private static Bitmap getGlobalAdviceBitmap( Images images, int angleAdviceLevel, int powerAdviceLevel) { Bitmap globalAdviceBitmap = null; int advice = angleAdviceLevel; if (advice < powerAdviceLevel) advice = powerAdviceLevel; switch (advice) { case 0: globalAdviceBitmap = images.getOkBitmap(); break; case 1: globalAdviceBitmap = images.getGoodBitmap(); break; case 2: globalAdviceBitmap = images.getSadFaceBitmap(); break; case 3: globalAdviceBitmap = images.getWarningBitmap(); break; case 4: globalAdviceBitmap = images.getDangerBitmap(); break; case 5: globalAdviceBitmap = images.getUnknowmBitmap(); break; } return globalAdviceBitmap; }
public static void paintCanvas( Context context, WidgetLayoutDetails widgetLayoutDetails, Canvas canvas, SpotWindData spotWindData, Set<Bar> windGraphPath, Set<Bar> gustGraphPath, float touchPos, boolean checkOutDated) { // define graph boundaries int startGraphX = 50; int startGraphY = widgetLayoutDetails.spotImageHeight + 10; int endGraphY = widgetLayoutDetails.widgetHeight - 30; int endGraphX = widgetLayoutDetails.widgetWidth - 30; int graphWidth = endGraphX - startGraphX; int yOffsetImage = widgetLayoutDetails.yOffsetImage; int xOffsetImage = widgetLayoutDetails.xOffsetImage; WindData lastWindData = spotWindData.getLastWindData(); WindData firstWindData = spotWindData.getFirstWindData(); // calculate the time that is touched (if no data is available, use the time most nearby) double time = calculateTouchedTime(touchPos, startGraphX, graphWidth, firstWindData, lastWindData); double selectedPos = (time * graphWidth) / 24 + startGraphX; // check preconditions if (spotWindData == null) return; if (spotWindData.getSpotData() == null) return; // get images Images images = ImageStorage.getImages(context); if (images.getArrowBitmap() == null) return; // load spot bitmap Bitmap spotBitmap = ImageStorage.getSpotImage(context, spotWindData.getSpotData().getSiteID()); if (spotBitmap == null) return; // draw white background if (widgetLayoutDetails.drawWhiteBackground) { drawWhiteBackground(widgetLayoutDetails, canvas); } // draw graph if (widgetLayoutDetails.drawGraph) { int stepXCount = calculateXCount(widgetLayoutDetails); int stepYCount = calculateYCount(widgetLayoutDetails); int xSteps = calculateXSteps(endGraphX, startGraphX, stepXCount); int ySteps = calculateYSteps(endGraphY, startGraphY, stepYCount); // recalculate endX and endY with the new xSteps endGraphX = startGraphX + xSteps * stepXCount; endGraphY = startGraphY + ySteps * stepYCount; // paint time mark line if (widgetLayoutDetails.drawTimeline) { paintTimeMarkLine(canvas, endGraphX, startGraphX, widgetLayoutDetails, (float) selectedPos); } // paint raster paintRaster( canvas, startGraphX, endGraphX, xSteps, endGraphY, startGraphY, stepXCount, ySteps, stepYCount); // paint graph paintGraph(canvas, windGraphPath, gustGraphPath); // paint all arrows paintArrowsInGraph( canvas, spotWindData, images, startGraphX, endGraphX, xSteps, startGraphY, endGraphY, stepXCount); } // get the selected windData WindData windData = spotWindData.getWindData(time); // draw the image if (widgetLayoutDetails.drawImage) { // define advice location int adviceStatusIconTop = 10; int adviceStatusIconLeft = (int) widgetLayoutDetails.spotImageHeight - widgetLayoutDetails.windSpeedCircelDiameter - 10; // draw spot drawSpotImage(spotBitmap, widgetLayoutDetails, canvas, xOffsetImage, yOffsetImage); if (windData == null) { paintImageTextOutdated(context, widgetLayoutDetails, canvas, xOffsetImage, yOffsetImage); Bitmap globalAdviceBitmap = images.getUnknowmBitmap(); paintAdviceIcon( canvas, widgetLayoutDetails.windSpeedCircelDiameter, globalAdviceBitmap, adviceStatusIconLeft, adviceStatusIconTop, xOffsetImage, yOffsetImage); } if (windData != null) { // find windData double windDataTime = windData.getEndHour() + (double) windData.getEndMinute() / 60; double currentTime = Util.calculateTime(new Date()); double diffTime = (currentTime - windDataTime); boolean outDated = diffTime > 1; if (outDated && checkOutDated) { paintImageTextOutdated(context, widgetLayoutDetails, canvas, xOffsetImage, yOffsetImage); Bitmap globalAdviceBitmap = images.getUnknowmBitmap(); paintAdviceIcon( canvas, widgetLayoutDetails.windSpeedCircelDiameter, globalAdviceBitmap, adviceStatusIconLeft, adviceStatusIconTop, xOffsetImage, yOffsetImage); } else { // paint the arrow paintArrow(canvas, widgetLayoutDetails, images, windData, xOffsetImage, yOffsetImage); // check aanlandig/sideshore/aflandig WIND_DIRECTORION windDirectorion = calculateWindAngleStatus(windData, spotWindData); WIND_POWER windPower = calculateWindPower(context, windData); int angleAdviceLevel = getAngleAdviceLevel(windDirectorion); int powerAdviceLevel = getWindPowerAdviceLevel(windPower); String windDateText = getAngleAdviceText(context, windDirectorion); int windPowerColor = getWindPowerColor(windPower); // define global advice Bitmap globalAdviceBitmap = getGlobalAdviceBitmap(images, angleAdviceLevel, powerAdviceLevel); // print circel for wind if (widgetLayoutDetails.drawWindInCorner) { int wind = (int) Math.round(windData.getWind()); paintWindInCorner( canvas, widgetLayoutDetails.windSpeedCircelDiameter, wind, xOffsetImage, yOffsetImage); } paintAdviceIcon( canvas, widgetLayoutDetails.windSpeedCircelDiameter, globalAdviceBitmap, adviceStatusIconLeft, adviceStatusIconTop, xOffsetImage, yOffsetImage); if (widgetLayoutDetails.drawImageText) { paintImageText( context, widgetLayoutDetails, canvas, windData, xOffsetImage, yOffsetImage); } } } } }