예제 #1
   * Creates a new instance of SmiLibRunner that can be conveniently used in other Java projects
   * when SmiLib is employed as a Java library.<br>
   * <br>
   * Example to enumerate a complete SmiLib library:
   * <pre>
   * String[] scaffolds = new String[] {"CCC[R1]"};
   * String[] linkers = new String[] {"[R][A]"};
   * String[] bBlocks = new String[] {"[A]Br", "[A]Cl"};
   * SmilesListWriter smiWri = new SmilesListWriter();
   * SmiLibRunner runner = new SmiLibRunner(scaffolds, linkers, bBlocks, null, true, smiWri);
   * runner.run(); // Run SmiLib
   * List&lt;String[]&gt; library = smiWri.getSmilesList(); // Retrieve results
   * // String id = library.get(0)[0];
   * // String smiles = library.get(0)[1];
   * </pre>
   * <br>
   * Example to enumerate a SmiLib library according to a reaction scheme:
   * <pre>
   * String[] scaffolds = new String[] {"CCC[R1]"};
   * String[] linkers = new String[] {"[R][A]"};
   * String[] bBlocks = new String[] {"[A]Br", "[A]Cl"};
   * String[] reactionScheme = new String[] {"1\t1\t2"}; // The reaction scheme
   * SmilesListWriter smiWri = new SmilesListWriter();
   * SmiLibRunner runner = new SmiLibRunner(scaffolds, linkers, bBlocks, reactionScheme, true, smiWri);
   * runner.run(); // Run SmiLib
   * List&lt;String[]&gt; library = smiWri.getSmilesList(); // Retrieve results
   * // String id = library.get(0)[0];
   * // String smiles = library.get(0)[1];
   * </pre>
   * <br>
   * @param scaffolds array of source scaffolds, optionally with ID
   * @param linkers array of source linkers, optionally with ID
   * @param bBlocks array of source building blocks, optionally with ID
   * @param reactionScheme reactionScheme as an array. If null, complete enumeration is performed
   * @param checkSmiles check smiles for SmiLib conformity true/false
   * @param smiWri output smiles writer
   * @since 2.0 rc4
  public SmiLibRunner(
      String[] scaffolds,
      String[] linkers,
      String[] bBlocks,
      String[] reactionScheme,
      boolean checkSmiles,
      SmilesWriter smiWri) {

    this.printToCommandLine = true; // Set true to avoid sending messages to stdout
    try {
      compAdmin = new ComponentAdministrator(scaffolds, linkers, bBlocks, checkSmiles);
      if (reactionScheme == null) {
        this.iterator =
            new FullCombinationIterator(
      } else {
        this.iterator =
            new PartialCombinationIterator(
      this.smiWri = smiWri;

    } catch (Exception exc) {
예제 #2
   * Creates a new instance of SmiLibRunner using a FullCombinationIterator (without reaction
   * scheme) for enumerating the virtual library.
   * @param scaffoldsPath path/name of the file that contains scaffolds as SMILES
   * @param linkersPath path/name of the file that contains linkers as SMILES
   * @param buildingBlocksPath path/name of the file that contains building blocks as SMILES
   * @param printToCommandLine combinatorial library shall be printed to the command line true/false
   * @param saveFilePath path/name of the file where the combinatorial library will be stored if it
   *     shall be saved in a file
   * @param addHydrogens add hydrogens when save as SD file
   * @param checkSmiles check SMILES for conformity with SMiLib rules true/false
  public SmiLibRunner(
      String scaffoldsPath,
      String linkersPath,
      String buildingBlocksPath,
      boolean printToCommandLine,
      String saveFilePath,
      boolean addHydrogens,
      boolean checkSmiles) {
    this.printToCommandLine = printToCommandLine;

    try {
      compAdmin =
          new ComponentAdministrator(scaffoldsPath, linkersPath, buildingBlocksPath, checkSmiles);

      this.iterator =
          new FullCombinationIterator(

      if (printToCommandLine) smiWri = new SmilesLineWriter();
      else if (saveFilePath.endsWith(".sdf"))
        smiWri = new SmilesToSDFWriter(saveFilePath, addHydrogens);
      else smiWri = new SmilesFileWriter(saveFilePath);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
예제 #3
   * Creates a new instance of SmiLibRunner, used when programm is started in GUI mode.
   * @param scaffolds array of source scaffold (with ID)
   * @param linkers array of source linkers (with ID)
   * @param bBlocks array of source building block (with ID)
   * @param useReactionScheme use reaction scheme true/false
   * @param reactionScheme reactionScheme as array
   * @param targetTextArea text area where library will be written in
   * @param showLibrary show library in GUI true/false
   * @param saveAsFile save library as file true/false
   * @param saveAsSDF save file as SD file true/false
   * @param addHydrogens add implicit hydrogens when building the SD file true/false
   * @param path path/name of file where library will be saved
   * @param frame main frame of GUI
   * @param checkSmiles check smiles for SmiLib conformity true/false
  public SmiLibRunner(
      String[] scaffolds,
      String[] linkers,
      String[] bBlocks,
      boolean useReactionScheme,
      String[] reactionScheme,
      JTextArea targetTextArea,
      boolean showLibrary,
      boolean saveAsFile,
      boolean saveAsSDF,
      boolean addHydrogens,
      String path,
      SmiLibFrame frame,
      boolean checkSmiles) {

    this.smiFrame = frame;
    this.useGui = true;

    // load source SMILES
    try {
      compAdmin = new ComponentAdministrator(scaffolds, linkers, bBlocks, checkSmiles);
      if (!useReactionScheme) {
        this.iterator =
            new FullCombinationIterator(
      } else {
        this.iterator =
            new PartialCombinationIterator(
      smiWri =
          new SmilesGuiWriter(
              targetTextArea, showLibrary, saveAsFile, saveAsSDF, addHydrogens, path, smiFrame);

    } catch (Exception exc) {