/** * [ vehicles * ]**************************************************************************************************** */ public ApiResponse getVehicleTypes() { ApiRequest req = new ApiRequest( Office.getApiUrl() + "/passenger/v1/vehicletypes", TDApplication.getSessionManager().getAccessToken()); return doGetRequest(req); }
public ApiResponse getAccountFleetData() { ApiRequest req = new ApiRequest( Office.getApiUrl() + "/passenger/v1/accounts/fleetdata", TDApplication.getSessionManager().getAccessToken()); return doGetRequest(req); }
public ApiResponse braintreeWrapperCardCreate( String userPk, String holdrName, String cardNumber, String cardCvv, String cardExpirationMonth, String cardExpirationYear) { Braintree bt = new Braintree(Office.getBraintreeEncryptionKey()); ApiRequest req = new ApiRequest( Office.getBraintreeWrapperUrl(), TDApplication.getSessionManager().getAccessToken()); req.addGetParam("cmd", "card-create"); req.addGetParam("version", BRAINTREE_WRAPPER_MIN_VERSION); req.addPostParam("customer_pk", userPk); req.addPostParam("card_holder_name", holdrName); req.addPostParam("card_number", bt.encrypt(cardNumber)); req.addPostParam("card_expiration_month", bt.encrypt(String.valueOf(cardExpirationMonth))); req.addPostParam("card_expiration_year", bt.encrypt(String.valueOf(cardExpirationYear))); if (cardCvv != null) { req.addPostParam("card_cvv", bt.encrypt(cardCvv)); } return doPostRequest(req); }
public ApiResponse getAccountProfile() { ApiRequest req = new ApiRequest( Office.getApiUrl() + "/passenger/v1/accounts/preferences", TDApplication.getSessionManager().getAccessToken()); return doGetRequest(req); }
public ApiResponse bookingsTrackBooking(JSONArray bookingPks) { ApiRequest req = new ApiRequest( Office.getApiUrl() + "/passenger/v1/bookings/track", TDApplication.getSessionManager().getAccessToken()); req.addRequestParam("booking_pks", bookingPks); return doPostRequest(req); }
public ApiResponse bookingsCancelBooking(String bookingPk, String reason) { String url = String.format(Office.getApiUrl() + "/passenger/v1/bookings/%s/cancel", bookingPk); ApiRequest req = new ApiRequest(url, TDApplication.getSessionManager().getAccessToken()); if ((reason != null) && (reason.length() > 0)) { req.addRequestParam("description", reason); } return doPostRequest(req); }
public ApiResponse bookingsNewBooking(JSONObject newBookingJson) { ApiRequest req = new ApiRequest( Office.getApiUrl() + "/passenger/v1/bookings", TDApplication.getSessionManager().getAccessToken()); req.setRequestParameters(newBookingJson); return doPostRequest(req); }
public ApiResponse braintreeWrapperCardList(String userPk) { ApiRequest req = new ApiRequest( Office.getBraintreeWrapperUrl(), TDApplication.getSessionManager().getAccessToken()); req.addGetParam("cmd", "card-list"); req.addGetParam("version", BRAINTREE_WRAPPER_MIN_VERSION); req.addPostParam("customer_pk", userPk); return doPostRequest(req); }
public ApiResponse braintreeWrapperCardDelete(String cardToken) { ApiRequest req = new ApiRequest( Office.getBraintreeWrapperUrl(), TDApplication.getSessionManager().getAccessToken()); req.addGetParam("cmd", "card-delete"); req.addGetParam("version", BRAINTREE_WRAPPER_MIN_VERSION); req.addPostParam("card_token", cardToken); return doPostRequest(req); }
public ApiResponse locationFare( LocationData from, LocationData to, Long pickupMillis, String vehiclePk, int paymentMethod) { ApiRequest req = new ApiRequest( Office.getApiUrl() + "/passenger/v1/locations/fare", TDApplication.getSessionManager().getAccessToken()); try { JSONObject pickup = new JSONObject(); pickup.put("lat", from.getLatitude()); pickup.put("lng", from.getLongitude()); req.addRequestParam("pickup_location", pickup); JSONObject dropoff = new JSONObject(); dropoff.put("lat", to.getLatitude()); dropoff.put("lng", to.getLongitude()); req.addRequestParam("dropoff_location", dropoff); if (pickupMillis != null) { Time t = new Time(); t.set(pickupMillis); String timeStr = t.format3339(false).replace(".000+", "+"); // FIXME API BUG req.addRequestParam("pickup_time", timeStr); } String method = PaymentMethod.CASH_STRING; switch (paymentMethod) { case PaymentMethod.ACCOUNT: method = PaymentMethod.ACCOUNT_STRING; break; case PaymentMethod.CARD: method = PaymentMethod.CARD_STRING; break; case PaymentMethod.CASH: default: method = PaymentMethod.CASH_STRING; break; } req.addRequestParam("payment_method", method); if (vehiclePk != null) { req.addRequestParam("car_type", vehiclePk); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return doPostRequest(req); }
/** * [ bookings * ]**************************************************************************************************** */ public ApiResponse bookingsGetAll(String status) { ApiRequest req = new ApiRequest( Office.getApiUrl() + "/passenger/v1/bookings", TDApplication.getSessionManager().getAccessToken()); req.addGetParam("order_by", "-pickup_time"); req.addGetParam("status", status); req.addGetParam("limit", 20); req.addGetParam("offset", 0); return doGetRequest(req); }
public ApiResponse locationSearch(String search, int limit, Boolean narrowToPickupOnly) { ApiRequest req = new ApiRequest( Office.getApiUrl() + "/passenger/v1/locations/search", TDApplication.getSessionManager().getAccessToken()); req.addGetParam("q", search); req.addGetParam("limit", limit); if (narrowToPickupOnly) { req.addGetParam("type", "pickup"); } return doGetRequest(req); }
public ApiResponse braintreeWrapperTransactionCreate(BookingData booking, CardData card) { ApiRequest req = new ApiRequest( Office.getBraintreeWrapperUrl(), TDApplication.getSessionManager().getAccessToken()); req.addGetParam("cmd", "transaction-create"); req.addGetParam("version", BRAINTREE_WRAPPER_MIN_VERSION); req.addPostParam("booking_pk", booking.getPk()); req.addPostParam("booking_key", booking.getBookingKey()); req.addPostParam("card_token", card.getToken()); req.addPostParam("amount", booking.getTotalCostValue()); return doPostRequest(req); }
@Override public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { View view = convertView; if (view == null) { int layoutId = R.layout.search_address_row; LayoutInflater li = (LayoutInflater) getContext().getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); view = li.inflate(layoutId, null); WebnetTools.setCustomFonts(TDApplication.getAppContext(), (ViewGroup) view); } WebnetTools.setText(view, R.id.item_address, mItems.get(position).getAddress()); view.setTag(R.id.tag_key_position, position); view.setOnClickListener(mOnClickListener); return (view); }
/** * [ drivers * ]***************************************************************************************************** */ public ApiResponse getNearbyDrivers(LatLng position) { ApiRequest req = new ApiRequest( Office.getApiUrl() + "/passenger/v1/drivers/nearby", TDApplication.getSessionManager().getAccessToken()); req.addRequestParam("limit", 15); // #of cabs req.addRequestParam("radius", 10); // km try { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("lat", position.latitude); json.put("lng", position.longitude); req.addRequestParam("location", json); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return doPostRequest(req); }
@Override protected Integer doInBackground(String... params) { String queryString = params[0]; try { ApiHelper api = ApiHelper.getInstance(TDApplication.getAppContext()); ApiResponse response = api.locationSearch(queryString, 10, false); if (response.getErrorCode() == Const.ErrorCode.OK) { mPredictionsArray = new ArrayList<LocationData>(); JSONArray locations = JsonTools.getJSONArray(response.getJSONObject(), "locations"); for (int i = 0; i < locations.length(); i++) { LocationData loc = new LocationData((JSONObject) locations.get(i)); mPredictionsArray.add(loc); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return 0; }
/* ****************************************************************************** * * Copyright 2013 Webnet Marcin Orłowski * * Licensed under the GPL License, Version 3.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ****************************************************************************** * * @author Marcin Orlowski <*****@*****.**> * ****************************************************************************** */ public final class WebnetLog { // FIXME - we shall make this class abstract and put TAG in extending class! protected static final String TAG = "Passenger"; protected static final Boolean ENABLED = TDApplication.isDebuggable(); protected static final Boolean ENABLE_I = (ENABLED == false) ? false : true; protected static final Boolean ENABLE_W = (ENABLED == false) ? false : true; protected static final Boolean ENABLE_E = (ENABLED == false) ? false : true; protected static final Boolean ENABLE_D = (ENABLED == false) ? false : true; // NOTE: it's important to understand what we got on stack and NOT // call this method directly or the output will be WRONG! // // 0: getCallerTrace() (this) // 1: formatMessage() // 2: one of local calling methods (i.e. WebnetLog.i()) // 3: caller class and method // // FIXME we could work that out by analyzing stack and skipping all invocation from // this class but as for now it's not done, so beware! protected static String getCallerTrace() { return getCallerTrace(4); } protected static String getCallerTrace(int depth) { Throwable throwable = new Throwable(); StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = throwable.getStackTrace(); String callerMethod = stackTrace[depth].getMethodName(); String callerClass = stackTrace[depth].getClassName(); int lineNumber = stackTrace[depth].getLineNumber(); String[] nameParts = callerClass.split("\\."); callerClass = nameParts[nameParts.length - 1]; // Log.i("TA", callerMethod: " + callerMethod + ", callerClass: " + callerClass ); return (callerClass + "/" + callerMethod + "()[+" + lineNumber + "]"); } protected static String formatMessage() { return (WebnetLog.getCallerTrace()); } protected static String formatMessage(String message) { return (WebnetLog.getCallerTrace() + ": " + message); } protected static String formatMessage(String tag, String message) { return (tag + ": " + WebnetLog.getCallerTrace() + ": " + message); } public static void i() { _i(WebnetLog.TAG, WebnetLog.formatMessage()); } public static void i(int message) { i("(int): " + message); } public static void i(String message) { _i(WebnetLog.TAG, WebnetLog.formatMessage(message)); } public static void i(String tag, String message) { Log.i(WebnetLog.TAG, WebnetLog.formatMessage(tag, message)); } public static void i(String message, Throwable tr) { _i(WebnetLog.TAG, WebnetLog.formatMessage(message + " " + tr.getMessage())); } public static void i(String tag, String message, Throwable tr) { _i(WebnetLog.TAG, WebnetLog.formatMessage(tag, message + " " + tr.getMessage())); } protected static void _i(String tag, String msg) { if (ENABLE_I) { Log.i(tag, msg); } } public static void w() { _w(WebnetLog.TAG, WebnetLog.formatMessage()); } public static void w(String message) { _w(WebnetLog.TAG, WebnetLog.formatMessage(message)); } public static void w(String tag, String message) { _w(WebnetLog.TAG, WebnetLog.formatMessage(tag, message)); } public static void w(String message, Throwable tr) { _w(WebnetLog.TAG, WebnetLog.formatMessage(message + " " + tr.getMessage())); } public static void w(String tag, String message, Throwable tr) { _w(WebnetLog.TAG, WebnetLog.formatMessage(tag, message + " " + tr.getMessage())); } protected static void _w(String tag, String msg) { if (ENABLE_W) { Log.w(tag, msg); } } public static void e() { _e(WebnetLog.TAG, WebnetLog.formatMessage()); } public static void e(String message) { _e(WebnetLog.TAG, WebnetLog.formatMessage(message)); } public static void e(String tag, String message) { _e(WebnetLog.TAG, WebnetLog.formatMessage(tag, message)); } public static void e(String message, Throwable tr) { _e(WebnetLog.TAG, WebnetLog.formatMessage(message + " " + tr.getMessage())); } public static void e(String tag, String message, Throwable tr) { _e(WebnetLog.TAG, WebnetLog.formatMessage(tag, message + " " + tr.getMessage())); } protected static void _e(String tag, String msg) { if (ENABLE_E) { Log.e(tag, msg); } } public static void d() { _d(WebnetLog.TAG, WebnetLog.formatMessage()); } public static void d(String message) { _d(WebnetLog.TAG, WebnetLog.formatMessage(message)); } public static void d(String tag, String message) { _d(WebnetLog.TAG, WebnetLog.formatMessage(tag, message)); } public static void d(String message, Throwable tr) { _d(WebnetLog.TAG, WebnetLog.formatMessage(message + " " + tr.getMessage())); } public static void d(String tag, String message, Throwable tr) { _d(WebnetLog.TAG, WebnetLog.formatMessage(tag, message + " " + tr.getMessage())); } protected static void _d(String tag, String msg) { if (ENABLE_D) { Log.d(tag, msg); } } } // end of class