/** * Get the URL of the file to download. This has not been modified from the original version. * * <p>For more information, please see: <a href= * "https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/educators/higher-ed/reporting-portal-help#features"> * https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/educators/higher-ed/reporting- * portal-help#features</a> * * <p>Original code can be accessed at: <a href= * "https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/zip/pascoredwnld-java-sample.zip"> * https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/zip/pascoredwnld-java-sample.zip </a> * * @see #login(String, String) * @see org.collegeboard.scoredwnld.client.FileInfo * @author CollegeBoard * @param accessToken Access token obtained from {@link #login(String, String)} * @param filePath File to download * @return FileInfo descriptor of file to download */ private FileInfo getFileUrlByToken(String accessToken, String filePath) { Client client = getClient(); WebResource webResource = client.resource( scoredwnldUrlRoot + "/pascoredwnld/file?tok=" + accessToken + "&filename=" + filePath); ClientResponse response = webResource.accept("application/json").get(ClientResponse.class); if (response.getStatus() != 200) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed : HTTP error code : " + response.getStatus()); } try { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(response.getEntity(String.class)); FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(); fileInfo.setFileName(filePath); fileInfo.setFileUrl(String.valueOf(json.get("fileUrl"))); return fileInfo; } catch (ClientHandlerException e) { log("Error: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (UniformInterfaceException e) { log("Error: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (JSONException e) { log("Error: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
// Code to add comments for Jira Issue public static void RestAddComment(String strComment, String strIssueID) { try { String auth = new String(Base64.encode("admin:admin")); String createCommentData = "{\"body\": \"" + strComment + "\"}\""; String comment = invokePostMethod( auth, BASE_URL + "/rest/api/2/issue/" + strIssueID + "/comment", createCommentData); System.out.println(comment); JSONObject issueObj = new JSONObject(comment); String newKey = issueObj.getString("id"); System.out.println("id:" + newKey); } catch (AuthenticationException e) { System.out.println("Username or Password wrong!"); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClientHandlerException e) { System.out.println("Error invoking REST method"); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (JSONException e) { System.out.println("Invalid JSON output"); e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * Run a CLI programmatically. * * <p>It does not exit the JVM. * * <p>A CLI instance can be used only once. * * @param args options and arguments for the Oozie CLI. * @return '0' (success), '-1' (failure). */ public synchronized int run(final String[] args) { CLIParser parser = new CLIParser("falcon", FALCON_HELP); parser.addCommand(ADMIN_CMD, "", "admin operations", createAdminOptions(), true); parser.addCommand(HELP_CMD, "", "display usage", new Options(), false); parser.addCommand(VERSION_CMD, "", "show client version", new Options(), false); parser.addCommand( ENTITY_CMD, "", "Entity operations like submit, suspend, resume, delete, status, definition, submitAndSchedule", entityOptions(), false); parser.addCommand( INSTANCE_CMD, "", "Process instances operations like running, status, kill, suspend, resume, rerun, logs", instanceOptions(), false); parser.addCommand(GRAPH_CMD, "", "graph operations", createGraphOptions(), true); try { CLIParser.Command command = parser.parse(args); int exitValue = 0; if (command.getName().equals(HELP_CMD)) { parser.showHelp(); } else { CommandLine commandLine = command.getCommandLine(); String falconUrl = getFalconEndpoint(commandLine); FalconClient client = new FalconClient(falconUrl, clientProperties); if (command.getName().equals(ADMIN_CMD)) { exitValue = adminCommand(commandLine, client, falconUrl); } else if (command.getName().equals(ENTITY_CMD)) { entityCommand(commandLine, client); } else if (command.getName().equals(INSTANCE_CMD)) { instanceCommand(commandLine, client); } else if (command.getName().equals(GRAPH_CMD)) { graphCommand(commandLine, client); } } return exitValue; } catch (ParseException ex) { ERR.get().println("Invalid sub-command: " + ex.getMessage()); ERR.get().println(); ERR.get().println(parser.shortHelp()); ERR.get().println("Stacktrace:"); ex.printStackTrace(); return -1; } catch (ClientHandlerException ex) { ERR.get() .print( "Unable to connect to Falcon server, " + "please check if the URL is correct and Falcon server is up and running\n"); ERR.get().println("Stacktrace:"); ex.printStackTrace(); return -1; } catch (Exception ex) { ERR.get().println("Stacktrace:"); ex.printStackTrace(); return -1; } }