@Bugs(ids = "82807") @Test( description = "Hover over an image attachment", dataProvider = "DataProviderMimeWithImageAttachments", groups = {"functional"}) public void HoverOverAttachment_01(String subject, String path) throws HarnessException { // -- DATA final String mimeFile = ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getBaseDirectory() + path; LmtpInject.injectFile(app.zGetActiveAccount().EmailAddress, new File(mimeFile)); // -- GUI // Click on Get Mail to refresh the folder list app.zPageMail.zToolbarPressButton(Button.B_GETMAIL); // Select the message DisplayMail display = (DisplayMail) app.zPageMail.zListItem(Action.A_LEFTCLICK, subject); List<AttachmentItem> attachments = display.zListGetAttachments(); ZAssert.assertEquals(attachments.size(), 1, "Verify the attachment appears"); TooltipImage tooltip = (TooltipImage) display.zListAttachmentItem(Action.A_HOVEROVER, attachments.get(0)); // -- VERIFICATION ZAssert.assertTrue(tooltip.zIsActive(), "Verify the tooltip shows"); ZAssert.assertNotNull(tooltip.zGetField(Field.URL), "Verify the image URL"); }
@Test( description = "Delete contact + contact group at once", groups = {"functional"}) public void DeleteMixOfContactAndGroup() throws HarnessException { // Create a contact group via Soap ContactGroupItem group = ContactGroupItem.createContactGroupItem(app.zGetActiveAccount()); group.setId( app.zGetActiveAccount().soapSelectValue("//mail:CreateContactResponse/mail:cn", "id")); String[] dlist = app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSelectValue("//mail:CreateContactResponse/mail:cn/mail:a[@n='dlist']", null) .split(","); // a[2] for (int i = 0; i < dlist.length; i++) { group.addDListMember(dlist[i]); } // Create a contact via Soap ContactItem contactItem = ContactItem.createContactItem(app.zGetActiveAccount()); contactItem.setId( app.zGetActiveAccount().soapSelectValue("//mail:CreateContactResponse/mail:cn", "id")); GeneralUtility.syncDesktopToZcsWithSoap(app.zGetActiveAccount()); app.zPageAddressbook.zWaitForDesktopLoadingSpinner(5000); // Refresh the view, to pick up the newly created ones FolderItem contactFolder = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), "Contacts"); app.zTreeContacts.zTreeItem(Action.A_LEFTCLICK, contactFolder); // Select the items app.zPageAddressbook.zListItem(Action.A_CHECKBOX, group.fileAs); app.zPageAddressbook.zListItem(Action.A_CHECKBOX, contactItem.fileAs); // delete contact + group by click Delete button on toolbar app.zPageAddressbook.zToolbarPressButton(Button.B_DELETE); // verify toasted message 2 contacts moved to Trash String expectedMsg = "2 contacts moved to Trash"; ZAssert.assertStringContains( app.zPageMain.zGetToaster().zGetToastMessage(), expectedMsg, "Verify toast message '" + expectedMsg + "'"); // verify deleted contact + group not displayed List<ContactItem> contacts = app.zPageAddressbook.zListGetContacts(); int count = 0; for (ContactItem ci : contacts) { if (ci.fileAs.equals(group.groupName) || ci.fileAs.equals(contactItem.fileAs)) { count++; } } ZAssert.assertTrue( count == 0, "Verify contact + group " + contactItem.fileAs + "," + group.groupName + " deleted"); }
@Test( description = "Rename a folder - set to an invalid name with ':'", groups = {"functional"}) public void RenameFolder_02() throws HarnessException { FolderItem inbox = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), SystemFolder.Inbox); ZAssert.assertNotNull(inbox, "Verify the inbox is available"); // Create the subfolder String name1 = "folder" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSend( "<CreateFolderRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<folder name='" + name1 + "' l='" + inbox.getId() + "'/>" + "</CreateFolderRequest>"); FolderItem subfolder1 = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), name1); ZAssert.assertNotNull(subfolder1, "Verify the subfolder is available"); // Click on Get Mail to refresh the folder list app.zPageMail.zToolbarPressButton(Button.B_GETMAIL); // Rename the folder using context menu DialogRenameFolder dialog = (DialogRenameFolder) app.zTreeMail.zTreeItem(Action.A_RIGHTCLICK, Button.B_RENAME, subfolder1); ZAssert.assertNotNull(dialog, "Verify the dialog opened"); // Set the name, click OK String name2 = "folder:folder" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); dialog.zSetNewName(name2); dialog.zClickButton(Button.B_OK); DialogError error = app.zPageMain.zGetErrorDialog(DialogErrorID.InvalidFolderName); ZAssert.assertTrue(error.zIsActive(), "Verify the error dialog appears"); error.zClickButton(Button.B_OK); }
private void _verifyContactGroupDeleted(ContactGroupItem group) throws HarnessException { // verify toasted message 1 contact group moved to Trash String expectedMsg = "1 contact group moved to Trash"; ZAssert.assertStringContains( app.zPageMain.zGetToaster().zGetToastMessage(), expectedMsg, "Verify toast message '" + expectedMsg + "'"); // verify deleted contact group not displayed List<ContactItem> contacts = app.zPageAddressbook.zListGetContacts(); boolean isFileAsEqual = false; for (ContactItem ci : contacts) { if (ci.fileAs.equals(group.groupName)) { isFileAsEqual = true; break; } } ZAssert.assertFalse(isFileAsEqual, "Verify contact group " + group.groupName + " deleted"); FolderItem trash = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), SystemFolder.Trash); // verify deleted contact displayed in trash folder // refresh Trash folder app.zTreeContacts.zTreeItem(Action.A_LEFTCLICK, trash); contacts = app.zPageAddressbook.zListGetContacts(); isFileAsEqual = false; for (ContactItem ci : contacts) { if (ci.fileAs.equals(group.groupName)) { isFileAsEqual = true; break; } } ZAssert.assertTrue( isFileAsEqual, "Verify contact group (" + group.groupName + ") displayed in Trash folder"); }
@Test( description = "Verify Permission Denied on Spam a shared mail (read-only share)", groups = {"functional"}) public void MarkSpamMessage_01() throws HarnessException { String foldername = "folder" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); String subject = "subject" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); String mountpointname = "mountpoint" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); FolderItem inbox = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(ZimbraAccount.AccountA(), FolderItem.SystemFolder.Inbox); // Create a folder to share ZimbraAccount.AccountA() .soapSend( "<CreateFolderRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<folder name='" + foldername + "' l='" + inbox.getId() + "'/>" + "</CreateFolderRequest>"); FolderItem folder = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(ZimbraAccount.AccountA(), foldername); // Share it ZimbraAccount.AccountA() .soapSend( "<FolderActionRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<action id='" + folder.getId() + "' op='grant'>" + "<grant d='" + app.zGetActiveAccount().EmailAddress + "' gt='usr' perm='r'/>" + "</action>" + "</FolderActionRequest>"); // Add a message to it ZimbraAccount.AccountA() .soapSend( "<AddMsgRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<m l='" + folder.getId() + "' >" + "<content>From: [email protected]\n" + "To: [email protected] \n" + "Subject: " + subject + "\n" + "MIME-Version: 1.0 \n" + "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 \n" + "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n" + "\n" + "simple text string in the body\n" + "</content>" + "</m>" + "</AddMsgRequest>"); MailItem mail = MailItem.importFromSOAP(ZimbraAccount.AccountA(), "subject:(" + subject + ")"); // Mount it app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSend( "<CreateMountpointRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<link l='1' name='" + mountpointname + "' rid='" + folder.getId() + "' zid='" + ZimbraAccount.AccountA().ZimbraId + "'/>" + "</CreateMountpointRequest>"); FolderMountpointItem mountpoint = FolderMountpointItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), mountpointname); // Click Get Mail button app.zPageMail.zToolbarPressButton(Button.B_GETMAIL); // Click on the mountpoint app.zTreeMail.zTreeItem(Action.A_LEFTCLICK, mountpoint); // Select the item app.zPageMail.zListItem(Action.A_LEFTCLICK, mail.dSubject); // Verify that the toolbar button is disabled String locator = "css=div[id='ztb__TV-main'] div[id='zb__TV-main__SPAM']"; ZAssert.assertTrue( app.zPageMail.sIsElementPresent(locator), "Verify the spam button is present"); ZAssert.assertTrue( app.zPageMail.sIsElementPresent(locator + "[class*='ZDisabled']"), "Verify the spam button is disabled"); }
@Test( description = "Delete multiple contact groups at once", groups = {"functional"}) public void DeleteMultipleContactGroups() throws HarnessException { // Create a contact group via Soap ContactGroupItem group1 = ContactGroupItem.createUsingSOAP(app); group1.setId( app.zGetActiveAccount().soapSelectValue("//mail:CreateContactResponse/mail:cn", "id")); String[] dlist = app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSelectValue("//mail:CreateContactResponse/mail:cn/mail:a[@n='dlist']", null) .split(","); // a[2] for (int i = 0; i < dlist.length; i++) { group1.addDListMember(dlist[i]); } // Create a contact group via Soap ContactGroupItem group2 = ContactGroupItem.createUsingSOAP(app); group2.setId( app.zGetActiveAccount().soapSelectValue("//mail:CreateContactResponse/mail:cn", "id")); String[] dlist2 = app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSelectValue("//mail:CreateContactResponse/mail:cn/mail:a[@n='dlist']", null) .split(","); // a[2] for (int i = 0; i < dlist2.length; i++) { group2.addDListMember(dlist2[i]); } // Create a contact group via Soap ContactGroupItem group3 = ContactGroupItem.createUsingSOAP(app); group3.setId( app.zGetActiveAccount().soapSelectValue("//mail:CreateContactResponse/mail:cn", "id")); String[] dlist3 = app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSelectValue("//mail:CreateContactResponse/mail:cn/mail:a[@n='dlist']", null) .split(","); // a[2] for (int i = 0; i < dlist3.length; i++) { group3.addDListMember(dlist[i]); } // Refresh the view, to pick up the new contact groups FolderItem contactFolder = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), "Contacts"); app.zTreeContacts.zTreeItem(Action.A_LEFTCLICK, contactFolder); // Select the items app.zPageAddressbook.zListItem(Action.A_CHECKBOX, group1.fileAs); app.zPageAddressbook.zListItem(Action.A_CHECKBOX, group2.fileAs); app.zPageAddressbook.zListItem(Action.A_CHECKBOX, group3.fileAs); // delete multiple contact groups by click Delete button on toolbar app.zPageAddressbook.zToolbarPressButton(Button.B_DELETE); // verify toasted message 3 contacts moved to Trash String expectedMsg = "3 contacts moved to Trash"; ZAssert.assertStringContains( app.zPageMain.zGetToaster().zGetToastMessage(), expectedMsg, "Verify toast message '" + expectedMsg + "'"); // verify deleted contact group not displayed List<ContactItem> contacts = app.zPageAddressbook.zListGetContacts(); int count = 0; for (ContactItem ci : contacts) { if (ci.fileAs.equals(group1.groupName) || ci.fileAs.equals(group2.groupName) || ci.fileAs.equals(group3.groupName)) { count++; } } ZAssert.assertTrue( count == 0, "Verify contact groups " + group1.groupName + "," + group2.groupName + "," + group3.groupName + " deleted"); }
@Test( description = "Grantee views show original of the appointment from grantor's calendar", groups = {"functional"}) public void ShowOriginal_01() throws HarnessException { String apptSubject = "appointment" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); String apptContent = ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); String foldername = "folder" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); String mountpointname = "mountpoint" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); Calendar now = this.calendarWeekDayUTC; ZDate startUTC = new ZDate( now.get(Calendar.YEAR), now.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1, now.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), 12, 0, 0); ZDate endUTC = new ZDate( now.get(Calendar.YEAR), now.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1, now.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), 14, 0, 0); FolderItem calendarFolder = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(ZimbraAccount.AccountA(), FolderItem.SystemFolder.Calendar); // Create a folder to share ZimbraAccount.AccountA() .soapSend( "<CreateFolderRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<folder name='" + foldername + "' l='" + calendarFolder.getId() + "'/>" + "</CreateFolderRequest>"); FolderItem folder = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(ZimbraAccount.AccountA(), foldername); // Share it ZimbraAccount.AccountA() .soapSend( "<FolderActionRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<action id='" + folder.getId() + "' op='grant'>" + "<grant d='" + app.zGetActiveAccount().EmailAddress + "' gt='usr' perm='r' view='appointment'/>" + "</action>" + "</FolderActionRequest>"); // Mount it app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSend( "<CreateMountpointRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<link l='1' name='" + mountpointname + "' rid='" + folder.getId() + "' zid='" + ZimbraAccount.AccountA().ZimbraId + "' view='appointment' color='5'/>" + "</CreateMountpointRequest>"); // Create appointment ZimbraAccount.AccountA() .soapSend( "<CreateAppointmentRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<m l='" + folder.getId() + "' >" + "<inv method='REQUEST' type='event' status='CONF' draft='0' class='PUB' fb='B' transp='O' allDay='0' name='" + apptSubject + "'>" + "<s d='" + startUTC.toTimeZone(ZTimeZone.TimeZoneEST.getID()).toYYYYMMDDTHHMMSS() + "' tz='" + ZTimeZone.TimeZoneEST.getID() + "'/>" + "<e d='" + endUTC.toTimeZone(ZTimeZone.TimeZoneEST.getID()).toYYYYMMDDTHHMMSS() + "' tz='" + ZTimeZone.TimeZoneEST.getID() + "'/>" + "<or a='" + ZimbraAccount.AccountA().EmailAddress + "'/>" + "<at role='REQ' ptst='NE' rsvp='1' a='" + app.zGetActiveAccount().EmailAddress + "'/>" + "</inv>" + "<e a='" + app.zGetActiveAccount().EmailAddress + "' t='t'/>" + "<su>" + apptSubject + "</su>" + "<mp content-type='text/plain'>" + "<content>" + apptContent + "</content>" + "</mp>" + "</m>" + "</CreateAppointmentRequest>"); app.zPageCalendar.zToolbarPressButton(Button.B_REFRESH); // Mark ON to mounted calendar folder and select the appointment app.zTreeCalendar.zDeSelectCalendarFolder("Calendar"); app.zTreeCalendar.zSelectMountedFolder(mountpointname); // Appointment show original SeparateWindowShowOriginal window = (SeparateWindowShowOriginal) app.zPageCalendar.zListItem( Action.A_RIGHTCLICK, Button.O_SHOW_ORIGINAL_MENU, apptSubject); try { window.zWaitForActive(); SleepUtil.sleepMedium(); ZAssert.assertTrue(window.zIsActive(), "Verify the window is active"); String body = window.sGetBodyText(); ZAssert.assertStringContains(body, apptSubject, "Verify subject in show original"); ZAssert.assertStringContains(body, apptContent, "Verify content in show original"); ZAssert.assertStringContains(body, "BEGIN:VCALENDAR", "Verify BEGIN header in show original"); ZAssert.assertStringContains(body, "END:VCALENDAR", "Verify END header in show original"); ZAssert.assertStringContains( body, "ORGANIZER:mailto:" + ZimbraAccount.AccountA().EmailAddress, "Verify organizer value in show original"); } finally { if (window != null) window.zCloseWindow(); } }
@Test( description = "Flag a mail by using shortcut 'mf'", groups = {"functional"}) public void FlagMail_02() throws HarnessException { // Create the message data to be sent String subject = "subject" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); ZimbraAccount.AccountA() .soapSend( "<SendMsgRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<m>" + "<e t='t' a='" + app.zGetActiveAccount().EmailAddress + "'/>" + "<su>" + subject + "</su>" + "<mp ct='text/plain'>" + "<content>content" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString() + "</content>" + "</mp>" + "</m>" + "</SendMsgRequest>"); // Create a mail item to represent the message MailItem mail = MailItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), "subject:(" + subject + ")"); // Click Get Mail button app.zPageMail.zToolbarPressButton(Button.B_GETMAIL); // Select the item app.zPageMail.zListItem(Action.A_LEFTCLICK, mail.dSubject); // Flag the item app.zPageMail.zKeyboardShortcut(Shortcut.S_MAIL_MARKFLAG); // Get the item from the list List<MailItem> messages = app.zPageMail.zListGetMessages(); ZAssert.assertNotNull(messages, "Verify the message list exists"); MailItem listmail = null; for (MailItem m : messages) { logger.info("Subject: looking for " + mail.dSubject + " found: " + m.gSubject); if (mail.dSubject.equals(m.gSubject)) { listmail = m; break; } } GeneralUtility.syncDesktopToZcsWithSoap(app.zGetActiveAccount()); // Make sure the GUI shows "flagged" ZAssert.assertNotNull(listmail, "Verify the message is in the list"); ZAssert.assertTrue(listmail.gIsFlagged, "Verify the message is flagged in the list"); // Make sure the server shows "flagged" mail = MailItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), "subject:(" + subject + ")"); ZAssert.assertStringContains( mail.getFlags(), "f", "Verify the message is flagged in the server"); }