public JSONObject addQuestion(JSONRPC2Request req, HttpServletRequest request)
      throws JSONRPC2Error {
    // json object for the result
    JSONObject jsonAddQuestion = new JSONObject();

    // get question
    Map<String, Object> params = req.getNamedParams();
    NamedParamsRetriever np = new NamedParamsRetriever(params);
    Map<String, Object> qParams = np.getMap("question");
    NamedParamsRetriever questionNp = new NamedParamsRetriever(qParams);
    String body = questionNp.getString("body");
    String answer = questionNp.getString("answer");

    // get user
    User u = getCurrentUser(request);
    int userID = (int) u.getId();
    System.out.println("current user id" + userID);

    // return ID of Question if added successfully
    Question q = QuestionController.addQuestion(body, answer, userID);

    jsonAddQuestion.put("question", q.toJSONObject());

    return jsonAddQuestion;
 public StreamData getStream(UUID streamID) {
   // probably should do this over UDP.
   try {
     JSONRPC2Request jr = new JSONRPC2Request("getstream", id.getAndIncrement());
     Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
     params.put("streamid", streamID.toString());
     JSONRPC2Response jres = jsonSession.send(jr);
     if (jres.indicatesSuccess()) {
       Map<String, Object> jo = (Map<String, Object>) jres.getResult();
       if ((Boolean) jo.get("present")) {
         StreamData sd = new StreamData();
         sd.currentLog = UUID.fromString((String) jo.get("currentlog"));
         sd.startPos = (Long) jo.get("startpos");
         sd.epoch = (Long) jo.get("epoch");
         sd.startLog = UUID.fromString((String) jo.get("startlog"));
         return sd;
       } else {
         return null;
   } catch (Exception e) {
     log.error("other error", e);
     return null;
   return null;
    // Processes the requests
    public JSONRPC2Response process(JSONRPC2Request req, MessageContext ctx) {

      if (req.getMethod().equals("update")) {

        //				update valuse on textviews in the main_activity
        tempUpdate =
            JSONHandler.testJSONRequest(serverURL, "read_temperature") + (char) 0x00B0 + "C";
        ambUpdate = JSONHandler.testJSONRequest(serverURL, "read_ambient_light_intensity");
        blindUpdate = JSONHandler.testJSONRequest(serverURL, "blindState");

        String currentDateandTime = sdf.format(new Date());

            "   "
                + currentDateandTime
                + "   "
                + tempUpdate
                + "   "
                + ambUpdate
                + "   "
                + blindUpdate);

        return new JSONRPC2Response("ok", req.getID());
      } else {
        // Method name not supported
        return new JSONRPC2Response(JSONRPC2Error.METHOD_NOT_FOUND, req.getID());
  * Force the configuration master to install a new view. This method should only be called during
  * testing.
  * @param v The new view to install.
 public void forceNewView(CorfuDBView v) {
   try {
     JSONRPC2Request jr = new JSONRPC2Request("newview", id.getAndIncrement());
     Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
     params.put("newview", v.getSerializedJSONView().toString());
     JSONRPC2Response jres = jsonSession.send(jr);
     if (jres.indicatesSuccess() && (Boolean) jres.getResult()) {}
   } catch (Exception e) {
 public String getLog(UUID logID) {
   try {
     JSONRPC2Request jr = new JSONRPC2Request("getlog", id.getAndIncrement());
     Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
     params.put("logid", logID.toString());
     JSONRPC2Response jres = jsonSession.send(jr);
     if (jres.indicatesSuccess()) {
       return (String) jres.getResult();
     return null;
   } catch (Exception e) {
     return null;
  public JSONObject deleteTest(JSONRPC2Request req, HttpServletRequest request)
      throws JSONRPC2Error, Exception {
    // create json object for the result
    JSONObject jsonDeleteTest = new JSONObject();

    // get question id
    Map<String, Object> params = req.getNamedParams();
    NamedParamsRetriever np = new NamedParamsRetriever(params);
    Map<String, Object> tParams = np.getMap("test");
    NamedParamsRetriever testNp = new NamedParamsRetriever(tParams);
    int testId = testNp.getInt("id");
    int tOwnerId = testNp.getInt("ownerId");

    User u = getCurrentUser(request);

    // check for privileges
    if (u.getId() == tOwnerId) {

      // remove question from database

      // send result
      return jsonDeleteTest;
    } else {
      throw new Exception("no privileges");
  public JSONObject updateTest(JSONRPC2Request req, HttpServletRequest request)
      throws JSONRPC2Error, Exception {
    JSONObject jsonUpdateTest = new JSONObject();

    // get question
    Map<String, Object> params = req.getNamedParams();
    NamedParamsRetriever np = new NamedParamsRetriever(params);
    Map<String, Object> tParams = np.getMap("test");
    NamedParamsRetriever testNp = new NamedParamsRetriever(tParams);
    int testId = testNp.getInt("id");
    String testName = testNp.getString("name");
    int tOwnerId = testNp.getInt("ownerId");

    User u = getCurrentUser(request);

    // check for privileges
    if (u.getId() == tOwnerId) {
      // update question in database
      Test testUpdated = TestController.updateTest(testId, testName);

      // return result
      jsonUpdateTest.put("updatedTest", testUpdated.toJSONObject());

      return jsonUpdateTest;
    } else {
      throw new Exception("no privileges");
  public JSONObject removeTestQuestion(JSONRPC2Request req, HttpServletRequest request)
      throws Exception, SQLException {
    JSONObject jsonResult = new JSONObject();

    // set retrievers
    Map<String, Object> params = req.getNamedParams();
    NamedParamsRetriever np = new NamedParamsRetriever(params);
    Map<String, Object> tParams = np.getMap("test");
    NamedParamsRetriever testNp = new NamedParamsRetriever(tParams);
    Map<String, Object> qParams = np.getMap("question");
    NamedParamsRetriever questNp = new NamedParamsRetriever(qParams);

    MySQLDAO dao = new MySQLDAO();
    Test t = dao.loadTest(testNp.getInt(("id")));
    dao = new MySQLDAO();
    Question q = dao.loadQuestion(questNp.getInt("id"));

    User u = getCurrentUser(request);

    if (u.getId() == t.getOwnerId()) {
      dao = new MySQLDAO();
      t = dao.deleteTestQuestion(t, q);
    } else {
      throw new Exception("no privileges : you do not own this test");

    JSONObject jsonTest = t.toJSONObject();
    JSONObject jsonQuestion = q.toJSONObject();

    jsonResult.put("test", jsonTest);
    jsonResult.put("question", jsonQuestion);

    return jsonResult;
예제 #9
 public void run() {
   if (isr != null && osw != null) {
     String body;
     try {
       body = readJson();
       JSONRPC2Request request = JSONRPC2Request.parse(body);
       JSONRPC2Response response = dispatcher.process(request, null);
       String res = response.toJSONString();
     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
       // TODO Auto-generated catch block
     } catch (JSONRPC2ParseException e) {
       // TODO Auto-generated catch block
     } catch (IOException e) {
     } finally {
       try {
       } catch (IOException e) {
         // TODO Auto-generated catch block
  public JSONObject updateQuestion(JSONRPC2Request req, HttpServletRequest request)
      throws JSONRPC2Error, Exception {
    JSONObject jsonUpdateQuestion = new JSONObject();

    // get question
    Map<String, Object> params = req.getNamedParams();
    NamedParamsRetriever np = new NamedParamsRetriever(params);
    Map<String, Object> qParams = np.getMap("question");
    NamedParamsRetriever questionNp = new NamedParamsRetriever(qParams);
    int questionId = questionNp.getInt("id");
    String questionBody = questionNp.getString("body");
    String questionAnswer = questionNp.getString("answer");

    int qOwnerId = questionNp.getInt("ownerId");

    User u = getCurrentUser(request);

    // check if this is the owner of the question
    if (u.getId() == qOwnerId) {
      // update question in database
      Question qUpdated =
          QuestionController.updateQuestion(questionId, questionBody, questionAnswer);

      // return result
      jsonUpdateQuestion.put("question", qUpdated.toJSONObject());
      return jsonUpdateQuestion;
    } else {
      throw new Exception("no privileges");
  * Request reconfiguration due to a network exception.
  * @param e The network exception that caused the reconfiguration request.
 public void requestReconfiguration(NetworkException e) {
   try {
     JSONRPC2Request jr = new JSONRPC2Request("reconfig", id.getAndIncrement());
     Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
     if (e != null) {
     JSONRPC2Response jres = jsonSession.send(jr);
     if (jres.indicatesSuccess() && (Boolean) jres.getResult()) {}
   } catch (Exception ex) {
 public boolean addLog(UUID logID, String path) {
   try {
     JSONRPC2Request jr = new JSONRPC2Request("addlog", id.getAndIncrement());
     Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
     params.put("logid", logID.toString());
     params.put("path", path);
     JSONRPC2Response jres = jsonSession.send(jr);
     if (jres.indicatesSuccess() && (Boolean) jres.getResult()) {
       return true;
     return false;
   } catch (Exception e) {
     return false;
  public JSONObject deleteQuestion(JSONRPC2Request req, HttpServletRequest request)
      throws JSONRPC2Error, Exception {
    // create json object for the result
    JSONObject jsonDeleteQuestion = new JSONObject();

    // get question id
    Map<String, Object> params = req.getNamedParams();
    NamedParamsRetriever np = new NamedParamsRetriever(params);
    Map<String, Object> qParams = np.getMap("question");
    NamedParamsRetriever questionNp = new NamedParamsRetriever(qParams);
    int questionId = questionNp.getInt("id");
    int qOwnwerId = questionNp.getInt("ownerId");

    User u = getCurrentUser(request);

    // check for user privilleges
    if (u.getId() == qOwnwerId) {
      // remove question from database


      // send result
      return jsonDeleteQuestion;
    } else {

      System.out.println("current user id: " + u.getId());
      System.out.println("question owner id: " + qOwnwerId);
      throw new Exception("no privileges");
  public JSONObject loadTestAndAllQuestions(JSONRPC2Request req, HttpServletRequest request)
      throws Exception {
    JSONObject jsonResult = new JSONObject();
    JSONArray jsonAllQuestions = new JSONArray();
    JSONObject jsonTest = new JSONObject();

    // retrievers
    Map<String, Object> params = req.getNamedParams();
    NamedParamsRetriever np = new NamedParamsRetriever(params);
    Map<String, Object> tParams = np.getMap("test");
    NamedParamsRetriever testNp = new NamedParamsRetriever(tParams);
    int tid = testNp.getInt("id");

    // get data from DB
    MySQLDAO dao = new MySQLDAO();
    Test t = dao.loadTest(tid);
    QuestionsList allQuestions = QuestionController.loadAllQuestions();

    // set result
    jsonTest = t.toJSONObject();
    jsonAllQuestions = allQuestions.toJSONArray();
    jsonResult.put("test", jsonTest);
    jsonResult.put("questions", jsonAllQuestions);

    return jsonResult;
  public JSONObject checkTest(JSONRPC2Request req, HttpServletRequest request)
      throws JSONRPC2Error, Exception {
    JSONObject jsonResult = new JSONObject();
    JSONArray jsonWrongQuestions = new JSONArray();
    QuestionsList wrongQuestions = new QuestionsList();

    // retrievers
    Map<String, Object> params = req.getNamedParams();
    NamedParamsRetriever np = new NamedParamsRetriever(params);
    Map<String, Object> tParams = np.getMap("test");
    NamedParamsRetriever testNp = new NamedParamsRetriever(tParams);

    // get guessed questions values
    QuestionsList guessQuestions = new QuestionsList();
    List<Object> questions = testNp.getList("questions");
    for (Object q : questions) {
      // set new retriever for each question
      NamedParamsRetriever questNp = new NamedParamsRetriever((Map<String, Object>) q);
      // retrieve values
      String answer = questNp.getString("answer");
      String body = questNp.getString("body");
      int id = questNp.getInt("id");
      // create question with the values and add it to the guessed questions
      Question quest = new Question();

    // get test
    int tid = testNp.getInt("id");
    MySQLDAO dao = new MySQLDAO();
    Test t = dao.loadTest(tid);

    // get true questions
    MySQLDAO questionsDao = new MySQLDAO();
    QuestionsList trueQuestions = questionsDao.loadQuestionsByTest(tid);

    // cycle through questions and find these with same id
    for (Question tq : trueQuestions) {
      for (Question gq : guessQuestions) {
        if (tq.getId() == gq.getId()) {
          // if answers are different, than there is mistake
          System.out.println("id match!");
          if (!tq.getAnswer().equals(gq.getAnswer())) {
            System.out.println("Wrong question!");

    jsonWrongQuestions = wrongQuestions.toJSONArray();
    jsonResult.put("test", t);
    jsonResult.put("wrongQuestions", jsonWrongQuestions);

    return jsonResult;
  public boolean addStreamCM(UUID logID, UUID streamID, long pos, boolean nopass) {
    try {
      JSONRPC2Request jr = new JSONRPC2Request("addstream", id.getAndIncrement());
      Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
      params.put("logid", logID.toString());
      params.put("streamid", streamID.toString());
      params.put("startpos", pos);
      params.put("nopass", nopass);

      JSONRPC2Response jres = jsonSession.send(jr);
      if (jres.indicatesSuccess() && (Boolean) jres.getResult()) {
        return true;
      return false;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.debug("Error sending addstream", e);
      return false;
  public JSONObject registerUser(JSONRPC2Request request, JSONRPC2Response response)
      throws Exception {

    JSONRPC2ParamsType paramsType = request.getParamsType();
    Map<String, Object> params = request.getNamedParams();
    NamedParamsRetriever np = new NamedParamsRetriever(params);
    JSONObject jsonRegistration = new JSONObject();
    // create new user
    User u = new User();

    // set params

    // add user
    MySQLDAO dao = new MySQLDAO();

    jsonRegistration.put("user", u.toJSONObject());

    return jsonRegistration;
  public JSONObject addTestQuestion(JSONRPC2Request req, HttpServletRequest request)
      throws Exception, SQLException {
    JSONObject jsonResult = new JSONObject();

    // set retrievers
    Map<String, Object> params = req.getNamedParams();
    NamedParamsRetriever np = new NamedParamsRetriever(params);
    Map<String, Object> tParams = np.getMap("test");
    NamedParamsRetriever testNp = new NamedParamsRetriever(tParams);
    Map<String, Object> qParams = np.getMap("question");
    NamedParamsRetriever questNp = new NamedParamsRetriever(qParams);
    int tid = testNp.getInt(("id"));
    int qid = questNp.getInt(("id"));

    // load test and question
    MySQLDAO dao = new MySQLDAO();
    Test t = dao.loadTest(tid);
    dao = new MySQLDAO();
    Question q = dao.loadQuestion(qid);

    // load current user
    User u = getCurrentUser(request);

    if (u.getId() == t.getOwnerId()) {
      // check for duplicates
      boolean duplicate = false;
      for (Question quest : t.getQuestions()) {
        if (quest.getId() == qid) {
          duplicate = true;
      if (!duplicate) {
        dao = new MySQLDAO();
        t = dao.saveTestQuestion(t, q);
    } else {
      throw new Exception("no privileges : you do not own this test!");

    // set result
    JSONObject jsonTest = t.toJSONObject();
    JSONObject jsonQuestion = q.toJSONObject();

    jsonResult.put("test", jsonTest);
    jsonResult.put("question", jsonQuestion);

    return jsonResult;
  public JSONObject loginUser(
      HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, JSONRPC2Request jsonReq)
      throws Exception {
    // define new json for the result
    JSONObject jsonLogin = new JSONObject();
    // get user info
    Map<String, Object> params = jsonReq.getNamedParams();
    NamedParamsRetriever np = new NamedParamsRetriever(params);

    String password = PassEncript.PassHash(np.getString("password"));
    System.out.println("input pass " + password);

    String email = np.getString("email");

    // establish connection

    MySQLDAO dao = new MySQLDAO();

    // get user by email
    User u = new User();
    u = dao.loadUser(email);

    if (!(u.getEmail().equals(email))) {
      throw new Exception("incorrect email");
    } else {
      // check if password is correct
      if (u.getPassword().equals(password)) {
        // create sesssion and cookies
        HttpSession session = request.getSession();
        session.setAttribute("pass", TimeEncrpyt.TimeHash());
        System.out.println("session pass: "******"pass").toString());
        session.setAttribute("user", email);
        System.out.println("session user: "******"user").toString());
        session.setMaxInactiveInterval(30 * 60);
        Cookie pass = new Cookie("pass", TimeEncrpyt.TimeHash());
        System.out.println("cookie pass: "******"user", u.toJSONObject());
        return jsonLogin;
      } else {
        throw new Exception("password missmatch");
  public JSONArray loadQuestionsByTest(JSONRPC2Request req, HttpServletRequest request)
      throws Exception, JSONRPC2Error {
    JSONArray jsonTestQuestions = new JSONArray();

    // get testId
    Map<String, Object> params = req.getNamedParams();
    NamedParamsRetriever np = new NamedParamsRetriever(params);
    Map<String, Object> tParams = np.getMap("test");
    NamedParamsRetriever testNp = new NamedParamsRetriever(tParams);
    int testId = testNp.getInt("id");

    // get test questions
    MySQLDAO dao = new MySQLDAO();
    QuestionsList qByTest = dao.loadQuestionsByTest(testId);

    // set result
    jsonTestQuestions = qByTest.toJSONArray();

    return jsonTestQuestions;
  public JSONObject addTest(JSONRPC2Request req, HttpServletRequest request) throws JSONRPC2Error {
    // json object for the result
    JSONObject jsonAddTest = new JSONObject();

    // get test
    Map<String, Object> params = req.getNamedParams();
    NamedParamsRetriever np = new NamedParamsRetriever(params);
    Map<String, Object> tParams = np.getMap("test");
    NamedParamsRetriever testNp = new NamedParamsRetriever(tParams);
    String name = testNp.getString("name");

    // get user
    User u = getCurrentUser(request);
    int userID = (int) u.getId();

    // return test if added successfully
    Test t = TestController.addTest(name, userID);
    System.out.println("add test: " + t.toJSONObject().toString());
    jsonAddTest.put("test", t.toJSONObject());
    return jsonAddTest;
  public JSONObject loadQuestion(JSONRPC2Request req, HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {
    JSONObject jsonResult = new JSONObject();
    JSONObject jsonQuestion = new JSONObject();

    // set retrievers
    Map<String, Object> params = req.getNamedParams();
    NamedParamsRetriever np = new NamedParamsRetriever(params);
    Map<String, Object> qParams = np.getMap("question");
    NamedParamsRetriever questNp = new NamedParamsRetriever(qParams);
    int qid = questNp.getInt("id");

    // load question
    MySQLDAO dao = new MySQLDAO();
    Question q = dao.loadQuestion(qid);

    // set result
    jsonQuestion = q.toJSONObject();
    jsonResult.put("question", jsonQuestion);

    return jsonResult;
  protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
      throws ServletException, IOException {

    // declare rpc objects
    JSONRPC2Request req = null;
    JSONRPC2Response resp = null;

    try {
       * Had to change this, since after switching to the JS json-rpc lib
       * the request has no params ("json=" in our case) and the whole payload is the request data itself
      StringBuffer jb = new StringBuffer();
      String line = null;
      // Getting the request reader in order to load the whole request date into a single string
      BufferedReader reader = request.getReader();
      while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) jb.append(line);

      // populate rpc objects
      req = JSONRPC2Request.parse(jb.toString());
      resp = new JSONRPC2Response(req.getID());

      // define jsonResult
      JSONObject jsonResult = new JSONObject();

      // retrieve request information
      String method = req.getMethod();

      // find the requested method
      if (method.equals("login")) {
        // login user
        jsonResult = loginUser(request, response, req);
        System.out.println("json result: " + jsonResult.toString());
        // resp.setResult(jsonResult.toJSONString());
      } else if (method.equals("register")) {
        // register user
        // TODO duplicates!
        jsonResult = registerUser(req, resp);
        System.out.println("json result to string: " + jsonResult.toString());
      } else if (isLoggedIn(request)) {
        if (method.equals("logout")) {
          // logout user
          jsonResult = logoutUser(request);
          System.out.println("json result: " + jsonResult.toString());
        } else if (method.equals("loadAllQuestions")) {
          // return all questions as QuestionsList
          QuestionsList questions = QuestionController.loadAllQuestions();
          if (questions != null) {
            JSONObject jsonQuestions = new JSONObject();
            JSONArray allQuestions = questions.toJSONArray();
            jsonQuestions.put("allQuestions", allQuestions);
            System.out.println("jsonQuestions: " + jsonQuestions.toString());
          } else {
        } else if (method.equals("loadQuestion")) {
          jsonResult = loadQuestion(req, request);
          System.out.println("json result: " + jsonResult.toString());
        } else if (method.equals("addQuestion")) {
          // add question
          jsonResult = addQuestion(req, request);
          System.out.println("json result: " + jsonResult.toString());
        } else if (method.equals("deleteQuestion")) {
          // delete question
          jsonResult = deleteQuestion(req, request);
          System.out.println("json result: " + jsonResult.toString());
        } else if (method.equals("udpateQuestion")) {
          // update question
          jsonResult = updateQuestion(req, request);
          System.out.println("json result: " + jsonResult.toString());
        } else if (method.equals("loadTestAndAllQuestions")) {
          // return the test and all questions from the database
          jsonResult = loadTestAndAllQuestions(req, request);
          System.out.println("json result: " + jsonResult.toString());
        } else if (method.equals("loadAllTests")) {
          // return all questions as QuestionsList
          TestsList tests = TestController.loadAllTests();
          if (tests != null) {
            JSONObject jsonTests = new JSONObject();
            JSONArray allTests = tests.toJSONArray();
            jsonTests.put("allTests", allTests);
            System.out.println("jsonTests: " + jsonTests.toString());

          } else {
        } else if (method.equals("loadQuestionsByTest")) {
          JSONArray testQuestions = new JSONArray();
          testQuestions = loadQuestionsByTest(req, request);
          jsonResult.put("testQuestions", testQuestions);
          System.out.println("json result: " + jsonResult.toString());
        } else if (method.equals("addTest")) {
          // add question
          jsonResult = addTest(req, request);
          System.out.println("json result: " + jsonResult.toString());
        } else if (method.equals("deleteTest")) {
          // delete question
          jsonResult = deleteTest(req, request);
          System.out.println("json result: " + jsonResult.toString());
        } else if (method.equals("updateTest")) {
          // update question
          jsonResult = updateTest(req, request);
          System.out.println("json result: " + jsonResult.toString());
        } else if (method.equals("addTestQuestion")) {
          // bind question to test
          jsonResult = addTestQuestion(req, request);
          System.out.println("json result: " + jsonResult.toString());
        } else if (method.equals("removeTestQuestion")) {
          // delete question from test
          jsonResult = removeTestQuestion(req, request);
          System.out.println("json result: " + jsonResult.toString());
        } else if (method.equals("checkTest")) {
          // check if test is asnwered correctly
          jsonResult = checkTest(req, request);
          System.out.println("json result: " + jsonResult.toString());
        JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
        json.put("hi", "opa");
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      JSONRPC2Error error = new JSONRPC2Error(1, t.getMessage());

    } finally {
      // dispatch result
      System.out.println("final result: " + resp.toJSONObject().toJSONString());