@Test public void userToGroup() throws Exception { String user = "******"; String group = "GroupZenoss3"; Common.Login(sClient, ZenossConstants.adminUserName, ZenossConstants.adminPassword); Thread.sleep(12000); // Click on Advanced sClient.click("link=Advanced"); sClient.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); // Click Users sClient.click("link=Users"); sClient.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); // Create new User Users.addNewUser(sClient, user, "*****@*****.**"); // Create new Group Users.newUserGroup(sClient, group); Thread.sleep(3000); selenese.verifyTrue(sClient.isElementPresent("//a[text()='" + group + "']")); Thread.sleep(3000); // Add user to a group Users.UserToGroup(sClient, user, group); testCaseResult = "p"; }
@Test public void addDeviceUserCommand() throws Exception { String device = "test-hpux.zenoss.loc"; String deviceClass = "/Server/SSH/HP-UX"; String commandID = "NewUserCommand"; String description = "New command"; String command = "echo name = ${here/id}"; Common.Login(sClient, ZenossConstants.adminUserName, ZenossConstants.adminPassword); Thread.sleep(12000); // Add device Device addDevice = new Device("" + device + "", sClient); addDevice.add("" + deviceClass + ""); Thread.sleep(10000); sClient.click("link=Infrastructure"); sClient.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); Thread.sleep(3000); // Click on the device sClient.click("link=" + device + ""); sClient.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); // Click on Administration Thread.sleep(5000); sClient.click("//ul[@id='ext-gen243']/div/li[7]/div/a/span"); Thread.sleep(15000); // Click on gear menu on Define Commands sClient.click("//table[@id='ext-comp-1001']/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/em"); // Click on Add User Command... Thread.sleep(1000); sClient.click("UserCommandlistaddUserCommand"); // Enter Command ID Thread.sleep(1000); sClient.type("new_id", commandID); // Click Ok button Thread.sleep(1000); sClient.click("//input[@id='dialog_submit']"); Thread.sleep(5000); selenese.verifyTrue(sClient.isTextPresent("User command " + commandID + " has been created.")); // Enter a Description sClient.type("description:text", description); // Enter a Command sClient.type("command:text", command); // Type admin password sClient.type("password", ZenossConstants.adminPassword); sClient.selectWindow("null"); // Click on Save button Thread.sleep(2000); sClient.click("//input[@value=' Save ']"); Thread.sleep(6000); selenese.verifyTrue(sClient.isElementPresent("//a[text()='" + commandID + "']")); selenese.verifyTrue(sClient.isElementPresent("//td[text()='" + description + "']")); selenese.verifyTrue(sClient.isElementPresent("//td[text()='" + command + "']")); testCaseResult = "p"; }
public static void Login(DefaultSelenium sClient, String username, String password) throws Exception { sClient.open("/"); sClient.type("username", username); sClient.type("__ac_password", password); sClient.click("submitbutton"); sClient.waitForPageToLoad("40000"); }
@Test public void should_login_with_valid_credentials() { browser.open(deploymentUrl.toString().replaceFirst("/$", "") + "/login.jsf"); browser.type("id=loginForm:username", "user1"); browser.type("id=loginForm:password", "demo"); browser.click("id=loginForm:login"); browser.waitForPageToLoad("15000"); Assert.assertTrue( "User should be logged in!", browser.isElementPresent("xpath=//li[contains(text(),'Welcome')]")); }
/* * Insert and model a Single Device on the specified class * @author Alvaro Rivera * @param name Name or IP of the device to add * @param dClass Class where to add the device * @param snmpComm SNMP Community of the device * @param Selenium client connection * @return Boolean true if the device was successfully added or false in other way * @throws Generic Exception */ public static boolean addDevice( String name, String dClass, String snmpComm, DefaultSelenium sClient) throws Exception { sClient.click("link=Infrastructure"); sClient.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); Thread.sleep(8000); sClient.click("//table[@id='adddevice-button']/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/em"); Thread.sleep(1500); sClient.click("//a[@id='addsingledevice-item']"); Thread.sleep(7000); sClient.type("//input[@id='add-device-name']", name); sClient.click("//input[@id='add-device_class']"); Thread.sleep(5000); sClient.click("//div//div[31]"); sClient.getText("//div//div[text() = '" + dClass + "']"); sClient.click("link=More..."); Thread.sleep(2000); sClient.type("ext-comp-1156", snmpComm); sClient.click("//table[@id='addsingledevice-submit']/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]"); Thread.sleep(5000); sClient.click("//*[contains(text(), 'View Job Log')]"); sClient.waitForPageToLoad("120000"); waitForElement("Job completed at", sClient); boolean result = true; if (sClient.isTextPresent("Traceback")) { result = false; throw new Exception("There is tracebacks presents on the Model's process log"); } else if (sClient.isTextPresent("Error")) { result = false; throw new Exception("There is Error presents on the Model's process log"); } return result; }
/* * This method assumes that IP Services page is already loaded * and inserts a new Service Organizer at IP Services view * @author Jose Rodriguez * @param organizerName or name of the organizer to add * @param sClient Selenium client connection * @return Boolean true if the organizer was successfully added or false in other way * @throws Generic Exception */ public static boolean addIpServiceOrganizer(String organizerName, DefaultSelenium sClient) throws Exception { sClient.click("//table[@id='footer_add_button']/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/em"); sClient.click("//span[text()='Add Service Organizer']"); Thread.sleep(2000); sClient.type("//input[@name='id']", organizerName); for (int second = 0; ; second++) { if (second >= 60) break; try { if (sClient.isElementPresent( "//table[@class='x-btn x-btn-noicon ']//button[text()='Submit']")) break; } catch (Exception e) { } Thread.sleep(1000); } sClient.click("//button[text()='Submit']"); // Refresh page and wait for Organizers list to load sClient.click("link=IP Services"); sClient.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); for (int second = 0; ; second++) { if (second >= 60) break; try { if (sClient.isElementPresent("//ul[@class='x-tree-node-ct']/li")) break; } catch (Exception e) { } Thread.sleep(1000); } boolean result = true; if (!sClient.isElementPresent( "//span[@class='node-text' and text()='" + organizerName + "']")) { result = false; throw new Exception("The new service organizer is not found"); } return result; }
/* * This method assumes that IP Services page is already loaded * and inserts a new Service at the specified service organizer * @author Jose Rodriguez * @param serviceName or name of the service to be added * @param organizerName or name of the organizer where service will be added * @param sClient Selenium client connection * @return Boolean true if the organizer was successfully added or false in other way * @throws Generic Exception */ public static boolean addIpService( String serviceName, String organizerName, DefaultSelenium sClient) throws Exception { // Click Service organizer sClient.click("//span[@class='node-text' and text()='" + organizerName + "']"); // Add service at organizer sClient.click("//table[@id='footer_add_button']/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/em"); sClient.click("//span[text()='Add Service']"); Thread.sleep(2000); sClient.type("//input[@name='id']", serviceName); for (int second = 0; ; second++) { if (second >= 60) break; try { if (sClient.isElementPresent( "//table[@class='x-btn x-btn-noicon ']//button[text()='Submit']")) break; } catch (Exception e) { } Thread.sleep(1000); } sClient.click("//button[text()='Submit']"); // Refresh IP Services page to load sClient.click("link=IP Services"); sClient.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); for (int second = 0; ; second++) { if (second >= 60) break; try { if (sClient.isElementPresent("//ul[@class='x-tree-node-ct']/li")) break; } catch (Exception e) { } Thread.sleep(1000); } for (int second = 0; ; second++) { if (second >= 60) break; try { if (sClient.isElementPresent("//div[@class='x-grid3-body']/div")) break; } catch (Exception e) { } Thread.sleep(1000); } // Click on the Service Organizer and give 10 seconds for service list to load sClient.click("//span[@class='node-text' and text()='" + organizerName + "']"); Thread.sleep(10000); // Type service name in the search box and wait for it to show up in the service list sClient.typeKeys("//input[@id='name']", serviceName); for (int second = 0; ; second++) { if (second >= 60) break; try { if (sClient.isElementPresent( "//div[@class='x-grid3-cell-inner x-grid3-col-name' and text()='" + serviceName + "']")) break; } catch (Exception e) { } Thread.sleep(1000); } boolean result = true; if (!sClient.isElementPresent( "//div[@class='x-grid3-cell-inner x-grid3-col-name' and text()='" + serviceName + "']")) { result = false; throw new Exception("Either the service or the service organizer were not found"); } return result; }
@Test public void testTuiBao_XJ() throws Exception { selenium.open("/"); selenium.click("lra24"); selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); selenium.type("username", "api-xiejie"); selenium.type("input2", "654321"); selenium.click("loginBut"); // 前台投保获得订单号 String orderID; Ins_Front inf = new Ins_Front(); orderID = inf.buy_YJX(selenium, "华泰“安达天下”国际旅游保险成人计划标准款", 8257, 1); selenium.type("payPwd", "65432100"); selenium.click("subAcc"); selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); // 调用数据库,根据订单号获得投保单号 /*String u = ""; Connection conn = DBManager.getConnection(u);*/ CommSql sql = new CommSql(); // AppDTO[] app=sql.getAppInfo(conn,orderID,""); AppDTO[] app = sql.getAppInfo(orderID); String AppID; AppID = app[0].getAppId(); Thread.sleep(30000); // 在新窗口中打开后台 String url = "http://cst.xyz.cn"; String win = "window"; selenium.openWindow(url, win); selenium.waitForPopUp("window", "30000"); selenium.selectWindow("window"); selenium.type("textfield2", "xiejie"); selenium.type("textfield", "654321"); selenium.click("//button[@type='submit']"); selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); selenium.click("link=保单管理"); selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); selenium.type("APP_ID", AppID); selenium.click("searchBtn"); selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); selenium.click("link=退保登记"); selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); selenium.type("policySurrenderDto.applyReason", "12345"); selenium.type("policySurrenderDto.applyName", "谢洁"); selenium.type("policySurrenderDto.applyTel", "86509906"); selenium.select("idtype", "label=军官证"); selenium.click("//option[@value='armcard']"); selenium.type("policySurrenderDto.cardNo", "123"); selenium.click("surrenderCheck"); // 上传文件 Thread.sleep(10000); String baseRoot = System.getProperty("user.dir"); String CancelINSAffixUp = null; Properties p = new Properties(); InputStream in = new FileInputStream(new File("src/test/resources/instest-sys.properties")); p.load(in); CancelINSAffixUp = baseRoot + p.getProperty("CancelINSAffixUp"); Runtime.getRuntime().exec(CancelINSAffixUp); // Runtime.getRuntime().exec("D:\\ins-seleniumTest\\src\\test\\resources\\AutoIt\\CancelINSAffixUp.exe"); Thread.sleep(15000); selenium.click("link=上传"); Thread.sleep(15000); selenium.click("//button[@type='submit']"); Thread.sleep(15000); // 查询数据库,获取保单ID // AppDTO policy=sql.getPolicyInfo(conn,AppID); PolicyDTO policy = sql.getPolicyInfo(AppID); String policyID; policyID = policy.getPolicyNo(); Thread.sleep(30000); // 开始退保 selenium.type("POLICY_NO", policyID); selenium.click("searchBtn"); selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); selenium.click("link=处理"); selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); selenium.click("surrenderCheck"); selenium.click("toAudit"); selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); selenium.type("POLICY_NO", policyID); selenium.click("link=审核"); selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); selenium.click("surrenderCheck"); selenium.click("//input[@name=\"policySurrenderDto.surrenderStatus\"][1]"); selenium.click("//button[@type='submit']"); // 查询保单状态 Thread.sleep(30000); // AppDTO policy1=sql.getPolicyInfo(conn,AppID); PolicyDTO policy1 = sql.getPolicyInfo(AppID); int policyStatus = policy1.getPolicyStatus(); if (policyStatus == 2) { System.out.print("退保成功"); } else { System.out.print("退保未成功"); } }