@Override protected void handleDbgEvent(final byte dbgOp, final Object event) { if (dbgOp == DbgCmdItem.OP_NOTIFY_TP_EVENT) { handle((TracepointEvent) event); } super.handleDbgEvent(dbgOp, event); }
public static RjsConnection lookup( final Registry registry, final RemoteException registryException, final RMIAddress address) throws CoreException { if (address == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } final int[] clientVersion = AbstractRJComClient.version(); clientVersion[2] = -1; final Server server; int[] version; try { if (registryException != null) { throw registryException; } server = (Server) registry.lookup(address.getName()); version = server.getVersion(); } catch (final NotBoundException e) { throw new CoreException( new Status( IStatus.ERROR, RConsoleCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, ICommonStatusConstants.LAUNCHING, "The specified R engine is not in the service registry (RMI).", e)); } catch (final RemoteException e) { throw new CoreException( new Status( IStatus.ERROR, RConsoleCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, ICommonStatusConstants.LAUNCHING, NLS.bind( "Cannot access the host/service registry (RMI) at ''{0}''.", address.getRegistryAddress()), e)); } catch (final ClassCastException e) { throw new CoreException( new Status( IStatus.ERROR, RConsoleCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, ICommonStatusConstants.LAUNCHING, NLS.bind( "The specified R engine ({0}) is incompatibel to this client ({1}).", RjsUtil.getVersionString(null), RjsUtil.getVersionString(clientVersion)), e)); } if (version.length != 3 || version[0] != clientVersion[0] || version[1] != clientVersion[1]) { throw new CoreException( new Status( IStatus.ERROR, RConsoleCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, ICommonStatusConstants.LAUNCHING, NLS.bind( "The specified R engine ({0}) is incompatibel to this client ({1}).", RjsUtil.getVersionString(version), RjsUtil.getVersionString(clientVersion)), null)); } return new RjsConnection(address, server); }