@Override public void run() { try { if (!gerritChangeInfoService.projectExists(projectId)) { session.sendMessage( channelToSubscribe, "Could not find project name *`" + projectId + "`*, check that this project name is valid and that it is active", null, SlackChatConfiguration.getConfiguration().asUser()); return; } subscriptionService.unsubscribeOnProject(projectId, channelToSubscribe.getId()); session.sendMessage( channelToSubscribe, "This channel will not publish any more review requests from project *`" + projectId + "`*", null, SlackChatConfiguration.getConfiguration().asUser()); } catch (IOException e) { session.sendMessage( channelToSubscribe, "Too bad, an unexpected error occurred...", null, SlackChatConfiguration.getConfiguration().asUser()); e.printStackTrace(); } }
@Override public void sendMessage(String message) { slackSession.sendMessage(slackChannel, message, null); }