/** ok, the importer has now finished, we can tidy up now */ public final void doFinished() { // also have a pass through to set the stepper in any narratives // try to set the pointer to the TimeStepper in the narratives, if there are any Session newSession = _theApplication.getCurrentSession(); if (newSession != null) { Layers theData = newSession.getData(); Debrief.GUI.Views.PlainView pv = newSession.getCurrentView(); if (pv instanceof Debrief.GUI.Views.AnalysisView) { int len = theData.size(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { Layer ly = theData.elementAt(i); if (ly instanceof Debrief.Wrappers.NarrativeWrapper) { @SuppressWarnings("unused") Debrief.Wrappers.NarrativeWrapper nw = (Debrief.Wrappers.NarrativeWrapper) ly; } // whether this is a narrative } // through the layers } // whether this is an analysis view } // if we managed to create a session // put the filename into the MRU Debrief.GUI.Frames.Application.addToMru(_theFile.getPath()); // and restore the application cursor _theApplication.restoreCursor(); }
void doEditFilename() { // create the file open dialog final JFileChooser jf = new JFileChooser(); // cancel multiple selections jf.setMultiSelectionEnabled(false); // set the start directory if (_lastDirectory != null) { jf.setCurrentDirectory(new File(_lastDirectory)); } else { String val = ""; // see if we have an old directory to retrieve val = Application.getThisProperty("RANGE_Directory"); // give it a default value, if we have to if (val == null) val = ""; // try to get the import directory jf.setCurrentDirectory(new File(val)); } // open the dialog final int state = jf.showOpenDialog(null); // do we have a valid file? if (state == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { // retrieve the filename final File theFile = jf.getSelectedFile(); _theFilename = theFile.getPath(); // retrieve the directory name _lastDirectory = theFile.getParent(); // trigger a refresh refreshForm(); } else if (state == JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION) { _theFilename = null; } }
public final void execute() { _theApplication.setCursor(java.awt.Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR); // collate the list of files to importe java.io.File[] fList = new java.io.File[] {_theFile}; MWC.Utilities.ReaderWriter.ImportManager.BaseImportCaller caller = new MWC.Utilities.ReaderWriter.ImportManager.BaseImportCaller(fList, null) { // handle a single file getting finished public void fileFinished(java.io.File fName, Layers newData) {} // handle all of the files getting finished public void allFilesFinished(java.io.File[] fNames, Layers newData) { doFinished(); } }; caller.start(); }