예제 #1
   * Extract the id from a method element and add to the method map. Also extract the ids from any
   * contained representation or fault elements.
   * @param file the URI of the current WADL file being processed
   * @param m the method element
   * @throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException if the WADL file is invalid or if the code generator
   *     encounters a problem.
   * @throws java.io.IOException if the specified WADL file cannot be read.
  protected void extractMethodIds(Method m, URI file) throws JAXBException, IOException {
    processIDHref(file, m.getId(), m.getHref(), m);

    if (m.getRequest() != null) {
      for (RepresentationType r : m.getRequest().getRepresentation())
        extractRepresentationId(r, file);
    if (m.getResponse() != null) {
      for (JAXBElement<RepresentationType> child : m.getResponse().getRepresentationOrFault()) {
        extractRepresentationId(child.getValue(), file);