예제 #1
   * Creates two queryNodes with the same name and adds them at the same time
   * Not really sure what shoud happen here
  public void testDuplicateQueryNameCreation() throws QueryException {
    QueryNode en = new QueryNode("TestNode", _view, "");
    QueryNode en1 = new QueryNode("TestNode", _view, "");

    _view.addEntity(en, en1);

    assertEquals("Names should not be equal", false, en.getName().equals(en1.getName()));
  /** @return */
  public List<Option> getOptions() {
    LinkedList<Option> opts = new LinkedList<Option>();

    // Add the name field
    opts.add(new Option(new JLabel("Name"), name = JUtils.textField(ourNode.getName())));

    // Add the query area
    opts.add(new Option(new JLabel("Query"), query = JUtils.textArea(ourNode.getQuery())));

    return opts;