java.net.HttpURLConnection#setDefaultUseCaches(boolean)
  public void setDefaultUseCaches(boolean isUsingCaches) {
    LOG.trace("enter HttpURLConnection.setDefaultUseCaches(boolean)");
    throw new RuntimeException("This class can only be used with already" + "retrieved data");

   * Not available: the data must have already been retrieved.
   * @see java.net.HttpURLConnection#setRequestProperty(String,String)
  public void setRequestProperty(String key, String value) {
    LOG.trace("enter HttpURLConnection.setRequestProperty()");
    throw new RuntimeException("This class can only be used with already" + "retrieved data");

   * Not yet implemented.
   * @see java.net.HttpURLConnection#getRequestProperty(String)
  public String getRequestProperty(String key) {
    LOG.trace("enter HttpURLConnection.getRequestProperty()");
    throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented yet");