private void setupAccounts( final Bundle savedInstanceState, final Collection<Account> accounts, final Config conf) { String accountId = null; Account account = null; if (savedInstanceState != null) accountId = savedInstanceState.getString(ARG_ACCOUNT_ID); if (accountId == null) accountId = this.intentExtras.getString(ARG_ACCOUNT_ID); if (accountId != null) { account = conf.getAccount(accountId); final List<String> svcs = this.intentExtras.getStringArrayList(ARG_SVCS); LOG.i("accountId=%s svcs=%s", account.getId(), svcs); this.enabledPostToAccounts.setAccount(account); this.enabledPostToAccounts.fromBundle(savedInstanceState); if (svcs != null && !this.enabledPostToAccounts.isServicesPreSpecified()) { for (String svc : svcs) { this.enabledPostToAccounts.enable(ServiceRef.parseServiceMeta(svc)); } this.enabledPostToAccounts.setServicesPreSpecified(true); } } else { this.askAccountOnActivate = true; } this.spnAccount = (Spinner) findViewById(; this.accountAdaptor = new AccountAdaptor(getBaseContext(), accounts); this.spnAccount.setAdapter(this.accountAdaptor); setSelectedAccount(account); this.spnAccount.setOnItemSelectedListener(this.accountOnItemSelectedListener); this.llSubAccounts = (ViewGroup) findViewById(; }
protected void accountSelected(final Account account) { switch (account.getProvider()) { case SUCCESSWHALE: case BUFFER: this.enabledPostToAccounts.setAccount(account); new PostToAccountLoaderTask( getApplicationContext(), this.llSubAccounts, this.enabledPostToAccounts) .executeOnExecutor(this.exec, account); break; default: this.llSubAccounts.setVisibility(View.GONE); } }
protected void askPost() { final Account account = getSelectedAccount(); final Set<ServiceRef> svcs = this.enabledPostToAccounts.copyOfServices(); final AlertDialog.Builder dlgBld = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); String msg; switch (account.getProvider()) { case SUCCESSWHALE: case BUFFER: msg = String.format( "Post to these %s accounts?%n%s", account.getUiTitle(), ServiceRef.humanList(svcs, "\n")); break; default: msg = String.format("Post to %s?", account.getUiTitle()); } dlgBld.setMessage(msg); dlgBld.setPositiveButton( "Post", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final DialogInterface dialog, final int which) { submitPost(account, svcs); } }); dlgBld.setNegativeButton( "Cancel", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final DialogInterface dialog, final int whichButton) { dialog.cancel(); } });; }
protected void submitPost(final Account account, final Set<ServiceRef> svcs) { final String body = this.txtBody.getText().toString(); final Intent recoveryIntent = new Intent(getBaseContext(), PostActivity.class) .putExtra(ARG_ACCOUNT_ID, account.getId()) .putExtra(ARG_IN_REPLY_TO_UID, this.inReplyToUid) .putExtra(ARG_IN_REPLY_TO_SID, this.inReplyToSid) .putExtra(ARG_ATTACHMENT, this.attachment) .putExtra(ARG_BODY, body); final ArrayList<String> svcsLst = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ServiceRef svc : svcs) { svcsLst.add(svc.toServiceMeta()); } recoveryIntent.putStringArrayListExtra(ARG_SVCS, svcsLst); new PostTask( getApplicationContext(), new PostRequest( account, svcs, body, this.inReplyToSid, this.attachment, recoveryIntent)) .execute(); finish(); }
@Override protected void doWork(final Intent i) { final Prefs prefs = new Prefs(getBaseContext()); final Config conf; try { conf = prefs.asConfig(); } catch (final JSONException e) { LOG.w("Can not send to Hosaka: %s", e.toString()); return; } // XXX Currently this assumes only one Hosaka account. // TODO Make UI stop user adding more than one Hosaka account. final Account account = conf.firstAccountOfType(AccountProvider.HOSAKA); if (account == null) { LOG.i("Not sending to Hosaka: no account found."); return; } if (!waitForDbReady()) return; final DbInterface db = getDb(); SaveScrollNow.requestAndWaitForUiToSaveScroll(db); final Map<String, Column> hashToCol = new HashMap<String, Column>(); final Map<String, HosakaColumn> toPush = new HashMap<String, HosakaColumn>(); for (final Column col : conf.getColumns()) { if (InternalColumnType.fromColumn(col) != null) continue; // Do not sync internal columns. final String hash = HosakaColumn.columnHash(col, conf); hashToCol.put(hash, col); final ScrollState ss = db.getScroll(col.getId()); if (ss == null) continue; // In case of (new) empty columns. // Always add all columns, even if sent before new values. // - Old / regressed values will be filtered server side. // - Values sent can be used to filter response. // - Also useful as do not know state of remote DB. toPush.put( hash, new HosakaColumn( null /* ss.getItemId(); TODO ScrollState to also store sid? */, ss.getItemTime(), ss.getUnreadTime(), ss.getScrollDirection())); } final HosakaProvider prov = new HosakaProvider(); try { // Make POST even if not really sending anything new, as may be fetching new state. final long startTime = now(); final Map<String, HosakaColumn> returnedColumns = prov.sendColumns(account, toPush); final long durationMillis = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(now() - startTime); LOG.i("Sent %s in %d millis: %s", account.getAccessToken(), durationMillis, toPush); final boolean syncScroll = prefs.getSharedPreferences().getBoolean(FetchingPrefFragment.KEY_SYNC_SCROLL, false); final Map<Column, ScrollState> colToNewScroll = new HashMap<Column, ScrollState>(); for (final Entry<String, HosakaColumn> e : returnedColumns.entrySet()) { final String hash = e.getKey(); final Column col = hashToCol.get(hash); final HosakaColumn before = toPush.get(hash); final HosakaColumn after = e.getValue(); if (col != null && before != null && (after.getUnreadTime() > before.getUnreadTime() || (syncScroll && before.getScrollDirection() == ScrollDirection.UP && after.getItemTime() > before.getItemTime()))) { colToNewScroll.put(col, after.toScrollState()); } } db.mergeAndStoreScrolls( colToNewScroll, syncScroll ? ScrollChangeType.UNREAD_AND_SCROLL : ScrollChangeType.UNREAD); LOG.i("Merged %s columns: %s.", colToNewScroll.size(), colToNewScroll); storeResult(db, toPush.size(), colToNewScroll.size(), null); } catch (final IOException e) { storeResult(db, toPush.size(), 0, e); } catch (final JSONException e) { storeResult(db, toPush.size(), 0, e); } finally { prov.shutdown(); } }