public SpecialUserLoginPageObject clickLoginOnSpecialPage() { waitForElementByElement(specialUserLoginLink); PageObjectLogging.log("LoginLinkPresent", "Link to login special page present", true, driver); scrollAndClick(specialUserLoginLink); PageObjectLogging.log("LoginLinkClicked", "Link to login special page clicked", true, driver); return new SpecialUserLoginPageObject(driver); }
public void logOut(String wikiURL, String articleName) { try { getUrl(wikiURL + URLsContent.LOGOUT_RETURNTO + articleName); } catch (TimeoutException e) { PageObjectLogging.log("logOut", "page loads for more than 30 seconds", true); } waitForElementPresenceByBy(LOGIN_BUTTON_CSS); PageObjectLogging.log("logOut", "user is logged out and returned to article", true, driver); }
public void logOut(WebDriver driver) { try { driver.manage().deleteAllCookies(); driver.get(urlBuilder.getUrlForWiki(Configuration.getWikiName()) + URLsContent.LOGOUT); } catch (TimeoutException e) { PageObjectLogging.log("logOut", "page loads for more than 30 seconds", true); } waitForElementPresenceByBy(LOGIN_BUTTON_CSS); PageObjectLogging.log("logOut", "user is logged out", true, driver); }
public void resizeWindow(int width, int height) { try { driver.manage().window().setSize(new Dimension(width, height)); PageObjectLogging.log( "ResizeWindow", "Resize window (width=" + width + ", height=" + height + ")", true); } catch (WebDriverException ex) { PageObjectLogging.log( "ResizeWindow", "Cannot resize window (width=" + width + ", height=" + height + ")", true); } }
public void logInViaModal(String userName, String password) { waitForElementByElement(modalUserNameInput); modalUserNameInput.sendKeys(userName); waitForElementByElement(modalPasswordInput); modalPasswordInput.sendKeys(password); PageObjectLogging.log("FillLoginForm", "Login form in modal is filled", true, driver); scrollAndClick(modalLoginSubmit); PageObjectLogging.log("LoginFormSubmitted", "Login form is submitted", true); waitForElementNotVisibleByElement(logInModal); PageObjectLogging.log("LoginModalDissapears", "Login modal is no longer visible", true); }
/** * Verify that wanted Tool appears in Toolbar. The method finds all of Tools appearing in Toolbar * (by their name), and checks if there is at least one name which fits the given param (ToolName) * * @param ToolName Tool to be verified (name that should appear on toolbar) */ public void unfollowIfFollowed() { List<WebElement> list = driver.findElements(toolsList); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { if ("Following".equals(list.get(i).getText())) { clickOnTool(PageContent.FOLLOW); verifyFollowMessage(); wait.forTextInElement(toolsList, "Follow"); PageObjectLogging.log( "unfollowIfFollowed", "page was followed, unfollow button clicked", true); break; } } PageObjectLogging.log("unfollowIfFollowed", "page was unfollowed", true); }
public void verifyThereIsNoWikiaBar(String browser) { if ("CHROMEMOBILEMERCURY".equalsIgnoreCase(browser)) { // Mercury does not have WikiaBar // There should be better way to verify skin - remove it after QAART-608 is done PageObjectLogging.log( "Check visibility of Wikia Bar", "It is Mercury skin with no Wikia Bar", true); return; } waitForElementNotVisibleByElement(driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(WIKIA_BAR_CSS))); PageObjectLogging.log( "Check visibility of Wikia Bar", "There should be no Wikia Bar when Floor Adhesion is visible", true); }
public PortableInfoboxObject areOrderedListAndDataValuesMarginEqual() { Assertion.assertEquals( orderedLists.get(0).getCssValue("margin"), dataValues.get(0).getCssValue("margin")); PageObjectLogging.log("Ordered list labes and value", "have the same margin", true); return this; }
public void verifyPhotosVisible(int photos) { for (int i = 0; i < photos; i++) { waitForElementByElement(galleryPreviewPhotos.get(i)); PageObjectLogging.log( "verifyPhotosVisible", "photo no. " + i + 1 + "/photos is visible", true); } }
public PortableInfoboxObject isMainImageVisible() { wait.forElementVisible(mainImage); Assertion.assertEquals(isElementOnPage(mainImage), true); PageObjectLogging.log("Main image", MercuryMessages.VISIBLE_MSG, true); return this; }
public PortableInfoboxObject isTitleAboveImageVisible() { wait.forElementVisible(titleSmallImage); Assertion.assertEquals(isElementOnPage(titleSmallImage), true); PageObjectLogging.log("Title above image", MercuryMessages.VISIBLE_MSG, true); return this; }
public void verifyCallToAmazonIssued() { if (networkTrafficInterceptor.searchRequestUrlInHar(AMAZON_SCRIPT_URL)) { PageObjectLogging.log("RequestToAmazonIssued", "Request to Amazon issued", true); } else { throw new NoSuchElementException("Request to Amazon not issued"); } }
public AdsAmazonObject verifyAdsFromAmazonPresent() { driver.switchTo().frame(getAmazonIframe(slotWithAmazon)); Assertion.assertTrue(checkIfElementOnPage(AMAZON_IFRAME)); PageObjectLogging.log("AmazonAd", "Script returned by Amazon present", true); driver.switchTo().defaultContent(); return this; }
public void clickOnMoreButton() { jsActions.execute("document.getElementsByClassName(\"buttons\")[1].style.display = \"block\""); wait.forElementVisible(moreButton); wait.forElementClickable(moreButton); scrollAndClick(moreButton); PageObjectLogging.log("clickOnMoreButton", "click on 'more' button on a message", true); }
public String getWikiaCssContent() { waitForElementByElement(cssSource); String source = cssSource.getText(); PageObjectLogging.log( "cssSource", "the following text was get from Wikia.css: " + source, true); return source; }
public VisualEditorPageObject openVEModeWithMainEditButton() { waitForElementByElement(veEditButton);; PageObjectLogging.log( "openVEModeWithMainEditButton", "VE main edit button clicked", true, driver); return new VisualEditorPageObject(driver); }
public void verifyLightboxVideo(Color lightboxVideoColor, int videoDurationSec) { verifyColorAd(lightbox, lightboxVideoColor, videoDurationSec); PageObjectLogging.log( "LightboxVideo", "Lightbox had " + lightboxVideoColor + " during " + videoDurationSec + " seconds", true); }
public void verifyUserLoggedIn(final String userName) { changeImplicitWait(250, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); try { wait.until( new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean apply(WebDriver driver) { if (driver .findElement(By.tagName("body")) .getAttribute("class") .contains("skin-monobook")) { return driver .findElements( By.cssSelector( loggedInUserSelectorMonobook.replace( "%userName%", userName.replace(" ", "_")))) .size() > 0; // only for verification } else { // Venus return driver .findElements( By.cssSelector( LOGGED_IN_USER_SELECTOR_VENUS.replace("%userName%", userName))) .size() > 0; // only for verification } } }); } finally { restoreDeaultImplicitWait(); } PageObjectLogging.log("verifyUserLoggedIn", "user " + userName + " logged in", true); }
public void verifyRevisionMarkedAsMinor() { if (checkIfElementOnPage(cssMinorEdit)) { PageObjectLogging.log("cssEditSummary", "minor edit is marked in first revision", true); } else { throw new NoSuchElementException("Minor Edit is not present on the page"); } }
public String getFirstCssRevision() { waitForElementByElement(cssEditSummary); String summary = cssEditSummary.getText(); PageObjectLogging.log( "cssEditSummary", "the following edit summaty was get from Wikia.css: " + summary, true); return summary; }
public void verifyFloorAdhesionPresent( String expectedSlotName, String expectedLineItemId, String expectedCreativeId) { verifyGptAdInSlot(expectedSlotName, expectedLineItemId, expectedCreativeId); waitForElementByCss(FLOOR_ADHESION_CSS); PageObjectLogging.log( "Check visibility of Floor Adhesion", "Floor Adhesion should be displayed", true); }
public SourceEditModePageObject openSrcModeWithMainEditButton() { waitForElementByElement(editButton);; PageObjectLogging.log( "openSrcModeWithMainEditButton", "Src main edit button clicked", true, driver); return new SourceEditModePageObject(driver); }
public InteractiveMapPageObject clickSaveButton() { waitForElementByElement(saveButton);; PageObjectLogging.log("clickSaveButton", "Save button clicked", true, driver); driver.switchTo().defaultContent(); return new InteractiveMapPageObject(driver); }
public DeletePageObject deletePage() { String url = urlBuilder.appendQueryStringToURL(driver.getCurrentUrl(), URLsContent.ACTION_DELETE); getUrl(url); PageObjectLogging.log("deletePage", "delete page opened", true); return new DeletePageObject(driver); }
public void verifyLightboxAd(Color lightboxAdColor, int adDurationSec) { verifyColorAd(lightbox, lightboxAdColor, adDurationSec); PageObjectLogging.log( "LightboxAd", "Lightbox had " + lightboxAdColor + " during " + adDurationSec + " seconds", true); }
public void verifyGPTParams() { if (slotWithAmazon.getAttribute("data-gpt-slot-params").contains(AMAZON_GPT_PATTERN)) { PageObjectLogging.log("AmazonGptParams", "Slot with Amazon params found", true); } else { throw new NoSuchElementException("Amazon params not found on page"); } }
public void clickReplyButton() { wait.forElementVisible(replyButton); wait.forElementClickable(replyButton); scrollAndClick(replyButton); wait.forElementVisible(By.cssSelector(".speech-bubble-buttons")); PageObjectLogging.log("clickReplyButton", "reply button clicked", true, driver); }
public void verifyAmazonScriptIncluded() { if (checkIfElementOnPage(AMAZON_SCRIPT)) { PageObjectLogging.log("AmazonScriptFound", "Script from Amazon found", true); } else { throw new NoSuchElementException("Amazon script not found on page"); } }
public void clickOnReopenThreadButton() { wait.forElementVisible(reopenThreadButton); wait.forElementClickable(reopenThreadButton); scrollAndClick(reopenThreadButton); PageObjectLogging.log( "clickOnReopenThreadButton", "click on 'reopen thread' button on a message", true); }
public CuratedContentPageObject isCurrentNumberOfItemsExpected(int expectedNumber) { int currentNumber = getCuratedContentItemsNumber(); String message = "Expected: " + expectedNumber + ", get: " + currentNumber; PageObjectLogging.log(, message, expectedNumber == currentNumber); return this; }