/** * Resolve the concrete target of a special invoke using our modified semantics for special invoke * expression. */ private SootMethod resolveSpecialInvokeTarget(SpecialInvokeExpr si) { SootMethod target = null; try { target = SootUtils.resolve(si.getMethodRef()); } catch (CannotFindMethodException e) { logger.error("Cannot find concrete method target for special invoke: {}", si); return null; } String targetSubSig = target.getSubSignature(); SootClass current = target.getDeclaringClass(); while (true) { if (current.declaresMethod(targetSubSig)) { return current.getMethod(targetSubSig); } // not a match in current, try superclass on next loop if (current.hasSuperclass()) current = current.getSuperclass(); else { logger.error("Cannot find concrete method target for special invoke: {}", si); droidsafe.main.Main.exit(1); return null; } } }
/** Dumps out the call chain in json format * */ public void dump_json(PrintStream fp, String indent) { fp.printf("%s{ %s,\n", indent, json_field("type", type)); fp.printf("%s %s,\n", indent, json_field("link", link)); String sig = method.getSignature(); fp.printf("%s %s,\n", indent, json_field("signature", sig)); if (stmt != null) { SootMethodRef invoke = stmt.getInvokeExpr().getMethodRef(); String invokeSig; try { SootMethod concrete = SootUtils.resolve(stmt.getInvokeExpr().getMethodRef()); invokeSig = concrete.getSignature(); } catch (CannotFindMethodException e1) { logger.debug("Cannot find concrete method for {} in SourceCallChainInfo.dump_json()", stmt); invokeSig = invoke.getSignature(); } if (!invokeSig.equals(sig)) { fp.printf("%s %s,\n", indent, json_field("source-signature", invokeSig)); } } SourceLocationTag slt = (stmt == null) ? SootUtils.getMethodLocation(method) : getSourceLocation(stmt); if (slt != null) { fp.printf("%s %s", indent, json_field("src-loc")); fp.printf( "{ %s, %s},\n", json_field("class", slt.getClz()), json_field("line", slt.getLine())); } fp.printf("%s %s,\n", indent, json_field("syscalls", syscalls)); fp.printf("%s %s,\n", indent, json_field("calls", calls)); if ((contents != null) && (contents.length > 0)) { fp.printf("%s %s,\n", indent, json_field("score", score)); fp.printf("%s %s [\n", indent, json_field("contents")); String delim = ""; for (SourceCallChainInfo cci : contents) { fp.print(delim); delim = ",\n"; cci.dump_json(fp, indent + " "); } fp.printf("\n%s]}", indent); } else { fp.printf("%s %s\n", indent, json_field("score", score)); fp.printf("%s}", indent); } }