/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.imchooser.framework.service.BaseService#remove(java.lang.Object) */ public boolean remove(Object myaction) throws Exception { DepartAction action = (DepartAction) myaction; String mess = null; mess = DBUtil.execOracleProcQueryString( "prc_sys_deletedepartid(?,?,?)", action.getTsysDepart().getDepartid(), action.getDepartID()); boolean deleteSuccess = "1".equals(mess); if (deleteSuccess) { BusinessLogUtil.log( action.getLoginUser().getUserLoginId(), SysConstants.CZDX_T_SYS_DEPART, SysConstants.LOG_ACTION_DEL); } else { throw new Exception(mess); } return deleteSuccess; }
public List<?> search(Object myaction, Pager pager) throws Exception { DepartAction action = (DepartAction) myaction; TSysDepart tSysDepart = action.getTsysDepart(); TDepartDetail tDepartDetail = action.getDepartDetail(); String sqlcolumn = "select a.departid,a.departname, " + "(select c.departname from T_Sys_Depart c where c.departid=a.updepartid) as updepartid," + "b.linkman,b.linktel,b.email,b.fax "; String sql = " from T_Sys_Depart a left join T_Depart_Detail b on a.departid=b.departid where a.departid like '" + action.getDepartID() + "%' and a.sfsn='1'"; if (tSysDepart != null) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(tSysDepart.getDepartname())) { sql += " and a.departname like '%" + tSysDepart.getDepartname() + "%'"; } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(tSysDepart.getDepartid())) { sql += " and a.departid like '" + tSysDepart.getDepartid() + "%'"; } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(tSysDepart.getUpdepartid())) { sql += " and a.updepartid in (select c.departid from T_Sys_Depart c where c.departname like '%" + tSysDepart.getUpdepartid() + "%')"; } } if (tDepartDetail != null) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(tDepartDetail.getLinkman())) { sql += " and b.linkman like '%" + tDepartDetail.getLinkman() + "%'"; } } long c = DBUtil.count(" select count(*) as c " + sql); pager.setTotalRows(c); sql = sqlcolumn + sql + " order by a.departid ,a.cc desc "; List<?> list = DBUtil.queryPageList(pager, sql); return list; }