@Override public void paintContent(PaintTarget target) throws PaintException { super.paintContent(target); /* Add filter components to UIDL */ target.startTag("filters"); target.addAttribute("filtersvisible", filtersVisible); target.addAttribute("forceRender", reRenderFilterFields); reRenderFilterFields = false; if (filtersVisible) { for (Object key : getColumnIdToFilterMap().keySet()) { /* Do not paint filters which are not children */ if (columnIdToFilterMap.get(key) != null && columnIdToFilterMap.get(key).getParent() == null) { continue; } /* Paint the filter field */ target.startTag("filtercomponent-" + columnIdMap.key(key)); target.addAttribute("columnid", columnIdMap.key(key)); Component c = getColumnIdToFilterMap().get(key); LegacyPaint.paint(c, target); target.endTag("filtercomponent-" + columnIdMap.key(key)); } } target.endTag("filters"); }
public void paintActions(Object actionTarget, PaintTarget paintTarget) throws PaintException { actionMapper = null; LinkedHashSet<Action> actions = getActionSet(actionTarget, viewer); /* * Must repaint whenever there are actions OR if all actions have been * removed but still exist on client side */ if (!actions.isEmpty() || clientHasActions) { actionMapper = new KeyMapper<Action>(); paintTarget.addVariable((VariableOwner) viewer, "action", ""); paintTarget.startTag("actions"); for (final Action a : actions) { paintTarget.startTag("action"); final String akey = actionMapper.key(a); paintTarget.addAttribute("key", akey); if (a.getCaption() != null) { paintTarget.addAttribute("caption", a.getCaption()); } if (a.getIcon() != null) { paintTarget.addAttribute("icon", a.getIcon()); } if (a instanceof ShortcutAction) { final ShortcutAction sa = (ShortcutAction) a; paintTarget.addAttribute("kc", sa.getKeyCode()); final int[] modifiers = sa.getModifiers(); if (modifiers != null) { final String[] smodifiers = new String[modifiers.length]; for (int i = 0; i < modifiers.length; i++) { smodifiers[i] = String.valueOf(modifiers[i]); } paintTarget.addAttribute("mk", smodifiers); } } paintTarget.endTag("action"); } paintTarget.endTag("actions"); } /* * Update flag for next repaint so we know if we need to paint empty * actions or not (must send actions is client had actions before and * all actions were removed). */ clientHasActions = !actions.isEmpty(); }
/** * Paints any needed component-specific things to the given UIDL stream. * * @see com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent#paintContent(PaintTarget) */ @Override public void paintContent(PaintTarget target) throws PaintException { initialPaint = false; if (partialUpdate) { target.addAttribute("partialUpdate", true); target.addAttribute("rootKey", itemIdMapper.key(expandedItemId)); } else { getCaptionChangeListener().clear(); // The tab ordering number if (getTabIndex() > 0) { target.addAttribute("tabindex", getTabIndex()); } // Paint tree attributes if (isSelectable()) { target.addAttribute("selectmode", (isMultiSelect() ? "multi" : "single")); if (isMultiSelect()) { target.addAttribute("multiselectmode", multiSelectMode.toString()); } } else { target.addAttribute("selectmode", "none"); } if (isNewItemsAllowed()) { target.addAttribute("allownewitem", true); } if (isNullSelectionAllowed()) { target.addAttribute("nullselect", true); } if (dragMode != TreeDragMode.NONE) { target.addAttribute("dragMode", dragMode.ordinal()); } } // Initialize variables final Set<Action> actionSet = new LinkedHashSet<Action>(); // rendered selectedKeys LinkedList<String> selectedKeys = new LinkedList<String>(); final LinkedList<String> expandedKeys = new LinkedList<String>(); // Iterates through hierarchical tree using a stack of iterators final Stack<Iterator<?>> iteratorStack = new Stack<Iterator<?>>(); Collection<?> ids; if (partialUpdate) { ids = getChildren(expandedItemId); } else { ids = rootItemIds(); } if (ids != null) { iteratorStack.push(ids.iterator()); } /* * Body actions - Actions which has the target null and can be invoked * by right clicking on the Tree body */ if (actionHandlers != null) { final ArrayList<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Handler ah : actionHandlers) { // Getting action for the null item, which in this case // means the body item final Action[] aa = ah.getActions(null, this); if (aa != null) { for (int ai = 0; ai < aa.length; ai++) { final String akey = actionMapper.key(aa[ai]); actionSet.add(aa[ai]); keys.add(akey); } } } target.addAttribute("alb", keys.toArray()); } while (!iteratorStack.isEmpty()) { // Gets the iterator for current tree level final Iterator<?> i = iteratorStack.peek(); // If the level is finished, back to previous tree level if (!i.hasNext()) { // Removes used iterator from the stack iteratorStack.pop(); // Closes node if (!iteratorStack.isEmpty()) { target.endTag("node"); } } // Adds the item on current level else { final Object itemId = i.next(); // Starts the item / node final boolean isNode = areChildrenAllowed(itemId); if (isNode) { target.startTag("node"); } else { target.startTag("leaf"); } if (itemStyleGenerator != null) { String stylename = itemStyleGenerator.getStyle(this, itemId); if (stylename != null) { target.addAttribute(TreeConstants.ATTRIBUTE_NODE_STYLE, stylename); } } if (itemDescriptionGenerator != null) { String description = itemDescriptionGenerator.generateDescription(this, itemId, null); if (description != null && !description.equals("")) { target.addAttribute("descr", description); } } // Adds the attributes target.addAttribute(TreeConstants.ATTRIBUTE_NODE_CAPTION, getItemCaption(itemId)); final Resource icon = getItemIcon(itemId); if (icon != null) { target.addAttribute(TreeConstants.ATTRIBUTE_NODE_ICON, getItemIcon(itemId)); target.addAttribute( TreeConstants.ATTRIBUTE_NODE_ICON_ALT, getItemIconAlternateText(itemId)); } final String key = itemIdMapper.key(itemId); target.addAttribute("key", key); if (isSelected(itemId)) { target.addAttribute("selected", true); selectedKeys.add(key); } if (areChildrenAllowed(itemId) && isExpanded(itemId)) { target.addAttribute("expanded", true); expandedKeys.add(key); } // Add caption change listener getCaptionChangeListener().addNotifierForItem(itemId); // Actions if (actionHandlers != null) { final ArrayList<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(); final Iterator<Action.Handler> ahi = actionHandlers.iterator(); while (ahi.hasNext()) { final Action[] aa = ahi.next().getActions(itemId, this); if (aa != null) { for (int ai = 0; ai < aa.length; ai++) { final String akey = actionMapper.key(aa[ai]); actionSet.add(aa[ai]); keys.add(akey); } } } target.addAttribute("al", keys.toArray()); } // Adds the children if expanded, or close the tag if (isExpanded(itemId) && hasChildren(itemId) && areChildrenAllowed(itemId)) { iteratorStack.push(getChildren(itemId).iterator()); } else { if (isNode) { target.endTag("node"); } else { target.endTag("leaf"); } } } } // Actions if (!actionSet.isEmpty()) { target.addVariable(this, "action", ""); target.startTag("actions"); final Iterator<Action> i = actionSet.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { final Action a = i.next(); target.startTag("action"); if (a.getCaption() != null) { target.addAttribute(TreeConstants.ATTRIBUTE_ACTION_CAPTION, a.getCaption()); } if (a.getIcon() != null) { target.addAttribute(TreeConstants.ATTRIBUTE_ACTION_ICON, a.getIcon()); } target.addAttribute("key", actionMapper.key(a)); target.endTag("action"); } target.endTag("actions"); } if (partialUpdate) { partialUpdate = false; } else { // Selected target.addVariable(this, "selected", selectedKeys.toArray(new String[selectedKeys.size()])); // Expand and collapse target.addVariable(this, "expand", new String[] {}); target.addVariable(this, "collapse", new String[] {}); // New items target.addVariable(this, "newitem", new String[] {}); if (dropHandler != null) { dropHandler.getAcceptCriterion().paint(target); } } }