예제 #1
  /** get ready to close, set all local references to null, to assist garbage collection */
  public void close() {
    // we'll also try to remove all of the tools
    final Enumeration<MenuItemInfo> iter = _theTools.elements();
    while (iter.hasMoreElements()) {
      final MenuItemInfo mn = iter.nextElement();

    // clear the dangling reference to the undo buffer
    _toteAdapter = null;

    // clear the file drop listener
    if (_dropSupport != null) _dropSupport.removeComponent(getChart().getPanel());


    // now remove references to the tools themselves

    _theChart = null;

    if (_theTote != null) {
      _theTote = null;
    if (_theToolbar != null) _theToolbar.close();
    _theToolbar = null;
    _theProperties = null;
    _theStatusBar = null;

    _theSession = null;