   * Makes a flag based query clause. This is where searches can filtered by portal.
   * <p>If you think that search is not working correctly with protals and all that kruft then this
   * is a method you want to look at.
   * <p>It only takes into account "the portal flag" and flag1Exclusive must be set. Where does that
   * stuff get set? Look in vitro.flags.PortalFlag
   * <p>One thing to keep in mind with portal filtering and search is that if you want to search a
   * portal that is different then the portal the user is 'in' then the home parameter should be set
   * to force the user into the new portal.
   * <p>Ex. Bob requests the search page for vivo in portal 3. You want to have a drop down menu so
   * bob can search the all CALS protal, id 60. You need to have a home=60 on your search form. If
   * you don't set home=60 with your search query, then the search will not be in the all portal AND
   * the WebappDaoFactory will be filtered to only show things in portal 3.
   * <p>Notice: flag1 as a parameter is ignored. bdc34 2009-05-22.
  private Query makeFlagQuery(PortalFlag flag) {
    if (flag == null
        || !flag.isFilteringActive()
        || flag.getFlag1DisplayStatus() == flag.SHOW_ALL_PORTALS) return null;

    // make one term for each bit in the numeric flag that is set
    Collection<TermQuery> terms = new LinkedList<TermQuery>();
    int portalNumericId = flag.getFlag1Numeric();
    Long[] bits = FlagMathUtils.numeric2numerics(portalNumericId);
    for (Long bit : bits) {
      terms.add(new TermQuery(new Term(Entity2LuceneDoc.term.PORTAL, Long.toString(bit))));

    // make a boolean OR query for all of those terms
    BooleanQuery boolQuery = new BooleanQuery();
    if (terms.size() > 0) {
      for (TermQuery term : terms) {
        boolQuery.add(term, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
      return boolQuery;
    } else {
      // we have no flags set, so no flag filtering
      return null;
 /** Filter the entities based on the specifications of the tab. */
 protected static UnaryFunctor<Individual, Boolean> getPortalFilter(Tab tab) {
   ApplicationBean appBean = new ApplicationBean();
   if (tab.getPortalId() == appBean.getSharedPortalFlagNumeric()) {
     return VitroFilterUtils.getCalsPortalFilter().getIndividualFilter();
     // } else if (tab.getPortalId() == appBean.getAllPortalFlagNumeric()){
   } else if (tab.getPortalId() == 65535) {
     return VitroFilterUtils.t;
   } else {
     return VitroFilterUtils.getFlag1ExclusiveFilter(