private void printOutputGenericType(Type type) { String link = null; if (!type.isPrimitive()) { link = Utils.getExternalLink(configuration.parentConfiguration, type, writer); } if (link == null) { print(type.qualifiedTypeName()); } else { around("a href='" + link + "'", type.typeName()); } ParameterizedType pType = type.asParameterizedType(); if (pType != null) { boolean first = true; print("<"); for (Type genericType : pType.typeArguments()) { if (first) { first = false; } else { print(","); } printOutputGenericType(genericType); } print(">"); } print(type.dimension()); }
/** * Prints dependencies recovered from the methods of a class. A dependency is inferred only if * another relation between the two classes is not already in the graph. * * @param classes */ public void printInferredDependencies(ClassDoc c) { Options opt = optionProvider.getOptionsFor(c); String sourceName = c.toString(); if (hidden(c)) return; Set<Type> types = new HashSet<Type>(); // harvest method return and parameter types for (MethodDoc method : filterByVisibility(c.methods(false), opt.inferDependencyVisibility)) { types.add(method.returnType()); for (Parameter parameter : method.parameters()) { types.add(parameter.type()); } } // and the field types if (!opt.inferRelationships) { for (FieldDoc field : filterByVisibility(c.fields(false), opt.inferDependencyVisibility)) { types.add(field.type()); } } // see if there are some type parameters if (c.asParameterizedType() != null) { ParameterizedType pt = c.asParameterizedType(); types.addAll(Arrays.asList(pt.typeArguments())); } // see if type parameters extend something for (TypeVariable tv : c.typeParameters()) { if (tv.bounds().length > 0) types.addAll(Arrays.asList(tv.bounds())); } // and finally check for explicitly imported classes (this // assumes there are no unused imports...) if (opt.useImports) types.addAll(Arrays.asList(c.importedClasses())); // compute dependencies for (Type type : types) { // skip primitives and type variables, as well as dependencies // on the source class if (type.isPrimitive() || type instanceof WildcardType || type instanceof TypeVariable || c.toString().equals(type.asClassDoc().toString())) continue; // check if the destination is excluded from inference ClassDoc fc = type.asClassDoc(); if (hidden(fc)) continue; // check if source and destination are in the same package and if we are allowed // to infer dependencies between classes in the same package if (!opt.inferDepInPackage && c.containingPackage().equals(fc.containingPackage())) continue; // if source and dest are not already linked, add a dependency RelationPattern rp = getClassInfo(sourceName).getRelation(fc.toString()); if (rp == null || rp.matchesOne(new RelationPattern(RelationDirection.OUT))) { relation(opt, RelationType.DEPEND, c, fc, "", "", ""); } } }
private FieldRelationInfo getFieldRelationInfo(FieldDoc field) { Type type = field.type(); if (type.isPrimitive() || type instanceof WildcardType || type instanceof TypeVariable) return null; if (type.dimension().endsWith("[]")) { return new FieldRelationInfo(type.asClassDoc(), true); } Options opt = optionProvider.getOptionsFor(type.asClassDoc()); if (opt.matchesCollPackageExpression(type.qualifiedTypeName())) { Type[] argTypes = getInterfaceTypeArguments(collectionClassDoc, type); if (argTypes != null && argTypes.length == 1 && !argTypes[0].isPrimitive()) return new FieldRelationInfo(argTypes[0].asClassDoc(), true); argTypes = getInterfaceTypeArguments(mapClassDoc, type); if (argTypes != null && argTypes.length == 2 && !argTypes[1].isPrimitive()) return new FieldRelationInfo(argTypes[1].asClassDoc(), true); } return new FieldRelationInfo(type.asClassDoc(), false); }
/** * Parses annotation instances from the javadoc annotation instance type * * @param annotationDocs Annotations decorated on some type * @return Serializable representation of annotations */ protected static AnnotationInstance[] ParseAnnotationInstances( AnnotationDesc[] annotationDocs, String origin) { AnnotationInstance[] annotations = null; if (annotationDocs != null && annotationDocs.length > 0) { ArrayList<AnnotationInstance> list = new ArrayList<AnnotationInstance>(); for (AnnotationDesc annot : annotationDocs) { AnnotationInstance instance = new AnnotationInstance(); AnnotationTypeDoc annotTypeInfo = null; try { annotTypeInfo = annot.annotationType(); = annot.annotationType().name(); instance.qualifiedName = annot.annotationType().qualifiedTypeName(); } catch (ClassCastException castException) { log.error("Unable to obtain type data about an annotation found on: " + origin); log.error("Add to the -cp parameter the class/jar that defines this annotation."); = null; instance.qualifiedName = null; } AnnotationDesc.ElementValuePair[] arguments = annot.elementValues(); if (arguments != null && arguments.length > 0) { ArrayList<AnnotationArgument> argumentList = new ArrayList<AnnotationArgument>(); for (AnnotationDesc.ElementValuePair pair : arguments) { AnnotationArgument annotationArgument = new AnnotationArgument(); = pair.element().name(); Type annotationArgumentType = pair.element().returnType(); annotationArgument.type = annotationArgumentType.qualifiedTypeName(); annotationArgument.isPrimitive = annotationArgumentType.isPrimitive(); annotationArgument.isArray = annotationArgumentType.dimension().length() > 0; Object objValue = pair.value().value(); if (objValue instanceof AnnotationValue[]) { AnnotationValue[] realValues = (AnnotationValue[]) objValue; String[] values = new String[realValues.length]; for (int i = 0; i < realValues.length; i++) { values[i] = realValues[i].value().toString(); } annotationArgument.value = values; } else if (objValue instanceof Number) { Number number = (Number) objValue; annotationArgument.value = new String[] {number.toString()}; } else if (objValue instanceof Character) { Character character = (Character) objValue; annotationArgument.value = new String[] {character.toString()}; } else if (objValue instanceof Boolean) { Boolean booleanValue = (Boolean) objValue; annotationArgument.value = new String[] {booleanValue.toString()}; } else if (objValue instanceof String) { String stringValue = (String) objValue; annotationArgument.value = new String[] {stringValue}; } else if (objValue instanceof FieldDoc) { FieldDoc field = (FieldDoc) objValue; annotationArgument.value = new String[] {}; } else if (objValue instanceof ClassDoc) { ClassDoc classDoc = (ClassDoc) objValue; annotationArgument.value = new String[] {classDoc.qualifiedTypeName()}; } argumentList.add(annotationArgument); } instance.arguments = argumentList.toArray(new AnnotationArgument[] {}); } list.add(instance); } annotations = list.toArray(new AnnotationInstance[] {}); } return annotations; }