public String getPairOrientation() { //"getPairOrientation"); String pairOrientation = ""; if (EntryFlagHelper.isPaired(entry) && !EntryFlagHelper.isMateUnmapped(entry) && entry.getTargetIndex() == entry.getPairAlignmentLink().getTargetIndex()) { char s1 = EntryFlagHelper.isReadReverseStrand(entry) ? 'R' : 'F'; char s2 = EntryFlagHelper.isMateReverseStrand(entry) ? 'R' : 'F'; char o1 = ' '; char o2 = ' '; char[] tmp = new char[4]; if (EntryFlagHelper.isFirstInPair(entry)) { o1 = '1'; o2 = '2'; } else if (EntryFlagHelper.isSecondInPair(entry)) { o1 = '2'; o2 = '1'; } if (getInferredInsertSize() > 0) { tmp[0] = s1; tmp[1] = o1; tmp[2] = s2; tmp[3] = o2; } else { tmp[2] = s1; tmp[3] = o1; tmp[0] = s2; tmp[1] = o2; } pairOrientation = new String(tmp); } return pairOrientation; }
/** * Determine if this iterator has more alignment entries in the given window. * * @return True if next() will return an alignment, False otherwise. */ public boolean hasNext() { /* LOG.debug(String.format("previousPosition: %d endReferencePosition %d previousReferenceIndex %d targetIndex %d", previousPosition, endReferencePosition, previousReferenceIndex, targetIndex) ); */ // Fetch the next entry with skipTo if (nextEntry != null) return true; try { if (!useWindow) { // all results are returned if (!reader.hasNext()) return false; nextEntry =; } else { // we return only within a window nextEntry = reader.skipTo(targetIndex, startReferencePosition); if (nextEntry == null || (nextEntry.getTargetIndex() != targetIndex || nextEntry.getPosition() < startReferencePosition || nextEntry.getPosition() > endReferencePosition)) { // No next entry, on a different target sequence, or before the position of interest: nextEntry = null; } } } catch (IOException e) { nextEntry = null; LOG.error(e); // throw new RuntimeException("IO error reading next Goby alignment entry", e); return false; } catch (GobyRuntimeException e) { nextEntry = null; LOG.error(e); // throw new RuntimeException("IO error reading next Goby alignment entry", e); return false; } final boolean result = nextEntry != null; // LOG.debug("hasNext returning :" + result); return result; }
/** * Verify that the list has an appropriate unbroken chain of back links. * * @param list the list of splices to validate * @return true if the list has an unbroken chain of back links */ boolean spliceListIsValid(final ObjectArrayList<GobyAlignment> list) { if (list != null && list.size() > 1) { Alignments.AlignmentEntry prevEntry = list.get(0).entry; for (int i = 1; i < list.size(); i++) { Alignments.AlignmentEntry currentEntry = list.get(i).entry; if (!currentEntry.hasSplicedBackwardAlignmentLink()) return false; else { Alignments.RelatedAlignmentEntry currentBackwardLink = currentEntry.getSplicedBackwardAlignmentLink(); if ((prevEntry.getQueryIndex() != currentEntry.getQueryIndex()) || (prevEntry.getFragmentIndex() != currentBackwardLink.getFragmentIndex()) || (prevEntry.getPosition() != currentBackwardLink.getPosition()) || (prevEntry.getTargetIndex() != currentBackwardLink.getTargetIndex())) { return false; } } prevEntry = currentEntry; } } return true; }
@Test public void testLastToCompact1() throws IOException { // test LastToCompact convert+filtering // read fake data and convert+filter final LastToCompactMode processor = new LastToCompactMode(); final int LAST_TO_COMPACT_M_PARAM = 2; processor.setAmbiguityThreshold(LAST_TO_COMPACT_M_PARAM); processor.setInputFile("test-results/alignments/last-to-compact/last-101.maf"); processor.setOutputFile("test-results/alignments/last-to-compact/last-101.compact"); processor.setTargetReferenceIdsFilename( "test-results/alignments/last-to-compact/last-reference.compact-reads"); processor.setOnlyMafFile(true); processor.setNumberOfReads(2857819); processor.setLargestQueryIndex(2857819); processor.setSmallestQueryIndex(0); processor.setPropagateQueryIds(false); processor.setPropagateTargetIds(true); processor.execute(); // read compact alignment results final AlignmentReaderImpl reader = new AlignmentReaderImpl(processor.getOutputFile()); reader.readHeader(); assertEquals(2857819, reader.getNumberOfQueries()); assertEquals(1, reader.getNumberOfTargets()); assertTrue(reader.hasQueryIndexOccurrences()); // lookup tables final Int2IntOpenHashMap queryIndex2NumberOfHits = new Int2IntOpenHashMap(); final Int2FloatOpenHashMap queryIndex2Score = new Int2FloatOpenHashMap(); final Int2IntOpenHashMap queryIndex2Multiplicity = new Int2IntOpenHashMap(); final Int2IntOpenHashMap queryIndex2NumberOfIndels = new Int2IntOpenHashMap(); final Int2IntOpenHashMap queryIndex2NumberOfMismatches = new Int2IntOpenHashMap(); final Int2IntOpenHashMap queryIndex2Position = new Int2IntOpenHashMap(); final Int2IntOpenHashMap queryIndex2QueryAlignedLength = new Int2IntOpenHashMap(); final Int2IntOpenHashMap queryIndex2QueryPosition = new Int2IntOpenHashMap(); final Int2IntOpenHashMap queryIndex2TargetIndex = new Int2IntOpenHashMap(); final Int2BooleanOpenHashMap queryIndex2MatchingReverseStrand = new Int2BooleanOpenHashMap(); final Int2IntOpenHashMap queryIndex2TargetAlignedLength = new Int2IntOpenHashMap(); final Int2IntOpenHashMap queryIndex2QueryIndexOcc = new Int2IntOpenHashMap(); final Int2IntOpenHashMap queryIndex2Ambiguity = new Int2IntOpenHashMap(); // enter alignment data int qii; while (reader.hasNext()) { final Alignments.AlignmentEntry aln =; qii = aln.getQueryIndex(); final int numHits = queryIndex2NumberOfHits.get(qii); queryIndex2NumberOfHits.put(qii, numHits + 1); queryIndex2Score.put(qii, aln.getScore()); queryIndex2Multiplicity.put(qii, aln.getMultiplicity()); queryIndex2NumberOfIndels.put(qii, aln.getNumberOfIndels()); queryIndex2NumberOfMismatches.put(qii, aln.getNumberOfMismatches()); queryIndex2Position.put(qii, aln.getPosition()); queryIndex2QueryAlignedLength.put(qii, aln.getQueryAlignedLength()); queryIndex2QueryPosition.put(qii, aln.getQueryPosition()); queryIndex2TargetIndex.put(qii, aln.getTargetIndex()); queryIndex2MatchingReverseStrand.put(qii, aln.getMatchingReverseStrand()); queryIndex2TargetAlignedLength.put(qii, aln.getTargetAlignedLength()); queryIndex2QueryIndexOcc.put(qii, aln.getQueryIndexOccurrences()); queryIndex2Ambiguity.put(qii, aln.getAmbiguity()); } // // validate alignment data using values from getMafInput() below // // there are a total of 5 entries with ID 2857818 // 2 entries have score = 35 (the maximum score for this ID) // 3 entries are filtered b/c their scores are below 35 qii = 2857818; assertEquals(queryIndex2NumberOfHits.get(qii), 2); assertEquals((int) queryIndex2Score.get(qii), 35); assertEquals(queryIndex2Multiplicity.get(qii), 1); assertEquals(queryIndex2NumberOfIndels.get(qii), 0); assertEquals(queryIndex2NumberOfMismatches.get(qii), 0); assertEquals(queryIndex2Position.get(qii), 1614); // last entry added assertEquals(queryIndex2QueryAlignedLength.get(qii), 35); assertEquals(queryIndex2QueryPosition.get(qii), 0); assertEquals(queryIndex2TargetIndex.get(qii), 0); assertEquals(queryIndex2MatchingReverseStrand.get(qii), false); assertEquals(queryIndex2TargetAlignedLength.get(qii), 35); assertEquals(2, queryIndex2QueryIndexOcc.get(qii)); assertEquals(2, queryIndex2Ambiguity.get(qii)); // there are 5 entries with the score = 35 (the maximum score for this ID) // filtered due to ambiguity qii = 577287; assertEquals(queryIndex2NumberOfHits.get(qii), 0); assertEquals((int) queryIndex2Score.get(qii), 0); assertEquals(queryIndex2Multiplicity.get(qii), 0); assertEquals(queryIndex2NumberOfIndels.get(qii), 0); assertEquals(queryIndex2NumberOfMismatches.get(qii), 0); assertEquals(queryIndex2Position.get(qii), 0); assertEquals(queryIndex2QueryAlignedLength.get(qii), 0); assertEquals(queryIndex2QueryPosition.get(qii), 0); assertEquals(queryIndex2TargetIndex.get(qii), 0); assertEquals(queryIndex2MatchingReverseStrand.get(qii), false); assertEquals(queryIndex2TargetAlignedLength.get(qii), 0); assertEquals(0, queryIndex2QueryIndexOcc.get(qii)); assertEquals(0, queryIndex2Ambiguity.get(qii)); // reader.close(); }
/** Get the reference id from the iterator, prepend "chr". */ public String getChromosome() { return "chr" + iterator.indexToReferenceId.getId(entry.getTargetIndex()).toString(); }