/** * When the "update geo data" button is clicked. <br> * Updates the login records with geodata for their IP's if found.<br> * This is done by a calling a web service from Hostinfo.org.<br> * * @param event * @throws InterruptedException */ public void onClick$button_SecLoginlogList_UpdateGeoData(Event event) throws InterruptedException { final String str = InputConfirmBox.show( this.secLoginlogListWindow, Labels.getLabel("message.Information.InputSupervisorPassword")); if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(str, "yes we can")) { final int recCount = getGuiLoginLoggingService().updateFromHostLookUpMain(); final String message = Labels.getLabel("message.Information.CountRecordsInsertedUpdated") + " " + recCount; final String title = Labels.getLabel("message.Information"); MultiLineMessageBox.doSetTemplate(); MultiLineMessageBox.show(message, title, MultiLineMessageBox.OK, "INFORMATION", true); // ++ create the searchObject and init sorting ++// final HibernateSearchObject<SecLoginlog> soSecLoginlog = new HibernateSearchObject<SecLoginlog>(SecLoginlog.class, getCountRows()); // deeper loading of the relations to prevent the lazy // loading problem. soSecLoginlog.addFetch("ip2Country.countryCode"); soSecLoginlog.addSort("lglLogtime", true); // Set the ListModel getPagedListWrapper().init(soSecLoginlog, this.listBoxSecUserlog, this.paging_SecUserLogList); } else { final String message = Labels.getLabel("message.error.falsePassword"); final String title = Labels.getLabel("message.Error"); MultiLineMessageBox.doSetTemplate(); MultiLineMessageBox.show(message, title, MultiLineMessageBox.OK, "INFORMATION", true); } }
/** * When the "import IpToCountry data" button is clicked. <br> * Updates the IpToCountry table by importing the newest data <br> * from a CSV file from the web server Hostinfo.org.<br> * * @param event * @throws InterruptedException */ public void onClick$button_SecLoginlogList_ImportIPToCountryCSV(Event event) throws InterruptedException { final String str = InputConfirmBox.show( this.secLoginlogListWindow, Labels.getLabel("message.Information.InputSupervisorPassword")); if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(str, "yes we can")) { final int recCount = getGuiLoginLoggingService().importIP2CountryCSV(); final String message = Labels.getLabel("message.Information.CountRecordsInsertedUpdated") + " " + recCount; final String title = Labels.getLabel("message.Information"); MultiLineMessageBox.doSetTemplate(); MultiLineMessageBox.show(message, title, MultiLineMessageBox.OK, "INFORMATION", true); } else { final String message = Labels.getLabel("message.error.falsePassword"); final String title = Labels.getLabel("message.Error"); MultiLineMessageBox.doSetTemplate(); MultiLineMessageBox.show(message, title, MultiLineMessageBox.OK, "INFORMATION", true); } }