private RealMatrix normalizeData(RealMatrix matrix, UserProfileEigenModel model) { RealMatrix normalizedData = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(matrix.getRowDimension(), matrix.getColumnDimension()); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("model statistics size: " + model.statistics().length); for (int i = 0; i < matrix.getRowDimension(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < matrix.getColumnDimension(); j++) { double value = (matrix.getEntry(i, j) - model.statistics()[j].getMean()) / model.statistics()[j].getStddev(); normalizedData.setEntry(i, j, value); } } return normalizedData; }
@Override public List<MLCallbackResult> detect( final String user, final String algorithm, UserActivityAggModel userActivity, UserProfileEigenModel aModel) { RealMatrix inputData = userActivity.matrix(); LOG.warn( "EigenBasedAnomalyDetection predictAnomaly called with dimension: " + inputData.getRowDimension() + "x" + inputData.getColumnDimension()); if (aModel == null) { LOG.warn( "nothing to do as the input model does not have required values, returning from evaluating this algorithm.."); return null; } List<MLCallbackResult> mlCallbackResults = new ArrayList<MLCallbackResult>(); RealMatrix normalizedMat = normalizeData(inputData, aModel); UserCommandStatistics[] listStats = aModel.statistics(); int colWithHighVariant = 0; for (int j = 0; j < normalizedMat.getColumnDimension(); j++) { if (listStats[j].isLowVariant() == false) { colWithHighVariant++; } } final Map<String, String> context = new HashMap<String, String>() { { put(UserProfileConstants.USER_TAG, user); put(UserProfileConstants.ALGORITHM_TAG, algorithm); } }; Map<Integer, String> lineNoWithVariantBasedAnomalyDetection = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); for (int i = 0; i < normalizedMat.getRowDimension(); i++) { MLCallbackResult aResult = new MLCallbackResult(); aResult.setContext(context); for (int j = 0; j < normalizedMat.getColumnDimension(); j++) { //"mean for j=" + j + " is:" + listStats[j].getMean()); //"stddev for j=" + j + " is:" + listStats[j].getStddev()); if (listStats[j].isLowVariant() == true) { //[j] + " is low variant"); if (normalizedMat.getEntry(i, j) > listStats[j].getMean()) { lineNoWithVariantBasedAnomalyDetection.put(i, "lowVariantAnomaly"); aResult.setAnomaly(true); aResult.setTimestamp(userActivity.timestamp()); aResult.setFeature(listStats[j].getCommandName()); aResult.setAlgorithm(UserProfileConstants.EIGEN_DECOMPOSITION_ALGORITHM); List<String> datapoints = new ArrayList<String>(); double[] rowVals = inputData.getRow(i); for (double rowVal : rowVals) datapoints.add(rowVal + ""); aResult.setDatapoints(datapoints); aResult.setId(user); mlCallbackResults.add(aResult); } else { aResult.setAnomaly(false); aResult.setTimestamp(userActivity.timestamp()); mlCallbackResults.add(aResult); } } } // return results; } //"results size here: " + results.length); //"col with high variant: " + colWithHighVariant); RealMatrix finalMatWithoutLowVariantFeatures = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(normalizedMat.getRowDimension(), colWithHighVariant); //"size of final test data: " + finalMatWithoutLowVariantFeatures.getRowDimension() // +"x"+ finalMatWithoutLowVariantFeatures.getColumnDimension()); int finalMatrixRow = 0; int finalMatrixCol = 0; for (int i = 0; i < normalizedMat.getRowDimension(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < normalizedMat.getColumnDimension(); j++) { if (listStats[j].isLowVariant() == false) { finalMatWithoutLowVariantFeatures.setEntry( finalMatrixRow, finalMatrixCol, normalizedMat.getEntry(i, j)); finalMatrixCol++; } } finalMatrixCol = 0; finalMatrixRow++; } RealVector[] pcs = aModel.principalComponents(); //"pc size: " + pcs.getRowDimension() +"x" + pcs.getColumnDimension()); RealMatrix finalInputMatTranspose = finalMatWithoutLowVariantFeatures.transpose(); for (int i = 0; i < finalMatWithoutLowVariantFeatures.getRowDimension(); i++) { if (lineNoWithVariantBasedAnomalyDetection.get(i) == null) { MLCallbackResult result = new MLCallbackResult(); result.setContext(context); for (int sz = 0; sz < pcs.length; sz++) { double[] pc1 = pcs[sz].toArray(); RealMatrix pc1Mat = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(pc1); RealMatrix transposePC1Mat = pc1Mat.transpose(); RealMatrix testData = pc1Mat.multiply(transposePC1Mat).multiply(finalInputMatTranspose.getColumnMatrix(i)); //"testData size: " + testData.getRowDimension() + "x" + // testData.getColumnDimension()); RealMatrix testDataTranspose = testData.transpose(); //"testData transpose size: " + testDataTranspose.getRowDimension() + "x" + // testDataTranspose.getColumnDimension()); RealVector iRowVector = testDataTranspose.getRowVector(0); // RealVector pc1Vector = transposePC1Mat.getRowVector(sz); RealVector pc1Vector = transposePC1Mat.getRowVector(0); double distanceiRowAndPC1 = iRowVector.getDistance(pc1Vector); //"distance from pc sz: " + sz + " " + distanceiRowAndPC1 + " " + // model.getMaxL2Norm().getEntry(sz)); //"model.getMaxL2Norm().getEntry(sz):" + model.getMaxL2Norm().getEntry(sz)); if (distanceiRowAndPC1 > aModel.maximumL2Norm().getEntry(sz)) { //"distance from pc sz: " + sz + " " + distanceiRowAndPC1 + " " + // model.getMaxL2Norm().getEntry(sz)); result.setAnomaly(true); result.setFeature(aModel.statistics()[sz].getCommandName()); result.setTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); result.setAlgorithm(UserProfileConstants.EIGEN_DECOMPOSITION_ALGORITHM); List<String> datapoints = new ArrayList<String>(); double[] rowVals = inputData.getRow(i); for (double rowVal : rowVals) datapoints.add(rowVal + ""); result.setDatapoints(datapoints); result.setId(user); } } mlCallbackResults.add(result); } } return mlCallbackResults; }