private BiMap<String, String> getAttributeNameToResourceName(ServiceSchema schema) { HashBiMap<String, String> result = HashBiMap.create(); for (String attributeName : (Set<String>) schema.getAttributeSchemaNames()) { final String resourceName = schema.getAttributeSchema(attributeName).getResourceName(); if (resourceName != null) { result.put(attributeName, resourceName); } } return result; }
/** * Returns a XML for displaying attribute in property sheet. * * @param serviceSchema Service schemas. * @param model Model for getting localized string and user locale. * @throws SMSException if attribute schema cannot obtained. * @throws SSOException if single sign on token is invalid. */ public PropertyXMLBuilder(ServiceSchema serviceSchema, AMModel model) throws SMSException, SSOException { this.model = model; this.serviceName = serviceSchema.getServiceName(); getServiceResourceBundle(serviceSchema); if (serviceBundle != null) { mapTypeToAttributeSchema = new HashMap(); mapTypeToAttributeSchema.put( serviceSchema.getServiceType(), serviceSchema.getAttributeSchemas()); } }
private void detectMode(String service, String attribute) { try { ServiceSchema schema = schemaManager.getGlobalSchema(); Map defaults = schema.getAttributeDefaults(); enabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(defaults, attribute, "")); if (listenerId == null) { listenerId = schemaManager.addListener(this); } } catch (SMSException e) { DEBUG.error("Could not get " + service, e); throw new IllegalStateException("Could not get " + service, e); } }
protected HashMap<String, String> getAttributeNameToSection() { HashMap<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>(); InputStream inputStream = getClass() .getClassLoader() .getResourceAsStream("/" + schema.getName() + ".section" + ".properties"); if (inputStream != null) { String line; BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream)); try { while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (!(line.matches("^\\#.*") || line.isEmpty())) { String[] attributeValue = line.split("="); final String sectionName = attributeValue[0]; result.put(attributeValue[1], sectionName); } } } catch (IOException e) { if (debug.errorEnabled()) { debug.error("Error reading section properties file", e); } } } return result; }
private synchronized void init() { if (initialised) { return; } attributeNameToResourceName = getAttributeNameToResourceName(schema); hiddenAttributeNames = getHiddenAttributeNames(); for (Object attributeName : schema.getAttributeSchemaNames()) { AttributeSchemaConverter attributeSchemaConverter; final AttributeSchema attributeSchema = this.schema.getAttributeSchema((String) attributeName); final AttributeSchema.Syntax syntax = attributeSchema.getSyntax(); attributeSchemaConverter = getAttributeSchemaValue(syntax); final String resourceName = attributeSchema.getResourceName(); if (resourceName == null) { attributeSchemaConverters.put((String) attributeName, attributeSchemaConverter); } else { attributeSchemaConverters.put(resourceName, attributeSchemaConverter); } } resourceNameToAttributeName = attributeNameToResourceName.inverse(); attributeNameToSection = getAttributeNameToSection(); initialised = true; }
private Map<String, Set<String>> getDefaultOAuth2ProviderAttributes(SSOToken token) throws WorkflowException { try { final ServiceSchema serviceSchema = new ServiceSchemaManager(SERVICE_NAME, token).getOrganizationSchema(); return SMSUtils.removeValidators(serviceSchema.getReadOnlyAttributeDefaults(), serviceSchema); } catch (SMSException e) { DEBUG.error( "An error occurred while trying to read the default OAuth2 Provider settings.", e); throw new WorkflowException("", null); } catch (SSOException e) { DEBUG.error( "An error occurred while trying to read the default OAuth2 Provider settings.", e); throw new WorkflowException("", null); } }
/** * Update the AuthService global and organization settings. most of the code is moved in from * * * @param scm <code>ServiceSchemaManager</code> to be used for update * @throws SMSException if it fails to update auth service * @throws Exception */ synchronized void updateAuthServiceGlobals(ServiceSchemaManager scm) throws SMSException, Exception { ServiceSchema schema = scm.getOrganizationSchema(); Map attrs = schema.getAttributeDefaults(); // get Global type attributes for iPlanetAMAuthService schema = scm.getGlobalSchema(); attrs.putAll(schema.getAttributeDefaults()); if (debug.messageEnabled()) { debug.message("attrs : " + attrs); } defaultAuthLocale = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(attrs, ISAuthConstants.AUTH_LOCALE_ATTR); adminAuthModule = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(attrs, ISAuthConstants.ADMIN_AUTH_MODULE); defaultAuthLevel = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(attrs, ISAuthConstants.DEFAULT_AUTH_LEVEL, DEFAULT_AUTH_LEVEL); Set s = (Set) attrs.get(ISAuthConstants.AUTHENTICATORS); Iterator iter = s.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String name = (String); int dot = name.lastIndexOf('.'); if (dot > -1) { String tmp = name.substring(dot + 1, name.length()); authMethods.put(tmp, name); } else { authMethods.put(name, name); } } if (debug.messageEnabled()) { debug.message("AM.update authMethods = " + authMethods.toString()); } defaultSuccessURLSet = (Set) attrs.get(ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_SUCCESS_URL); defaultFailureURLSet = (Set) attrs.get(ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_FAILURE_URL); if (debug.messageEnabled()) { debug.message("Default Success URL Set = " + defaultSuccessURLSet); debug.message("Default Failure URL Set = " + defaultFailureURLSet); } Integer sleepTime = new Integer(CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(attrs, ISAuthConstants.SLEEP_INTERVAL)); defaultSleepTime = sleepTime.longValue(); }
/** * Update the AuthConfiguration organization attributes. * * @param scm <code>ServiceSchemaManager</code> to be used for update * @throws SMSException if it fails to update auth service */ synchronized void updateAuthConfigGlobals(ServiceSchemaManager scm) throws SMSException { ServiceSchema schema = scm.getOrganizationSchema(); schema = schema.getSubSchema("Configurations"); schema = schema.getSubSchema("NamedConfiguration"); Map attrs = schema.getAttributeDefaults(); if (attrs != null) { defaultServiceSuccessURLSet = (Set) attrs.get(ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_SUCCESS_URL); defaultServiceFailureURLSet = (Set) attrs.get(ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_FAILURE_URL); } if (debug.messageEnabled()) { debug.message("Default Service Success URL Set = " + defaultServiceSuccessURLSet); debug.message("Default Service Failure URL Set = " + defaultServiceFailureURLSet); } }
/** * Update the PlatformService global attributes. * * @param scm <code>ServiceSchemaManager</code> to be used for update * @throws SMSException if it fails to initialize platform service */ synchronized void updatePlatformServiceGlobals(ServiceSchemaManager scm) throws SMSException { platformSchema = scm.getGlobalSchema(); Map attrs = platformSchema.getAttributeDefaults(); platformLocale = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(attrs, ISAuthConstants.PLATFORM_LOCALE_ATTR); if (debug.messageEnabled()) { debug.message("PlatformLocale = " + platformLocale); } }
/** * Returns a XML for displaying attribute in property sheet. * * @param serviceSchema Service schemas. * @param model Model for getting localized string and user locale. * @throws SMSException if attribute schema cannot obtained. * @throws SSOException if single sign on token is invalid. */ public PropertyXMLBuilder(ServiceSchema serviceSchema, AMModel model, Set attributeSchemas) throws SMSException, SSOException { this.model = model; this.serviceName = serviceSchema.getServiceName(); getServiceResourceBundle(serviceSchema); if (serviceBundle != null) { mapTypeToAttributeSchema = new HashMap(attributeSchemas.size() * 2); mapTypeToAttributeSchema.put(NULL_TYPE, attributeSchemas); } }
private Set getAttributeSchemas(SchemaType type) throws SMSException { Set results = null; ServiceSchema schema = svcSchemaManager.getSchema(type); if (schema != null) { Set attributes = schema.getAttributeSchemas(); if ((attributes != null) && !attributes.isEmpty()) { results = new HashSet(attributes.size() * 2); for (Iterator iter = attributes.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { AttributeSchema as = (AttributeSchema); String i18nKey = as.getI18NKey(); if ((i18nKey != null) && (i18nKey.trim().length() > 0)) { results.add(as); } } } } return results; }
/** * Update the SessionService dynamic attributes. * * @param scm <code>ServiceSchemaManager</code> to be used for update * @throws SMSException if it fails to update session service */ synchronized void updateSessionServiceDynamics(ServiceSchemaManager scm) throws SMSException { sessionSchema = scm.getDynamicSchema(); if (debug.messageEnabled()) { Map attrs = sessionSchema.getAttributeDefaults(); String defaultMaxSessionTime = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(attrs, ISAuthConstants.MAX_SESSION_TIME, "120"); String defaultMaxIdleTime = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(attrs, ISAuthConstants.SESS_MAX_IDLE_TIME, "30"); String defaultMaxCachingTime = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(attrs, ISAuthConstants.SESS_MAX_CACHING_TIME, "3"); debug.message( "AuthD.defaultMaxSessionTime=" + defaultMaxSessionTime + "\nAuthD.defaultMaxIdleTime=" + defaultMaxIdleTime + "\nAuthD.defaultMaxCachingTime=" + defaultMaxCachingTime); } }
/** * Determine the listener list based on the diable list property and SMS DataStore notification * property in Realm mode */ private static void getListenerList() { String list = SystemProperties.get(EVENT_LISTENER_DISABLE_LIST, ""); if (debugger.messageEnabled()) { debugger.message( "EventService.getListenerList(): " + EVENT_LISTENER_DISABLE_LIST + ": " + list); } boolean enableDataStoreNotification = Boolean.parseBoolean(SystemProperties.get(Constants.SMS_ENABLE_DB_NOTIFICATION)); if (debugger.messageEnabled()) { debugger.message( "EventService.getListenerList(): " + " " + enableDataStoreNotification); } boolean configTime = Boolean.parseBoolean(SystemProperties.get(Constants.SYS_PROPERTY_INSTALL_TIME)); if (debugger.messageEnabled()) { debugger.message( "EventService.getListenerList(): " + Constants.SYS_PROPERTY_INSTALL_TIME + ": " + configTime); } // Copy the default listeners String[] tmpListeners = new String[ALL_LISTENERS.length]; System.arraycopy(ALL_LISTENERS, 0, tmpListeners, 0, ALL_LISTENERS.length); // Process the configured disabled list first boolean disableACI = false, disableUM = false, disableSM = false; if (list.length() != 0) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(list, ","); String listener = ""; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { listener = st.nextToken().trim(); if (listener.equalsIgnoreCase("aci")) { disableACI = true; } else if (listener.equalsIgnoreCase("um")) { disableUM = true; } else if (listener.equalsIgnoreCase("sm")) { disableSM = true; } else { debugger.error( "EventService.getListenerList() - " + "Invalid listener name: " + listener); } } } if (!disableUM || !disableACI) { // Check if AMSDK is configured boolean disableAMSDK = true; if (!configTime) { try { ServiceSchemaManager scm = new ServiceSchemaManager(getSSOToken(), IdConstants.REPO_SERVICE, "1.0"); ServiceSchema idRepoSubSchema = scm.getOrganizationSchema(); Set idRepoPlugins = idRepoSubSchema.getSubSchemaNames(); if (idRepoPlugins.contains("amSDK")) { disableAMSDK = false; } } catch (SMSException ex) { if (debugger.warningEnabled()) { debugger.warning( "EventService.getListenerList() - " + "Unable to obtain idrepo service", ex); } } catch (SSOException ex) { // Should not happen, ignore the exception } } if (disableAMSDK) { disableUM = true; disableACI = true; if (debugger.messageEnabled()) { debugger.message( "EventService.getListener" + "List(): AMSDK is not configured or config time. " + "Disabling UM and ACI event listeners"); } } } // Verify if SMSnotification should be enabled if (configTime || ServiceManager.isRealmEnabled()) { disableSM = !enableDataStoreNotification; if (debugger.messageEnabled()) { debugger.message( "EventService.getListenerList(): In realm " + "mode or config time, SMS listener is set to datastore " + "notification flag: " + enableDataStoreNotification); } } // Disable the selected listeners if (disableACI) { tmpListeners[0] = null; } if (disableUM) { tmpListeners[1] = null; } if (disableSM) { tmpListeners[2] = null; } listeners = tmpListeners; // if all disabled, signal to not start the thread if (disableACI && disableUM && disableSM) { if (debugger.messageEnabled()) { debugger.message( "EventService.getListenerList() - " + "all listeners are disabled, EventService won't start"); } _allDisabled = true; } else { _allDisabled = false; } }
/** * Return max session time * * @return max session time */ String getDefaultMaxSessionTime() { return CollectionHelper.getMapAttr( sessionSchema.getAttributeDefaults(), ISAuthConstants.MAX_SESSION_TIME, "120"); }
private boolean shouldNotBeUpdated(String attributeName) { final AttributeSchema attributeSchema = schema.getAttributeSchema(attributeName); return attributeSchema == null || hiddenAttributeNames.contains(attributeName); }
private boolean shouldBeIgnored(String attributeName) { final AttributeSchema attributeSchema = schema.getAttributeSchema(attributeName); return attributeSchema == null || StringUtils.isBlank(attributeSchema.getI18NKey()) || hiddenAttributeNames.contains(attributeName); }
/** * Will validate the Json representation of the service configuration against the serviceSchema * for a realm, and return a corresponding Map representation. * * @param jsonValue The request body. * @param realm The realm, or null if global. * @return Map representation of jsonValue */ public Map<String, Set<String>> fromJson(String realm, JsonValue jsonValue) throws JsonException, BadRequestException { if (!initialised) { init(); } Map<String, Set<String>> result = new HashMap<>(); if (jsonValue == null || jsonValue.isNull()) { return result; } Map<String, Object> translatedAttributeValuePairs = getTranslatedAttributeValuePairs(jsonValue.asMap()); for (String attributeName : translatedAttributeValuePairs.keySet()) { // Ignore _id field used to name resource when creating if (ResourceResponse.FIELD_CONTENT_ID.equals(attributeName)) { continue; } if (shouldNotBeUpdated(attributeName)) { throw new BadRequestException("Invalid attribute, '" + attributeName + "', specified"); } if (shouldBeIgnored(attributeName)) { continue; } final Object attributeValue = translatedAttributeValuePairs.get(attributeName); Set<String> value = new HashSet<>(); if (attributeValue instanceof HashMap) { final HashMap<String, Object> attributeMap = (HashMap<String, Object>) attributeValue; for (String name : attributeMap.keySet()) { value.add("[" + name + "]=" + convertJsonToString(attributeName, attributeMap.get(name))); } } else if (attributeValue instanceof List) { List<Object> attributeArray = (ArrayList<Object>) attributeValue; for (Object val : attributeArray) { value.add(convertJsonToString(attributeName, val)); } } else { value.add(convertJsonToString(attributeName, attributeValue)); } result.put(attributeName, value); } try { if (result.isEmpty() || (realm == null && schema.validateAttributes(result)) || (realm != null && schema.validateAttributes(result, realm))) { return result; } else { throw new JsonException("Invalid attributes"); } } catch (InvalidAttributeValueException e) { throw new BadRequestException(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } catch (SMSException e) { throw new JsonException("Unable to validate attributes", e); } }
/** * Will validate the Map representation of the service configuration against the serviceSchema and * return a corresponding JSON representation * * @param attributeValuePairs The schema attribute values. * @param realm The realm, or null if global. * @return Json representation of attributeValuePairs */ public JsonValue toJson(String realm, Map<String, Set<String>> attributeValuePairs) { if (!initialised) { init(); } final boolean validAttributes; try { if (realm == null) { validAttributes = schema.validateAttributes(attributeValuePairs); } else { validAttributes = schema.validateAttributes(attributeValuePairs, realm); } } catch (SMSException e) { debug.error( "schema validation threw an exception while validating the attributes: realm=" + realm + " attributes: " + attributeValuePairs, e); throw new JsonException("Unable to validate attributes", e); } JsonValue parentJson = json(new HashMap<String, Object>()); if (validAttributes) { for (String attributeName : attributeValuePairs.keySet()) { String jsonResourceName = attributeNameToResourceName.get(attributeName); String name; if (jsonResourceName != null) { name = jsonResourceName; } else { name = attributeName; } AttributeSchema attributeSchema = schema.getAttributeSchema(attributeName); if (shouldBeIgnored(attributeName)) { continue; } AttributeSchema.Type type = attributeSchema.getType(); final Set<String> object = attributeValuePairs.get(attributeName); Object jsonAttributeValue = null; if (type == null) { throw new JsonException("Type not defined."); } AttributeSchemaConverter attributeSchemaConverter = attributeSchemaConverters.get(name); if (isASingleValue(type)) { if (!object.isEmpty()) { jsonAttributeValue = attributeSchemaConverter.toJson(object.iterator().next()); } } else if (containsMultipleValues(type)) { if (isAMap(attributeSchema.getUIType())) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Iterator<String> itr = object.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Pair<String, String> entry = nameValueParser.parse(; map.put(entry.getFirst(), attributeSchemaConverter.toJson(entry.getSecond())); } jsonAttributeValue = map; } else { List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); Iterator<String> itr = object.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { list.add(attributeSchemaConverter.toJson(; } jsonAttributeValue = list; } } String sectionName = attributeNameToSection.get(attributeName); if (sectionName != null) { parentJson.putPermissive( new JsonPointer("/" + sectionName + "/" + name), jsonAttributeValue); } else { parentJson.put(name, jsonAttributeValue); } } } else { throw new JsonException("Invalid attributes"); } return parentJson; }
/** * Return max session idle time * * @return max session idle time */ String getDefaultMaxIdleTime() { return CollectionHelper.getMapAttr( sessionSchema.getAttributeDefaults(), ISAuthConstants.SESS_MAX_IDLE_TIME, "30"); }
/** * Return max session caching time * * @return max session caching time */ String getDefaultMaxCachingTime() { return CollectionHelper.getMapAttr( sessionSchema.getAttributeDefaults(), ISAuthConstants.SESS_MAX_CACHING_TIME, "3"); }