예제 #1
  private String reportIfContinuous(Graph dag, DataSet dataSet) {
    SemPm semPm = new SemPm(dag);

    SemEstimator estimator = new SemEstimator(dataSet, semPm);
    SemIm semIm = estimator.getEstimatedSem();

    NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance();

    StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
    buf.append("\nDegrees of Freedom = ")
        .append("Chi-Square = ")
        .append("\nP Value = ")
        .append("\nBIC Score = ")

        "\n\nThe above chi square test assumes that the maximum "
            + "likelihood function over the measured variables has been "
            + "maximized. Under that assumption, the null hypothesis for "
            + "the test is that the population covariance matrix over all "
            + "of the measured variables is equal to the estimated covariance "
            + "matrix over all of the measured variables written as a function "
            + "of the free model parameters--that is, the unfixed parameters "
            + "for each directed edge (the linear coefficient for that edge), "
            + "each exogenous variable (the variance for the error term for "
            + "that variable), and each bidirected edge (the covariance for "
            + "the exogenous variables it connects).  The model is explained "
            + "in Bollen, Structural Equations with Latent Variable, 110. ");

    return buf.toString();