public void run() {, "启动[" + jobname + "]模块"); do { Connection connection = null; is_importing = true; try { connection = PoolHelper.getInstance().getConnection(; lasttime = PublicUtils.getConfig( connection, lasttimeconfvalue, Formatter.format(new Date(), Formatter.DATE_TIME_FORMAT)); getRefundBillList(connection); } catch (Exception e) { try { if (connection != null && !connection.getAutoCommit()) connection.rollback(); } catch (Exception e1) { Log.error(jobname, "回滚事务失败"); } Log.error("105", jobname, Log.getErrorMessage(e)); } finally { is_importing = false; try { if (connection != null) connection.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(jobname, "关闭数据库连接失败"); } } System.gc(); long startwaittime = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (System.currentTimeMillis() - startwaittime < (long) ( * 1000)) try { sleep(1000L); } catch (Exception e) { Log.warn(jobname, "系统不支持休眠操作, 作业将严重影响机器性能"); } } while (true); }
public void run() {, "启动[" + jobname + "]模块"); do { Connection connection = null; is_exporting = true; try { connection = PoolHelper.getInstance().getConnection(Params.dbname); delivery(connection); // modifiRemark(connection); } catch (Exception e) { try { if (connection != null && !connection.getAutoCommit()) connection.rollback(); } catch (Exception e1) { Log.error(jobname, "回滚事务失败"); } Log.error("105", jobname, Log.getErrorMessage(e)); } finally { is_exporting = false; try { if (connection != null) connection.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(jobname, "关闭数据库连接失败"); } } System.gc(); long startwaittime = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (System.currentTimeMillis() - startwaittime < (long) (Params.waittime * 1000)) try { sleep(1000L); } catch (Exception e) { Log.warn(jobname, "系统不支持休眠操作, 作业将严重影响机器性能"); } } while (true); }
public void run() {, "启动[" + jobName + "]模块"); do { Connection connection = null; try { connection = PoolHelper.getInstance().getConnection(com.wofu.ecommerce.ylw.Params.dbname); getRefund(connection); } catch (Exception e) { try { e.printStackTrace(); if (connection != null && !connection.getAutoCommit()) connection.rollback(); } catch (Exception e1) { Log.error(jobName, "回滚事务失败"); } Log.error("105", jobName, Log.getErrorMessage(e)); } finally { try { if (connection != null) connection.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(jobName, "关闭数据库连接失败"); } } System.gc(); long startwaittime = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (System.currentTimeMillis() - startwaittime < (long) (Params.waittime * 1000 * Params.timeInterval)) try { sleep(1000L); } catch (Exception e) { Log.warn(jobName, "系统不支持休眠操作, 作业将严重影响机器性能"); } } while (true); }
public void run() { Properties prop = StringUtil.getStringProperties(this.getExecuteobj().getParams()); url = prop.getProperty("url"); tradecontactid = prop.getProperty("tradecontactid"); username = prop.getProperty("username"); app_id = prop.getProperty("app_id"); secret = prop.getProperty("secret"); session = prop.getProperty("session"); System.out.println(url); System.out.println(tradecontactid); System.out.println(username); System.out.println(app_id); System.out.println(secret); System.out.println(session); try { updateJobFlag(1); synStock(); UpdateTimerJob(); jobName, "执行作业成功 [" + this.getExecuteobj().getActivetimes() + "] [" + this.getExecuteobj().getNotes() + "] 下次处理时间: " + this.datetimeformat.format(this.getExecuteobj().getNextactive())); } catch (Exception e) { try { if (this.getExecuteobj().getSkip() == 1) { UpdateTimerJob(); } else UpdateTimerJob(Log.getErrorMessage(e)); if (this.getConnection() != null && !this.getConnection().getAutoCommit()) this.getConnection().rollback(); if (this.getExtconnection() != null && !this.getExtconnection().getAutoCommit()) this.getExtconnection().rollback(); } catch (Exception e1) { Log.error(jobName, "回滚事务失败"); } Log.error(jobName, "错误信息:" + Log.getErrorMessage(e)); Log.error( jobName, "执行作业失败 [" + this.getExecuteobj().getActivetimes() + "] [" + this.getExecuteobj().getNotes() + "] \r\n " + Log.getErrorMessage(e)); } finally { try { updateJobFlag(0); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(jobName, "更新处理标志失败"); } try { if (this.getConnection() != null) this.getConnection().close(); if (this.getExtconnection() != null) this.getExtconnection().close(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(jobName, "关闭数据库连接失败"); } } }
private void synStock() throws Exception { // 店铺同步比例 double synrate = 1;, "开始同步商品库存"); StringBuffer updateItemsXML = new StringBuffer(); String sql = "select orgid from ecs_tradecontactorgcontrast with(nolock) where tradecontactid=" + tradecontactid; int orgid = this.getDao().intSelect(sql); sql = "update ecs_stockconfig set errflag=0,errmsg='' where orgid=" + orgid; this.getDao().execute(sql); sql = "update ecs_stockconfigsku set errflag=0,errmsg='' where orgid=" + orgid; this.getDao().execute(sql); // 店铺同步比例表 sql = "select synrate from ecs_shopglobalconfig where shopOrgId=" + orgid; String temp = this.getDao().strSelect(sql); if (!"".equals(temp)) synrate = Float.parseFloat(temp); int n = 0; for (int k = 0; k < 10; ) { try { sql = "select * from ecs_stockconfig with(nolock) where orgid=" + orgid; Vector vtstockconfig = this.getDao().multiRowSelect(sql); for (int i = 0; i < vtstockconfig.size(); i++) { try { Hashtable htstockconfig = (Hashtable) vtstockconfig.get(i); ECS_StockConfig stockconfig = new ECS_StockConfig(); stockconfig.getMapData(htstockconfig); String itemid = stockconfig.getItemid();"商品ID:" + stockconfig.getItemid() + " 货号:" + stockconfig.getItemcode()); if (stockconfig.getIsneedsyn() == 0) {, "配置不需要同步库存,货号:" + stockconfig.getItemcode()); continue; // 不需要同步 } sql = "select * from ecs_stockconfigsku with(nolock) where orgid=" + orgid + " and itemid='" + stockconfig.getItemid() + "'"; Vector vtstockconfigsku = this.getDao().multiRowSelect(sql); for (int j = 0; j < vtstockconfigsku.size(); j++) { try { Hashtable htstockconfigsku = (Hashtable) vtstockconfigsku.get(j); ECS_StockConfigSku stockconfigsku = new ECS_StockConfigSku(); stockconfigsku.getMapData(htstockconfigsku); username, "SKU:" + stockconfigsku.getSku() + " 原库存:" + stockconfigsku.getStockcount()); boolean ismulti = false; boolean isfind = true; sql = "select count(*) from barcode with(nolock) where custombc='" + stockconfigsku.getSku() + "'"; if (this.getDao().intSelect(sql) == 0) { sql = "select count(*) from MultiSKURef where refcustomercode='" + stockconfigsku.getSku() + "'"; if (this.getDao().intSelect(sql) == 0) { Log.warn( username, "找不到SKU【" + stockconfigsku.getSku() + "】对应的条码,商品标题:" + stockconfig.getTitle()); stockconfigsku.setErrflag(1); stockconfigsku.setErrmsg("找不到SKU【" + stockconfigsku.getSku() + "】对应的条码"); this.getDao().updateByKeys(stockconfigsku, "orgid,itemid,skuid"); stockconfig.setErrflag(1); stockconfig.setErrmsg("找不到SKU【" + stockconfigsku.getSku() + "】对应的条码"); this.getDao().updateByKeys(stockconfig, "orgid,itemid"); isfind = false; continue; } else ismulti = true; } int qty = 0; if (isfind) { if (ismulti) { int minqty = 1000000; sql = "select customercode,qty from MultiSKURef where refcustomercode='" + stockconfigsku.getSku() + "'"; Vector multiskulist = this.getDao().multiRowSelect(sql); for (Iterator itmulti = multiskulist.iterator(); itmulti.hasNext(); ) { Hashtable skuref = (Hashtable); String customercode = skuref.get("customercode").toString(); double skurefqty = Double.valueOf(skuref.get("qty").toString()).doubleValue(); qty = StockManager.getTradeContactUseableStock( this.getDao().getConnection(), Integer.valueOf(tradecontactid).intValue(), customercode); qty = (Double.valueOf(Math.ceil(qty / skurefqty))).intValue(); if (qty < minqty) { minqty = qty; } } qty = minqty; } else { qty = StockManager.getTradeContactUseableStock( this.getDao().getConnection(), Integer.valueOf(tradecontactid).intValue(), stockconfigsku.getSku()); } if (qty < 0) qty = 0; } int addstockqty = 0; if (Math.abs(stockconfig.getAddstockqty()) < 1) addstockqty = Double.valueOf(Math.floor(qty * stockconfig.getAddstockqty())).intValue(); else addstockqty = Double.valueOf(stockconfig.getAddstockqty()).intValue(); // 如果可用库存加上需增加的库存小于等于警戒库存,则将库存同步为0 if ((qty + addstockqty) <= stockconfig.getAlarmqty()) { qty = 0; } else { qty = qty + addstockqty; }"old qty: " + qty); qty = Double.valueOf(Math.floor(qty * synrate)).intValue();"new qty: " + qty); // 更新库存开始 StockUtils.UpdateSkuStock( this.getDao(), orgid, url, app_id, secret, session, stockconfigsku.getSku(), qty, stockconfig, stockconfigsku); } catch (Exception ex) { if (this.getConnection() != null && !this.getConnection().getAutoCommit()) this.getConnection().rollback(); if (this.getExtconnection() != null && !this.getExtconnection().getAutoCommit()) this.getExtconnection().rollback(); Log.error(jobName, ex.getMessage()); } } k = 0; } catch (Exception ex) { if (this.getConnection() != null && !this.getConnection().getAutoCommit()) this.getConnection().rollback(); if (this.getExtconnection() != null && !this.getExtconnection().getAutoCommit()) this.getExtconnection().rollback(); Log.error(jobName, ex.getMessage()); } } break; } catch (Exception e) { if (++k >= 10) throw e; if (this.getConnection() != null && !this.getConnection().getAutoCommit()) this.getConnection().rollback(); if (this.getExtconnection() != null && !this.getExtconnection().getAutoCommit()) this.getExtconnection().rollback(); Log.warn(jobName + ", 远程连接失败[" + k + "], 10秒后自动重试. " + Log.getErrorMessage(e)); Thread.sleep(10000L); } } }
public void run() {, "启动[" + jobname + "]模块"); do { Connection conn = null; try { conn = PoolHelper.getInstance().getConnection(Params.dbname); Holder ask = new Holder(); Holder message = new Holder(); Holder error = new Holder(); HeaderRequest request = new HeaderRequest(); request.setAppKey(Params.Key); request.setAppToken(Params.Token); request.setCustomerCode(Params.customercode); ServiceForProduct_Service service = new ServiceForProduct_Service(); ServiceForProduct info = service.getServiceForProductSOAP(); // 取得要处理的数据的单号 这个单号对应barcodetranlist的sheetid Vector infsheetlist = FedexUtil.getInfDownNote(conn, "9901"); // 每一个单号发送一次请求 for (Iterator it = infsheetlist.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Hashtable ht = (Hashtable); String sheetid = ht.get("OperData").toString(); Integer serialid = (Integer) ht.get("SerialID");"sheetid: " + sheetid); // skuCategory 产品分类 这个还没有表数据关联的 String sql = " select CustomBC skuNo,g.Name skuName, g.Name skuEnName,rtrim(d.skuCategory) as skuCategory,g.customno,g.deptid, isnull(g.postTaxNo,'" + "GDO51311409230000003') applyEnterpriseCode,u.uom UOM ,0 barcodeType,substring(Spec,1,128) " + "specificationsAndModels,hsCode,g.Price productDeclaredValue,g.Name hsGoodsName,b.applyEnterpriseCodeCIQ," + "cc.code originCountry, brand,case when isnull(Weigh,1000)/1000<1 then 1 else isnull(Weigh,1000)" + "/1000 end as weight ,case when isnull(NetWeigh,1000)/1000<1 then 1 else isnull(NetWeigh,1000)/1000 end as netWeight" + " from BarcodeTranList a , Barcode b , Merchandise g , PostTariff p,unit u," + "countrycode cc ,dept d ,brand br where a.BarcodeID = b.BarcodeID and b.MID = g.MID and g.unitname=" + "u.unitname and and g.PostTaxNo = p.Code and d.deptid=g.deptid and g.brandid=br.BrandID and SheetID = '" + sheetid + "'"; boolean isSuccess = false; Vector vtsku = SQLHelper.multiRowSelect(conn, sql); for (int i = 0; i < vtsku.size(); i++) { Hashtable htsku = (Hashtable) vtsku.get(i); ProductInfo productInfo = new ProductInfo(); productInfo.getMapData(htsku); info.createProduct(request, productInfo, ask, message, error); if ("1".equals(ask.value)) { isSuccess = true; /* conn.setAutoCommit(false); FedexUtil.bakcUpDownNote(conn,serialid); conn.commit(); conn.setAutoCommit(true); **/"添加商品成功,sku: " + productInfo.getSkuNo()); } else { isSuccess = false;"上传商品数据失败: " + message.value); List<ErrorType> type = (List<ErrorType>) error.value; for (Iterator t = type.iterator(); t.hasNext(); ) { ErrorType err = (ErrorType);"上传商品数据失败: " + err.getErrorMessage()); } } } if (isSuccess) { // 处理成功备份接口数据 conn.setAutoCommit(false); FedexUtil.bakcUpDownNote(conn, serialid); conn.commit(); conn.setAutoCommit(true); } } } catch (Exception e) { try { if (conn != null && !conn.getAutoCommit()) { conn.rollback(); conn.setAutoCommit(true); } } catch (Exception e1) { Log.error(jobname, "回滚事务失败"); } e.printStackTrace(); Log.error("105", jobname, Log.getErrorMessage(e)); } finally { try { if (conn != null) conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(jobname, "关闭数据库连接失败"); } } System.gc(); long startwaittime = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (System.currentTimeMillis() - startwaittime < (long) (Params.waittime * 1000)) try { sleep(1000L); } catch (Exception e) { Log.warn(jobname, "系统不支持休眠操作, 作业将严重影响机器性能"); } } while (true); }
public void getRefund(Connection conn) throws Exception { String resultText = ""; for (int k = 0; k < 5; ) { try { // 获取到退货订单号 String apiMethod = "suning.custom.batchrejectedOrd.query"; HashMap<String, String> reqMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); reqMap.put( "startTime", Formatter.format( new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() - daymillis), Formatter.DATE_TIME_FORMAT)); reqMap.put("endTime", Formatter.format(new Date(), Formatter.DATE_TIME_FORMAT)); HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put("appSecret", Params.appsecret); map.put("appMethod", apiMethod); map.put("format", Params.format); map.put("versionNo", "v1.2"); map.put("appKey", Params.appKey); // 发送请求 String responseText = CommHelper.doRequest(map, Params.url);"退换货数据: " + responseText); // 把返回的数据转成json对象 JSONObject responseObj = new JSONObject(responseText).getJSONObject("sn_responseContent"); // 错误对象 if (responseText.indexOf("sn_error") != -1) { // 发生错误 String operCode = responseObj.getJSONObject("sn_error").getString("error_code"); if (!"".equals(operCode)) { Log.error("苏宁获取退货订单", "获取退货订单失败,operCode:" + operCode); } return; } JSONArray ReturnCodeList = responseObj.getJSONObject("sn_body").getJSONArray("batchQueryRejectedOrd"); for (int i = 0; i < ReturnCodeList.length(); i++) { try { String orderCode = ReturnCodeList.getJSONObject(i).getString("orderCode"); Order o = new Order(); OrderUtils.createRefundOrder( "生成苏宁退换货接口订单", conn, Params.tradecontactid, o, Params.url, Params.appKey, Params.appsecret, Params.format); } catch (Exception ex) { if (conn != null && !conn.getAutoCommit()) { conn.rollback(); } Log.error(jobName, ex.getMessage()); continue; } } break; } catch (Exception e) { if (++k >= 5) throw e; if (conn != null && !conn.getAutoCommit()) { conn.rollback(); } Log.warn(jobName + " ,远程连接失败[" + k + "], 10秒后自动重试. " + Log.getErrorMessage(e)); Thread.sleep(10000L); } } }
private void getInStockItems() throws Exception { int pageno = 1;"开始取一号店仓库商品资料"); String sql = "select orgid from ecs_tradecontactorgcontrast with(nolock) where tradecontactid=" + tradecontactid; int orgid = this.getDao().intSelect(sql); for (int k = 0; k < 10; ) { try { while (true) { Map<String, String> productparams = new HashMap<String, String>(); // 系统级参数设置 productparams.put("appKey", app_key); productparams.put("sessionKey", token); productparams.put("format", format); productparams.put("method", ""); productparams.put("ver", ver); productparams.put("timestamp", Formatter.format(new Date(), Formatter.DATE_TIME_FORMAT)); productparams.put("canShow", "1"); productparams.put("canSale", "0"); productparams.put("curPage", String.valueOf(pageno)); productparams.put("pageRows", "20"); productparams.put("verifyFlg", "2"); String responseProductData = Utils.sendByPost(productparams, app_secret, url, "");"取仓库商品返回数据: " + responseProductData); JSONObject responseproduct = new JSONObject(responseProductData); int totalCount = responseproduct.getJSONObject("response").getInt("totalCount"); JSONArray productlist = responseproduct .getJSONObject("response") .getJSONObject("serialProductList") .getJSONArray("serialProduct"); for (int i = 0; i < productlist.length(); i++) { JSONObject product = productlist.getJSONObject(i); long productId = product.optLong("productId"); String productCode = product.optString("productCode"); String productCname = product.optString("productCname");"货号:" + productCode + ",产品名称:" + productCname); StockManager.stockConfig( this.getDao(), orgid, Integer.valueOf(tradecontactid), String.valueOf(productId), productCode, productCname, 0); Map<String, String> stockparams = new HashMap<String, String>(); // 系统级参数设置 stockparams.put("appKey", app_key); stockparams.put("sessionKey", token); stockparams.put("format", format); stockparams.put("method", "yhd.serial.product.get"); stockparams.put("ver", ver); stockparams.put("timestamp", Formatter.format(new Date(), Formatter.DATE_TIME_FORMAT)); stockparams.put("productId", String.valueOf(productId)); String responseData = Utils.sendByPost(stockparams, app_secret, url, "");"取仓库商品详情返回数据: " + responseData); JSONObject responsestock = new JSONObject(responseData); JSONArray childseriallist = responsestock .getJSONObject("response") .getJSONObject("serialChildProdList") .getJSONArray("serialChildProd"); for (int m = 0; m < childseriallist.length(); m++) { JSONObject childserial = childseriallist.optJSONObject(m); String sku = childserial.optString("outerId"); long skuid = childserial.optLong("productId"); JSONArray stocklist = childserial.getJSONObject("allWareHouseStocList").getJSONArray("pmStockInfo"); for (int j = 0; j < stocklist.length(); j++) { JSONObject stock = stocklist.optJSONObject(j); int quantity = stock.optInt("vs"); long warehouseId = stock.optLong("warehouseId"); StockManager.addStockConfigSku( this.getDao(), Integer.valueOf(tradecontactid), String.valueOf(productId), String.valueOf(skuid) + "-" + String.valueOf(warehouseId), sku, quantity); } } } // 判断是否有下一页 if (pageno == (Double.valueOf(Math.ceil(totalCount / 20.0))).intValue()) break; pageno++; } break; } catch (Exception e) { if (++k >= 10) throw e; Log.warn(jobName + ", 远程连接失败[" + k + "], 10秒后自动重试. " + Log.getErrorMessage(e)); Thread.sleep(10000L); } } }
@Override public void run() { Properties prop = StringUtil.getStringProperties(this.getExecuteobj().getParams()); pageSize = prop.getProperty("pageSize"); url = prop.getProperty("url"); tradecontactid = prop.getProperty("tradecontactid"); username = prop.getProperty("username"); try { // 检查未入订单 updateJobFlag(1); checkWaitStockOutOrders(); // 检查取消订单 checkCancleOrders(); UpdateTimerJob(); jobName, "执行作业成功 [" + this.getExecuteobj().getActivetimes() + "] [" + this.getExecuteobj().getNotes() + "] 下次处理时间: " + this.datetimeformat.format(this.getExecuteobj().getNextactive())); } catch (Exception e) { try { if (this.getExecuteobj().getSkip() == 1) { UpdateTimerJob(); } else UpdateTimerJob(Log.getErrorMessage(e)); updateJobFlag(0); if (this.getConnection() != null && !this.getConnection().getAutoCommit()) this.getConnection().rollback(); if (this.getExtconnection() != null && !this.getExtconnection().getAutoCommit()) this.getExtconnection().rollback(); } catch (Exception e1) { Log.error(jobName, "回滚事务失败"); } Log.error(jobName, "错误信息:" + Log.getErrorMessage(e)); Log.error( jobName, "执行作业失败 [" + this.getExecuteobj().getActivetimes() + "] [" + this.getExecuteobj().getNotes() + "] \r\n " + Log.getErrorMessage(e)); } finally { try { updateJobFlag(0); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(jobName, "更新处理标志失败"); } try { if (this.getConnection() != null) this.getConnection().close(); if (this.getExtconnection() != null) this.getExtconnection().close(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(jobName, "关闭数据库连接失败"); } } }
// 检查取消订单 4 取消 private void checkCancleOrders() throws Exception { int pageIndex = 1; boolean hasNextPage = true; for (int k = 0; k < 10; ) { try { int n = 1; while (hasNextPage) { Date enddate = new Date(); Date startdate = new Date(new Date().getTime() - daymillis); // 方法名 String apimethod = "search_order_list"; HashMap<String, Object> reqMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); reqMap.put("last_modify_st_time", startdate.getTime() / 1000L); reqMap.put("last_modify_en_time", enddate.getTime() / 1000L); reqMap.put("pages", String.valueOf(pageIndex)); reqMap.put("counts", pageSize); reqMap.put("return_data", "json"); reqMap.put("act", apimethod); reqMap.put("api_version", "1.0");"第" + pageIndex + "页"); String responseText = CommHelper.doRequest(reqMap, url);"返回数据为: " + responseText); // 把返回的数据转成json对象 JSONObject responseObj = new JSONObject(responseText); // sn_error if (!"success".equals(responseObj.getString("result"))) { // 发生错误 String operCode = responseObj.getJSONObject("sn_error").getString("error_code"); if ("".equals(operCode)) { // 没有结果"没有可用的订单!"); } else { Log.warn("取订单出错了,错误码: " + operCode); } break; } JSONObject orderInfos = responseObj.getJSONObject("info"); // 总页数 String orderTotal = String.valueOf(orderInfos.getString("counts")); int orderTotaltemp = Integer.parseInt(orderTotal); int pageTotalTemp = orderTotaltemp < Integer.parseInt(pageSize) ? 1 : orderTotaltemp / Integer.parseInt(pageSize) == 0 ? Integer.parseInt(pageSize) : orderTotaltemp / Integer.parseInt(pageSize) + 1; String pageTotal = String.valueOf(pageTotalTemp);"总订单数为: " + orderTotal);"总页数为: " + pageTotal); if (orderTotal == null || orderTotal.equals("") || orderTotal.equals("0")) { break; } // 订单元素 JSONArray ordersList = orderInfos.getJSONArray("data_info"); for (int i = 0; i < ordersList.length(); i++) { // 某个订单 JSONObject orderInfo = ordersList.getJSONObject(i); int returnOrderCount = 0; // 订单编号 String orderCode = (String) orderInfo.get("order_sn"); if (orderInfo.isNull("shop_info")) continue; // 订单商品集合 JSONArray items = orderInfo.getJSONArray("shop_info"); // 构造一个订单对象 Order o = new Order(); o.setObjValue(o, orderInfo); o.setFieldValue(o, "shop_info", items);"发货状态: " + o.getShipping_status() + "付款状态: " + o.getPay_status()); if (o != null) { if ("4".equals(o.getPay_status())) { // 正常订单"订单号: " + o.getOrder_sn()); // 如果是等待发货订单,创建接口订单成功,减少其它店的库存 try { OrderUtils.createInterOrder( this.getDao().getConnection(), o, tradecontactid, username); } catch (SQLException sqle) { throw new JException("生成退货订单出错!" + sqle.getMessage()); } } } } // 判断是否有下一页 if ("".equals(pageTotal) || pageTotal == null) pageTotal = "0"; if (pageIndex >= Integer.parseInt(pageTotal)) hasNextPage = false; else pageIndex++; n++; } break; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (++k >= 10) throw e; if (this.getDao() != null && !this.getDao().getConnection().getAutoCommit()) { this.getDao().rollback(); } Log.warn(jobName + " ,远程连接失败[" + k + "], 10秒后自动重试. " + Log.getErrorMessage(e)); Thread.sleep(10000L); } }"本次取ecshop退货订单任务处理完毕!"); }
/** 检查未入待发货订单 orderStatus=10 等待发货 这里检查一天时间的未入订单 */ public void checkWaitStockOutOrders() throws Exception { + "任务开始!"); Connection conn = this.getDao().getConnection(); int pageIndex = 1; boolean hasNextPage = true; for (int k = 0; k < 5; ) { try { while (hasNextPage) { Date startdate = new Date(new Date().getTime() - daymillis); Date enddate = new Date(); // 方法名 String apimethod = "search_order_list"; HashMap<String, Object> reqMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); reqMap.put("last_modify_st_time", startdate.getTime() / 1000L); reqMap.put("last_modify_en_time", enddate.getTime() / 1000L); reqMap.put("pages", String.valueOf(pageIndex)); reqMap.put("counts", pageSize); reqMap.put("return_data", "json"); reqMap.put("act", apimethod); reqMap.put("api_version", "1.0"); // 发送请求"第" + pageIndex + "页"); String responseText = CommHelper.doRequest(reqMap, url);"返回数据为: " + responseText); // 把返回的数据转成json对象 JSONObject responseObj = new JSONObject(responseText.replaceAll(":null", ":\"\"")); // 错误对象 if (!"success".equals(responseObj.getString("result"))) { // 发生错误 String operCode = responseObj.getJSONObject("sn_error").getString("error_code"); if (operCode.indexOf("no-result") != -1) { // 没有数据直接退出方法体 Log.error("获取ecshop订单列表", "获取订单列表失败,操作码:" + operCode); return; } hasNextPage = false; break; } JSONObject orderInfos = responseObj.getJSONObject("info"); String orderTotal = String.valueOf(orderInfos.getString("counts")); int orderTotaltemp = Integer.parseInt(orderTotal); int pageTotalTemp = Double.valueOf(Math.ceil(orderTotaltemp / Double.parseDouble(Params.pageSize))) .intValue(); String pageTotal = String.valueOf(pageTotalTemp);"总订单数为: " + orderTotal);"总页数为: " + pageTotal); if (orderTotal == null || orderTotal.equals("") || orderTotal.equals("0")) { break; } // 订单元素 JSONArray ordersList = orderInfos.getJSONArray("data_info"); for (int i = 0; i < ordersList.length(); i++) { // 某个订单 JSONObject orderInfo = ordersList.getJSONObject(i); // 订单编号 String orderCode = (String) orderInfo.get("order_sn"); if (orderInfo.isNull("shop_info")) continue; // 订单商品集合 JSONArray items = orderInfo.getJSONArray("shop_info"); // 构造一个订单对象 Order o = new Order(); o.setObjValue(o, orderInfo); o.setFieldValue(o, "shop_info", items); "订单号: " + o.getOrder_sn() + ", 发货状态: " + o.getShipping_status() + "付款状态: " + o.getPay_status()); if (o != null) { if ("0".equals(o.getShipping_status()) && "2".equals(o.getPay_status())) { // 正常订单"检查到一条订单:" + orderCode); // 如果是等待发货订单,创建接口订单成功,减少其它店的库存 if (!OrderManager.isCheck(jobName, conn, orderCode)) { if (!OrderManager.TidLastModifyIntfExists( jobName, conn, orderCode, new Date(o.getAdd_time() * 1000L))) { try { OrderUtils.createInterOrder(conn, o, tradecontactid, username); for (Iterator ito = o.getShop_info().getRelationData().iterator(); ito.hasNext(); ) { OrderItem item = (OrderItem); String sku = item.getProduct_sn(); StockManager.deleteWaitPayStock( jobName, conn, tradecontactid, orderCode, sku); long qty = (long) item.getGoods_number(); // 在ecs_rationconfig表中存在机构添加一条库存同步记录(不包括自己) StockManager.addSynReduceStore( jobName, conn, tradecontactid, "未发货", o.getOrder_sn(), sku, qty, false); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { throw new JException("生成接口订单出错!" + sqle.getMessage()); } } } // 订单状态 10待发货,20已发货,21部分发货,30交易成功 ,40交易关闭 } } } // 判断是否有下一页 if ("".equals(pageTotal) || pageTotal == null) pageTotal = "0"; if (pageIndex >= Integer.parseInt(pageTotal)) hasNextPage = false; else pageIndex++; break; } + "执行完毕!"); break; } catch (Exception e) { if (++k >= 5) throw e; if (conn != null && !conn.getAutoCommit()) { conn.rollback(); } Log.warn(jobName + " ,远程连接失败[" + k + "], 10秒后自动重试. " + Log.getErrorMessage(e)); Thread.sleep(10000L); } } }
public void run() { Properties proper = StringUtil.getStringProperties(this.getExecuteobj().getParams()); tid = proper.getProperty("tid"); tradecontactid = proper.getProperty("tradecontactid"); url = proper.getProperty("url"); appkey = proper.getProperty("appkey"); appsecret = proper.getProperty("appsecret"); authcode = proper.getProperty("authcode"); sellernick = proper.getProperty("sellernick"); try { updateJobFlag(1); String sql = "select isnull(value,0) from config where name='等待付款订单是否进系统'"; if ("1".equals(this.getDao().strSelect(sql))) ; waitbuyerpayisin = true; TaobaoClient client = new DefaultTaobaoClient(url, appkey, appsecret, "xml"); TradeGetRequest req = new TradeGetRequest(); req.setFields("tid,modified,status,orders.outer_sku_id,orders.num"); req.setTid(Long.parseLong(tid)); TradeGetResponse response = client.execute(req, authcode); if (response.getTrade() == null) { return; } Trade td = response.getTrade(); if (td.getStatus().equals("WAIT_SELLER_SEND_GOODS")) { if (!OrderManager.isCheck( "检查淘宝订单", this.getDao().getConnection(), String.valueOf(td.getTid()))) { if (!OrderManager.TidLastModifyIntfExists( "检查淘宝订单", this.getDao().getConnection(), String.valueOf(td.getTid()), td.getModified())) { OrderUtils.createInterOrder( this.getDao().getConnection(), td, Params.tradecontactid, Params.username, true); for (Iterator ito = td.getOrders().iterator(); ito.hasNext(); ) { Order o = (Order); String sku = o.getOuterSkuId(); StockManager.deleteWaitPayStock( jobName, this.getDao().getConnection(), Params.tradecontactid, String.valueOf(td.getTid()), sku); StockManager.addSynReduceStore( jobName, this.getDao().getConnection(), Params.tradecontactid, td.getStatus(), String.valueOf(td.getTid()), sku, -o.getNum(), false); } } } // 等待买家付款时记录锁定库存 } else if (td.getStatus().equals("WAIT_BUYER_PAY") || td.getStatus().equals("TRADE_NO_CREATE_PAY")) { if (waitbuyerpayisin) { if (!OrderManager.TidLastModifyIntfExists( "检查淘宝订单", this.getDao().getConnection(), String.valueOf(td.getTid()), td.getModified())) { OrderUtils.createInterOrder( this.getDao().getConnection(), td, Params.tradecontactid, Params.username, false); } } for (Iterator ito = td.getOrders().iterator(); ito.hasNext(); ) { Order o = (Order); String sku = o.getOuterSkuId(); StockManager.addWaitPayStock( jobName, this.getDao().getConnection(), Params.tradecontactid, String.valueOf(td.getTid()), sku, o.getNum()); StockManager.addSynReduceStore( jobName, this.getDao().getConnection(), Params.tradecontactid, td.getStatus(), String.valueOf(td.getTid()), sku, -o.getNum(), false); } // 付款以后用户退款成功,交易自动关闭 // 释放库存,数量为负数 } else if (td.getStatus().equals("TRADE_CLOSED")) { OrderManager.CancelOrderByCID( jobName, this.getDao().getConnection(), String.valueOf(td.getTid())); for (Iterator ito = td.getOrders().iterator(); ito.hasNext(); ) { Order o = (Order); String sku = o.getOuterSkuId(); StockManager.deleteWaitPayStock( jobName, this.getDao().getConnection(), Params.tradecontactid, String.valueOf(td.getTid()), sku); // StockManager.addSynReduceStore(jobName, this.getDao().getConnection(), // Params.tradecontactid, td.getStatus(),String.valueOf(td.getTid()),sku, // o.getNum(),false); } // 付款以前,卖家或买家主动关闭交易 // 释放等待买家付款时锁定的库存 } else if (td.getStatus().equals("TRADE_CLOSED_BY_TAOBAO")) { if (waitbuyerpayisin) { if (!OrderManager.TidLastModifyIntfExists( "检查淘宝订单", this.getDao().getConnection(), String.valueOf(td.getTid()), td.getModified())) { OrderUtils.createInterOrder( this.getDao().getConnection(), td, Params.tradecontactid, Params.username, false); } } for (Iterator ito = td.getOrders().iterator(); ito.hasNext(); ) { Order o = (Order); String sku = o.getOuterSkuId(); StockManager.deleteWaitPayStock( jobName, this.getDao().getConnection(), Params.tradecontactid, String.valueOf(td.getTid()), sku); if (StockManager.WaitPayStockExists( jobName, this.getDao().getConnection(), Params.tradecontactid, String.valueOf(td.getTid()), sku)) // 有获取到等待买家付款状态时才加库存 { StockManager.addSynReduceStore( jobName, this.getDao().getConnection(), Params.tradecontactid, td.getStatus(), String.valueOf(td.getTid()), sku, o.getNum(), false); } } } else if (td.getStatus().equals("TRADE_FINISHED")) { for (Iterator ito = td.getOrders().iterator(); ito.hasNext(); ) { Order o = (Order); String sku = o.getOuterSkuId(); StockManager.deleteWaitPayStock( jobName, this.getDao().getConnection(), Params.tradecontactid, String.valueOf(td.getTid()), sku); // 更新结束时间 OrderUtils.updateFinishedStatus( this.getDao().getConnection(), Params.tradecontactid, td.getTid(), td.getEndTime()); } } // if(Params.isc) // { // 处理退货 for (Iterator oit = td.getOrders().iterator(); oit.hasNext(); ) { Order o = (Order); //"订单号:"+String.valueOf(td.getTid())+" 退货ID:"+String.valueOf(o.getRefundId())); if (o.getRefundId() > 0) { OrderUtils.getRefund( jobName, this.getDao().getConnection(), Params.url, Params.appkey, Params.appsecret, Params.authcode, Params.tradecontactid, td, o, String.valueOf(td.getTid()), o.getRefundId()); } } updateJobFlag(0); jobName, "执行作业成功 [" + this.getExecuteobj().getActivetimes() + "] [" + this.getExecuteobj().getNotes() + "] 下次处理时间: " + this.datetimeformat.format(this.getExecuteobj().getNextactive())); } catch (Exception e) { try { if (this.getDao().getConnection() != null && !this.getDao().getConnection().getAutoCommit()) { this.getDao().getConnection().rollback(); this.getDao().getConnection().setAutoCommit(true); } } catch (Exception e1) { Log.error(jobName, "回滚事务失败"); Log.error(jobName, e1.getMessage()); } try { if (this.getExecuteobj().getSkip() == 1) { UpdateTimerJob(); } else UpdateTimerJob(Log.getErrorMessage(e)); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.error(jobName, "更新任务信息失败"); Log.error(jobName, ex.getMessage()); } Log.error(jobName, "错误信息:" + Log.getErrorMessage(e)); Log.error( jobName, "执行作业失败 [" + this.getExecuteobj().getActivetimes() + "] [" + this.getExecuteobj().getNotes() + "] \r\n " + Log.getErrorMessage(e)); } finally { try { updateJobFlag(0); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(jobName, e.getMessage()); Log.error(jobName, "更新处理标志失败"); TimerRunner.modifiedErrVect(this.getExecuteobj().getId()); } try { if (this.getDao().getConnection() != null) { this.getDao().getConnection().setAutoCommit(true); this.getDao().getConnection().close(); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(jobName, "关闭数据库连接失败"); } } }
public void run() {, "启动[" + jobname + "]模块"); do { Connection conn = null; try { conn = PoolHelper.getInstance().getConnection(Params.dbname); List infsheetlist = JwUtil.getintfsheetlist(conn, 900000, 100); Order order = null; for (Iterator it = infsheetlist.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { try { Hashtable ht = (Hashtable); Integer serialID = (Integer) ht.get("SerialID"); String operData = (String) ht.get("OperData"); String sql = "SELECT * from Inf_downNotebak where operdata='" + operData + "' AND SheetType='900000' AND result='success' and opertype='100'"; Vector duplicateNum = SQLHelper.multiRowSelect(conn, sql); if (duplicateNum != null && duplicateNum.size() > 0) { conn.setAutoCommit(false); JwUtil.delBackUpIntsheetData(conn, serialID); conn.commit(); conn.setAutoCommit(true);"此单已发送,删除重复的单成功,订单号: " + order.getOrderCode()); continue; } sql = "select a.custompursheetid orderCode,a.custompursheetid orderDetailCode, " + "orderTax,convert(varchar,a.notifydate,20) createDate,convert(varchar,a.notifydate,20) " + "updateDate,convert(varchar,a.notifydate,20) payTime,a.postfee postPrice,a.CustomsOrderNo " + "invoiceName,a.note buyerMessage,a.payfee amountReceivable,a.payfee actualPayment," + "a.linkman name, a.tele mobilePhone,a.address,isnull(a.zipcode,'000000') zip,b.notifyqty num," + "b.title,b.price, b.price*b.notifyqty payment,b.price*b.notifyqty totalPrice," + "c.custombc skuID ,rtrim(c.outerSkuId) outerSkuId,a.customsbarcode hgBarcode " + "from outstock0 a with(nolock),outstockitem0 b with(nolock),barcode c with(nolock) where a.sheetid=b.sheetid and b.barcodeid=c.barcodeid and a.sheetid='" + operData + "'"; Vector sqlresult = SQLHelper.multiRowSelect(conn, sql); if (sqlresult.size() == 0) { conn.setAutoCommit(false); JwUtil.backUpIntsheetData(conn, serialID); conn.commit(); conn.setAutoCommit(true);"同步订单失败,订单已经处理或不存在,订单号: " + order.getOrderCode()); continue; } order = new Order(); ReceiveInfo receiveInfo = new ReceiveInfo(); int i = 0; detail det = null; for (Iterator t = sqlresult.iterator(); t.hasNext(); ) { Hashtable htTemp = (Hashtable); if (i == 0) { order.getMapData(htTemp); receiveInfo.getMapData(htTemp); String address = receiveInfo.getAddress(); if (address.indexOf(" ") > 0) { String[] add = address.split(" "); // 设置地址明细 if (add.length < 3) { System.out.println(operData + " 地址不符合要求"); } if (add.length == 4) { receiveInfo.setProvince(add[0]); receiveInfo.setCity(add[1]); receiveInfo.setDistrict(add[2]); receiveInfo.setAddress(add[3]); } else if (add.length == 5) { receiveInfo.setProvince(add[0]); receiveInfo.setCity(add[1]); receiveInfo.setDistrict(add[2]); receiveInfo.setAddress(add[4].trim()); } else { receiveInfo.setProvince(add[0]); receiveInfo.setCity(add[1]); receiveInfo.setDistrict(add[2]); } } String mobilePhone = receiveInfo.getMobilePhone(); mobilePhone = mobilePhone.replaceAll(" +", " "); if (mobilePhone.indexOf(" ") > 0) { String[] contacts = mobilePhone.split(" "); receiveInfo.setMobilephone(contacts[0]); if (contacts[1].length() == 11) // 如果是手机号码就设置,如果是身份证就不设置了 receiveInfo.setPhone(contacts[1]); } else if (mobilePhone.indexOf("/") > 0) { String[] contacts = mobilePhone.split("/"); if (contacts.length == 2) { receiveInfo.setMobilephone(contacts[0]); if (contacts[1].length() == 11) // 如果是手机号码就设置,如果是身份证就不设置了 receiveInfo.setPhone(contacts[1]); } } else { receiveInfo.setMobilephone(mobilePhone); } } det = new detail(); det.getMapData(htTemp); order.getDetail().getRelationData().add(det); i++; } //"address: "+receiveInfo.getAddress()); order.setReceiver(receiveInfo.toJSONObject()); String temp = order.toJSONObject().replaceAll("\"\\{", "\\{"); temp = temp.replaceAll("\",\"detail\"", ",\"detail\""); //"temp: "+temp); String bizData1 = "{\"saleOrderList\":[" + temp + "]}"; String sign = JwUtil.makeSign(bizData1); Map requestParams = JwUtil.makeRequestParams(bizData1, service, Params.appkey, Params.format, sign); String result = CommHelper.sendRequest(Params.url, requestParams, "");"result: " + result); JSONObject re = new JSONObject(result); if (re.getBoolean("isSuccess")) { conn.setAutoCommit(false); JwUtil.backUpIntsheetData(conn, serialID); conn.commit(); conn.setAutoCommit(true);"同步订单成功,订单号: " + order.getOrderCode()); } else if (re.getString("body").contains("推送订单错误,可能已存在")) { conn.setAutoCommit(false); JwUtil.delBackUpIntsheetData(conn, serialID); conn.commit(); conn.setAutoCommit(true);"删除重复的单成功,订单号: " + order.getOrderCode()); } else { Log.error(jobname, "sheetid: " + operData + " " + re.getString("body")); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(jobname, e.getMessage()); if (conn != null && !conn.getAutoCommit()) conn.rollback(); continue; } } } catch (Exception e) { try { if (conn != null && !conn.getAutoCommit()) conn.rollback(); } catch (Exception e1) { Log.error(jobname, "回滚事务失败"); } Log.error("105", jobname, Log.getErrorMessage(e)); } finally { try { if (conn != null) conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(jobname, "关闭数据库连接失败"); } } System.gc(); long startwaittime = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (System.currentTimeMillis() - startwaittime < (long) (Params.waittime * 1000)) try { sleep(1000L); } catch (Exception e) { Log.warn(jobname, "系统不支持休眠操作, 作业将严重影响机器性能"); } } while (true); }
/* * 获取一天之类的退款订单 */ private void getRefundBillList(Connection conn) throws Exception { long pageno = 1L; Date modified = Formatter.parseDate(lasttime, Formatter.DATE_TIME_FORMAT); for (int k = 0; k < 10; ) { try { TaobaoClient client = new DefaultTaobaoClient(Params.url, Params.appkey, Params.appsecret, "json"); TmallEaiOrderRefundMgetRequest req = new TmallEaiOrderRefundMgetRequest(); Date startdate = new Date(Formatter.parseDate(lasttime, Formatter.DATE_TIME_FORMAT).getTime() + 1000L); Date enddate = new Date( Formatter.parseDate(lasttime, Formatter.DATE_TIME_FORMAT).getTime() + daymillis); req.setStartTime(startdate); req.setEndTime(enddate); req.setPageNo(pageno); req.setPageSize(40L); req.setUseHasNext(true); TmallEaiOrderRefundMgetResponse response = client.execute(req, Params.authcode); while (true) { if (response.getRefundBillList() == null || response.getRefundBillList().size() <= 0) { if (pageno == 1) { try { // 如一天之内都取不到订单,而且当前天大于配置天,则将取订单最新时间更新为当前天的零点 if (this.dateformat .parse(Formatter.format(new Date(), Formatter.DATE_FORMAT)) .compareTo( this.dateformat.parse( Formatter.format( Formatter.parseDate( PublicUtils.getConfig(conn, lasttimeconfvalue, ""), Formatter.DATE_TIME_FORMAT), Formatter.DATE_FORMAT))) > 0) { try { String value = Formatter.format( (new Date( Formatter.parseDate( PublicUtils.getConfig(conn, lasttimeconfvalue, ""), Formatter.DATE_TIME_FORMAT) .getTime() + daymillis)), Formatter.DATE_FORMAT) + " 00:00:00"; PublicUtils.setConfig(conn, lasttimeconfvalue, value); } catch (JException je) { Log.error(jobname, je.getMessage()); } } } catch (ParseException e) { Log.error(jobname, "不可用的日期格式!" + e.getMessage()); } } break; } for (Iterator it = response.getRefundBillList().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { RefundBill refundbill = (RefundBill); refundbill.getTid() + " " + refundbill.getStatus() + " " + refundbill.getModified()); if (!RefundUtil.RefundBillisCheck( conn, String.valueOf(refundbill.getTid()), String.valueOf(refundbill.getRefundId()), refundbill.getModified())) { Trade td = OrderUtils.getFullTrade( String.valueOf(refundbill.getTid()), Params.url, Params.address, Params.appsecret, Params.authcode); RefundUtil.createRefundBill(conn, refundbill, td, Params.tradecontactid); } if (Formatter.parseDate(refundbill.getModified(), Formatter.DATE_TIME_FORMAT) .compareTo(modified) > 0) { modified = Formatter.parseDate(refundbill.getModified(), Formatter.DATE_TIME_FORMAT); } } // 判断是否下一页 if (response.getHasNext()) { pageno++; } else { break; } } if (modified.compareTo(Formatter.parseDate(lasttime, Formatter.DATE_TIME_FORMAT)) > 0) { try { String value = Formatter.format(modified, Formatter.DATE_TIME_FORMAT); PublicUtils.setConfig(conn, lasttimeconfvalue, value); } catch (JException je) { Log.error(jobname, je.getMessage()); } } // 执行成功后不再循环 break; } catch (Exception e) { if (++k >= 10) throw e; Log.warn("远程连接失败[" + k + "], 10秒后自动重试. " + Log.getErrorMessage(e)); Thread.sleep(10000L); } } }