public void updateERSCounter() { ServerAccess.incrementERSCounter(new UpdateGameRequest(gameId, null)); obj = ServerAccess.getCardGame(gameId); if (obj != null) { currentGame = (CardGame) obj; } }
public void leaveGameLobby(CardGameType gameType, int lobbyId) { GameLobbyRequest glr = new GameLobbyRequest(player, lobbyId, gameType); isInLobby = false; setCurrentLobby(null, -1); ServerAccess.leaveLobby(glr); if (gameType == CardGameType.War) { obj = ServerAccess.getGameLobbyList(glr); if (obj != null) { warLobbies = (GameLobby[]) obj; } } else if (gameType == CardGameType.TexasHoldEm) { obj = ServerAccess.getGameLobbyList(glr); if (obj != null) { texasHoldemLobbies = (GameLobby[]) obj; } } else if (gameType == CardGameType.ERS) { obj = ServerAccess.getGameLobbyList(glr); if (obj != null) { ratscrewLobbies = (GameLobby[]) obj; } } return; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void removeFriend(String username) { Object isSuccess = ServerAccess.removeFriend(new NewFriendRequest(player, username)); if (isSuccess != null && (boolean) isSuccess) { obj = ServerAccess.getFriends(player); if (obj != null) { friendList = (ArrayList<Friend>) obj; } } }
// MAIN UPDATE FUNCTION public void updateGame() { // if (currentGame.updateReady()) { System.out.println("game is updating"); // currentGame.update(); ServerAccess.updateCardGameState(gameId, currentGame); obj = ServerAccess.getCardGame(gameId); if (obj != null) { currentGame = (CardGame) obj; } // } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public boolean addChatEntry(String message) { ChatEntry newEntry = new ChatEntry(player.userName, message); Object isSuccess = ServerAccess.addMenuChatEntry(newEntry); if (isSuccess != null && (boolean) isSuccess) { obj = ServerAccess.getMenuChat(); if (obj != null) { menuChat = (ArrayList<ChatEntry>) obj; } return (boolean) isSuccess; } return false; }
/** * ******************************************************* Game mgmt model calls. * ******************************************************* */ public boolean enterGameFromLobby(int gameId) { obj = ServerAccess.getCardGame(gameId); if (obj != null) { currentGame = (CardGame) obj; setGameId(gameId); isInGame = true; gameType = currentLobbyType; leaveGameLobby(currentLobbyType, currentLobbyNumber); ServerAccess.incrementNumGames(new AchievementRequest(player, gameType)); return true; } return false; }
/** * ******************************************************* Account mgmt model calls. * ******************************************************* */ public boolean createAccountRequest(String username, String password, String email) { NewPlayerRequest accountRequest = new NewPlayerRequest(username, password, email); if (ServerAccess.createNewAccount(accountRequest) != null) { return true; } return false; }
public boolean createGameRequest(CardGameType gameType) { if (gameType == CardGameType.War) { currentGame = new War(player); } else if (gameType == CardGameType.Blackjack) { currentGame = new BlackJack(); } obj = ServerAccess.createNewGame(currentGame); if (obj != null && (gameId = (int) obj) != -1) { ServerAccess.incrementNumGames(new AchievementRequest(player, gameType)); isInGame = true; return true; } return false; }
public float getServerWinRatio(CardGameType gameType, Player player) { obj = ServerAccess.getWinRatio(new AchievementRequest(player, gameType)); if (obj != null) { return (float) obj; } else { return 0; } }
public int getServerNumberOfGames(CardGameType gameType, Player player) { obj = ServerAccess.getNumGames(new AchievementRequest(player, gameType)); if (obj != null) { return (int) obj; } else { return 0; } }
public boolean requestPassword(String username, String emailAddress) { obj = ServerAccess.retrievePassword(new NewPlayerRequest(username, "pass", emailAddress)); if (obj == null) { return false; } else { return true; } }
public boolean setNewPassword(String oldPassword, String newPassword) { obj = ServerAccess.setPassword(new SetPasswordRequest(player, oldPassword, newPassword)); if (obj == null) { return false; } else { return true; } }
/** * ******************************************************* Game chat mgmt model calls. * ******************************************************* */ public void addGameChatEntry(String message, int i) { if (!isInGame || currentGame == null) { return; } ChatEntry newEntry; if (i == 0) { newEntry = new ChatEntry(player.userName, message); } else { newEntry = new ChatEntry("Dealer", message); } currentGame.addChatEntry(newEntry); obj = ServerAccess.updateCardGameState(gameId, currentGame); if (obj != null) { obj = ServerAccess.getCardGame(gameId); if (obj != null) { currentGame = (CardGame) obj; } } }
public void startGameFromLobby() { GameLobbyRequest glr = null; if (currentLobbyType == CardGameType.War) { glr = new GameLobbyRequest(player, currentLobbyNumber, CardGameType.War); } else if (currentLobbyType == CardGameType.TexasHoldEm) { glr = new GameLobbyRequest(player, currentLobbyNumber, CardGameType.TexasHoldEm); } else if (currentLobbyType == CardGameType.ERS) { glr = new GameLobbyRequest(player, currentLobbyNumber, CardGameType.ERS); } ServerAccess.startGameFromLobby(glr); }
public boolean joinPersistantTable(int tableNumber, CardGameType gameType) { if (gameType == CardGameType.Blackjack) { GameLobbyRequest glr = new GameLobbyRequest(player, tableNumber, CardGameType.Blackjack); Object obj = ServerAccess.joinPersistantLobby(glr); if (obj != null && (int) obj != -1) { gameId = (int) obj; obj = ServerAccess.getCardGame(gameId); if (obj != null) { isInGame = true; currentGame = (CardGame) obj; System.out.println("hey there"); gameType = CardGameType.Blackjack; return true; } } else { return false; } } return false; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public boolean attemptLogin(String username, String password) { NewPlayerRequest loginRequest = new NewPlayerRequest(username, password, null); obj = ServerAccess.loginRequest(loginRequest); if (obj != null) { player = (Player) obj; isLoggedIn = true; obj = ServerAccess.getFriends(player); if (obj != null) { friendList = (ArrayList<Friend>) obj; } obj = ServerAccess.getMenuChat(); if (obj != null) { menuChat = (ArrayList<ChatEntry>) obj; } /* Server calls to initialize stats */ updateAchievements(); obj = ServerAccess.getGameLobbyList(new GameLobbyRequest(null, 0, CardGameType.War)); if (obj != null) { warLobbies = (GameLobby[]) obj; } obj = ServerAccess.getGameLobbyList(new GameLobbyRequest(null, 0, CardGameType.ERS)); if (obj != null) { ratscrewLobbies = (GameLobby[]) obj; } obj = ServerAccess.getGameLobbyList(new GameLobbyRequest(null, 0, CardGameType.TexasHoldEm)); if (obj != null) { texasHoldemLobbies = (GameLobby[]) obj; } obj = ServerAccess.getBlackJackTables(); if (obj != null) { blackJackTables = (BlackJack[]) obj; } /* * Initialize thread that will periodically ask server for updates * to update model */ UpdateChecker updateChecker = new UpdateChecker(this); Thread t = new Thread(updateChecker); t.start(); return true; } return false; }
public boolean logout() { if (isInGame && gameType == CardGameType.Blackjack) { System.out.println("??"); ((BlackJack) currentGame).removePlayer(player); updateGame(); } else if (isInLobby) { leaveGameLobby(currentLobbyType, currentLobbyNumber); } Object isSuccess = ServerAccess.logoutRequest(player); if (isSuccess == null) { return false; } isLoggedIn = false; return (boolean) isSuccess; }
/** * ******************************************************* Achievement model calls. * ******************************************************* */ public ArrayList<String> getLeaderboards(CardGameType gameType) { String criteria = null; if (gameType == CardGameType.War) { criteria = "wins_war"; } else if (gameType == CardGameType.TexasHoldEm) { criteria = "wins_holdem"; } else if (gameType == CardGameType.Blackjack) { criteria = "wins_blackjack"; } else if (gameType == CardGameType.ERS) { // criteria = "wins_ers"; } else { return new ArrayList<String>(); } Object obj = ServerAccess.getLeaderboard(criteria); if (obj != null) { return (ArrayList<String>) obj; } return new ArrayList<String>(); }
/** * ******************************************************* Game lobby mgmt model calls. * ******************************************************* */ public void joinGameLobby(CardGameType gameType, int lobbyId) { GameLobbyRequest glr = new GameLobbyRequest(player, lobbyId, gameType); if (gameType == CardGameType.War) { /* Check for space in lobby */ if (warLobbies[lobbyId].getPlayers().size() < 2) { isInLobby = true; setCurrentLobby(gameType, lobbyId); ServerAccess.joinLobby(glr); obj = ServerAccess.getGameLobbyList(glr); if (obj != null) { warLobbies = (GameLobby[]) obj; } } } else if (gameType == CardGameType.TexasHoldEm) { if (texasHoldemLobbies[lobbyId].getPlayers().size() < 4) { isInLobby = true; setCurrentLobby(gameType, lobbyId); ServerAccess.joinLobby(glr); obj = ServerAccess.getGameLobbyList(glr); if (obj != null) { texasHoldemLobbies = (GameLobby[]) obj; } } } else if (gameType == CardGameType.ERS) { System.out.println("hello"); if (ratscrewLobbies[lobbyId].getPlayers().size() < 2) { isInLobby = true; setCurrentLobby(gameType, lobbyId); ServerAccess.joinLobby(glr); obj = ServerAccess.getGameLobbyList(glr); if (obj != null) { ratscrewLobbies = (GameLobby[]) obj; } } } return; }
public void incrementNumberOfWins(CardGameType gameType) { ServerAccess.incrementNumWins(new AchievementRequest(player, gameType)); }