protected IFigure createBaseFigure() { Image image = null; byte[] icon = null; ComponentInterface ci = ((WorkflowNode) getModel()) .getComponentDescription() .getComponentInstallation() .getComponentRevision() .getComponentInterface(); if (ci.getSize() == ComponentSize.SMALL) { icon = ((WorkflowNode) getModel()).getComponentDescription().getIcon24(); } else { icon = ((WorkflowNode) getModel()).getComponentDescription().getIcon32(); } if (icon != null) { try { image = new Image(Display.getCurrent(), new ByteArrayInputStream(icon)); } catch (SWTException e) { // The images of integrated tools may be broken, so the default will be used. LogFactory.getLog(getClass()).info("Could not load tool icon, loading default. ", e); image = ImageManager.getInstance().getSharedImage(StandardImages.RCE_LOGO_32); } } else if (ci.getIdentifier().startsWith(ComponentUtils.MISSING_COMPONENT_PREFIX)) { if (ci.getSize() == ComponentSize.SMALL) { image = ImageManager.getInstance().getSharedImage(StandardImages.RCE_LOGO_24_GREY); } else { image = ImageManager.getInstance().getSharedImage(StandardImages.RCE_LOGO_32_GREY); } } else { if (ci.getSize() == ComponentSize.SMALL) { image = ImageManager.getInstance().getSharedImage(StandardImages.RCE_LOGO_24); } else { image = ImageManager.getInstance().getSharedImage(StandardImages.RCE_LOGO_32); } } Color color = getColor(ci); if (ci.getSize() == ComponentSize.SMALL) { IconLabel iconLabel = new IconLabel(image, ci); iconLabel.setOpaque(true); iconLabel.setBorder(null); iconLabel.setBackgroundColor(color); return iconLabel; } else { final String labelText = ((WorkflowNode) getModel()).getName(); final Label label = new Label(labelText, image); label.setTextPlacement(PositionConstants.SOUTH); label.setBorder(new LineBorder()); label.setOpaque(true); label.setBackgroundColor(color); return label; } }
@Override protected void configureShell(final Shell shell) { super.configureShell(shell); shell.setText("XPath Variables Dialog"); final Image headImage = ImageManager.getInstance().getSharedImage(StandardImages.TREE_SMALL); shell.setImage(headImage); }
/** Create the dialog. */ @Override public void create() { super.create(); setTitle("XPath Variables Dialog"); setMessage( "Define input and output variables by dragging tree nodes into the table below.", IMessageProvider.NONE); final Image titleImage = ImageManager.getInstance().getSharedImage(StandardImages.TREE_LARGE); setTitleImage(titleImage); }
/** * Part representing a {@link WorkflowNode}. * * <p>For information about how the validation works, see {@link WorkflowNodeValidatorSupport}. * * @author Heinrich Wendel * @author Christian Weiss * @author Sascha Zur * @author Doreen Seider */ public class WorkflowNodePart extends AbstractGraphicalEditPart implements PropertyChangeListener, NodeEditPart { /** * The width and height of a small workflow node's bounds. Must be divisible by two after 1 is * subtracted. */ public static final int SMALL_WORKFLOW_NODE_WIDTH = 41; /** * The width and height of a medium sized workflow node. Must be divisible by four after 1 is * subtracted. */ public static final int WORKFLOW_NODE_WIDTH = 81; private static final int MAX_LABELTEXT_SIZE = 30; private static final String LABEL_TEXT_SEPARATOR = "..."; private static final int MAX_LABEL_WIDTH = 73; private static final Image ERROR_IMAGE = ImageManager.getInstance().getSharedImage(StandardImages.ERROR_16); private static final Image WARNING_IMAGE = ImageManager.getInstance().getSharedImage(StandardImages.WARNING_16); private static final Image LOCAL_IMAGE = ImageManager.getInstance().getSharedImage(StandardImages.LOCAL); private static final Image DEPRECATED_IMAGE = ImageManager.getInstance().getSharedImage(StandardImages.DEPRECATED); private final WorkflowNodeValidationSupport validationSupport = new WorkflowNodeValidationSupport(); private final IFigure errorFigure = new ImageFigure(ERROR_IMAGE); { final int offset = 2; final int size = 16; errorFigure.setBounds(new Rectangle(offset, offset, size, size)); errorFigure.setVisible(false); } private final IFigure warningFigure = new ImageFigure(WARNING_IMAGE); { final int offsetX = 62; final int offsetY = 2; final int size = 16; warningFigure.setBounds(new Rectangle(offsetX, offsetY, size, size)); warningFigure.setVisible(false); } private final IFigure localFigure = new ImageFigure(LOCAL_IMAGE); { final int offsetX = 62; final int offsetY = 62; final int size = 16; localFigure.setBounds(new Rectangle(offsetX, offsetY, size, size)); localFigure.setToolTip(new Label(Messages.localExecutionOnly)); localFigure.setVisible(false); } private final IFigure deprecatedFigure = new ImageFigure(DEPRECATED_IMAGE); { final int offsetX = 23; final int offsetY = 17; final int size = 32; deprecatedFigure.setBounds(new Rectangle(offsetX, offsetY, size, size)); deprecatedFigure.setToolTip(new Label(Messages.deprecated)); deprecatedFigure.setVisible(false); } /** * {@link WorkflowNodeValidityStateListener} to update the valid state of this {@link * WorkflowNodePart} using {@link #updateValid(boolean)}. */ private final WorkflowNodeValidityStateListener validityStateListener = new WorkflowNodeValidityStateListener() { @Override public void handleWorkflowNodeValidityStateEvent( final WorkflowNodeValidityStateEvent event) { updateValid(); } }; private String currentLabel = ""; private final ToolIntegrationContextRegistry toolIntegrationRegistry; public WorkflowNodePart() { validationSupport.addWorkflowNodeValidityStateListener(validityStateListener); ServiceRegistryAccess serviceRegistryAccess = ServiceRegistry.createAccessFor(this); toolIntegrationRegistry = serviceRegistryAccess.getService(ToolIntegrationContextRegistry.class); } @Override public void activate() { super.activate(); ((PropertiesChangeSupport) getModel()).addPropertyChangeListener(this); Display.getDefault() .syncExec( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { verifyValid(); } }); } @Override public void deactivate() { super.deactivate(); ((PropertiesChangeSupport) getModel()).removePropertyChangeListener(this); SharedThreadPool.getInstance() .execute( new Runnable() { @Override @TaskDescription("Clear workflow node in validation support.") public void run() { validationSupport.setWorkflowNodeAndValidation(null); } }); } private List<WorkflowNodeValidationMessage> getValidationMessages() { final List<WorkflowNodeValidationMessage> result = new LinkedList<WorkflowNodeValidationMessage>(validationSupport.getMessages()); return result; } private String getValidationMessageText(final WorkflowNodeValidationMessage.Type type) { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (final WorkflowNodeValidationMessage message : getValidationMessages()) { if (type == null || type == message.getType()) { String messageText = message.getAbsoluteMessage(); if (messageText == null || messageText.isEmpty()) { final String property = message.getProperty(); final String relativeMessage = message.getRelativeMessage(); if (property == null || property.isEmpty()) { messageText = relativeMessage; } else { messageText = de.rcenvironment.core.utils.common.StringUtils.format( "%s: %s", property, relativeMessage); } } builder.append(messageText); builder.append("\n"); } } return builder.toString().trim(); } /** * Updates the visual indicators for {@link WorkflowNodeValidationMessage}s and refreshes the * graphical representation of this {@link WorkflowNodePart}. * * @param valid true, if validation yielded not {@link WorkflowNodeValidationMessage}s. */ private void updateValid() { final boolean valid = validationSupport.isValid(); final String errorText = getValidationMessageText(WorkflowNodeValidationMessage.Type.ERROR); errorFigure.setVisible(!errorText.isEmpty()); if (!valid) { errorFigure.setToolTip(new Label(errorText)); } final String warningText = getValidationMessageText(WorkflowNodeValidationMessage.Type.WARNING); warningFigure.setVisible(!warningText.isEmpty()); if (!valid) { warningFigure.setToolTip(new Label(warningText)); } refresh(); refreshVisuals(); } protected WorkflowNode getWorkflowNode() { return (WorkflowNode) getModel(); } @Override protected IFigure createFigure() { final IFigure figure = createBaseFigure(); ComponentInterface ci = ((WorkflowNode) getModel()) .getComponentDescription() .getComponentInstallation() .getComponentRevision() .getComponentInterface(); if (ci.getShape() == ComponentShape.CIRCLE) { final int size = 16; final int newOffset = 3; errorFigure.setBounds(new Rectangle(newOffset, newOffset, size, size)); warningFigure.setBounds(new Rectangle(newOffset, newOffset, size, size)); final int localX = 22; final int localY = 20; localFigure.setBounds(new Rectangle(localX, localY, size, size)); } else if (ci.getSize() == ComponentSize.SMALL) { final int size = 16; final int newOffsetX = 22; final int newOffsetY = 1; warningFigure.setBounds(new Rectangle(newOffsetX, newOffsetY, size, size)); final int localX = 22; final int localY = 22; localFigure.setBounds(new Rectangle(localX, localY, size, size)); } figure.add(errorFigure); figure.add(warningFigure); figure.add(localFigure); figure.add(deprecatedFigure); return figure; } protected IFigure createBaseFigure() { Image image = null; byte[] icon = null; ComponentInterface ci = ((WorkflowNode) getModel()) .getComponentDescription() .getComponentInstallation() .getComponentRevision() .getComponentInterface(); if (ci.getSize() == ComponentSize.SMALL) { icon = ((WorkflowNode) getModel()).getComponentDescription().getIcon24(); } else { icon = ((WorkflowNode) getModel()).getComponentDescription().getIcon32(); } if (icon != null) { try { image = new Image(Display.getCurrent(), new ByteArrayInputStream(icon)); } catch (SWTException e) { // The images of integrated tools may be broken, so the default will be used. LogFactory.getLog(getClass()).info("Could not load tool icon, loading default. ", e); image = ImageManager.getInstance().getSharedImage(StandardImages.RCE_LOGO_32); } } else if (ci.getIdentifier().startsWith(ComponentUtils.MISSING_COMPONENT_PREFIX)) { if (ci.getSize() == ComponentSize.SMALL) { image = ImageManager.getInstance().getSharedImage(StandardImages.RCE_LOGO_24_GREY); } else { image = ImageManager.getInstance().getSharedImage(StandardImages.RCE_LOGO_32_GREY); } } else { if (ci.getSize() == ComponentSize.SMALL) { image = ImageManager.getInstance().getSharedImage(StandardImages.RCE_LOGO_24); } else { image = ImageManager.getInstance().getSharedImage(StandardImages.RCE_LOGO_32); } } Color color = getColor(ci); if (ci.getSize() == ComponentSize.SMALL) { IconLabel iconLabel = new IconLabel(image, ci); iconLabel.setOpaque(true); iconLabel.setBorder(null); iconLabel.setBackgroundColor(color); return iconLabel; } else { final String labelText = ((WorkflowNode) getModel()).getName(); final Label label = new Label(labelText, image); label.setTextPlacement(PositionConstants.SOUTH); label.setBorder(new LineBorder()); label.setOpaque(true); label.setBackgroundColor(color); return label; } } private Color getColor(ComponentInterface ci) { // TODO this looks like a SWT resource leak (ie, missing dispose() calls) final int dr = 255; final int dg = 247; final int db = 231; Color c = new Color(null, dr, dg, db); if (!getWorkflowNode().isEnabled()) { final int grey = 0xDD; c = new Color(null, grey, grey, grey); } else if (ci.getColor() == null) { final int r = 0xFF; final int g = 0xCC; final int b = 0xD2; c = new Color(null, r, g, b); } return c; } /** * Class for the small workflow components. * * @author Sascha Zur */ private class IconLabel extends Label { private static final int OFFSET_SMALL_SQUARE_COMPONENT_ICON_X = 8; private static final int OFFSET_SMALL_SQUARE_COMPONENT_ICON_Y = 10; private static final int OFFSET_SMALL_CIRCLE_COMPONENT_ICON = 9; private final Image icon; private final ComponentInterface ci; IconLabel(Image icon, ComponentInterface ci) { this.icon = icon; = ci; } @Override public void paintFigure(Graphics graphics) { int offsetX; int offsetY; if (ci.getShape() == ComponentShape.CIRCLE) { offsetX = OFFSET_SMALL_CIRCLE_COMPONENT_ICON; offsetY = OFFSET_SMALL_CIRCLE_COMPONENT_ICON; graphics.fillOval(this.getBounds()); graphics.setAntialias(SWT.ON); Rectangle b = this.getBounds().getCopy(); b.width--; b.height--; graphics.drawOval(b); graphics.setAntialias(SWT.OFF); } else { offsetX = OFFSET_SMALL_SQUARE_COMPONENT_ICON_X; offsetY = OFFSET_SMALL_SQUARE_COMPONENT_ICON_Y; graphics.fillRectangle(this.getBounds()); Rectangle b = this.getBounds().getCopy(); b.width--; b.height--; graphics.drawRectangle(b); } graphics.drawImage( icon, new Point(this.getLocation().x + offsetX, this.getLocation().y - 1 + offsetY)); } } protected void setTooltipText() { getFigure().setToolTip(new Label(generateTooltipText())); } protected String generateTooltipText() { WorkflowNode node = (WorkflowNode) getModel(); String enabled = "enabled"; if (!node.isEnabled()) { enabled = "disabled"; } else if (node.getComponentDescription() .getIdentifier() .startsWith(ComponentUtils.MISSING_COMPONENT_PREFIX)) { enabled = "not available"; } return generateTooltipTextBase(node) + ": " + enabled; } protected String generateTooltipTextBase(WorkflowNode node) { if (node.getComponentDescription().getVersion() != null && toolIntegrationRegistry.hasId(node.getComponentDescription().getIdentifier())) { return de.rcenvironment.core.utils.common.StringUtils.format( "%s - %s (%s)", node.getName(), node.getComponentDescription().getName(), node.getComponentDescription().getVersion()); } else { return de.rcenvironment.core.utils.common.StringUtils.format( "%s - %s", node.getName(), node.getComponentDescription().getName()); } } @Override public void refreshVisuals() { Point loc = new Point(((WorkflowNode) getModel()).getX(), ((WorkflowNode) getModel()).getY()); int width = WORKFLOW_NODE_WIDTH; int height = WORKFLOW_NODE_WIDTH; if (((WorkflowNode) getModel()) .getComponentDescription() .getComponentInstallation() .getComponentRevision() .getComponentInterface() .getSize() == ComponentSize.SMALL) { width = SMALL_WORKFLOW_NODE_WIDTH; height = SMALL_WORKFLOW_NODE_WIDTH; } Rectangle r = new Rectangle(loc, new Dimension(width, height)); final Label label = (Label) getFigure(); String labelText = getWorkflowNode().getName(); // try to abbreviate label just, when the name of the workflow has changed in the model if (!currentLabel.equals(getWorkflowNode().getName())) { abbreviateLabel(label, labelText, MAX_LABELTEXT_SIZE); } // remember original workflow node name from model currentLabel = labelText; setTooltipText(); localFigure.setVisible( ((WorkflowNode) getModel()).getComponentDescription().canOnlyBeExecutedLocally()); deprecatedFigure.setVisible( ((WorkflowNode) getModel()) .getComponentDescription() .getComponentInstallation() .getComponentRevision() .getComponentInterface() .getIsDeprecated()); getFigure() .setBackgroundColor( getColor( ((WorkflowNode) getModel()) .getComponentDescription() .getComponentInstallation() .getComponentRevision() .getComponentInterface())); ((GraphicalEditPart) getParent()).setLayoutConstraint(this, label, r); } private String abbreviateLabel(Label label, String labelText, int currentLength) { label.setText(labelText); if (label.getFont() == null) { label.setFont(Display.getDefault().getSystemFont()); } if (label.getTextBounds().width > MAX_LABEL_WIDTH) { String shorterLabelText = ""; shorterLabelText = StringUtils.abbreviateMiddle(label.getText(), LABEL_TEXT_SEPARATOR, currentLength); currentLength--; label.setText(shorterLabelText); abbreviateLabel(label, shorterLabelText, currentLength); } return label.getText(); } @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { String prop = evt.getPropertyName(); if (WorkflowNode.PROPERTY_COMMUNICATION_NODE.equals(prop)) { refreshVisuals(); } else if (WorkflowNode.PROPERTY_NODE_ATTRIBUTES.equals(prop)) { refreshVisuals(); } } /** Method called by the WorkflowPart to refresh the connections. */ public void refreshConnections() { refreshSourceConnections(); refreshTargetConnections(); } @Override public ConnectionAnchor getSourceConnectionAnchor(ConnectionEditPart connection) { // handle reconnections if (connection != null) { if (connection.getSource() != null && connection.getTarget() != null) { if (connection.getSource().equals(connection.getTarget())) { return new ReconnectionSourceAnchor(getFigure()); } } } if (((WorkflowNode) getModel()) .getComponentDescription() .getComponentInstallation() .getComponentRevision() .getComponentInterface() .getShape() == ComponentShape.CIRCLE) { return new EllipseAnchor(getFigure()); } else { return new ChopboxAnchor(getFigure()); } } @Override public ConnectionAnchor getSourceConnectionAnchor(Request request) { if (((WorkflowNode) getModel()) .getComponentDescription() .getComponentInstallation() .getComponentRevision() .getComponentInterface() .getShape() == ComponentShape.CIRCLE) { return new EllipseAnchor(getFigure()); } else { return new ChopboxAnchor(getFigure()); } } @Override public ConnectionAnchor getTargetConnectionAnchor(ConnectionEditPart connection) { // handle reconnections if (connection != null) { if (connection.getSource() != null && connection.getTarget() != null) { if (connection.getSource().equals(connection.getTarget())) { return new ReconnectionTargetAnchor(getFigure()); } } } if (((WorkflowNode) getModel()) .getComponentDescription() .getComponentInstallation() .getComponentRevision() .getComponentInterface() .getShape() == ComponentShape.CIRCLE) { return new EllipseAnchor(getFigure()); } else { return new ChopboxAnchor(getFigure()); } } @Override public ConnectionAnchor getTargetConnectionAnchor(Request request) { if (((WorkflowNode) getModel()) .getComponentDescription() .getComponentInstallation() .getComponentRevision() .getComponentInterface() .getShape() == ComponentShape.CIRCLE) { return new EllipseAnchor(getFigure()); } else { return new ChopboxAnchor(getFigure()); } } @Override protected List<ConnectionWrapper> getModelSourceConnections() { List<ConnectionWrapper> sourceConnections = new ArrayList<ConnectionWrapper>(); for (ConnectionWrapper c : ((WorkflowPart) getParent()).getConnections()) { if (c.getSource().equals(getModel())) { sourceConnections.add(c); } } return sourceConnections; } @Override protected List<ConnectionWrapper> getModelTargetConnections() { List<ConnectionWrapper> targetConnections = new ArrayList<ConnectionWrapper>(); for (ConnectionWrapper c : ((WorkflowPart) getParent()).getConnections()) { if (c.getTarget().equals(getModel())) { targetConnections.add(c); } } return targetConnections; } @Override public Object getAdapter(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Class type) { // Enable Snap to grid/geometry in wf editor for the nodepart. if (type == SnapToHelper.class) { List<SnapToHelper> helpers = new ArrayList<SnapToHelper>(); if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(getViewer().getProperty(SnapToGeometry.PROPERTY_SNAP_ENABLED))) { helpers.add(new SnapToGeometry(this)); } if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(getViewer().getProperty(SnapToGrid.PROPERTY_GRID_ENABLED))) { helpers.add(new SnapToGrid(this)); } if (helpers.size() == 0) { return null; } else { return new CompoundSnapToHelper(helpers.toArray(new SnapToHelper[0])); } } else if (type == IPropertySource.class && getModel() instanceof WorkflowNode) { return new ComponentPropertySource( getViewer().getEditDomain().getCommandStack(), (WorkflowNode) getModel()); } return super.getAdapter(type); } @Override public void performRequest(Request req) { if (req.getType().equals(RequestConstants.REQ_OPEN)) { try { PlatformUI.getWorkbench() .getActiveWorkbenchWindow() .getActivePage() .showView("org.eclipse.ui.views.PropertySheet"); } catch (PartInitException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } @Override protected void createEditPolicies() { deactivateEditPolicies(); // allow connections installEditPolicy(EditPolicy.GRAPHICAL_NODE_ROLE, new ConnectEditPolicy()); } /** * Checks for registered editor actions and if it finds one for the selected component, this is * invoked. As no action is currently required here, the method is deprecated. */ @Deprecated private void performDefaultAction() { IConfigurationElement[] confElements = Platform.getExtensionRegistry() .getConfigurationElementsFor( "de.rcenvironment.core.gui.workflow.editorActions"); //$NON-NLS-1$ for (final IConfigurationElement confElement : confElements) { WorkflowNode node = getWorkflowNode(); if (node.getComponentDescription() .getIdentifier() .matches(confElement.getAttribute("component")) && confElement.getAttribute("default") != null && Boolean.TRUE.toString().matches(confElement.getAttribute("default"))) { // $NON-NLS-1$ final WorkflowEditorAction action; try { Object actionObject = confElement.createExecutableExtension("class"); if (!(actionObject instanceof WorkflowEditorAction)) { throw new RuntimeException( de.rcenvironment.core.utils.common.StringUtils.format( "Class in attribute 'class' is not a subtype of '%s'.", WorkflowEditorAction.class.getName())); } action = (WorkflowEditorAction) actionObject; } catch (CoreException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } action.setWorkflowNode(node); action.performAction(); break; } } } /** * Verifies the valid state of the {@link WorkflowNode} and refreshes the visuals of the {@link * WorkflowNodePart}. */ public void verifyValid() { WorkflowNode workflowNode = getWorkflowNode(); validationSupport.setWorkflowNodeAndValidation(workflowNode); updateValid(); workflowNode.setValid(true); } /** * EditPolicy that allows connections. * * @author Heinrich Wendel */ class ConnectEditPolicy extends GraphicalNodeEditPolicy { @Override protected Command getConnectionCompleteCommand(CreateConnectionRequest request) { ConnectionDrawCommand cmd = (ConnectionDrawCommand) request.getStartCommand(); cmd.setTarget((WorkflowNode) getHost().getModel()); return cmd; } @Override protected Command getConnectionCreateCommand(CreateConnectionRequest request) { WorkflowNode source = (WorkflowNode) getHost().getModel(); ConnectionDrawCommand cmd = new ConnectionDrawCommand((WorkflowDescription) getParent().getModel(), source); request.setStartCommand(cmd); return cmd; } @Override protected Command getReconnectSourceCommand(ReconnectRequest request) { return null; } @Override protected Command getReconnectTargetCommand(ReconnectRequest request) { return null; } } /** * Anchor for the depiction of reconnections, i.e. connections from one component to the same. * Handles the source anchor. * * @author Oliver Seebach */ class ReconnectionSourceAnchor extends ChopboxAnchor { ReconnectionSourceAnchor(IFigure figure) { super.setOwner(figure); } @Override protected Rectangle getBox() { int x = getOwner().getBounds().getCenter().x - 4; // - 3 to make sure, the connection is // routed to the left int y = getOwner().getBounds().getCenter().y - getOwner().getBounds().height / 2 - 1; return new Rectangle(new Point(x, y), new Point(x, y)); } } /** * Anchor for the depiction of reconnections, i.e. connections from one component to the same. * Handles the target anchor. * * @author Oliver Seebach */ class ReconnectionTargetAnchor extends ChopboxAnchor { ReconnectionTargetAnchor(IFigure figure) { super.setOwner(figure); } @Override protected Rectangle getBox() { int x = getOwner().getBounds().getCenter().x - 4; // - 3 to make sure, the connection is // routed to the left int y = getOwner().getBounds().getCenter().y + getOwner().getBounds().height / 2 + 1; return new Rectangle(new Point(x, y), new Point(x, y)); } } }
private Composite createRootSection(final Composite parent, FormToolkit toolkit) { final Section sectionProperties = toolkit.createSection(parent, Section.TITLE_BAR | Section.EXPANDED); sectionProperties.setText(Messages.rootFolderSectionTitle); GridData layoutData = new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH | GridData.GRAB_HORIZONTAL | GridData.GRAB_VERTICAL); sectionProperties.setLayoutData(layoutData); Composite rootgroup = toolkit.createComposite(sectionProperties); rootgroup.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, false)); workflowStartCheckbox = new Button(rootgroup, SWT.CHECK); workflowStartCheckbox.setText(Messages.selectAtStart); workflowStartCheckbox.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.LEFT, SWT.TOP, true, false, 2, 1)); workflowStartCheckbox.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent arg0) { setEnabilityRoot(!workflowStartCheckbox.getSelection()); } @Override public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent arg0) { widgetSelected(arg0); } }); workflowStartCheckbox.setData( CONTROL_PROPERTY_KEY, OutputWriterComponentConstants.CONFIG_KEY_ONWFSTART); rootText = new Text(rootgroup, SWT.BORDER); GridData gridData = new GridData(); gridData.horizontalAlignment = SWT.FILL; gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true; rootText.setLayoutData(gridData); rootText.setEditable(true); rootText.setData(CONTROL_PROPERTY_KEY, OutputWriterComponentConstants.CONFIG_KEY_ROOT); rootButton = new Button(rootgroup, SWT.NONE); rootButton.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.RIGHT, SWT.TOP, false, false, 1, 1)); rootButton.setText("..."); rootButton.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent arg0) { DirectoryDialog dialog = new DirectoryDialog(parent.getShell()); dialog.setText(Messages.selectRootFolder); dialog.setMessage(Messages.selectRootFolder); String result =; if (result != null) { rootText.setText(result); } } @Override public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent arg0) { widgetSelected(arg0); } }); noteComposite = new Composite(rootgroup, SWT.NONE); gridData = new GridData(); gridData.horizontalSpan = 2; noteComposite.setLayoutData(gridData); noteComposite.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, false)); Label warnLabel = new Label(noteComposite, SWT.READ_ONLY); warnLabel.setImage(ImageManager.getInstance().getSharedImage(StandardImages.WARNING_16)); Label noteLabel = new Label(noteComposite, SWT.READ_ONLY); warnLabel.setBackground(Display.getCurrent().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_WHITE)); noteLabel.setBackground(Display.getCurrent().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_WHITE)); noteLabel.setText(Messages.note); sectionProperties.setClient(rootgroup); sectionProperties.setVisible(true); return rootgroup; }