private Chart createChart(int points) { Chart chart = new Chart(ChartType.SCATTER); Configuration conf = chart.getConfiguration(); conf.getChart().setZoomType(ZoomType.XY); conf.disableCredits(); conf.setTitle("Height vs Weight"); conf.setSubTitle("Polygon series in Vaadin Charts."); Tooltip tooltip = conf.getTooltip(); tooltip.setHeaderFormat("{}"); tooltip.setPointFormat("{point.x} cm, {point.y} kg"); XAxis xAxis = conf.getxAxis(); xAxis.setStartOnTick(true); xAxis.setEndOnTick(true); xAxis.setShowLastLabel(true); xAxis.setTitle("Height (cm)"); YAxis yAxis = conf.getyAxis(); yAxis.setTitle("Weight (kg)"); AbstractLinePlotOptions plotOptions = new PlotOptionsScatter(); plotOptions.setThreshold(0); DataSeries scatter = new DataSeries(); scatter.setPlotOptions(plotOptions); scatter.setName("Observations"); fillScatter(scatter, points); conf.addSeries(scatter); return chart; }
@Test @Ignore("Phantomjs not installed on our build server") public void testWide() throws InterruptedException, URISyntaxException { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); conf.getChart().setType(ChartType.COLUMN); conf.getChart().setMarginRight(200); Legend legend = conf.getLegend(); legend.setLayout(LayoutDirection.VERTICAL); legend.setHorizontalAlign(HorizontalAlign.RIGHT); legend.setVerticalAlign(VerticalAlign.MIDDLE); legend.setBorderWidth(0); Random r = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { String name = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(r.nextInt(20)); DataSeries dataSeries = new DataSeries(name); dataSeries.add(new DataSeriesItem(name, r.nextInt(100))); conf.addSeries(dataSeries); } SVGGenerator instance = SVGGenerator.getInstance(); String generatedSVG = instance.generate(conf, 1200, 400); Assert.assertTrue(generatedSVG.contains("width=\"1200\"")); Assert.assertTrue(generatedSVG.contains("height=\"400\"")); SVGGenerator.getInstance().destroy(); }
@Test public void testSetMetrics() throws Exception { IndicatorsModel model = new IndicatorsModel(); model.setTimingMetricsMap(timingMetricsMap); ChartManager.setMetrics(chart, model); List<Series> series = conf.getSeries(); assertEquals(2, series.size()); DataSeries dataSeries1 = (DataSeries) series.get(0); DataSeries dataSeries2 = (DataSeries) series.get(1); assertEquals(METRIC1.getDescription(), dataSeries1.getName()); assertEquals(METRIC2.getDescription(), dataSeries2.getName()); DataSeriesItem item1 = dataSeries1.get(1); assertEquals(metricItem.getT95(), item1.getY()); assertEquals(DATE_TIME2, new LocalDateTime(item1.getX(), DateTimeZone.UTC)); }
@Override protected Component getChart() { chart = new Chart(); chart.getConfiguration().setTitle("Box Plot Example"); Legend legend = new Legend(); legend.setEnabled(false); chart.getConfiguration().setLegend(legend); XAxis xaxis = chart.getConfiguration().getxAxis(); xaxis.setTitle("Experiment No."); xaxis.setCategories("1", "2", "3", "4", "5"); YAxis yAxis = chart.getConfiguration().getyAxis(); yAxis.setTitle("Observations"); PlotLine plotLine = new PlotLine(); plotLine.setColor(new SolidColor("red")); plotLine.setValue(932); plotLine.setWidth(1); PlotBandLabel label = new PlotBandLabel("Theoretical mean: 932"); label.setAlign(HorizontalAlign.CENTER); Style style = new Style(); style.setColor(new SolidColor("gray")); label.setStyle(style); plotLine.setLabel(label); yAxis.setPlotLines(plotLine); observations = new DataSeries(); observations.setName("Observations"); // Add PlotBoxItems contain all fields relevant for plot box chart observations.add(new BoxPlotItem(760, 801, 848, 895, 965)); // Example with no arg constructor BoxPlotItem plotBoxItem = new BoxPlotItem(); plotBoxItem.setLow(733); plotBoxItem.setLowerQuartile(853); plotBoxItem.setMedian(939); plotBoxItem.setUpperQuartile(980); plotBoxItem.setHigh(1080); observations.add(plotBoxItem); observations.add(new BoxPlotItem(714, 762, 817, 870, 918)); observations.add(new BoxPlotItem(724, 802, 806, 871, 950)); observations.add(new BoxPlotItem(834, 836, 864, 882, 910)); observations.setPlotOptions(getPlotBoxOptions()); chart.getConfiguration().addSeries(observations); return chart; }
private void fillScatter(DataSeries series, int points) { Random random = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < points; i++) { double x = random.nextDouble() * 30 + 150; double y = 60; if (random.nextBoolean()) { y += random.nextDouble() * 15; if (random.nextBoolean() && x > 170) { y += random.nextDouble() * 30; } } else { y -= random.nextDouble() * 20; } x = Math.floor(x * 10) / 10; y = Math.floor(y * 10) / 10; int colorNumber = (int) Math.floor((x - 150) / 30 * 255); Color color = new SolidColor(colorNumber, 0, 255 - colorNumber); DataSeriesItem item = new DataSeriesItem(x, y); // item.setColor(color); series.add(item); } }
@Override protected Component getChart() { final Chart chart = new Chart(ChartType.COLUMN); chart.setId("chart"); final Configuration conf = chart.getConfiguration(); conf.setTitle("Browser market share, April, 2011"); conf.setSubTitle("Click the columns to view versions. Click again to view brands."); conf.getLegend().setEnabled(false); XAxis x = new XAxis(); x.setType(AxisType.CATEGORY); conf.addxAxis(x); YAxis y = new YAxis(); y.setTitle("Total percent market share"); conf.addyAxis(y); PlotOptionsColumn column = new PlotOptionsColumn(); column.setCursor(Cursor.POINTER); column.setDataLabels(new Labels(true)); column.getDataLabels().setFormatter("this.y +'%'"); conf.setPlotOptions(column); Tooltip tooltip = new Tooltip(); tooltip.setHeaderFormat("<span style=\"font-size:11px\">{}</span><br>"); tooltip.setPointFormat( "<span style=\"color:{point.color}\">{}</span>: <b>{point.y:.2f}%</b> of total<br/>"); conf.setTooltip(tooltip); DataSeries series = new DataSeries(); series.setName("Browser brands"); PlotOptionsColumn plotOptionsColumn = new PlotOptionsColumn(); plotOptionsColumn.setColorByPoint(true); series.setPlotOptions(plotOptionsColumn); DataSeriesItem item = new DataSeriesItem("MSIE", 55.11); DataSeries drillSeries = new DataSeries("MSIE versions"); drillSeries.setId("MSIE"); String[] categories = new String[] {"MSIE 6.0", "MSIE 7.0", "MSIE 8.0", "MSIE 9.0"}; Number[] ys = new Number[] {10.85, 7.35, 33.06, 2.81}; drillSeries.setData(categories, ys); series.addItemWithDrilldown(item, drillSeries); item = new DataSeriesItem("Firefox", 21.63); drillSeries = new DataSeries("Firefox versions"); drillSeries.setId("Firefox"); categories = new String[] {"Firefox 2.0", "Firefox 3.0", "Firefox 3.5", "Firefox 3.6", "Firefox 4.0"}; ys = new Number[] {0.20, 0.83, 1.58, 13.12, 5.43}; drillSeries.setData(categories, ys); series.addItemWithDrilldown(item, drillSeries); item = new DataSeriesItem("Chrome", 11.94); drillSeries = new DataSeries("Chrome versions"); drillSeries.setId("Chrome"); categories = new String[] { "Chrome 5.0", "Chrome 6.0", "Chrome 7.0", "Chrome 8.0", "Chrome 9.0", "Chrome 10.0", "Chrome 11.0", "Chrome 12.0" }; ys = new Number[] {0.12, 0.19, 0.12, 0.36, 0.32, 9.91, 0.50, 0.22}; drillSeries.setData(categories, ys); series.addItemWithDrilldown(item, drillSeries); item = new DataSeriesItem("Safari", 7.15); drillSeries = new DataSeries("Safari versions"); drillSeries.setId("Safari"); categories = new String[] { "Safari 5.0", "Safari 4.0", "Safari Win 5.0", "Safari 4.1", "Safari/Maxthon", "Safari 3.1", "Safari 4.1" }; ys = new Number[] {4.55, 1.42, 0.23, 0.21, 0.20, 0.19, 0.14}; drillSeries.setData(categories, ys); series.addItemWithDrilldown(item, drillSeries); item = new DataSeriesItem("Opera", 2.14); drillSeries = new DataSeries("Opera versions"); drillSeries.setId("Opera"); categories = new String[] {"Opera 9.x", "Opera 10.x", "Opera 11.x"}; ys = new Number[] {0.12, 0.37, 1.65}; drillSeries.setData(categories, ys); series.addItemWithDrilldown(item, drillSeries); conf.addSeries(series); return chart; }
@Override protected Component getChart() { VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout(); final Chart chart = new Chart(ChartType.COLUMN); chart.setId("chart"); conf = chart.getConfiguration(); conf.setTitle("Global happiness index"); conf.setSubTitle("Source:"); conf.getLegend().setEnabled(false); XAxis x = new XAxis(); // FIXME remove toString() once enums are used in model (CHARTS-159) x.setType(AxisType.CATEGORY.toString()); conf.addxAxis(x); YAxis y = new YAxis(); y.setTitle(new Title("Total")); conf.addyAxis(y); PlotOptionsColumn column = new PlotOptionsColumn(); column.setCursor(Cursor.POINTER.toString()); column.setDataLabels(new DataLabels(true)); conf.setPlotOptions(column); DataSeries series = new DataSeries(); series.setName("Regions"); PlotOptionsColumn plotOptionsColumn = new PlotOptionsColumn(); plotOptionsColumn.setColorByPoint(true); series.setPlotOptions(plotOptionsColumn); DataSeriesItem item = new DataSeriesItem("Latin America and Carribean", 60); item.setId("Latin America and Carribean"); series.addItemWithDrilldown(item); item = new DataSeriesItem("Western Nations", 50); item.setId("Western Nations"); series.addItemWithDrilldown(item); conf.addSeries(series); drillSeries = new HashMap<String, DataSeries>(); DataSeries drill = new DataSeries("Latin America and Carribean Countries"); item = new DataSeriesItem("Costa Rica", 64); item.setId("Costa Rica"); drill.addItemWithDrilldown(item); item = new DataSeriesItem("Colombia", 59.8); item.setId("Colombia"); drill.addItemWithDrilldown(item); item = new DataSeriesItem("Belize", 59.3); item.setId("Belize"); drill.addItemWithDrilldown(item); drillSeries.put("Latin America and Carribean", drill); drill = new DataSeries("Western Nations Countries"); item = new DataSeriesItem("New Zealand", 51.6); item.setId("New Zealand"); drill.addItemWithDrilldown(item); item = new DataSeriesItem("Norway", 51.4); item.setId("Norway"); drill.addItemWithDrilldown(item); item = new DataSeriesItem("Switzerland", 50.3); item.setId("Switzerland"); drill.addItemWithDrilldown(item); drillSeries.put("Western Nations", drill); drill = new DataSeries("Details Costa Rica"); drill.setId("Details Costa Rica"); String[] categories = new String[] {"Life Expectancy", "Well-being (0-10)", "Footprint (gha/capita)"}; Number[] ys = new Number[] {79.3, 7.3, 2.5}; drill.setData(categories, ys); drillSeries.put("Costa Rica", drill); drill = new DataSeries("Details Colombia"); drill.setId("Details Colombia"); ys = new Number[] {73.7, 6.4, 1.8}; drill.setData(categories, ys); drillSeries.put("Colombia", drill); drill = new DataSeries("Details Belize"); drill.setId("Details Belize"); ys = new Number[] {76.1, 6.5, 2.1}; drill.setData(categories, ys); drillSeries.put("Belize", drill); drill = new DataSeries("Details New Zealand"); drill.setId("Details New Zealand"); ys = new Number[] {80.7, 7.2, 4.3}; drill.setData(categories, ys); drillSeries.put("New Zealand", drill); drill = new DataSeries("Details Norway"); drill.setId("Details Norway"); ys = new Number[] {81.1, 7.6, 4.8}; drill.setData(categories, ys); drillSeries.put("Norway", drill); drill = new DataSeries("Details Switzerland"); drill.setId("Details Switzerland"); ys = new Number[] {82.3, 7.5, 5.0}; drill.setData(categories, ys); drillSeries.put("Switzerland", drill); chart.setDrilldownCallback( new DrilldownCallback() { @Override public Series handleDrilldown(DrilldownEvent event) { log("DrilldownEvent: " + event.getItem().getId()); return getPointDrilldown(event.getItem()); } }); chart.addPointClickListener( new PointClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(PointClickEvent event) { log( "PointClickEvent: " + event.getSeries().getName() + " index :" + event.getPointIndex()); } }); chart.addChartDrillupListener( new ChartDrillupListener() { @Override public void onDrillup(ChartDrillupEvent event) { log("ChartDrillupEvent"); } }); layout.addComponent(chart); layout.addComponent(log); return layout; }