   * This routine will display the exception message if the option --terse is given. This routine
   * will get the root of the exception and display the message. It will then wrap it with
   * CommaneException and throw the exception to be handled by CLI framework.
   * @param e
   * @throws CommandException
  public void displayExceptionMessage(Exception e) throws CommandException {
    // get the root cause of the exception
    Throwable rootException = ExceptionUtil.getRootCause(e);

    if (rootException.getLocalizedMessage() != null)
    throw new CommandException(getLocalizedString("CommandUnSuccessful", new Object[] {name}), e);
   * Executes the command
   * @throws CommandException
  public void runCommand() throws CommandException, CommandValidationException {

    String addon = null;
    try {
      addon = (String) operands.firstElement();
      AddonControl ac = new AddonControl();
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      throw new CommandException(getLocalizedString("UninstallAddonFailed", new Object[] {addon}));

        .printDetailMessage(getLocalizedString("UninstallAddonCompleted", new Object[] {addon}));