  public void getIdLanguageNotAvailable() throws Exception {
    DocumentSolrMetadataExtractor extractor =
        (DocumentSolrMetadataExtractor) mocker.getComponentUnderTest();

    // Mock

    // Empty string returned as language. The default "en" will be used.

    // Call
    String id = extractor.getId(documentReference);

    // Assert and verify
    Assert.assertEquals("wiki:space.name_en", id);
    verify(mockDab, times(1)).getDocument(documentReference);
    verify(mockDocument, times(1)).getRealLanguage();
예제 #2
  public String handleMatch(MatchResult result, FilterContext context) {
    String id = null;
    String title = result.group(0);
    String level = result.group(1);
    int level_i = (level.length() + 1) / 2;
    String hlevel = (level_i <= 6 ? level_i : 6) + "";
    String text = result.group(3);
    String numbering = "";

    RenderContext rcontext = context.getRenderContext();
    XWikiContext xcontext =
        ((XWikiRadeoxRenderEngine) rcontext.getRenderEngine()).getXWikiContext();
    VelocityContext vcontext = (VelocityContext) xcontext.get("vcontext");
    XWikiDocument doc = xcontext.getDoc();

    LOGGER.debug("Processing '" + text + "'");
    // generate unique ID of the heading
    IdGenerator idGenerator = (IdGenerator) xcontext.get("headingsIdGenerator");
    if (idGenerator == null) {
      idGenerator = new IdGenerator();
      xcontext.put("headingsIdGenerator", idGenerator);

    id = idGenerator.generateUniqueId("H", text);
    LOGGER.debug("Generated heading id '" + id + "'");

    // add numbering if the flag is set

    if (xcontext.containsKey(TOC_NUMBERED)
        && ((Boolean) xcontext.get(TOC_NUMBERED)).booleanValue()) {
      // This is the old place where the data was placed, but this requires programming
      // rights. Instead, we now use vcontext.
      if (xcontext.containsKey(TOC_DATA)) {
        Map tocEntry = (Map) ((Map) xcontext.get(TOC_DATA)).get(id);
        if (tocEntry != null) {
          numbering = (String) tocEntry.get(TOCGenerator.TOC_DATA_NUMBERING) + " ";
      } else if (vcontext != null && vcontext.containsKey(TOC_DATA)) {
        Map tocEntry = (Map) ((Map) vcontext.get(TOC_DATA)).get(id);
        if (tocEntry != null) {
          numbering = (String) tocEntry.get(TOCGenerator.TOC_DATA_NUMBERING) + " ";

    String heading = formatter.format(new Object[] {id, numbering, text, hlevel});

    // Only show the section edit button for view action and when the user has edit rights on
    // the current document
    boolean showEditButton = false;
    if (xcontext.getWiki().hasSectionEdit(xcontext) && ("view".equals(xcontext.getAction()))) {
      try {
        // TODO: The user should always be set and never be null when this code gets
        // executed. Unfortunately this is currently happening. It should be set to XWiki
        // Guest immediatly in the initialization phase.
        // TODO: Similarly the current document should never be null when this code gets
        // executed as it would mean we're trying to render the headings for a null
        // document and that doesn't make sense...
        if ((doc != null)
            && ((xcontext.getUser() != null)
                && xcontext
                    .hasAccessLevel("edit", xcontext.getUser(), doc.getFullName(), xcontext))) {
          showEditButton = true;
      } catch (XWikiException e) {
        // TODO: Remove this try/catch block by removing the throw exception on
        // hasAccessLevel() as it never throws any exception...

    Object beforeAction = xcontext.get("action");
    if (showEditButton) {
      if (beforeAction != null) {
        if (!beforeAction.toString().equals("HeadingFilter")) {
          xcontext.put("action", "HeadingFilter");
          sectionNumber = 0;

      if (level.equals("1") || level.equals("1.1")) {
        // This check is needed so that only the document content generates sectionedit
        // links.
        // TODO: Find a better way to make this check, as this prevents generating links for
        // titles that are transformed by velocity (1.1 about $doc.fullName) or by radeox
        // (1.1 This is *important*).
        if (doc != null && doc.getContent().indexOf(title.trim()) != -1) {
          // TODO: This is unstable, meaning that it works in the current skin, but it might
          // fail if there are other headings processed before the document content.
          StringBuffer editparams = new StringBuffer();
          if (xcontext.getWiki().getEditorPreference(xcontext).equals("wysiwyg")) {
          } else {
          try {
            if ((xcontext.getWiki().isMultiLingual(xcontext))
                && (doc.getRealLanguage(xcontext) != null)) {
          } catch (XWikiException e) {

          String url = doc.getURL("edit", editparams.toString(), xcontext);
          return heading
              + "<span class='edit_section'>&#91;"
              + "<a style='text-decoration: none;' title='Edit section: "
              + text.replaceAll("'", "&#39;")
              + "' href='"
              + url
              + "'>"
              + "edit"
              + "</a>&#93;</span>";

    return heading;
  public void setUp() throws Exception {
    EntityReferenceSerializer<String> localSerializer =
        mocker.getInstance(EntityReferenceSerializer.TYPE_STRING, "local");
    EntityReferenceSerializer<String> serializer =
        mocker.getInstance(EntityReferenceSerializer.TYPE_STRING, "default");

    // No locale provided.
    documentReference = new DocumentReference("wiki", "space", "name");
    documentReferenceString = serializer.serialize(documentReference);
    documentReferenceLocalString = localSerializer.serialize(documentReference);

    language = "en";
    renderedContent = "content";
    title = "title";
    version = "1.1";
    hidden = false;
    date = new Date();
    creationDate = new Date();

    authorReference = new DocumentReference("wiki", "space", "author");
    authorString = serializer.serialize(authorReference);
    authorDisplay = "Au Thor";

    creatorReference = new DocumentReference("wiki", "space", "Creator");
    creatorString = serializer.serialize(creatorReference);
    creatorDisplay = "Crea Tor";

    // Mock

    mockContext = mock(XWikiContext.class);
    Execution mockExecution = mocker.getInstance(Execution.class);
    ExecutionContext mockExecutionContext = new ExecutionContext();
    mockExecutionContext.setProperty(XWikiContext.EXECUTIONCONTEXT_KEY, mockContext);


    mockXWiki = mock(XWiki.class);
    mockDocument = mock(XWikiDocument.class);

    when(mockXWiki.getDocument(documentReference, mockContext)).thenReturn(mockDocument);

    when(mockDocument.getTranslatedDocument(any(String.class), eq(mockContext)))

    mockDab = mocker.getInstance(DocumentAccessBridge.class);

    BlockRenderer mockPlainRenderer = mocker.getInstance(BlockRenderer.class, "plain/1.0");
            new Answer<Object>() {
              public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) {
                Object[] args = invocation.getArguments();

                WikiPrinter printer = (WikiPrinter) args[1];

                return null;
        .render(any(Block.class), any(WikiPrinter.class));

    when(mockDocument.getRenderedTitle(any(Syntax.class), eq(mockContext))).thenReturn(title);


    when(mockXWiki.getUserName(authorString, null, false, mockContext)).thenReturn(authorDisplay);

    when(mockXWiki.getUserName(creatorString, null, false, mockContext)).thenReturn(creatorDisplay);

