예제 #1
  // Constructor::TextContext
  // Generates a TextContext Object.
  // Generates before and after contexts based on given length and values
  // Parameters
  // * primary -- TextPrimary object to be tested against context
  // * constraint -- TextConstraint object attached to this context
  // * checkSumType -- Hash for checksum
  // * contextLength - length (in chars) of the context used for testing
  public TextContext(
      TextPrimary primary, TextConstraint constraint, HashType checkSumType, int contextLength) {
    this.checkSumType = checkSumType;
    //	Testing if content matches the bit-checksum tests

    this.checkSum = checkSum(primary.getContent(), checkSumType);

    int beforeStart = constraint.getStartPos() - contextLength;
    beforeStart = Math.max(0, beforeStart);
    int beforeEnd = constraint.getStartPos();

    int afterStart = constraint.getEndPos();
    int afterEnd = constraint.getEndPos() + contextLength;
    afterEnd = Math.min(primary.getContent().length(), afterEnd);

    // Evaluating how much of selected text to store
    this.totalSelectionLength = primary.getContent().length();
    int cLength = this.totalSelectionLength;
    if (this.totalSelectionLength > DEFAULT_CONTEXTLENGTH) {
      double half = (double) (this.totalSelectionLength / 2);
      cLength = (int) (Math.floor(half * percentStorage));
      this.beginSel = primary.getContent().substring(beforeEnd, (beforeEnd + cLength));
      this.endSel = primary.getContent().substring((afterStart - cLength), afterStart);
      this.totalSelection = this.beginSel.concat(this.endSel);
    } else {
      // Use the entire selection
      this.beginSel = "";
      this.endSel = "";
      this.totalSelection = primary.getContent();

    this.beforeContext = primary.getContent().substring(beforeStart, beforeEnd);
    this.afterContext = primary.getContent().substring(afterStart, afterEnd);
예제 #2
  private ShingleCloud createSC(int needleLength, String hayStack) {

    ShingleCloud sc = new ShingleCloud(hayStack);
    sc.setTokenizer(new CharacterTokenizer());

    int nGramSize = Math.min((int) (needleLength), 20);

    sc.setMinimumNumberOfOnesInMatch((int) (1));

    return sc;